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ADVERTISEMENT I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
I do apologize, usually those cards arrive within to weeks of the upgrade, so it should have been there well before now.I emailed our marketing department and asked them to expedite the delivery of the $gift card to the customer with sincere apologies colleen s Colleen S
*Subscriber Services Supervisor Mobile: [redacted] Follow the D&C story: Click Here to start your free, 14-day digital trial to The Democrat and Chronicle.Get in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop Tell us why here
I apologizeI had in my records that I had responded on 3/11, providing information that , as it was a question of corporate policy and not simply a request for a specific issue that the customer had, I was escalating itThe complaint was forwarded to our corporate offices and a response was sent directly to the customerIT was sent on our publisher's letterheadI enclose a copy belowOf the customer were to actually find himself in the situation he is opposed to, he could contact our customer service department and we could work out some sort of solition for him, but he is positing a hypothetical situation right now, so the response was basically just in regards to the general policythanks sincerely Colleen S
*Subscriber Services SupevisorTo Whom it May Concern: I am writing in response to the notification from the of a complaint filed by [redacted] on March 8, about a change to the Democrat & Chronicle’s refund policyThe Democrat & Chronicle recently sent a post card notice to all of its subscribers, including [redacted] , to notify subscribers that we implemented a new policy of issuing refunds only for accounts with a balance of at least $Under this policy, subscribers who cancel their accounts with balances of at least $will get a full refund of the balance on the account Consumers who wish to cancel and whose account balances are less than $at the time of cancellation have the option of continuing their subscription until the date their account balance runs to $so they do not leave any unused funds in their accountsThank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide any additional informationSincerely, To Whom It May Concern:I am writing in response to the notification from the of a complaint filed by [redacted] on March 8, about a change to the Democrat and Chronicles refund policy The Democrat and Chronicle recently sent a post card notice to all of its subscribers, including [redacted] , to notify subscribers that we implemented a new policy of issuing refunds only for accounts with a balance of at least $Under this policy, subscribers who cancel their accounts with balances of at least $will get a full refund of the balance on the accountConsumers who wish to cancel and whose account balances are less than $at the time of cancellation have the option of continuing their subscription until the date their account balance runs to $so they do not leave any unused funds in their accountsThank you for bringing this matter to our attention, and please do not hesitate to contact me ifI can provide any additional informationSincerely Michael G [redacted] c: [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below The company claimed that they sent me a response which I never receivedThe post card I received had no mention of after canceling my prescription I could continue it until the balance was Here is the exact wording of the postcard"There will be a change to our subscription cancellation policyRefunds will only be made to positive accounts of $or more." Why should I have to continue the subscription after I cancel it instead of a cash refund Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
Dear Mrs [redacted] I do apologizeAfter all of your experiences, I am sure that the last thing you want to hear is "the check is in the mail." I looked at the account history and this is what it shows Acct # : [redacted] [redacted] * Carrier: 53-19-700- X Date Time Type Message Text By DC 11/20/ 10:45: IGM refund has been sentIt can take up t
I called the customer to see if I could discuss what initially caused the cancellation and see if I could offer her a better resolutionI left her my information , letting her know I was requesting a refund of the balance on her account but also asking if we might not be bale to provide some additional compensation.I am waiting to see if she responds, but, in the meantime, the refund is in the works thxcolleen sColleen S [redacted] Mobile: 585.509.7012Office:[email protected] Follow the D&C story: Click Here to start your free, 14-day digital trial to The Democrat and Chronicle.Get in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop
I recorded the customers complaints on her account and informed the carrier's manager I also applied credit to the accountThe customer emailed us the same complaint she forwarded to you at 5:pm yesterday, Sunday and I responded at 2:PM today Monday as belowDear Mrs***: I do
*Subscriber Services Supervisor Mobile: ***Office*** Follow the D&C story: Click Here to start your free, 14-day digital trial to The Democrat and Chronicle.Get in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop. Tell us why here
apologizeI have recorded the paper that was delivered under the car and the missing inserts from Sunday 11/20.I’ve credited you for both papers and the managers of your area are copied on this email so that they can address the delivery issues with the carrier Account # : *** ------------- Deliver to ------------- Person#: *** Addr #: *** *** ***
*** * *** **
*** ** ***
*** *** * *** Work phone: In addition, I’ve copied our dispatch department so that they can see that the inserts get sent out to the carrier so that he can drop them off when He delivers your paper tomorrow morningIf you have any further concerns or questions, please let me knowWith sincere apologies Colleen s Colleen S
Dear Ms***:I do apologizeIt would appear we have this name and phone # associated with an account that is delivered to Towpath Trail.Does the account need to be transferred to the Ogden Parma address ? Or should we add that address for purposes of billing? Let me know and I'll get things
corrected for you.In the meantime I'll let the retention department know that you have contacted us and they do not need to leep calling you with sincere apologies colleen s Mobile: *** Office:*** *** Follow the D&C story: Click Here to start your free, 14-day digital trial to The Democrat and ChronicleGet in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop
I do apologizeI see that when the customer called to complain that his special had exoired, the representative agreed to put him on another specialThis should have been the $a month the customer has quotedInstead, he was charged the $in both March and April, the sytem kept applying
suspence payments that were made at the former rate code , which caused the rate code to flip back to the regular rateI've now corrected thisRefunds take approximately -days to process, but the customer would be due for another payment on 5/If he is okay with it, I'll simply leave the credit on the account and he will completely skip the $payment on 5/and have a slightly reduced payment on 6/We will also extend the promotional period, so that the customer will get a total of month at the reduced rate. With sincere apologies, Colleen SSubscriber Services Supevisor
