D R HORTON INC Reviews (239)
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Review: Termites that came with untreated kitchen cabinets and counter tops when property was purchased from D. R. Horton. Developer/builder will not reimburse owner for tenting or damage. Several other neighbors have termites in their kitchen cabinets also. One neighbor spent $10,000. to replace infected cabinets and make repairs.Desired Settlement: Reimbursement for cost of tenting, repair of wall or removal of cabinets with replacement with not infested cabinets. Cabinet makers here in Hawaii use treated wood and also for uncounter tops
Re: Response to Complaint ID [redacted]
Dear Ms[redacted]
Please accept this correspondence as D R Horton, Inc.’s (“Horton”) reply to the Revdex.com (Revdex.com) with regard to the above reference complaint.
Ms. [redacted] complaint was received by the Hawaii Division of Horton. The Vice President of Warranty Service have denied the claim based on the following facts:
1- There is no dry wood termite warranty for any components of the house under the D R Horton Warranty.
2- It is the norm that the wood used for cabinets and or countertop sub-tops is not termite treated as a standard throughout the building industry.
3- Ms. Person has been the home for 5 years; the claim that termites were possibly in the cabinet or sub-top at the time of installation is highly unlikely.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted] complaint, as DR Horton’s goal is to always respond to customer concerns in a timely manner.
Thank you,
D.R. Horton, Inc.
America's Builder
Corporate Customer Service Coordinator
Review: We purchased a house from DR Horton at address [redacted] The builder (DR HORTON) have 1 year warranty for the house.
At the end of the one year, we submitted a warranty request for a tilted counter top. Representative from DR Horton Samuel R Novak scheduled two different companies (tile company and cabinet company) to inspect the tilted countertop. While all three parties (DR Horton, tile company, and cabinet company) have agreed that the countertop have tilted, DR Horton refuse to fix the countertop and claim it is "cosmetic issues".
This tilted countertop is a severe safety threat to my family including my 6 month old daughter, as objects may fall off the tilted countertop.Desired Settlement: DR Horton to fix the tilted countertop.
This correspondence is in response to the above noted complaint. D.R. Horton takes pride in our homes andin honoring our warranties with respect to the building standards, specifications, and guidelines.D.R. Horton agrees that the countertop claim is a warrantable issue, and was misdiagnosed by the vendorssent out to inspect the issue. As such, D.R. Horton agrees to make repairs to ensure that the kitchen countertop is level, per our one year limited warranty. It is my understanding that Mr. [redacted] has agreed to the termsof our offer (attached) and we are currently in process of scheduling a mutually convenient time for thework to commence.If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: DR Horton refuses to fix a standing water problem in my yard. My situation meets all warranty guidelines and still they will not honor their warranty
As DR Horton warranty policy states, home owner must file warranty claim within the first year of purchasing new home. Policy also states that any standing water within a swales that is within 10 feet of a foundation in which the water stands for more than 48 hours is an issue that they will correct. I purchase my home on 4/26/13. I filed my original warranty request on 4/12/14 which was within the time frame of my one year warranty. The swale in my yard is within 10 feet of the foundation. Rain water always stands for more than 48 hours. Also I had 4 consecutive months of standing water during the summer due to multiple neighbors water their grass. I can not recall a time period of longer than 2 weeks of not having standing water. The problem with the swale/drainage ditch is the grade. The swale has a downhill grade until it gets to my lot and then the grade goes uphill slightly before proceeded back downhill. Therefore, any water has to pool up in my yard before it rises high enough to continue flowing in the swale. At the same time, once water pools up in my yard, it has no where to drain to. It can only evaporate. My contact at DR Horton has been Jerry Bassett, after stringing me along for 9 months he finally said that DR Horton refuses to fix the problem last week.Desired Settlement: All that I am seeking is for DR Horton to honor their warranty. I would like them to fix the problem. All they have to do is change the grade of the drainage ditch. If that is done, then water would flow and not get back up in my yard. Also if water could flow downhill, then whatever water is leftover after a rain would be minimal. A minimal amount of water most likely would evaporate in a timely fashion. Also, if they do fix the drainage issue, then the heavy machinery used to fix it will
Our Construction Manager for Birmingham met with Mr. [redacted] on Monday 02/09/15. They discussed what the corrective actions would be and the homeowner was satisfied. Per homeowner agreement, we will have a landscaping crew at Mr. [redacted]’s home on Friday 02/13/15 to address the drainage issues as discussed in Monday’s meeting. Thank You, [redacted]
Review: In November of 2012, I purchased a "new" home from DR Horton of Fort Worth. However, prior to moving into the home, I noticed that the porch and the driveway had cracks in them and asked the seller to have the problems fixed. The sales rep stated that all problems with the porch / cement would be repaired, but this didn't happen. Since moving into the house, I have filed several complaints with the DR Horton office via email to have the problems repaired. I even had the home re-inspected prior to the warranty expiration date of November 16, 2013, noting the problems with the home. Also, after I had initially moved into the home, I noticed that several of the tiles in the kitchen floor had cracked that were not cracked before. I know this because I made several trips to the home prior to moving in. [Due to building the home, driveway, and porch with cheap cement, and failure to properly water the property, all of the aforementioned problems are now manifesting.] Upon further inspection, I went outside and discovered that the same crack that was visible inside the house (kitchen floor), could also be seen below the kitchen window on the outside of the house. I then sent DR Horton's office another email about this problem too. The tile was replace, but I'm still concerned that the problem with the house is only going to be magnified in the year's to come, leaving me, the owner with the bill. Other problems with the house include a cracking patio, cracking curbs, and a cracking driveway that continues to split each time there's rain in the area; and mortar continues to fall from the house. I believe DR Horton knowingly and intentionally sold me a "lemon" defected house that was constructed with cheap cement. I would like to have all problems with the porch, gutters, driveway, and vents on top (that I reported and spoke with [redacted] about 2 weeks ago) fixed. Prior to moving into the home I was told that the porch and driveway would be repaired because I was told they would be repaired.Desired Settlement: I would like to have all the problems repaired. It's against the law to sell a customer a lemon product, be it a house, car, etc. DR Horton knew about the problems before I moved in; the seller certainly did. Just like they expect to be paid, I expect quality work, not excuses.
