We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted] We trust the following information will address our member’s recent inquiry. As we understand Ms. [redacted] complaint, Ms. [redacted] is dissatisfied with the service she received from Davis Vision and the spectacle lenses...
fabricated by the Davis Vision laboratory Ms. [redacted] states she informed [redacted] that she wanted her old prescription lenses returned once new lenses were fabricated into her existing frame. The lenses were not returned to her as requested. Ms. [redacted] stated that she contacted Davis Vision Ms. [redacted] advised that her frame was stretched during fabrication and the glasses are sliding off her face. She is requesting that her frame be replaced at Davis Vision’s cost. Ms. [redacted] is also requesting that Davis Vision pay for laboratory costs from a non-participating provider of her own choosing to fabricate satisfactory spectacle lenses. Our investigation confirmed that Ms. [redacted] brought a prescriptions from an out-of-network provider to [redacted] and requested new lenses in her own frames. She surrendered two sets of frames to the office and signed a waiver releasing any liability for frame damage during the fabrication process. While we understand that the member experienced challenges with her eyeglasses, these challenges were a result of the prescription she provided to [redacted]. They stated that they offered to examine her when she was not satisfied with the lenses, but she refused and returned to her own doctor. [redacted] advised that when Ms. [redacted] returned with a revised prescription and they placed a revised order per her request. The office confirmed each set of lenses were fabricated to the prescription Ms. [redacted] provided to them. Regarding the members concerns that she was not contacted by the Complaints and Appeals Department I have the following to offer. The member was sent an acknowledgement letter on 3-1-2017 that includes the Complaints and Appeals Department general number that will allow the member to reach a staff associate. We apologize for the members experience and offer that the associate assigned to her complaint did place outreach calls on 2-27-17, 3-9-2017 and 3-27-2017. In summary, we thank Ms. [redacted] voicing her concerns regarding the challenges she encountered while using her vision benefits. As a resolution, Ms. [redacted] can select any of the Davis Vision plan frames and we will fabricate lenses in them. Davis Vision will not accommodate the request to have lenses fabricated in a non-participating provider’s laboratory as the previous lensed were fabricated correctly to the prescription that was provided. Ms. [redacted] can contact me at the number below to make arrangements to select a plan frame and complete new lenses. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at [redacted], or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn: Complaints and Appeals Department, P.O. Box 791, Latham, NY 12110. Sincerely, June T[redacted] Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
We have received your recent inquiry regarding member, [redacted]. We trust the followinginformation will address our member's recent inquiry.Davis Vision administers routine vision coverage for Guardian Life through which Ms. [redacted]carries her vision benefit.As we understand Ms. [redacted]'s complaint,...
she was informed by the optician at [redacted] that herpurchase of contact lenses on January 12, 2017, would be applied to her 2016 benefit. [redacted]billed Davis Vision for the materials but the bill was applied to Ms. [redacted]' 2017 material benefit.Ms. [redacted] learned that her 2017 material benefit was used when she tried to obtain additionalcontact lenses. She is now requesting that she be allowed to use her 2017 benefit forexamination and materialsDue to the confusion regarding the available benefits a one-time exception has been made toallow Ms. [redacted] to receive another material benefit for 2017. This one-time exception has beennoted on her file. Under the vision benefits, she may receive an examination and one pair ofspectacle lenses or contact lenses every January 1 ''and a frame every other January 1 ". Ms.Solis last reeeived ao examination on December 17, 2016; therefore, she is currently eligible foran examination for the 2017 benefit cycle.In summary, we thank Ms. [redacted] for voicing her concerns regarding the challenges sheencountered while using her vision benefits. When she is ready to use her material benefit, theparticipating provider's office will need to contact us to obtain an authorization for billingpurposes. In the future, the benefits must be received within the January I''-December 31"benefit cycle or the benefit is forfeited.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me viatelephone at ###-###-####, extension [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn:Complaints and Appeals Department, P.O. Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.
April 30,2015[redacted] Complaint HandlerThe Revdex.com100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst. NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We trust...
