Delmarva Power Reviews (646)
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Address: 401 Eagle Run Rd., Newark, Delaware, United States, 19702
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I will say, everyone I spoke with when I called was courteous and helpful, just not helpful enough to figure out the problem. The women in billing I was in contact with through email, not so much. It's unfortunate a company like this treats their customers so poorly.
The total balance on the account is currently $ The account was assessed a security deposit of $on 12/30/due to delinquency Attached, please find the billing history reflecting the account was delinquent and not paid in full by the due date multiple times I have also attached copies of the disconnection notices sent on the account as well Per the DE Tariff, Delmarva Power can assess any new or existing customer a security deposit until satisfactory payment rating has been achieved Once the account is paid in full and is paid in full and by the due date for consecutive months the deposit will be refunded
Better Business Bureau: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards,
spoke to Mr [redacted] and advised, a reread on 11/confirmed customers November's reading was over read by kwh , advised his revised bill has been sent as of 11/Applied SLG credit [redacted] ***
A new customer called for service but provided an incorrect addressThis resulted in the party that was currently there to have their account endedThe correct party called Delmarva Power and the problem was corrected
Mr***'s information has been forwarded to the contractor that installs the the thermostats for DPL's Energy Wise Program, someone will be reaching out to him to provide the information he needs regarding the operation of his thermostat, as well as his inquiry about the additional energy increase he is believes occurred[redacted]
Attempted to contact [redacted] several times at [redacted] no answer Total account balance $ According to ACE's records, customer has been enrolled in installment plans within the past twelve (12) months which have defaulted due to insufficient payment On June 2, 2017, a Final Notice of Service Termination was issued requesting the past due balance of $ to prevent the interruption of service on or after June 17, Service was disconnected 6/21/The minimum amount I can accept would be $to restore service The remaining balance can be placed on a month payment arrangement to pay approx$in addition to the monthly
Our records indicate that Ms [redacted] was set up on the EUSP budget on December 15, The balance on the account at that time was $ The budget start month was January The account was set for the budget amount of $ The budget amount was then reduced to $as of February and the EUSP payments of $were applied to the budget amount each month The only payments that were being applied to the account each month were the EUSP assistance payments of $ The first customer payment made on the account was in July A notice was sent to Ms [redacted] on October 2, advising that a payment of $would be required in order to bring the EUSP budget current and to remain on the program Ms [redacted] contacted DPL on October 8, and was provided the option to make payment to remain on the EUSP budget or she could be removed and set up on a month deferred payment arrangement An initial payment was accepted and the balance was placed on a month payment arrangement This arrangement is currently in good standings I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below I originally submitted this complaint on 4/in ref to Delmarva Power Sent all the documents to the company and verified with the respondent that he received themOn 4/I accepted his response that we would evaluate and send check including bank charge I have emailed him several times and I stillhave not received my check.Do I have to open up another complaint or what procedure do I need to go throughThis has been going on since end of Nov and it is not rightPlease advise...Thank you
I have reviewed Ms ***'s electric accountCustomer was billed a security deposit of $7/and DPL received the payment in full 9/A security deposit is refunded to the customer once they have established Good/Excellent credit by paying their bill in full and on time by the due dateDPL has been holding Ms***'s deposit since because she has not established Good/Excellent credit due to the delinquency of her account An increase of $was assessed to Ms***'s account (total deposit of $295) with her December Bill due to the delinquency of her account and customer has also received disconnect notices within monthsThe increase of the deposit is due to the increase in the customers consumption since the previous deposit was billed Customer was not billed an additional deposit of $295, if there is an existing deposit on the account the deposit will show that it was refunded and applied to the account and a new deposit is billed for the total new deposit amount The deposit is warranted and is not eligible to be waivedThe deposit can be refunded after customer has zero balance and the bill is paid in full by the due date for consecutive months
A security deposit of $was assessed on Ms [redacted] account on March Security Deposits are based on a customer's credit payment historyOur records currently reflects that Ms [redacted] has an excellent payment history at this timeAs long as she maintains an excellent payment history going forward, no new security deposits will be assessedCustomer currently has a credit balance of $on account.Tell us why here I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted] ***
I spoke with the customerHe went on line to establish budget billing and the budget calculated at $per monthPer manual calculation the budget should have been $per monthUnfortunately, I am unable to tell him exactly what caused the error in the automated systemThe information will be forwarded to the proper area for reviewThe budget has been cancelled and currently he has a balance of $I advised him he is able to set up a budget in future if he would like to try the budget againThe customer is unsatisfied, however; the issue will have to be investigatedThere is no detailed information on the error at this time I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Now based on information stated, my bill has averaged in the winter months $& in the summer less than $100, my bill was never adjusted in November the interest rateSo that is untrueIn addition my issue with them is their failure to disclose the full information in reference to the deposit and rules in reference to refunding depositNot to mention I've called in a total of 4x in reference to this as well as billing date changes and was never informed until I requested that it be refunded based upon the information I was provided by their agents on more than one occasionBased upon my payment being late out of months, I believe that to be true based upon the fact I had a roommate who never paid on time any of the billsSo instead of me paying the entire bill upfront I would pay my half & wait for him to give me his & then pay the remainderNow had I been informed that the all payments had to be made on time then I would have then paid the bill upfront & waited for his half to be redunded to meSo my issue was NEVER paying a deposit but the fact they didn't disclose policy as that is a violation of any companies protocol Regards, I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I accept the refunding of the credit on my account and appreciate that it was done in a timely manner (only after I filed a claim with the, what I do not accept is that no one from Delmarva EVER contacted me about anything that's happenedEach manager I spoke with at Delmarva apologized for the mistakes of the previous supervisor and then proceeded to make the exact same mistakesI was expecting someone to at least contact me to apologize for the horrendous customer service provided by the companyAt this point it doesn't matter as I've received the credit on my account and it appears there's nothing more Delmarva can do to make up for the hardship and frustration I've encounteredI am currently looking into alternate energy providers because my experience with Delmarva have been so awful Regards,
Customer was assessed a deposit of $on 1/16/due to the delinquency of his account, customer has received disconnect notices since 7/Customer was assessed a deposit on 9/17/and it was waived as courtesy on 9/Customer has also had broken payment arrangements within the past months DPL's deposit policy is part of ourtariff which is approved by the Public Service CommissionDPL is willing to set the deposit on a month payment plan of $+ Current bill Customer's deposit is warranted and is not eligible to be waiveThe deposit can be refunded once he has reestablished his credit worthiness to excellent or good by paying his balance to a zero balance and pays his bill in full each month by the due date for consecutive months