DEFENDERS d/b/a Protect Your Home Reviews (1348)
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DEFENDERS d/b/a Protect Your Home Rating
Address: 2131 Espey Court, Suite 7, Crofton, Maryland, United States, 21114
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October 29, of Central Indiana
NDelaware St#
Indianapolis, IN 46204-
Defender Security Company
DBA Protect Your Home
Priority Way South Drive, Ste
Indianapolis, IN
Re: *** ***
Complaint No***
AcctNo. ***
Dear Ms. ***
This letter is in response to the complaint #*** filed by *** ***By way of background, Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT
We have researched into Ms***’s complaint and located her account. Our records show we installed her system on April 8, 2014. On September 15, we were contacted by the customer who advised she was broken into on September 4, 2014. We set a service appointment for September 17, and advised the customer to send in the police report and proof of homeowners insurance to submit a claim. Ms*** advised that she had moved out of the location. She stated the alarm went off, but no Police ever came. After our inspection on 9/17/14, we determined that the alarm did alert ADT’s monitoring center on 9/4/14. A timer test was completed on 9/6/which confirmed the system was working properly.
We also contacted ADT’s monitoring center to confirm signals were received. ADT advised they did receive burglary alarm on 8/28/@ 9:08am, ADT called the customer and reached *** *** who provided the cancel code to ADTThe alarm alerted again at 9:and 10:and both times ADT reached *** *** who requested the Police attend. Unfortunately, we cannot be responsible for any delay in the authorities responding. In the Alarm Services Contract, under Section 13; Alarm Monitoring and Notification Service: I agree, that the very nature of such services, regardless of any delay, involves uncertainty , risk and possible serious injury, disability or death, for which I will not attempt to hold the Dealer responsible or liable:
To date, we have not received any requested documentation from the customer. Unfortunately, her account does not qualify for release of contract, so we will not be able to provide the relief she seeks. We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that the consumer may have experienced and we appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns
*** ***
Customer Advocate
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Previous Compliant Unresolved: Complaint No.***; AcctNo*** ADT not complying with our agreed upon resolutionPrevious Complaint No.*** and AcctNo***spoke with a ADT representative after a miscommunication from the company sending someone out to my house to install equipment previously registered and not requested by me on 01/25/Rescheduled a visit for another tech to come out to remove and credit the account and came in and requested that I install equipment againI originally setup this account with credits provided upuon installation for the base security packageThe representative active additional equipment that I was charged for and never installedI only wanted the removal and credit for the additional equipmentSince this is my 3rd attempt to correct this issue ADT is showing that they do not want to provide any level of cystomer service to resolve this issueI would like the termination of my current service agreement and a full refund for the security equipment that I was charged.Cancel my current ADT account with no termination fee Step 2: Full Refund and removal of equipment from my property address for all equipment charges that I've incurred.
*** ***
January 25, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders INCDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: * *** Complaint # *** Account # *** Dear Ms***,
This letter is in response to the Complaint #***By way of background, Defenders INC. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana Corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT Summation of Complaint: Owner of complaint request cancellationAcknowledgement of Resolution: In regards to Complaint #***, we have carefully reviewed the matter and bring forth the following recommendationsClient was informed of the process and refused to follow protocolIn referencing contract, it states ROR, and submission of NOCClient did not follow this process nor did client allow any additional attempts at completing install or trouble shooting the systemClient will remain bound to the contract and can negotiate cancellation via our Collections DepartmentThey can be contacted @ We apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused Regards, Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider
November 10, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo***
* Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
Dear Ms***, This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** *** By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT In summary, Ms*** contacted Protect Your Home about her Visa gift card promotion and was advised it was too late to redeemShe would like to have the promotion honored Ms*** was provided instructions on how to redeem her Visa gift card to the email address she provided us on file shortly after her installation on May 21, There is normally a day redemption window, but we make an exception to allow the Visa to be redeemed up to days after the installationMs*** did not send in the required redemption paperwork for her Visa gift card and therefore it expiredAlthough her promotion expired, Protect Your Home has immediately fulfilled the Visa promotion and will have it shipped to Ms*** within the next two weeksI did contact Ms*** to advise what we are doing for her and she was satisfiedI apologize if Ms*** was inconvenienced during this process, but I appreciated the opportunity to address her concerns and help come to a resolution Sincerely, Crystal F