the following information will address our member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, she is dissatisfied with the loss of the frame that was sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the eyeglasses she ordered on January 19,2015 from [redacted]'s office. The member stated that she was advised by the provider that her frame had been lost and that she was to pick out a frame from the Davis Vision Collection as a replacement. She finds this unacceptable as she believed her frame was more expensive than those offered by the plan and the loss of the frame was due to the laboratory and not her or [redacted]. She is asking that we replace her frames with the same frame that was lost or reimburse her $240. which she states is the cost to replace the frame.Our investigation indicates that while the frame was lost by the laboratory, our Member Service Department partnered with the provider so that [redacted] could select a new frame from the same manufacturer of the lost frame. This replacement would be at no expense to [redacted]. I contacted [redacted] on April .30. 2015 and informed her that we will be partnering with Dr. Feder's office so that she may select a frame from the same manufacturer. [redacted] also was advised that once she selects a frame, I will partner with Paul; the office manager of [redacted]'s office to assist in placing the order and will monitor this eyeglass order through to its completion, [redacted] has agreed to select a new frame at no Cost to her and let us fabricate her eyeglasses,In summary, we understand the frustration that [redacted] experienced in receiving her eyewear I and we thank her for voicing her concerns. As stated above, Davis Vision was able to work with with [redacted] to arrive at a mutual and satisfactory resolution.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at ###-###-####, extensions [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc, Attn: Quality Assurance Department, PO Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.Sincerely,[redacted]Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
May 12,2015Revdex.com, Inc.C/O [redacted], Complaint Handler ext. [redacted]100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst, NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We...
trust the following information will address om member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, filed on behalf of his wife [redacted], he was dissatisfied with the Davis Vision laboratory in returning his wife's [redacted] brand sunglasses with only one lens, As a result [redacted] is requesting to have the glasses replaced or to be reimbursed $95.95 plus tax for the sunglasses. Our records indicate [redacted] used her vision coverage through Davis Vision on March 31. 2015 with her provider, Vision with Style. [redacted]'s provider placed an order for a pair of single vision lenses to be placed into the patient's own frame. Davis Vision received the frame, removed one of the lenses in an attempt to duplicate the current lens shape; however found that the curvature of the frame was too great and returned the frame to the provider without tile lens, as normal practice is to recycle removal lenses if there are no instructions to save them.We understand [redacted]'s concern in that now his wife has an unusable pair of sunglasses. Based on this information we have reached out to the member to request a copy of the receipt to reimburse the member fix the cost of the eyewear per his request.In summary, Davis Vision has placed a call out to the member on May 7,2015, requesting a copy of the receipt for review of reimbursement for the sunglasses. A copy of the member's receipt was received via fax on May 8, 2015 and a reimbursement check in the amount $101.71 the sales tax is being to [redacted], Please allow up to two weeks to receive this reimbursement check.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### or in writing at Davis Visions, Inc. Attn: Complaint and Appeals Department, PO Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.Sincerely, [redacted]Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Regards, [redacted]
I appreciate the response, she failed to mention that I had been in contact since ruth customer service through email and had provided all information requested and they said they would look into it. Next email I got was the same one requesting all my information again. I would also like to add that when I submitted my form I could not find the subscriber number so I included my social security number on the form since it states that it can sometimes be the social. I have since submitted another claim because it has been ninety days since I first mailed the first one. I guess I will see if they actually process both claims in a timely manner.
October 22, 2015Revdex.com, Inc.C/O [redacted], Complaint Handler ext. 283100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst, NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We...
trust the following information will address our member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, she received a routine examination and a contact lens evaluation August 29, 2015 and was charged $55. She is requesting that Davis Vision reimburse her 15%discount off her contact lens evaluation as she was fit with non-plan contact lenses and the office did not apply the discount to the contact lens evaluation fee.Our investigation confirmed that the member was fit with a non-plan contact lens at [redacted], a participating provider with Davis Vision through the retail chain "For Eyes". Under the vision benefits, the member is allowed an examination and one pair of spectacle lenses or contact lenses every January 1SI anda frame every other January Is'. Theroutine benefitthrough Davis Visiondoes not offer separatecoveragefor a contact lensevaluation. The contact lens evaluation is covered in full when members receive an examination at a participating private office provider and then place an order for Davis Vision supplied contact lenses. If a member is fit with non-plan contact lenses then they would receive a 15% discount off of the cost of the contact lens evaluation. There is no discount for a contact lens evaluation received at a retail provider. Insummary, Davis Vision applied the benefit correctly; however, as this wasthe first time [redacted] used her vision benefit a one-time exception has been madeto reimburse 15% of the contact lens evaluation fee. [redacted] will receivea check in the amount of $8.25 within 10 to 15 business days. In the future, we recommend that [redacted] contact Davis Vision prior to receiving services in order to have a complete understanding of her vision benefits.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at ###-###-####, extension [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn: Complaints & Appeals Department P.O.Box 791, Latham, NY. 12110.Sincerely,Janie C[redacted]Compliance Reviewer, Complaints & Appeals Department
We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted] We trust the following information will address our member’s recent inquiry. As we understand Ms. [redacted] complaint, Ms. [redacted] is dissatisfied with the service she received from Davis Vision and the spectacle lenses...