Respond to Complaint [redacted]
Good morning,
Please accept this correspondence as D R Horton, Inc.’s (“Horton”) reply to the Revdex.com (Revdex.com) with regard to the above reference complaint.
Ms. [redacted]’s complaint was forwarded to the DFW-West Division’s warranty manager. The manager meat with Ms. [redacted] and reviewed her concerns. After review it was determined that the issues will be resolved. Ms. [redacted] was very happy with the outcome.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint.
D.R. Horton, Inc.
America's Builder
Corporate Customer Service Coordinator
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: In August, 2014, I purchased a brand new DR Horton home in the [redacted] area of [redacted]. There were several issues initially that were never fixed and have yet to be fixed. These issues have been emailed several times to the builder, the two individuals who have been working in the model home for the community. The largest problem I am facing, is that shortly after I moved in in August I noticed that during a rain, the land (DR Horton Land) behind my house has been sliding into my backyard. Initially it was a very minor thing that I brought up to the builder in August. I readdressed the issue in September. In late September (27th) I filed a warranty complaint with several issues including the erosion/land slide from the back property into my yard.
As the months have past I have continuously returned to the builder and the front office to let them know the problem is getting worse. 2 weeks ago I came home to find that what was originally something minor and only affecting my property, has turned into a large disaster that has caused an eroded crater that has pushed mud down throughout my back yard, into my neighbors yard, and has knocked the front fence partially down. I have expressed my concern on this several times and have got no resolution.Desired Settlement: When speaking with the builder after he saw the new damage he stated that I could expect to have the entire back yard and affected area of the front yard re-leveled, the sod removed, replaced, the retaining wall built completely across the back fence. The land behind my house, according to the builder, is supposed to be slopped and graded to prevent this happening again. Ideally this would be taken care of immediately. I would also like to see my other fixes in the house completed as well. I have pictures that the warranty page does not allow me to attach.
Response: Complaint ID [redacted] The Land Development Department has and or is addressing the yard issues. Thanks, [redacted] D.R. Horton, Inc. America's Builder Corporate Customer Service Coordinator [redacted]
Review: I purchased my home on August of 2006. When hone was purchased the contractor asked us to do a walkthrough on the house and identify any issues. It was brought up to his attention about a water drop that sounded like it was coming from the Master shower tub. Master shower is right above the kitcken area and when the master shower was used you can hear the water drops (minimal but still a water drops). It was told to us that the drop was coming from within the drain pipe and not outside, since we could not see the it we had to trust the contractor. After several years of being at the house we severe water damage on a bottom cabinet that is right below the shower area and reason why damage had not been before its becuase its a cabinet used for storage of unused appliances that had not been moved for several years till about three wks ago. Walls of cabinet are swollen and stained with wather damage, bottom wood of cabinet is already folding down and my worst fear is that after the amount of years of water drops I am going to see mold build up. Because I am not familiar with mold I am not sure that is what I have but after seeing images on the web it seems its beginning to build up.
I started by sending a warranty claim to Dr. Horton in which I left my email address, my physical address and my cell phone number and after over a wk of waiting I did not get any responce from them. I send a second claim over their website to let them know that I had not heard from them and again after over a week of wait I did not get a responce again. So yesterday I called their corporate number and left a voice message to one of their agents I finally got a call back today 07/10/14 from [redacted] (Dr. Horton warranty employee) and when I explain my issue he immediately told to me hire a plumer since warranty was just one yr. I told him that I made them aware immediately when water drop was heard and they told me it was an issue within the pipe and ignored it and since I am not an expert and I did not see the any damage since it is happening behind walls I did not insist. After explaining again what had happened he ignored what I had just explain and said that it was not their problem, to hire a plumer.Desired Settlement: I would like for them to repair the water drop issue and now the long water damage that I have behind walls and on my cabinet. Fix what that continuous water drop damage has caused, along with the mold that I see and what I dont see caused by same water drop.