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me. You can send me the contract either to my email address: *** or to my mail address *** ** *** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ***
June 14, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders INCDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo***
Dear *** ***, This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT After review the account we show when our office received this complaint back on May 21, through another complaint avenue in regards to the same issue. MsLangloise alleges she is receiving collection calls due to permit feeWe show our escalation representative waived the permit fee on May 23rd in the amount of $ It typically can take up to hours for collections calls be ceasedWe show the last call MsLangloise received was on May 26, and there were no further calls after this dateWe apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that MsLangloise may have experienced and we appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns and reach a resolution Sincerely, Ana *** Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to meNot totallyThis doesn’t correct the poor practice of changing the monitor fee and lack of checking for signal prior to drilling into my walls
A check was sent and the contractor is coming over today to complete the workI would like the complaint to be file on website to illustrate their poor business practices and how they changes the monthly monitor fee and damages my walls without checking signal prior.thank you for your assistance
*** ***
This letter is in response to the complaint #*** filed by *** ***By way of background, Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and
installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT
We have researched into Mrs***'s complaint and have determined that her account was cancelled and all refunds have been issuedWe canceled this account on December 24, 2014, removed the credit check and issued a refund for $
We apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that the customer may have experienced and we appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns
Mandy H***
Customer Loyalty Representative
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Yes we discussed and accepted a promotion for $27.99. Every item in the promotion was discussed. There was no discussion of a contract at $a month; it was not mentioned at all and I ask why? The system you installed may be an upgrade but it is not what was ordered. She did not agree to a month contract of $52.99; she didn’t even sign that contract. Again we can only surmise that you used her signature from a previous contract. Also Mrs*** wasn’t just charged $105.94. She was also charged $and $She should have known about and understood the charges but I am sorry to say she didn’tYou say you offered Mrs*** a downgrade to the package she initially inquired about. Again she not only inquired about it but she ordered it and ADT representatives accepted the order over the phone. I want to know why she has had to continually ask for what she ordered in the first place. And there is another question in my mind. I want to know why this company called and scheduled an appointment to downgrade Mrs***’s system at 2:p.mon Saturday, February 25, but did not show up; the representatives even called at 12:p.msaying they would be there in about an hour. But they stood us up. Also I wish somebody could explain to me why an ADT representative who said her name was Lisa called my cell phone while I was at work on Monday February 27, and told me that they were coming on Tuesday February 28, between 11:a.mand 3:p.mand no one showed up again. Tell me why Mrs*** was called also and at 8:p.mafter having waited on ADT representatives all day again; she still has not received this downgradeMrs*** is a Christian woman that is known and respected throughout this community and she does not deserved to be treated this way. Thank you for your attention to this matter and God bless. Sincerely, *** ***
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Because the rep verbally told us there was a one year warranty for the $plan and after that year we can change to $for a lifetime warranty, we did not feel it necessary to review the contract in that regardThe response to my complaint confirms this truth (calling it a “mistake” on their end) but they still state that because we signed the contract they will offer absolutely no solution or compromiseMistakes have consequences! It seems the double talk lives in every aspect of this companyWe are in no way satisfied by this response and non-action. Regards,
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
The response given by ADT is simply untrue. They did not offer to give me a discount at 75% or 65% ever! They have already charged my account times. 8/a charge for $7/a charge for $and 7/a charge for $. They are still suppose to charge me at least one more time for $If needed I can provide bank statementsAgain, my issue is I was told I could set up an account with KNOWING I was moving...come to find out that is completely untrue. Please make this situation correct!
