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DBC Baby Bedding Company

306 W McArtor Rd, Dodge City, Kansas, United States, 67801-6014

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DBC Baby Bedding Company Reviews (%countItem)

Horrid Customer service
If there were a way to give a no star rating, I would. I placed an order the 27th of May and they still have not shipped it, continually making excuses. The first time I asked for an update the person was extremely rude and not helpful at all. The product I ordered was listed as IN STOCK, that means it can ship out because it is already made and available, so that is false advertising to begin with. Then the second time I asked for an update, I got the "we are moving, and orders are taking about 7 weeks to ship out" instead of 4-6 weeks (11 days ago). They have extremely poor customer service and communication. I have filed a chargeback for this because $210 is a lot of money to me especially with a newborn and today's economy, not that they care. I did email them again today and got the, you didn't read anything about the business or the updated shipping policy...that they changed since the 1st time I talked to them, probably to try to cover their butts on screwing people. There are plenty of other reviews saying this same thing... My mistake for not reading reviews before I purchased.
Long story short the whole thing is probably a scam but I would never recommend them or buy from them again.

The rudest customer service I have ever experienced!
This company has the rudest customer service I have ever experienced. I ordered ready to ship bedding on June 3rd , I was told in an e-mail it would ship within 15 days from the order date . When the 15 days had passed , I sent another e-mail stating it was over 15 days and was told fabric was on back order . At that point I stated I just wanted a refund and was told I would have to pay a 50 percent restocking fee . I told them I just wanted my baby bedding . My baby is due any day and I have no bedding . I waited a little while before I purchased bedding since I had a stillborn child last year , This should be a happy time in a pregnant woman's life and this company is extremely rude to work with . I would not recommend any purchases from this company just due to the customer service . It's not ok to treat people that are paying for merchandise that way . I have E-mails to prove how polite I have been , I can't say the same for this company . After reading all of these reviews , I am happy to say I am clearly not the only one that has been treated poorly by this company .

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • Jul 06, 2020

Customer was helped with every question that she had. Customer was told that the delivery of the fabric for the crib skirt is all they are waiting on to finish the bedding for shipping. This is the response received from Jackie:

I clearly do not know who they hired to respond to emails but you are extremely rude . you have several complaints on the better business website . I just had a stillborn child last year and so was so excited to be able to her this bedding for my daughter . I'm not paying 50 percent for something I did not receive . I will expect my shipment in the mail or I will be contacting my credit card company and an attorney

WARNING!!!! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT do business with DBC Baby Bedding!! They are also known as Designs by Christy. If I could give them less than 1 star, I would! They do not deserve 1 star at all.

I am usually not one to publicly bash a company but this company is terrible. They not only do not fulfill their obligations or communicate appropriately but they are rude and hateful...and to pregnant women!! I have also learned that they do not take any responsibility for their actions, not only to me but also to the numerous other women that I've talked to who they have done this to. And if you read their responses to the other complaints, you will see the true nature of this company. I am sure they will say this isn't true, someone else fault, or anything other than taking responsibility. I have emails and messages to back all of this up.

This is going to be long but if you are considering buying from them PLEASE take the time to read this. These people are AWFUL! I am also not the only person they have done this to. Simply type their name in a Facebook search and scroll down and read...they have done this to multiple people. I ended up having to dispute this with my credit card to get my money and have waited to post this until I finally got my full refund. Thank goodness, I got my refund today...thanks only to my credit card company.

To say I am terribly disappointed is an understatement. In March I found a company, DBC Baby Bedding, to make custom baby bedding for my 1st child. I designed it and it was going to be perfect. Prior to ordering I asked the lead time and I was told 6 weeks. I placed my order on 03/19 and was given a shipping date of 04/30 via their order look up on their site. I was anxiously awaiting my order since I had put off buying baby furniture, registering, and also picking out paint colors so that everything matched.

On 04/30, my ship date suddenly changed to 05/18 without any explanation. I reached out and asked what was going on. They responded that shipping was 8 weeks. I sent them where they had told me 6 weeks but they just responded saying it was 8 weeks. So my ship date stayed 05/18.