As of today, we have met with Mr. [redacted] in his home to review his complaint & inspect his concerns. WhileMr. [redacted] was having a moisture problem under his cabinet, the determination was made that it is not anyresult of faulty construction, defect or builder eJTor. Instead, and this was explained & demonstrated to Mr.[redacted], it was a result of poor homeowner maintenance allowing the grout & silicone seal where Mr.[redacted]'s countertops meet the backsplash. It is a standard practice & requirement for this area to be resealedduring regular annual homeowner maintenance. Failure to do so allows a separation to develop betweencountettop & the backsplash. Due to the location of this separation the water easily will pool or backsplashonto countertops & drain through to wall & cabinets below. Mr. [redacted] admitted to never having clone anymaintenance (his home closed in 812006). Our Field Supervisor, Mr. [redacted], purchased a tube of caulkand demonstrated for Mr. [redacted] how to seal the countertops to the backsplash with a silicone bead.Additionally, Mr. [redacted] removed a small section of the back of the cabinet skin to affirm there is not anyleakage or water behind the cabinets & in the walls. Further a water test from the upstairs bathroom in shower,tub & sinks was performed to confirm again, there is not water leaking inside his walls.Mr. [redacted] was apologetic & satisfied with this explanation. He has agreed there was not a builder issue withhis home.Please feel welcomed to contact me if there are fmther questions regarding this complaint.Division President I DRH- RGV[redacted]
Review: I purchased a home from them located at [redacted] in November of last year[redacted], presented himself as the builder and was very unprofessional in a sexual manner from the beginning. Because they had not completed everything in my home,he sent me a text message stating that I needed to complete the survey and he would be over to fix the list of items. I completed the survey but did not here back from him because I would not sleep with him. I sent him messages, emailed him and even contacted the [redacted], the young lady who showed me the house, to ask if he still worked for the company. I did not hear until about two weeks later when he came to fix the cracked walls int he bathroom. In the mist of that [redacted] gave me his bosses number to try to help get the work completed. After several weeks, I left a message that I was going to contact the Revdex.com if I did not hear from his boss and I heard from him that day. Because I stated to someone previously about [redacted] inappropriate behavior, his boss tells me that [redacted] is in the room while he had me on speaker. I responded by telling him that I don't care that [redacted] is in the room and I really just want my house repaired as it should have been prior to me moving in. I told him that I had sent messages and emailed [redacted] because he told me that he would be out to make the repairs and that I needed to complete the survey prior so they would all keep their jobs. He tried telling me that [redacted] and I had miscommunication but I told him we did not and that I was doing what I was told to do by [redacted] because this was my first newly built home purchase. He told me to file a warranty complaint and so I did. I received an email from that department over a month ago stating the door was ordered and would be installed. Over a month goes by and I contact them again to be told it would be completed within the next week. I then received an email stating the door is here and what time so I told them 5/28 at 10. Today I am entering this complaint. I have asked them to complete this work for over 6 months now and need more work done due to the nails sticking out in the home as it is newly constructed. If this is taking so long to get a door I think it would be impossible to get the nails repaired when October arrives. From sexual harassment to unprofessionaDesired Settlement: To finish the job with professionalism along with any other work to be completed by October.
Ms. [redacted] here are the actions the Birmingham Division of D.R. Horton has taken in response to Ms. [redacted]’s Revdex.com complaint.
Ms. [redacted] was contacted today 05/30/14 regarding her outstanding warranty request to install the new exterior back door. The door has been delivered to our model home at Chapel Hills in preparation for installation and painting scheduled for June 3, 2014. I apologized to Ms. [redacted] for the delays in getting the door repaired and will monitor this appointment to ensure it is completed to her satisfaction. Ms. [redacted] seemed to be satisfied with our actions and timeframe for installation.
In regards to the unprofessionalism of the DR Horton employee, page 54 of the Employee Personnel Policy Guidelines dated May 30, 2014 specifically addresses this issue. It states that “The Company is committed to providing a professional business environment and workplace that is free from all forms of unlawful discrimination including unlawful conduct that can be considered harassing, intimidating, coercive, or disruptive. The Company will not tolerate any type of harassment based upon protected characteristics under applicable federal, state or local law.” The matter has been addressed internally and the employee involved in this complaint is no longer with the Company.
Best regards,
Customer Service Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I did allow them to come complete the job by removing the old door to add another. However, the workers never came back to paint the door for me to ask them about the attached fillers (not sure what to call them) that have to placed in the door frame because the frame obviously is not correct. This was the same issue with the first two doors along with them ripping the frame with redoing the door prior to me moving in. I assume they do not want to accept the fact that the frame is off by some inches. If they leave these fillers, I can only assume they will shrink leaving the door frame open for air and bugs to enter my home.
Review: My wife and I purchased a new home in the Cumberland Crossing community. The sales representative from DR Horton and the builder of the home told us and the rest of the community that the Grand Parkway will be built somewhere in the area. The Grand Parkway was going to be built behind the three towers which are aprroximatley half of a mile away and a sound barrier wall was going to be built between the trees and Parkway. Our community was told that the trees behind us are community property and WILL NOT be touched. These trees were a major selling factor for DR Horton. This was one of the main reasons why we purchased this home. Last month, all of the trees were cut down and removed. After some research, we all found out that the Grand Parkway is being built right behind our homes and the sound barrier wall is not being built. At closing, it was not disclosed to us or anybody where the Parkway was being built. The sales rep and builder of DR Horton lied to us and all of our neighbors about the community property and the tree line. I contacted DR Horton sales rep and she stated that she told us about it. She and the builder lied about the location, not just to me, but all of my neighbors. I tried to contact DR Horton directly to come up with a resolution of this issue, but was ignored. We purchased this home in Cumberland Crossing because it was away from major highways, and now the Grand Parkway is in my back yard. If this information was disclosed to us, we would not have purchased this home. We looked at three other communities, but we chose this one because of the location, away from major highways. We feel that we were lied to because DR Horton wanted to make a sale. DR Horton is very dishonest and will lie just to make a sale. I will NEVER purchase another DR Horton home.Desired Settlement: We would like to be relocated to another community with a similar home at no cost to us.
Per discussion with Mr. [redacted] yesterday, September 10th.
We discussed that the trees removed from behind his home was not part of the property that DR Horton contracted with him.
I asked him if he had contacted the Cumberland Crossing HOA and/or Developer since this is part of their property to get clarification. He stated no he had not.
At the time of contract, back in April, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] signed a “Grand Parkway Disclosure” (please see attached) stating that Grand Parkway would be built behind their home and D.R. Horton was not responsible for anything concerning Grand Parkway. The disclosure also gives specific contact information for the Grand Parkway in order to contact them for more specific information concerning the Grand Parkway. Mr. [redacted] also informed me yesterday they did not contact them before closing because didn’t feel like they needed to.