fabricated by the Davis Vision laboratory Ms. [redacted] states she informed [redacted] that she wanted her old prescription lenses returned once new lenses were fabricated into her existing frame. The lenses were not returned to her as requested. Ms. [redacted] stated that she contacted Davis Vision Ms. [redacted] advised that her frame was stretched during fabrication and the glasses are sliding off her face. She is requesting that her frame be replaced at Davis Vision’s cost. Ms. [redacted] is also requesting that Davis Vision pay for laboratory costs from a non-participating provider of her own choosing to fabricate satisfactory spectacle lenses. Our investigation confirmed that Ms. [redacted] brought a prescriptions from an out-of-network provider to [redacted] and requested new lenses in her own frames. She surrendered two sets of frames to the office and signed a waiver releasing any liability for frame damage during the fabrication process. While we understand that the member experienced challenges with her eyeglasses, these challenges were a result of the prescription she provided to [redacted]. They stated that they offered to examine her when she was not satisfied with the lenses, but she refused and returned to her own doctor. [redacted] advised that when Ms. [redacted] returned with a revised prescription and they placed a revised order per her request. The office confirmed each set of lenses were fabricated to the prescription Ms. [redacted] provided to them. Regarding the members concerns that she was not contacted by the Complaints and Appeals Department I have the following to offer. The member was sent an acknowledgement letter on 3-1-2017 that includes the Complaints and Appeals Department general number that will allow the member to reach a staff associate. We apologize for the members experience and offer that the associate assigned to her complaint did place outreach calls on 2-27-17, 3-9-2017 and 3-27-2017. In summary, we thank Ms. [redacted] voicing her concerns regarding the challenges she encountered while using her vision benefits. As a resolution, Ms. [redacted] can select any of the Davis Vision plan frames and we will fabricate lenses in them. Davis Vision will not accommodate the request to have lenses fabricated in a non-participating provider’s laboratory as the previous lensed were fabricated correctly to the prescription that was provided. Ms. [redacted] can contact me at the number below to make arrangements to select a plan frame and complete new lenses. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at [redacted], or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn: Complaints and Appeals Department, P.O. Box 791, Latham, NY 12110. Sincerely, June T[redacted] Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
We have received your recent inquiry regarding member, [redacted]. We trust the followinginformation will address our member's recent inquiry.Davis Vision administers routine vision coverage for Guardian Life through which Ms. [redacted]carries her vision benefit.As we understand Ms. [redacted]'s complaint,...
she was informed by the optician at [redacted] that herpurchase of contact lenses on January 12, 2017, would be applied to her 2016 benefit. [redacted]billed Davis Vision for the materials but the bill was applied to Ms. [redacted]' 2017 material benefit.Ms. [redacted] learned that her 2017 material benefit was used when she tried to obtain additionalcontact lenses. She is now requesting that she be allowed to use her 2017 benefit forexamination and materialsDue to the confusion regarding the available benefits a one-time exception has been made toallow Ms. [redacted] to receive another material benefit for 2017. This one-time exception has beennoted on her file. Under the vision benefits, she may receive an examination and one pair ofspectacle lenses or contact lenses every January 1 ''and a frame every other January 1 ". Ms.Solis last reeeived ao examination on December 17, 2016; therefore, she is currently eligible foran examination for the 2017 benefit cycle.In summary, we thank Ms. [redacted] for voicing her concerns regarding the challenges sheencountered while using her vision benefits. When she is ready to use her material benefit, theparticipating provider's office will need to contact us to obtain an authorization for billingpurposes. In the future, the benefits must be received within the January I''-December 31"benefit cycle or the benefit is forfeited.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me viatelephone at ###-###-####, extension [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn:Complaints and Appeals Department, P.O. Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.
April 30,2015[redacted] Complaint HandlerThe Revdex.com100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst. NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We trust...
the following information will address our member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, she is dissatisfied with the loss of the frame that was sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the eyeglasses she ordered on January 19,2015 from [redacted]'s office. The member stated that she was advised by the provider that her frame had been lost and that she was to pick out a frame from the Davis Vision Collection as a replacement. She finds this unacceptable as she believed her frame was more expensive than those offered by the plan and the loss of the frame was due to the laboratory and not her or [redacted]. She is asking that we replace her frames with the same frame that was lost or reimburse her $240. which she states is the cost to replace the frame.Our investigation indicates that while the frame was lost by the laboratory, our Member Service Department partnered with the provider so that [redacted] could select a new frame from the same manufacturer of the lost frame. This replacement would be at no expense to [redacted]. I contacted [redacted] on April .30. 2015 and informed her that we will be partnering with Dr. Feder's office so that she may select a frame from the same manufacturer. [redacted] also was advised that once she selects a frame, I will partner with Paul; the office manager of [redacted]'s office to assist in placing the order and will monitor this eyeglass order through to its completion, [redacted] has agreed to select a new frame at no Cost to her and let us fabricate her eyeglasses,In summary, we understand the frustration that [redacted] experienced in receiving her eyewear I and we thank her for voicing her concerns. As stated above, Davis Vision was able to work with with [redacted] to arrive at a mutual and satisfactory resolution.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at ###-###-####, extensions [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc, Attn: Quality Assurance Department, PO Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.Sincerely,[redacted]Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
May 12,2015Revdex.com, Inc.C/O [redacted], Complaint Handler ext. [redacted]100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst, NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We...