On 05/18 I kept checking the site to see if my tracking number had been issued. Later in the day their site said my order number was wrong and it would not even find my order. I emailed and was told that my order was scheduled for pickup by *** on 05/19.

Then on 05/19 I never got a shipping notification. I emailed asking why I couldn't find my order and to please send my tracking number. They simply told me that tracking is emailed when orders are shipped. Later in the day I checked with them again and received a response at 6:30pm telling me that there isn't a shipping number but the shipping dept comes in after business hours to package. I was then confused how *** was scheduled to pick up my order that day but it wasn't even packaged and it was after hours. I inquired and they said "this is what it shows in the system."

As you can see, I was still not getting any answers.
I asked what that meant and told them that I was just trying to get a clear answer of when my baby bedding would come in. I explained that it was already late and I just wanted information. They read my message but did not respond. Hours later I messaged and asked them to please call me the next morning to discuss.

On the morning of 05/20 I sent an email asking for a phone call. I eventually got an email saying my order would ship out this week. I emailed back and asked why my shipping date keeps changing and why I was not getting a clear answer. I explained that I wasn't trying to be rude but was growing frustrated with this situation. I went though the timeline of things and said that I just wanted more information. After that I received the rudest communication from a "business" that I have ever received.

The email exchanges...

DBC: "Yes, you can blame this all on the government and the mania they created. You know when you go to the store and there was no toilet paper? The hoarders did the same thing with the fabric. So yes, the extended ship time is from the custom printed fabric company delaying printing due to this government virus for almost 2 months now. So yes, this world is in a fiasco and has been for 2 months. Had the order been made only with regular fabrics, it would have already shipped. It is not, thus DBC is at the mercy of this company's delay in printing and shipping. Hopefully that makes it a little clearer for you. Oh and PS. No one knew to the extent that America would be in, did you know they were going to pull such junk over an illness, probably not."

Me: "It does make sense. However, it would be nice to have clear communication to your customers. None of this has been communicated to me. Any time I have emailed or messaged I have received very vague responses. This is the problem. My order is now 3 weeks LATE and has yet to even leave your facility and I still do not know when it will reach me. The date just keeps changing and like I've said, I've received no explanation until your rather rude email response. And I'm really confused on how I was told Monday it was scheduled for pickup by *** but yet is still not been sent. As I said before, I am not trying to be rude in my communication to you, I am just trying to figure out what is going on and when (and if) I will ever get my order."

DBC "You have already been told it is shipping this week. It doesn't get any clearer."

Me: "Wow. Outstanding customer service."

DBC: "Outstanding customer."

Me: "Keep trying to place blame somewhere else. As a customer I have done my part. I asked all the appropriate questions, I placed my order, I paid for my order, and I have continued to reach out for more information. I have also done my research on your company and know I am not the only one who has had issues. So please, this is NOT my problem."

DBC: "Let me look into this, cause it may be something that I would just be happy to refund then you can just go about your way."

Me: "Are you kidding me? Are you the owner? If not, I would like for the owner to contact me please. My number is ***-***-***."

DBC: "This order has been refunded and canceled. Have a good day."

After this I received a cancelation notice. Later in the day I checked my credit card and was surprised to see a credit pending from them. After such a terrible experience I really thought I would have to fight to get my money. However, the next morning I looked and the credit was gone. I chatted with my credit card company and they told me that it looked as though the company had issued a credit and then reversed it. They suggested I contact the company 1 time and ask about the credit. I didn't want to after being treated the way I was treated the previous day but I did. I simply asked when I should get my refund and explained what my credit card company had said. Of course they couldn't have just responded and gave me an answer. They ended up telling me the refund was issued even though I kept telling them it wasn't there. They then told me to contact my bank and to stop the harassment. So I guess they consider it harassment to get your money back on an item that they canceled.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • Jun 03, 2020

This customer ordered bedding made with custom printed fabric. The print company is delayed 4-6 weeks just for printing and then shipping. DBC has no control over the print company. The order was refunded in full to the customer.
The customer was belligerent, using curse words, and bullying is not tolerated. The order was canceled and refunded.

