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Data Axle

13155 Noel Rd STE 1750, Dallas, Texas, United States, 75240-5404

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Salesgenie, a part of InfoGroup, platform is unstable and all emails sent to prospects go to prospects junk mail, thereby rendering its service moot.
Salesgenie, a division of InfoGroup has materially breached their contract with us and we are seeking to have it immediately terminated. They are seeking to hold us to a 12 month commitment. Here are a few (non-all-inclusive) reasons: (1) the platform is unstable. I was not able to log into it for weeks at a time during the first two months of the contract. This is not a temporary disruption. (2) The platform itself send all emails to identified prospects right to its junk mail. This alone renders their entire service meaningless. This is proven as I never once received a reply nor even an out-of-office reply when using their platform. And yet, when I downloaded their leads and used Mail Merge, I received numerous replies, including out-of-office replies. (3) Violation of Good Faith. Their training team never trained us properly. They either failed to show up entirely to scheduled training's or showed up 20-45 minutes late. (4) Best Efforts. Despite their lack of good faith, I had to schedule numerous meetings with the sales person as well as one of her colleagues, all in an attempt to figure out why the system wasn't functioning properly. We, at every level, engaged in our best efforts to work with Salesgenie despite its many flaws.

Desired Outcome

While we believe we are entitled to a full refund, we wish to have an amicable resolution for both parties and are requesting a compromise that we simply part ways without further payment obligation. Additionally, the Terms & Conditions (T&C) do not spell out payment of contract term(s). Only the Order Confirmation page spells out payment terms. Further, the T&C specify that it supersedes all other written or oral communications. This technically means that the payment term on the Order Confirmation is voided. Without the T&C specifying payment/contract terms, we believe it is fully within our right to provide notice and terminate the contract. This is true even despite the previously spelled out violations of the existing Agreement. Hence, on two fronts, we believe we are fully within our rights to terminate the agreement on 1/31/2020, with no further obligations for payment as numerated on the Order Confirmation form. Salesgenie has indicated they would allow us to 'buyout' the payment terms by paying 1/2 of remaining payments, which at this stage, would equal 4. This buy-out provision does not exist in the T&C, and regardless, given the many violations of their claims and terms of service, seems wholly unjustified and without merit.

I am currently being bombarded with mail solicitations to my address for both myself and husband,***. They are from everything from all kinds of religious, environmental and everything in between charities as well as solicitations for things like summer camp and food delivery. I spend a considerable amount of time calling places to be deleted from these lists. In asking where they got my name many have provided this business as the source of my information. The phone number doesn't direct you to any person, nor is there any way to remove myself from all this unwanted mail via the website.

Desired Outcome

No further contact by the busi I would like the business to immediately cease and desist selling or providing our information or in any way causing us to continue receiving unwanted solicitations.

Data Axle Response • Dec 18, 2019

We are in receipt of your letter dated December 5, 2019 regarding *** Complaint and
thank you for contacting us. lnfogroup obtains information from many different public sources for
inclusion into our business and consumer databases used by marketers and privacy is of the utmost
importance to us.
lnfogroup's website, contains a "Contact" link where an individual may contact lnfogroup. The phone
number (XXX)XXX-XXXX directs an individual to our corporate communications office and an individual
may leave a voice mail message to have a person call them back. The website "Contact" link also
provides an individual with space to leave their information and lnfogroup will contact them. Further, the
website identifies our privacy policy and provides information on how lnfogroup data is compiled and
how a consumer can opt out. The link: *** We are very sorry
that *** was not able to view our privacy policy posted on our website, providing the
information about our privacy policy, how data is compiled and "Choices and Opt Out Rights".
We have suppressed all of the information provided in your letter relating to *** and Thomas
***, *** Avenue, *** New York XXXXX and phone number XXX-XXX-XXXX from our
databases. However, some customers may be using old data, so *** may still receive
some unwanted solicitations. Going forward though, she should notice a considerable decrease in the
number of unwanted solicitations.
*** should also be aware that advertisers and businesses unrelated to lnfogroup may
utilize cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies on their websites and may target or retarget ads
to *** using those cookies, device identifiers or similar technologies, when she browses
the Internet or uses her mobile device. We recommend visiting the opt-out pages offered by the
Network Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance ("DAA ''.) AboutAds program on those
websites. Opting out through these methods will cause more opt-out cookies to be set on her browser or
device to indicate that she has opted out.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

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Address: 13155 Noel Rd STE 1750, Dallas, Texas, United States, 75240-5404


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