trust the following information will address om member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, filed on behalf of his wife [redacted], he was dissatisfied with the Davis Vision laboratory in returning his wife's [redacted] brand sunglasses with only one lens, As a result [redacted] is requesting to have the glasses replaced or to be reimbursed $95.95 plus tax for the sunglasses. Our records indicate [redacted] used her vision coverage through Davis Vision on March 31. 2015 with her provider, Vision with Style. [redacted]'s provider placed an order for a pair of single vision lenses to be placed into the patient's own frame. Davis Vision received the frame, removed one of the lenses in an attempt to duplicate the current lens shape; however found that the curvature of the frame was too great and returned the frame to the provider without tile lens, as normal practice is to recycle removal lenses if there are no instructions to save them.We understand [redacted]'s concern in that now his wife has an unusable pair of sunglasses. Based on this information we have reached out to the member to request a copy of the receipt to reimburse the member fix the cost of the eyewear per his request.In summary, Davis Vision has placed a call out to the member on May 7,2015, requesting a copy of the receipt for review of reimbursement for the sunglasses. A copy of the member's receipt was received via fax on May 8, 2015 and a reimbursement check in the amount $101.71 the sales tax is being to [redacted], Please allow up to two weeks to receive this reimbursement check.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me at ###-###-#### or in writing at Davis Visions, Inc. Attn: Complaint and Appeals Department, PO Box 791, Latham, NY 12110.Sincerely, [redacted]Quality Assurance Compliance Reviewer
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Regards, [redacted]
I appreciate the response, she failed to mention that I had been in contact since ruth customer service through email and had provided all information requested and they said they would look into it. Next email I got was the same one requesting all my information again. I would also like to add that when I submitted my form I could not find the subscriber number so I included my social security number on the form since it states that it can sometimes be the social. I have since submitted another claim because it has been ninety days since I first mailed the first one. I guess I will see if they actually process both claims in a timely manner.
October 22, 2015Revdex.com, Inc.C/O [redacted], Complaint Handler ext. 283100 Bryant Woods SouthAmherst, NY 14228Member Name: [redacted]Case Number: [redacted]Davis Vision Ticket Number: [redacted]Dear [redacted]:We have received your recent inquiry regarding our member [redacted]. We...
trust the following information will address our member's recent inquiry.As we understand [redacted]'s complaint, she received a routine examination and a contact lens evaluation August 29, 2015 and was charged $55. She is requesting that Davis Vision reimburse her 15%discount off her contact lens evaluation as she was fit with non-plan contact lenses and the office did not apply the discount to the contact lens evaluation fee.Our investigation confirmed that the member was fit with a non-plan contact lens at [redacted], a participating provider with Davis Vision through the retail chain "For Eyes". Under the vision benefits, the member is allowed an examination and one pair of spectacle lenses or contact lenses every January 1SI anda frame every other January Is'. Theroutine benefitthrough Davis Visiondoes not offer separatecoveragefor a contact lensevaluation. The contact lens evaluation is covered in full when members receive an examination at a participating private office provider and then place an order for Davis Vision supplied contact lenses. If a member is fit with non-plan contact lenses then they would receive a 15% discount off of the cost of the contact lens evaluation. There is no discount for a contact lens evaluation received at a retail provider. Insummary, Davis Vision applied the benefit correctly; however, as this wasthe first time [redacted] used her vision benefit a one-time exception has been madeto reimburse 15% of the contact lens evaluation fee. [redacted] will receivea check in the amount of $8.25 within 10 to 15 business days. In the future, we recommend that [redacted] contact Davis Vision prior to receiving services in order to have a complete understanding of her vision benefits.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact me via telephone at ###-###-####, extension [redacted] or in writing at Davis Vision, Inc., Attn: Complaints & Appeals Department P.O.Box 791, Latham, NY. 12110.Sincerely,Janie C[redacted]Compliance Reviewer, Complaints & Appeals Department