Customer Response • Jun 03, 2020

This is almost laughable. I have read numerous reviews on your company and everyone basically has the same story yet, you all never take responsibility. At some point in time, it is time to take a step back and see if the problem might be on your end. This is no way to treat and talk to people, especially pregnant women who are just trying to obtain something nice for their babies. In response to your response: 1.) The print company being delayed is no excuse for NOT communicating to your customers appropriately. As I said in most of my emails to you, I just wanted information on my order. You were not providing that until you basically went crazy on me. 2.) Yes, my order was canceled once I called you out for doing this to other customers. I was not in agreement for my bedding to be canceled...I had waited 9 weeks on it and was depending on it. You took it upon yourself to cancel my order. In regards to my refund: Yet, I was refunded immediately but yet the refund was canceled on your end (per my credit card company.) I once again reached out simply asking for my refund and you were rude and told me to stop harassing you. This only causing more unneeded stress on me (a pregnant woman!) I received my refund 2 weeks later after having to dispute with my credit card company. 4.) I never ONCE used a curse word! This is a total lie. We both have records of all the emails so please, go back and read my emails. No foul language was used. However, after dealing with you, I think most people would agree that had I used curse would have been justified. And while me being "belligerent" would be an individual opinion, I have no idea how any of my emails could have been taken as belligerent. I was actually much calmer than I wanted to be simply because I wanted the bedding I had paid for. And also please note, I asked several times for someone to call me because I wanted to just discuss this over the phone. I even stated that I was getting frustrated because I kept hearing different things and nothing was clear . A responsible business owner would have made a call to avoid any farther confusion. And bullying...seriously? How many excuses can you come up with? I would love to know what constitutes as bullying in your opinion. It was the governments fault, it was the fabric company's fault, it was my fault for being a bad customer, and now I used curse words, was belligerent, and bullied you. Here is my opinion...1) stop taking orders until you can get your ducks in a row 2) focus on your current paying customers 3) communicate appropriately with those customers and let them know you are experiencing delays 4) stop being rude to your customers 5) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for your actions!

I wish I had read the reviews before even attempting to order from this company placed an order on 4/26 we are now in the month of June way past 10-15 days of shipping order status is still not updated besides the fact my status now says back order. At what point did they realize they did not have a print for my suggested order. This bedding was almost $300 I wish they would give a full refund this is ridiculous as won't my bedding in time for my baby's room. I have unanswered emails had to go Facebook to be provided a reply than was told I should have received their away message for the memorial Holiday weekend when I originally sent a message well the automated message did not state anything about a holiday. I would just like a full refund.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • Jun 02, 2020

Customer did not email the business. Customer did message on fb to inquire about her order. Yes, an email was sent to customers with this specific bedding letting them know that the skirt fabric we being printed and it was taking the print company longer *** that print companies production time of the fabric. This customer never emailed or responded to the email that was also sent to her asking if she wanted to wait or use an alternate fabric.
Customer spent $243 on her bedding she purchased. All orders are made to order for each customer after they purchase. And is handmade in the USA. Nothing is imported. Customer just simply needs a refund of funds at this time as she has stated in a message. It has nothing to do with the business, but she needs money.
Customer will be refunded for slander on this review.

Customer Response • Jun 02, 2020

I have sent this business more than one email on different occasions, they appear to have an attitude when answering. It should not matter how get in contact with a business whether it's through FB or whatever I never received any email on how long anything would take *** that's definitely false information. My response has everything to do with the business this. AGAIN I spent $273 on the total purchase so what are you talking about $243. You shouldn't be in business if you cannot take constructive criticism!

Horrible customer service. Would have never tried to give them my business if looked at the reviews first. Customer service was dismissive, unhelpful, rude and argumentative. They didn't not address nor even look into any of my concerns. They then just refunded my order and blocked me. Vet disappointing and unprofessional.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • May 22, 2020

The customer was provided the ship time for the purchase. She did not like the information provided, and then started swearing and name calling. Yes, the ship times are provided on each listing below the add to cart for the customer to be informed of the ship time prior to even purchasing. It is also on the receipt, and the Check Order Status on the store website.
DBC does reserve the right to refund any order if the customer become billegerant, swearing, and harassing. No company should have to put up with this type of abuse and bullying.

