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Deck Helmet

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Reviews Deck Helmet

Deck Helmet Reviews (426)

Scheduling an appointment
Use Deck Helmet 7-10 years ago and very happy with their service and the reason for contact them again. Apparently, now, a new generation for the Haymarket, VA area. Scheduled an appointment on 2-16-24 between 4-5:00. A NO SHOW without call or email. Rescheduled on the 19th for 4-5:00 for 2-21-24, again, a NO SHOW without a call or email. Call again 9:00 AM on the 22nd and advised a representative would be in contact with me, but it was apparently after hours for them, because no one was available at this time. Although, I'm still waiting on a call back, I have since, contacted someone else for pricing. May not be any better, but I will know better on 2-26-24. Sorry, not a happy camper after leaving work early twice to be at home.

I Signed up to receive an estimate from Deck Helmet. Got a Text estimates available today what time works. I chose 6:00 PM. Noone ever showed or called to say cant come. Waited 2 hours like a fool. Great way to do business.


Horrible job and no response to complaint
We paid Deck Helmet over $5,000 to refinish our deck. After 3 years the deck is peeling and the stuff they put on is bubbling and just wearing off. The deck is hardly used and we only took real notice of it this year because we were doing more work around our home and less golfing. Look at the pictures I have attached. The work is horrible and it look like it bubbling up or something. I have went through the Deck Helmet web site and submitted pictures twice and have received no response. This stuff is rip-off. I paid over $5,000.00 because they promised a 10 year warranty.
Horrible job and no response to complaint
Horrible job and no response to complaint
Horrible job and no response to complaint
Horrible job and no response to complaint
Horrible job and no response to complaint


We will send a team out this week to inspect the issue

Hello this is the Jason A [redacted] what is a good day to meet this week or next??

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because refunding our $3,deposit does not begin to repair the structural damage that was done to our deck We have been having the deck "fixed and repaired" by Deck Helmet since August of last year, every time they have come out more damage has been caused We never asked for our deck to be ripped apart by Deck Helmet, but since their product bubbled all over the deck that was their solution We will be hiring a licensed deck contractor to make the repairs to the structural damage and request that Deck Helmet pay for the repair of the damage they are responsible for, $10,according to the estimates we have from two independent contractors Regards, [redacted]

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , but lets wait until they respond, supposedly in two day, before we even start to consider this matter resolved.MrA***, just for your information, I heard from a service manager, not from your VP, as you indicated would happenAfter that conversation, I fear that it is going to be a month, or longer, before any possible resolution is achievedI fear that the workmanship and customer service thus displayed, does not coincide with what is stated on your websiteThis Thursday's meeting should give me better insight, that is, should you be interested [redacted] ***


From: Deck Helmet Date: Mon, Sep 14, at 5:PMSubject: Issue Resolved Shows Un ResolvedTo: [redacted] < [redacted]>Issue has been resolved shows un resolved We refunded the money last monthPlease verify and update thank you

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: On Friday, April 29, at 2:p.m., I was called by a man identifying himself as Jason and the owner of the company He was quite rude He did not ask me what were my concerns Instead he berated me for submitting my complaint to the only two days after submitting my warranty requestHe sounded angry He told me he wanted me to remove my complaint I said that I would not until my issue had been resolved My husband and I have had two other issues with the deck helmet product and are fed up with the run around Jason said that he was writing me an email accepting the warranty Later that evening I checked my email What I had received was an email stating the following [redacted] Hello , Your warranty claim has been approvedYour completion date for your for your warranty is 7/28/Your completion date is the date that your work will be completed by not the date the work will be performedWe give you this day as worst case scenario Due to unforeseeable weather conditionsIn addition for every day that it rains are schedule moves up one dayThis makes it impossible to give our customers an exact appointment dateWe will however email you the evening before your warranty appointment Best Regards, The Deck Helmet Team This response was not acceptable because this was a do not reply-email Also there was no name attached or a phone number for me to call to answer questions about scheduling, etc On May 2, I received another email from the same do not reply address for Deck Helmet statingYour warranty request has been denied due to .You can however schedule an estimate to get a price quote to repair the non covered claims by visiting deckhelmet.comBest Regards, The Deck Helmet Warranty Team As you see, there isn't a reason stated for now denying the warranty My experience with this company has been much below my expectations I see that on the company's website, there is no longer a way to "review" this business and the testimonials on the website are as recent as The Deck Helmet company promises that their product will protect my deck for years but only lasted months I have attached the pictures of the chipping paint! My husband and I are seeking a refund because this company does not know how to respond to customers The second email leads us to believe that owner of the company is not willing to make this right unless we remove our complaint Our complaint is legitimate and we would be satisfied with a full refund of what we paid, $3, Regards, [redacted]

We have not received a warranty request once submitted we can approve and ? the issues asap Please submit to ?

We will schedule your work to be done.?

We had customer service manager come out today but she was not able to access the deck Please call her directly at ###-###-#### to set up a time for next week

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as Deck Helmet abides by their agreement to have their scheduling manager call me tomorrow, Friday, 10/08/to schedule this upcoming weekendNOTE to the and Deck Helmet - Please do NOT close this matter out until Deck Helmet has actually reported to my home to complete the work as their track record is bad for not living up to their agreements I will (as I am sure Deck Helmet will) advise once Deck Helmet actually calls and appears to complete the work Thank you Regards, [redacted]

From: ***, [redacted] B< [redacted] @ [redacted] >Date: Tue, Mar 24, at 7:AMSubject: Let's schedule a way call between Deck Helmet, ***, [redacted] ***To: Deck Helmet < [redacted] >, [redacted] < [redacted] @ [redacted] >Cc: Ion C [redacted] < [redacted] >, [redacted] < [redacted] >, Lazar A [redacted] < [redacted] >Jason,Let's schedule a way call between you, me and *** When is a good time for you? Thanks for your email.V/r, [redacted] / ###-###-#### / [redacted] @ [redacted]

You can submit a sheet of paper and we will review and approve warranty claim?

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Deck Helmet's sub contractor still has not started the workI spoke with him Friday 9/and the sub contractor is still in a dispute with Deck Helmet about the work to be performed As of friday 9/the subcontractor stated "if I don't do the work they are going to have to get someone else to do it"I am stuck in the middle Of a dispute between Deck Helmet and their sub-contractor Regards, [redacted]

Due to days of rain we could not get project completedWe have refunded the deposit and cancelled the contract?

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:First the error was caused by incorrect information on their websiteSecond the contract specifies $to select another color and I do not believe we should be responsible for the additional costThird they have made no effort to contact or negotiate to resolve this issue in a professional manner Regards, [redacted]

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:On May 12, the business agreed to submit a full refund in the amount of $to me within business daysI accepted this resolution contingent upon receipt of payment within business daysAs of June 4, 2016, the refund has not been received and I am re-opening this complaintI plan to file a suit with Small Claims court, seeking full refund plus interest and court costs if the refund is not received by Monday, June 13, Regards, [redacted]

We have turned this over to Deck Helmets lawyers.?

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Description: Deck Cleaning & Sealing, Deck Cleaning and Waterproofing, Home Improvements

Address: 4938 Hampden Ln Ste 235, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 20814-2914


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