Mr. [redacted] is stating that verbal confirmation from our representative was given to him about the trees. Mr. [redacted] has nothing in writing concerning that the trees would stay intact.
I am so sorry that Mr. [redacted] feels DR Horton is responsible for the removal of these trees. But since it is not our property and we don’t have control over txdot, there is nothing we can do about the tree removal behind his home.
Mr. [redacted] stated he is VERY happy with his DR Horton home, it is actually his 2nd DR Horton home. We have honored and delivered everything that Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] entered in with us contractually.
Please let me know if you need any further information from me.
Director of Sales
D.R. Horton
America’s Builder
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
The disclosure that was presented to us stated the Grand Parkway was being built somewhere in the area. We asked where it was going to be and we were told that it was going behind the three radio towers. The three radio towers are approximatly one mile north of the community and the Grand Parkway will be north of there. We did not research it because that location is far enough from our homes to where it doesn't affect us. All of my neighbors were told the same. All of us were told that the trees are a part of the community and will not be removed because the Grand Parkway will be further away from our homes. Everybody on my street was told the exact same story. I spoke with a representative from DR Horton, and he was suprised that they removed the trees directly behind my fence because his exact words were that 20 feet behind my fence belongs to Cumberland Crossing. The reason why all my neighbors and I are upset is that DR Horton told everybody an inaccuarte location of the Grand Parkway. If you have any doubts about this, please let me know and I will provide you a list of my neighbors and contact information so they can tell you what they were told. Once again, nobody researched it because the location disclosed to all of us was far away to where it did not affect us in any way. My neighbors will also tell you that the trees were a large selling factor with DR Horton. If DR Horton knew that the Grand Parkway was going behind our homes, why did they focus so much on the trees to home buyers? DR Horton now states that the Grand Parkway is going behind our homes, why did they tell us otherwise when we asked before signing a contract. We all trusted DR Horton. We feel that we were lied to, just because DR Horton wanted to make a sale.
Review: I am buying a property in the Pines II, in Tucson AZ 85743
The property has an HOA with an extensive rules list. In general I like the conditions regarding the front yard and home exterior. However I expect what I do with my back yard to be up to me.
The sales team is telling customers that they can do what they want with the back yard, as long as it does not extend over the provided wall. However, when I went to contract for an artificial turf installation, I was sent documents that reveal that you have to have five feet of rock adjacent to all exterior walls.
The primary purpose of my home is to provide a safe play space for my two boys. The part of the yard that I am allowed to touch is VERY limited. I would say it is good for little more than sitting on the provided concrete slab, and staring at the wall.
Furthermore, the rock is a hazard for my boys, and it doesn't make sense. The stated purpose of the rock is for wall drainage, but the HOA allows pools (concrete tubs provide NO drainage). Furthermore, and educated standard would involve a drainage rate, not just a rule. The product I selected is a high drainage product.Desired Settlement: Horton, should provide me with the promised useable yard area. That means that they should get the HOA to allow me a complete artificial turf install (as they indicated).
Furthermore they should provide honest sales information. That means they should provide customers with diagrams of acceptable back yard configurations, so the customer knows the truth about just how limited those options are.
If the rules can't be changed, I should be provided compensation for the unusable (rock) portion of the back yard.
I am responding to a consumer feedback issue that your office has brought to our attention. On 2/9/2014 youinformed DR Horton that a Mr. [redacted] had contacted your office regarding a new home he had purchased inTucson. Arizona. The ID number attached to the complaint is 9920217.Mr. [redacted] purchased a home in our Pines subdivision and had an issue with the Homeowners Associationregarding the type of material he could install in his backyard. He would like to install artificial turf in his backyardand was initially told by the HOA that he could not install as he was hoping. At this time, according to Mr.[redacted], the HOA has given him the verbal approval to complete his landscaping as he had hoped, and a formalapproval is forthcoming. Evidently our sales associate had given him some inaccurate information and that is thereason he was unhappy with DR Horton.The Homeowners Association for The Pines subdivision is not controlled by DR Horton and we are very happy thatthis issue was settled favorably for Mr. [redacted]. It is our belief that this issue has been resolved and no furtheraction is necessary at this time. If I can provide any additional information for you, please feel free to contact me.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Regards, [redacted]
Review: Since the day we moved in (Feb,2011) We have noted and documented with the builder an issue with subflooring and title done in our kitchen. This has been repeated for over the course of three years. Our tiles would crack and the grout would unsettle and cause problems, also a large hump in the middle of our kitchen as well. Each time they had a person come out they did a really bad job and things just got worse. We were finally told we have to just deal with the problem and now that the dye lot isn't compatable we have to deal with different color tile placed in with our original tile. We went from 3 tiles being a problem to 30 tiles. We had enough left over to replaced most of this if the job was done correctly. Unfortunetly we have had people sent out to us that were not good at their job at all, making the tile problem much worse and so uneven you can stub your toes on corners and feel like your on different levels with each foot. Again they told us we have to deal with what they have which is different tile and have what would look like a tetris puzzle of color in our floor. We have had multiple private contractors to come out on our behalf and found so many more problems with the installation that its not up to code/spec and should be fixed immediatly ( 3 highly recommended companies one being a construction). Found missing backer board in multiple areas and roofing nails that are more then 9-10 inches apart on what backer board is down when there should be backerboard everywhere under the tile and screwed in every 4 inches. They also found an engineered beam inbetween the 24 inch center beams that is cause the floor to have a major hump and that it need to be fixed before the tile can be redone (unanimously with all three companies). Again D R Horton reps tell us we can't have anything done but what was explained because we are out of warranty, which in face it wasn't up to spec/code in the first place and has been a documented complaint with us since the walk through. We purchased this home for a lot of money and we would home that we would be delt with and helped in a better manor as promised in the beginning.Desired Settlement: We would like to be compinsated for the work that needs to be done so we can hire someone that will do the job correct ( Fix the beam, subfloor, tiles and installation materials).