*** ***
February 24, 2015 of Central Indiana NDelaware St#2020Indianapolis, IN 46204-2599 Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive,Ste Indianapolis, IN Re: *** ***Complaint No***AcctNo. *** Dear Ms. *** Thisletter is in response to the complaint #*** filed by *** ***By way of background, Defender Security Company DBA Protect YourHome is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarmsystemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells andinstalls ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed,the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT I have researched this accountand found that on May 21, a message was left for Mr. *** to call us todiscuss the issues on his account. Anoffer was put into our system for refunding the cust for the difference in 7d/w sensors, I have spoken to this customer on February 20, and heaccepted an offer for the amount of $442.91. That check request has been placed in our system and noted to be a papercheck at the customer’s request. I alsoemailed the customer the same information. We apologize for anyinconvenience he has experiencedPlease let us know if you have any additionalquestions or concerns. Sincerely, *** ***Customer Loyalty Representative Customer LoyaltyADT Authorized Premier ProviderOffice: 317-957-
May 12, 2015 of Central Indiana NDelaware St#2020Indianapolis, IN 46204-2599 Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive, Ste Indianapolis, IN Re: *** *** *** ***Complaint No***AcctNo
*** Dear Ms***,This letter is in response to the complaint #*** by *** *** *** ***By way of background, DefenderSecurity Company DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana CorporationWe have beenan ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitoredsecurity systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is thenpurchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADTAfter reviewing this account I show one of our escalationsrepresentative reached out to Ms*** on April 23, and left herdetailed message to call us backWe also reached out the branch manager inregards to the complaint and he advised he did review this with thetechnician. After our escalationspecialist spoke to the account holder; Ms*** on May 4th andshe advised us everything was fine and they advised we could disregard thecomplaintWe apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that the customermay have experienced. Sincerely, *** ***Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier ProviderE: ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that the response would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I am not happy with this resolution for several reasonsFirst and foremost I did not stop paying on this accountProtect Your Home no longer withdrew money from my account because their company security representative failed to execute a properly signed contractHe was supposed to come back to complete the job he started and never didHe was supposed to bring the contract for my signature thenThis did not happen and another representative came and completed his work with no contractMoney was withdrawn from my account and my monitoring was active.Never did Protect Your Home mail a letter to my house informing me of billing issues until I received notice from the 3rd party collectorI have never dealt with a company that reroutes customers to a loyalty department for service, where speaking with a manager is an impossible task, and no one returns calls as promised.I did not disclose to Protect Your Home that I was going with another service, I was told by someone at their company that my account was being pulled back from collections and that I NEEDED to go directly through ADT, because they would no longer be able to service my accountThis was after several other employees in Protect Your Home customer loyalty department told me that I had the option to go through ADT directly for service because they could not provide it for meOf course as any prudent person would do I could not initiate a contract with ADT until Protect Your Home pulled my contract back from collections.To get ADT service this required money to initiate another contract directly with ADTFurthermore it required more time out of my already busy schedule to have ADT send a security adviser and another installer come out to my home to go over the security system that was installed by Protect Your Home It was at this time that I found out that most of the equipment that was installed by Protect Your Home was not even required as I was advised by the so called security expert that Protect Your Home had install my system My newly constructed home was already pre-wired for an alarm and all the sensors that I was advised by Protect Your Home that I needed was either total incompetence or willful deceitIn actuality the only thing I required was the keypads installed into the pre-wired system and services activated. The alarm keypad was not installed in the area of my home where the house is wired for its installation but rather in a place that the installer told me was the only place it could be installedI was told by ADT that this was incorrect and that it should have been installed in place that was already built for its placement.Removing my account from 3rd party collections took several weeks leaving me without a monitored systemI totally went into this alarm agreement intending to have Protect Your Home provide equipment and servicesIt was through their failure that this did not happenI am now stuck with equipment that I did not need and no warranty if the equipment should failThis is not what I paid for and respectfully request that Protect Your Home issue me refundThis entire dispute could have been resolved without going through the if Protect Your Home would actually have someone at the company who could actually resolve customer issuesIf this was the case I would still be a Protect Your Home Customer. Ms Ana Dau-Farr in her response states that the company would like the opportunity to address my concerns yet no one from this company has reached out to meIf she would take the time to look at my file she will see that I made numerous attempts to reach out to the company and no one was willing to help meI did not make the decision to get rid of Protect Your Home they made the decision not to provide services to meI believe that a refund should be issued by Protect Your Home because of the issues I have pointed outIf Ms Ana or anyone else from the company would like to address any concerns I would be more than willing to talk with themI will give them an overview of the entire ordeal I have been through so that maybe a future customer of theirs will not have the same experience.Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolvedRegards,
*** ***
June 5, 2015 *** ** *** ***
*** ** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive, Ste Indianapolis, IN Re: *** ***Complaint No***
AcctNo*** Dear *** *** This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** *** By way of background, Defender Security Company DBAProtect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in sellingresidential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since 1998that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the securitysystem is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced andmaintained by ADT After reviewing the rebuttal our records indicate Ms.*** acknowledged signing the contract and purchasing the additionalequipmentUnfortunately we are unable to issue any refunds towards theequipment purchase, as the purchase was made nearly a year ago during installation.Additionally, the contract discloses that the equipment purchased is owned Please refer to page of the contract and the paragraphbelow the Notice to Consumers which states:I acknowledge that (B) additional protection over and above that provided in thiscontract is available and may be obtained from Dealer at an additional cost tome(D) The equipment will become my property upon payment of the Purchaseamount total including sales tax Again we do apologize for any inconvenience orfrustration that the customer may have experienced and we appreciate theopportunity to address her concerns. Sincerely, Ana D***Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier ProviderE: ***
August 17, of Central Indiana NDelaware St#Indianapolis, IN 46204- Defenders IncDBA Protect Your Home DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive Indianapolis, IN RE: *** *** Complaint No*** AcctNo*** This letter is in response to the complaint # *** submitted by *** ***By way of background, Defenders, Inc. DBA Protect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT In summary, the consumer states we issued the refund Our records indicate that on September 5, we issued the refund to the consumer’s financial institutionIt typically takes 3-business days for the consumer to see it in their accountIn the amount of $was sent to the consumer The installation fee in the amount of $107.17, has been issued to the consumer’s financial institution on August 30, The total for each refund is $If the consumer is looking for another refund, it will have to be issued from ADT Corporate for the monthly monitoringThe contact number to reach ADT billing is 800-369- Sincerely, DeUndre E*** Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier Provider E: [email protected]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this response/resolution is satisfactory to me. However this will only be over when I get my next bill and see the credits that have been promised to meI still do not believe ADT/Defender realize the problems that were created for me by the upselling of the first tech who put my system in, deceived me, and refused to come back out and fix the problemI really don't feel it is fair to make me say the complaint is completely resolved but I don't have the time or energy to continueThe system was put in to protect my wife, who has a ALS, when I have to leave the home to run errands!
*** ***
December 1, of
Central IndianaN
Dela*** St#2020Indianapolis,
IN 46204-2599Defenders
INCDBA Protect Your HomeDBA
Protect Your Home
Priority Way South DriveIndianapolis,
IN 46240Re: *** ***Complaint # ***Account # ***Dear
letter is in response to the Complaint #***By way of background,
Defenders INC. DBA Protect Your Home is
an Indiana Corporation that specializes in selling residential alarm systems
We have been an ADT authorized dealer since that sells and installs ADT
monitored security systemsOnce the security system is installed, the contract
is then purchased, billed, serviced and maintained by ADT.Summation of Complaint:Owner of
complaint requests additional resolve.Acknowledgement of Resolution:In regards
to Complaint #***, we have
carefully reviewed the matter and bring forth the following recommendations
Our office has contacted the branch manager in re of the matter of “removal of
equipment.” The branch manager has confirmed that technicians do not remove
equipment form the customer’s homeTherefore, we ask that client submits 2-
pictures of “alleged” damage and up to invoices from a licensed contractor,
or paid invoiceInformation can be submitted to: [email protected] or faxed to: Upon
submission of requested documents, please allow up to business days for our
office to review the documents and provide a final decision.Our
organization apologizes for any inconvenience this matter has contributed.Regards,Customer
Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT
Authorized Premier Provider
May 27, 2015 of Central Indiana NDelaware St#2020Indianapolis, IN 46204-2599 Defender Security Company DBA Protect Your Home Priority Way South Drive, Ste Indianapolis, IN Re: *** ***Complaint No***AcctNo*** Dear Ms
***, This letter is in response to the complaint # *** by *** ***By way of background, Defender Security Company DBAProtect Your Home is an Indiana corporation that specializes in sellingresidential alarm systemsWe have been an ADT authorized dealer since 1998that sells and installs ADT monitored security systemsOnce the securitysystem is installed, the contract is then purchased, billed, serviced andmaintained by ADT After reviewing the account our records indicate Ms.*** contacted Protect Your Home on October 21, inquiring on security servicedue to recent break inMs*** was looking for security and entered herinformation onto our website which initiated a call from our sales team. Our website does disclose there is a 36-Month monitoring agreement requiredMs*** also signed a paper contractthat discloses the month agreement, which I have included for your records We show Ms*** contacted ADT Corporate on September 27,stating that she was moving and she needed to cancel and requested thatthe cancelation be effected that dayOur company received notice of the move onOctober 1, 2012, which prompted us to send her a letter to the address we hadon fileWe also contacted the Ms*** on both phone numbers associated withthe account on several occasions on October and left her a messageWenever received a return call backWe show another letter was mailed to Ms.*** on March 25, informing her the termination cost was due. Ms*** account was send to a third partycollection agency on March 13, We apologize for any inconvenience orfrustration that the customer may have experienced and we appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.Sincerely,Ana D***Customer Loyalty Representative Protect Your Home ADT Authorized Premier ProviderE: anamaria.d*** Tell us why here