This company is a complete joke.
I ordered a "Ready To Ship" collection on April 17th and did not get my package until May 16th. The tracking number they sent me was not recognized by any shipping company.

Once opening my package, the ruffle on one corner had been sewn over and looked horrible, the tag they attached to the front didn't help the appearance either. I messaged the company who told me "it doesn't affect the use" and that It was intentionally pin tucked however the photo on their website was perfect and didn't have this issue. They would only replace my pillow if I paid a restocking fee and shipping fee.

They also sent me a rail guard cover with HOT PINK ties when the description on the website says "blush." The under side of the rail guard was infact blush but the company informed me "that was the only blush available and that it's not hot pink" they also claimed that the colors were the exact same as pictured on the website. They wanted a $35 fee to change the ties to white as well as shipping costs.

I also felt that the photos of the product on the website are misleading. As what I received has 2 different pieces made in a completely separate fabric than what is pictured.

The company was rude, took no responsibility for their mistakes, and unprofessional when I messaged them. They did not care how they talked to me nor that the products were messed up. I would like to give them no stars and would highly suggest shipping somewhere else for bedding products.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • May 18, 2020

Yes, ready to ship collections do ship 15 business days from the purchase date as noted on the listing. Tracking was emailed to the customer which is from *** and is trackable. Tracking is auto emailed to each customer when their order has shipped, and they receive an email letting them know the order has shipped and they can click right on the button that says Check Tracking. The pillow cover was made exactly as shown. Yes, the corners of the ruffle do have pin tucks to still maintain the ruffle look around the corner so it is not flat.
The ties on the Bedding were made exactly as shown in blush ties. Customer admitted that she did not read the Description of the fabrics used for each item, as that was her error. The customer was provided this same information as above, and store policies. Customer was offered the ties to be changed to white, and she did not message back. Orders are only filled as they are listed. All orders are made to order for each customer after they purchase. If she wanted something different, then that could have been done for her. There were no special request. Again sorry, you feel this way. And do enjoy your items.

Surprise shipping terms after paying. Ready to ship items take weeks to ship. Items still dont ship within that time frame. Horrible customer service and take no responsibility for anything.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • Apr 13, 2020

Ship time is provided on the listing below the add to cart button as well as is provided in the Shipping Policy. This information is provided for the customer to be informed prior to adding the item to their cart, as all items are made to order for each customer after they purchase. Customer purchased from a collection that ships 10 business days from the purchase date. Tracking was emailed to the customer when the order shipped on the 10th business day. DBC Baby Bedding Co is still working and shipping on time and customer service is still open and working with customers including this one during this time of businesses closing because of the virus.

Customer Response • Apr 13, 2020

No I received an email after I paid about the ready to ship items I ordered taking 10 business to prepare to ship. On the 10th business my stuff still didn't ship. Your customer service is a joke.. Yall are rude and dont even try to listen to us, plus your sizes are not correct and for what I paid I expected better quality. I've requested to speak with an owner or manager several times and they refuse to give me that information. They refuse to admit they are at fault even tho I've provided proof. Trust me save your self the hassle dont shop with this company.

Customer Response • Apr 13, 2020

They also will not discuss the sizing of my product not being what they said it was..suppose to be for infant cribs it does not fit. I have several photos of lole to upload about my experience over all to prove my statements

Bought face masks for the family due to Covid 19. The elastic on the masks were so tight and had no elasticity. Could not use them.
Purchased on 4/3/2020 four masks for my family. Two adults one child's and one toddler. Cost $*** not one of them fit. Received them today in the mail 4/6/2020. Tried them on the elastic for around the ears is to small and will not stretch around our ears. I immediately emailed the company and explained. They told me no refund or exchange they are made how they are.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get a refund or have the masks fixed. During this difficult time I have been trying to support small business. This is a trying time for everyone and I believe they are taking advantage of people.

DBC Baby Bedding Company Response • Apr 07, 2020

As you were previously told, you need to synch the elastic then put over one ear then the other. If you have a larger head or face, then you can attach hair rubber bands to extend the reach of the mask to fit your face. No, there are no refunds.

Customer Response • Apr 07, 2020

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

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Address: 306 W McArtor Rd, Dodge City, Kansas, United States, 67801-6014


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