Community. [redacted]
Respond to Complaint
Please accept this correspondence as D r Horton, Inc.’s (“Horton”) reply to the Revdex.com (Revdex.com) with regard to the above reference complaint.
After receiving Mr. [redacted]’s complaint at the Capital Division, the warranty and project manager gathered the facts. Mr. [redacted] was contacted on July 2, 2014 and numerous emails were exchanged (July 2, 9, 10, 11th and 14th to determine how to best address his claim. During the initial call to Mr. [redacted], he explained his concerns as stated in his complaint. The warranty department and our contractor are in the process of determining whether the best option is to repair or pay Mr. [redacted] for his floor.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint.
D.R. Horton, Inc.
America's Builder
Corporate Customer Service Coordinator
Review: I purchased a house from Dr. Horton company in the middle of May. 2013 A week after I moved into the house, I started noticing bubbles on the ceiling and dents in the walls. Also the kitchen countertop has a lot of cracks. Paint job was horrible. They tried to fix the Sheetrock and it got worse. I asked them to fix it the right way, and they didn't want to do it. Also, I have doors not closing. While they are trying to fix the Sheetrock, they oversprayed the carpet. I asked them to replace the carpet, an they told me no. Basically they told me, that I'm stuck with bad Sheetrock, and carpet dusty, hard and oversprayed. If you need to contact them, you can contact [redacted] at [redacted]. Also, you can contact [redacted], at ([redacted]. Or you can use the general information. I appreciate your cooperation.
Product_Or_Service: HouseDesired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Replacement
Or if settlement , they have to give me $50,000, in order for me to fix all the issues I'm having in the house. Because there's a lot of issues in the house that need to be fixed. Thank you
Response to Complaint ID [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]
Please accept this correspondence as D R Horton, Inc.’s
(“Horton”) reply to the Revdex.com (Revdex.com) with regard to the above
reference complaint.
Mr. [redacted] complaint was received by the City Manager of the Baton Rouge Division
of Horton. We met with Mr. [redacted] and inspected his items of
concern. He was worried that the sheetrock was defective. We agreed
to let Mr. [redacted] select an independent home inspector to inspect the entire
home and report on his findings. We also agreed to pay for the inspection
report (cost $295.00) We received a copy of the inspection report and
have addressed all items in the report, including the sheetrock defects which
were determined by his inspector to be “cosmetic”. We made a good faith
effort to repair the cosmetic defects by hiring a qualified drywall contractor
as recommended by Mr. [redacted] inspector. We paid for Mr. [redacted] and
his family to move out of the home and into a hotel for 10 days while we
completed the repairs. We also paid for all meals and expenses while the
repairs were being made. We paid him a total of $4,700.00 or $361.53 per
day for the 13 days they were out of the home. We paid a contractor
$10,000 to move all of his furniture into a POD storage unit, re-float and
texture all affected areas and re-painted the entire home with eggshell paint
(which is an upgrade) on the walls and flat paint on the ceiling as per
Mr. [redacted] request. We then cleaned the entire home and prepared for
the final inspection by Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] met with the
Louisiana Division Warranty Manager at the home to inspect the work and
approve it before the furniture was moved back in and upon his approval he and
his family moved back in. Since that time he has continued to be
dissatisfied with the sheetrock work.
We believe that we have delivered a good quality home to Mr. [redacted] and his
family and have gone far beyond what would normally be acceptable customer
service practices. We will continue to treat Mr. [redacted] with respect and
care and address any and all concerns that he may have or that may come up
during the warranty period. We will not address the cosmetic sheetrock
items any further as we believe they meet standards of care for that type of
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]
complaint, as DR Horton’s goal is to always respond to customer concerns in a
timely manner.
D.R. Horton, Inc.
America's Builder
Corporate Customer Service Coordinator
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Complaint ID #: [redacted]
When we met to look at the issues in the house,lot 54, first it was [redacted]
Landry, who is the city manager and [redacted] the builder. They were
completely aware about the issues in the Sheetrock, which are many bubbles
throughout the house, and dents on the walls also. They knew it was an issue
and something they needed to take care of. I also showed them with a level. The
Sheetrock was sagging three to four inches. They didn't do anything until Mr.
[redacted] came to check the house. He agreed with the issues, and said
that it was something that needed to be addressed, which they did. Before that,
I told them that if the Sheetrock doesn't get fixed the way it has to be, Mr.