I had the area managers contact the customer Customer will get back to us with an estimate for the repair and we will coverapologiescolleen s Colleen S
*Subscriber Services Manager PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Mobile: ###-###-####Office:
###-###-#### democratandchronicle.comFollow the D&C story:
Dear Mr***: I have looked at your account and see that you did sign up for a weekend subscription which, when you signed up would have included holidays at cents a pieceThat comes to $for the yearYou actually paid for the first months, October-December, but you are on
ezpay and will be billed monthly for the rest of the year unless you change your mindI'll go ahead and credit your account $about twice the amount you'd have paid for the Holidays and that will be enough to cover your payment for JanuaryOf you still have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly so that I can take care of things for youthankscolleen SSubscriber Services Supervisor
I just filed Complaint #*** today after a frustrating month of trying to contact the Rochester D&C and after filing the complaint I tried one more time and actually got hold of customer service and cancelled the account so I would like to cancel my complaint
The wrong files were uploaded to the printing centerWhen the mistake was discovered Sunday afternoon, we reprinted corrected books.We will have one dropped off to you today.with apologiescolleen s Colleen S
*Subscriber Services
Supervisor Follow the D&C story: Get in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop
Dear Mr***: I do apologize , I see that the digital was left active when she stopped your account on 12/Due to that fact, there was a charge on 1/11th of $You called and a representative changed the stop to a full stop as of 1/and credited the newspaper back for the digital
chargesThey also requested that a refund be issuedThe refund shows as having processed on 1/20/Our check runs are processed on Fridays, so this should have been cut and mailed on 1/We do not have your Florida address on the accountAre you having your mail picked up or forwarded? I can have billing cancel that check and reissue and mail to the Florida address if you could provide that, or I can leave it active if you have not yet received recent mail from your new york addressPlease let me know how you wish to proceedwith apologies colleen s Colleen S*** Subscriber Services Manager PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK
Dear Ms*** I do apologize that you had such a bad experience with the 1-800#.They are actually open Mon-Fri from 8:A.Mto 7:P.M., Sat7:30-10:30 and Sunday 7:to noonI was able to find your original order and you signed up for a special that would be three months at
*Subscriber Services Supervisor Mobile: ***Office***cs*** *** Follow the D&C story: Click Here to start your free, 14-day digital trial to The Democrat and Chronicle.Get in-depth and breaking news from across Rochester on your phone, tablet, and desktop
and then go up to 20 a monthIt started in November , which was only a partial month and continued through February at the special rate, and then went to the regular price ofa monthAt least that is what was supposed to happen, and we were giving the carrier papers to deliver to you until it was stopped after your call on May 15thI'm afraid your account was set up on ezpay, so that last $payment had already been submitted to the bank when you talked to the representative to have it cancelled.That payment was refunded to you.Your first payments of $( $set up fee and month of December and $portion of November would cover the papers you did receive.It is unfortunate you were unable to call or email or leave feedback on the website when you stopped receiving the papers, but I guess you were confused about what the promotion entailed so you didn't realize you should still be getting papers and did not notice at first that you were still being charged.The charges in question then, would be The $for January, $for February, $in March and $in April- ( there was a $premium edition that month.)That totals $In situations like this, we generally split the amount with the customer, as there is some responsibility to let the company know the deliivery has not occured and that a charge is still going throughHowever, since you had such difficulties getting through, I am crediting the full amount and asking billing to issue a check refund.Generally that takes about weeks to complete, so you should see it soonthanks and apologies for the issues Colleen sColleen S
this is a response I sent to MrSchreiner who had also emailed meDear Mr*** I do apologizeYou should have received a letter letting you know about the increaseWe have a mailing address of ** *** ** *** ** *** Since you feel it is not a value at
that rate, I checked to see if the computer would allow me to offer you a lower rate.It brought up a rate of $for the year so I changed it down to that rate.The promotions you see online are for new subscribersThey are actually discounts off of the “introductory rate, “ which is what someone would get if they called in off the street with no promotion and were interested in starting a new subscription.Once they have subscribed, they are subject to these periodic price increasesThey used to do everyone at the same time, but the phones were overwhelmed, so they staggered them and do them in batches, which results in people on promotional rates, regular introductory rates and Various levels of increasesThe legal published rate is what appears in the publishers box on Page A of the newspaperIt is $a month for everyday delivery.If you purchased the paper at the store it would be $a week, or $780.I hope we can still provide surface for you.If you wish toi discuss further you can call us locally at ###-###-####.We are open Mon-Fri 7:A.Mto 5:P.M.Saturday 7:30-11:A.M.And Sunday 7:30- Noon There is no automated systemJust real people or, worst case scenario, voice mail. Thanks again for being a subscriber SincerelyColleen s Colleen SpiwakSubscriber Services Manager PART OF THE USA TODAY NETWORK Mobile: ###-###-####Office: ###-###-####[email protected] democratandchronicle.comFollow the D&C story:
Dear Ms*** I do apologizeWe show your expiration date as 7/and there is a pending stop in for that date, so you do not owe us anything .I know the bill they sent you said 7/as a start date, but it also said credit balance forward and that money is what carried you up to this
weekend.I know we do not generally cancel when we first receive an email.We email back and try to find out if it is delivery, related, content or price, to see if there is anything we can do to prevent the stop.When the person received your response, they must have just entered the stop without replying to you.I really do apologize for the poor customer service.I've put one of our celebrate Rochester coupon books in the mail as a gesture of apologyIT has buy one get one half off or get one free at a lot of area restaurants and entertainment centers.If you continue to have any questions or concerns, or ever do decide to subscribe again, call us locally at *** and you will not get an automated system or email me at *** with sincere apologiescolleen s