[redacted] says that we will go to plan B. At this point, the Sheetrock
is still the same. Some part are worse than what it was. I need them to go to
plan B, because I didn't purchase the house, full of patches. [redacted] Landry said
that the Sheetrock meets the standards. I do not understand why he's saying
that. He told me clearly, when he first came to the house, he didn't know the
standards for the Sheetrock. [redacted] said that he didn't know also. Basically, he
can't tell me what the standards for the Sheetrock are, because I have the
conversation recorded, where he tells me that he doesn't know. He also said
that the inspector didn't see anything wrong with the Sheetrock. The
inspector didn't check the Sheetrock. He told me he inspected everything, but
the Sheetrock. Also, [redacted] says that he delivered a good quality home. If he
would have delivered a good quality home, we would have never had these issues,
including doors not closing properly, paint job was
terrible, kitchen granite top and bricks were cracked, cracks in
master shower tub, unfinished closets, door hinges are painted, air
conditioners not installed correctly, water heater not installed properly,
concrete in the front porch is very uneven, growing mold in the base board,
water coming into the house, wood floors very uneven, back door outside was
never painted, and shower door not closing properly. This was before they
intended to fix the Sheetrock. After that, they over sprayed the carpet with
texture. I purchased new blinds and they are all dusty. When they tried to
repair the Sheetrock, they used blue tape. They left the tape on the wall for
13 days. When they pulled the tape off, they pulled the paint off too. Tape can
only be on the wall for 24hrs. Yes I am dissatisfied with the Sheetrock work,
because now it looks worse than before. Now I'd like someone to explain to me,
what typed of quality [redacted] is talking about. All the issues mentioned above, I
call laziness. If they would have done the job correctly at the beginning, I
wouldn't have to deal with these issues. Now he mentioned that he paid me so
much money for a hotel and meals. Also, he mentioned that he paid an amount of
money for the contractor. It was his problem, not mine. Wether he's paying
$10,000, $20,000 or $100,000 it also is his problem, and not mine. Also, he
said that I approved for me to come back to the house and then put the
furniture back into the house. It wasn't me. It was [redacted] rushing me to
get back into the house. [redacted] told me that he was expecting some issues
after I moved back into the house. He said that he was going to take care of
those issues. Now I need them to take care of them. I also need them to provide
me a paper, signed by me, saying that I agree with the work they did. If they
can show me that paper, I wont bother them at all about the
Sheetrock. I also never recommended a contractor for them to fix the
Sheetrock. I'm fact they still owe me two days that I paid out of pocket for
the hotel. Bottom of the line, they need to replace the Sheetrock, and take
care of the other issues. The Carpet needs to be replaced. I need them to fix
the house the way it has to be, and give me the quality house, that [redacted] is
talking about, because I don't see a quality house. It is far from
that. Thank you victor. Lot 54
Ps: every time they send somebody to fix something, nobody follows up. And
nobody checks their job behind them. Therefore they do what ever they want,
Review: I brought a new home from regent homes in oakbrooke neighborhood charlotte NC I've had lots of unresolved issues, no return phone calls warranty contact numbers changed my yard floods after rain, and stays that way for days. chalking has all come a loose, nails coming through smudges left on walls, plumbing problems sewer gas smells.The carpet has underlayment humps shotty sheetrock work. there is no cooperation from regent.Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund
would like a full refund for the house.
Please accept this correspondence as D.R. Horton, Inc.’s (“Horton”) reply to the Revdex.com (Revdex.com) with regard to the above-referenced complaint. [redacted] closed on the home March 10, 2014. Only one warranty request was submitted and it was received Monday, April 21, 2014. The request was then forwarded to the construction superintendent whom visited the homeowner on May 12, 2014. The superintendent went over each item that was listed on the warranty request and explained what was warrantable and what fell under “homeowner maintenance”. The homeowner was informed that items relating to landscaping and grading are non-warrantable. A plumber was sent out to investigate the homeowners concerns regarding the sewer gas smell, however, the plumber found nothing wrong. Nowhere on the original warranty request was there any mention of issues with the carpet or sheetrock and a second warranty request was not received by our warranty department. As a resolution, Regent/Charlotte will be contacted within the next three business days to setup a one year walk through and schedule the necessary repairs found to be warrantable. Regards, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute.
Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.
To whom this concern; I beg to differ with you. I have made many attempts to resolve these issues with regent home representative [redacted] to no avail.. I have also contacted the vendors that had a good phone number , by the way the outside light on the second level never worked. I called the vendor they wanted to charge me to come check it out. It is very frustrating to have so many things wrong in a new house. I haven't been able to enjoy my yard due to flooding and standing water issues.
I personally visited this home this morning after a good rain fall yesterday evening. There is no standing water today and nothing found to fall under our warranty for drainage.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute.
Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.
I dispute your findings for I have videos to support me claim , why don't you do what is right why does these businesses lack integrity these days. please do what is right..
Hi [redacted] On April 8, 2015, the construction manager personally went to examine the yard after a substantial rainstorm the night before. During his visit, he found no standing water or anything else that would fall within the guidelines of warranty for drainage. The warranty department was unable to locate a second warranty request submitted by the homeowner. However, in response to the non-working flood light, Regent Homes will be more than happy to schedule a time convenient for the homeowner to have it repaired. Thanks, [redacted] A DR Horton Company
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute.
Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.
Review: We are having a house built by DR Horton in Shepard's Grove Cantonment, Florida 32533 for $281K. We are supposed to be closing in 2 weeks. I am a Commander in the U.S. Navy and have never experienced such poor quality of customer service and unprofessional behavior as my wife and I have experienced in the process of having this house built with DR Horton. I will list our complaints:
1. [redacted] was rude to us on numerous occasions during the process of negotiating the contract: She did not answer our questions, did not return our phone calls, was downright rude to us, and we were inadvertently (accidentally) sent e-mails to us where she CRITICIZED us as buyers to her supervisor because we wanted to add on upgrades to our contract. (Adding upgrades to the contract should be kindly accepted and greeted with smiles and kindness...not ridiculed!)
2. [redacted] accidentally sent us text messages intended for his boss [redacted]-- bashing us as buyers because we asked for a sunken /damaged area of the roof to be fixed before closing (BTW, our bank's appraiser does not want to approve the loan until the roof has been repaired but [redacted] is giving us attitude about fixing the roof problem): In one of the texts [redacted] accidentally wrote was: "Do you think I can kill the ___________Family and get away with it?" (A prestigious company such as DR Horton should not have representatives making idle death threats to their buyers and then accidentally texting them with the threats???)
3. [redacted] obviously participates in the buyer bashing as [redacted] felt comfortable texting her this kind of buyer bashing messages. (She is responsible and has culpability)
4. When we asked if [redacted] could do the walk through with us because we are uncomfortable with [redacted] doing the walk through with us he said, "I don't know if I'll be available or have the time."
All we have experienced from DR Horton NW Florida Pensacola's [redacted] and [redacted] is arrogance, contempt, rudeness, irritation, and unprofessional behavior. The worst customer service we have experienced in our lives purchasing any home (and we have purchased 10) and worst customer service we have received purchasing something... no matter how large or small.Desired Settlement: We would like someone from DR Horton (someone in charge of the NW Florida area) to contact us so we can talk about what we have experienced in regard to unprofessional behavior by DR Horton representatives: [redacted], and [redacted] Thank you!!
Review: When grading a lot next door, a contractor for Horton removed our established sod, at times within a foot of our home on the east side. When they replaced the sod th sod was not laid properly or with care, creating holes and potential hazards. Along with this and even more important, there is very poor drainage due to the elevation of our home compared to their new elevation requirements. When attempting to resolve this issue D.r R Horton has determined I have no reason to complain and have not resolved either issue. 1. Correcting the poor landscaping of which they had no permission to change and 2. To create better drainage.Desired Settlement: We would like to have a quality top soil or peat moss laid over the poor sodding job to help the lawn even itself out. We would like a drainage solution due to be lower than the house next door we have a soggy yard along the east side.
Good afternoon. We have received the attached complaint from the [redacted] household. Our response to the matter is summarized below: On or about May 30, 2015, our contractor graded the homesite beside the [redacted] home. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. [redacted] reached out to our office with a complaint about the water that was standing along the common property line. After explaining that the water was standing due to a recent heavy rainfall and the sod not being laid, our Construction Manager agreed to have the grader come out again and rework the common boundary line before installing the sod on the neighboring homesite. A few days later, the grader completed the work. While doing so, he cut back the existing sod to a point that extended roughly 2-3’ beyond the property line in order to provide the best flow to the swale area. Once the grade work was complete, sod was placed upon the recently graded areas. Once complete, our Construction Manager visited the site to inspect the work and found that it met or exceeded industry standards. As an effort to provide even better customer relations, we have agreed to rework the area again and will be doing so later this week. At that point, we will consider the matter closed. Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Review: After home was purchased, part of the back dirt retaining wall caved in after a heavy rain fall. The fix - Throw cement rocks over black plastic. While this did fix the problem, the plastic and the rocks are an eye sore and an embarrassment. We had no say so as to what material would be used to fix the problem. If the plastic and rocks had been there before we bought the house, we would not have made the purchase. We have contacted DR Horton for months now on numerous occasions, and they said they will not do anything about it so we have to live with it.Desired Settlement: There are other DR Horton homes in our area that had the same problem, and very attractive materials were used to prevent erosion. Use those same materials and replace the cement rocks and black plastic.
We installed rip rap to the lot to eliminate the drainage issue and it has corrected the issue. Down the street we installed river rock as part of an upgraded landscaping package. DR Horton has met its obligation.
Thank you,
Review: New build home purchase 4/2014. The 30 day after close warranty repairs have little to no work done. Multiple phone calls and e-mails without response. When we have made contact we get the same run around excuses. We have several repairs inside and landscape problems that either are in mid repair or no attempt to repair as of yet. This is mid September and 85% of the repairs needed have not been addressed. Many of the repairs needed seem to be due to building codes not adhered to. We do not have documentation for code inspections or at what stages of construction they were completed. The 30 day and 11th month repair warranties were established by DR Horton, not by the homeowners. Why can they not be met as stated?Desired Settlement: Contact from someone within the company who can keep their word and schedule all work promised months ago to be completed ASAP. That will mean repairs will have to be seen and agreed upon by homeowners and DR rep, itemized in writing, signed off by homeowner and then after repairs are made, homeowners and DR rep meet again for final inspection and acceptance by homeowners. Remember, we have an 11th month warranty walk in March for what you (DR Horton) call the "larger" repairs.
I met with Ms. [redacted] last Thursday afternoon. I reviewed their items with her and told her that we would have her items resolved within the next 2 weeks. Customer was in agreement.
Thank you,
Customer Service Manager- Carolinas Division
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Some efforts to resolve are being made. Several still outstanding.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Review: DR Horton Headquarters only has one employee who handles complaints for the entire company nationwide. Under the direction of their superior, per a receptionist, only the one employee can be contacted for complaints.
I have contacted said employee regarding a complaint on more than one occasion. Initial contact was around August 26, 2013. That complaint was regarding DR Horton failing to honor warranty requests and failing to follow-up on landscaping promises from a salesperson following my home purchase. Most recently, I called same said headquarter employee regarding someone stealing my personal property by one of their subcontractors when onsite. This headquarter contact was because my local DR Horton office wasn't too concerned on the larceny that occurred, nor concerned about the damaged hand towels from a subcontractor wiping vinyl glue on them, a broken ceiling fan globe by a subcontractor, a subcontractor eating candy without asking for it, a subcontractor played air hockey without asking and someone leaving trash outside and in neighbor's yard upon departure.
Headquarter contact was made via phone, also a voice message, but of course no returned phone calls from headquarters. This poor customer service concept extends from the Corporate Headquarters Office. My local DR Horton office lacks the same ability to follow-up on calls, emails, texts, etc. It's just poor customer service period!
There has been a customer service issue for about eight months now with my local DR Horton office. It took filing a Revdex.com Complaint on them to get a response. The Headquarter Office is not much better.
Prior to my home purchase, I couldn't get DR Horton representatives to stop calling me. Following the purchase, I am the one initiating all the calls except days weeks and months goes by before any response at all.
Unfortunately, this was my second DR Horton home purchase. It will definitely be my last.Desired Settlement: Address poor company-related practices, honor warranty requests timely; respond to calls, voice mails, texts, emails, etc.
Address larceny matter that occurred, poor subcontractors practices, damaged items, failed promised landscaping items following purchase, and a follow up call from Headquarters addressing each item referenced.
I have spoken to Mr. [redacted] and made him aware of our procedure when a homeowner makes contact with Corporate office. He has been communicated with by the local office in Charlotte, but he thought the communication would be from Corporate as well. I told him Corporate forwards the information to the local office and the communication comes only from us.
Thank you,
Customer Service Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
DR Horton Headquarters does a poor job handling customer complaints. This particular complaint with Revdex.com further proves their lack of customer concern. Headquarters forwarded this Revdex.com issue against them to my local DR Horton office. However, this is was with Headquarters but no one from Headquarters has contacted me whatsoever. Nor have they contacted me regarding their past failure to return my calls or voice messages. Customer service after-the-purchase is very poor. This extends from Headquarters to the local DR Horton office.
Review: I had Dr Horton build us a home and we closed in December of 2012. We have had a huge problem with having warranty issues being repaired in a proper and timely fashion. Granted a some of the issue was scheduling on our part but Dr. Horton has failed to show up to appts scheduled and also has not scheduled the proper people to complete repairs. One example is a dry wall repair that was started the process of getting fixed in january of 2013 and still did not get addressed until after october of that year. They had several attempts for fixing the vinyl in our kitchen, that finally got done 2-21-14 and we still have to wait for people to return to reinstall molding in the kitchen and in the bathroom. During this repair I also had to call and explain that my toilet had been removed and was sitting in my front yard, granted they did have some one come that afternoon and reintall the toilet. My earliest email that I can find is from January 2013 and we are now in Feb. of 2014 and we are still waiting to have some repairs finished. We built a new home and should not have these issues and they should be addressed in a more timely fashion so people can enjoy their new home. No one wants to look at wall patches for 3 months until painters can come out, no one wants to have people come two times to reinstall doors and then have them repainted, and the seals still are not 100% on the doors. Or it take over 3 months to get a floor fixed properly! I know we did not buy a million dollar mansion but we have a very nice home and Dr. Horton is supposed to be number 1 I'm not seeing it so far! I just dont feel like we are important anymore as a consumer with Dr. Horton the house is sold and now we are put on the back burner and its a bad feeling to me!
I would like to commend Adam on he efforts on Saturday 2-21 and trying to help us with the repairs with the kitchen. He did a great job.Desired Settlement: I would like Dr. Horton to have a 3rd party home inspector come out and inspect the home (foundation included) and fix any repairs they find. I have lost confidence in our homes integrity! Also I feel my wife and I should be compensated for the lost time of work and also the eye sore of the home not being 100% and not fixed in a timely manner..
Dear [redacted]
This message is in regard to your dispute submitted on 2/24/2014 10:54:00 AM against D R HORTON INC. Your complaint was assigned ID [redacted]
The business has sent the Revdex.com a response regarding this dispute, and we are sending it to you. The contents of this message are below or attached. You have 10 calendar days to submit your response back to the Revdex.com. If you submit your response after 10 calendar days, the link provided will not work and you will need to contact the Revdex.com Team member listed at the bottom of this letter.
The text of your dispute may be publicly posted on the Revdex.com website (Revdex.com reserves the right to not post in accordance with Revdex.com policy). Please do not include any personally identifiable information in describing the nature of your complaint. By submitting your complaint, you are representing that it is a truthful account of your experience with the business. Revdex.com may redact your complaint to protect privacy rights and to remove inappropriate language.
A meeting has been arranged with Mr. [redacted] for Monday evening at 6:00 pm. I will update you as to the outcome of the meeting in a response to his complaint.
Thanks for your patience.
D.R. Horton, Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and have determined that this does not resolve my dispute. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
We had a meeting two weeks ago, 4-15-14 got an email stating which days the vendors would be out to perform repairs. The repairs are not completed as of yet. Nor have I heard anything about the drainage issue, which has standing water and algae in it within 10ft of mine and my neighbors foundations. Or of any type of compensation for mine and my wife lost time due to incorrect repairs and missed appointments. We also did not discuss the matter of having a inspector come out and doing a home inspection on DR Hortons behalf and fixing anything they may find. So as of now we are still waiting on Dr Horton to fix the home!!!
Good afternoon [redacted]
Per the Atlanta Division
Vendors are scheduled for Mr. [redacted] home at his request for April 30th and May 16th after which the work will completed.
He would like some compensation for his troubles which will not be discussed until the work is completed.
Thank you,
D.R. Horton, Inc.
America's Builder
Corporate Customer Service Coordinator
Review: D.R. Horton is the builder in the Parkside West Community, a community which had an established Home Owner's Association with established homeowner run committees when D.R. Horton became the builder. The following egregious activities have occurred:
1) Horton used a bloc vote based on their number of owned lots to take control of the Board of Directors for the Homeowner's Association. Builder controls Board of Directors for HOA.
2) Horton disbanded the communities right to levy fines against homeowners and lot owners who broke community rules documented in the CCR's for Parkside West, including fines against the builder.
3) Horton refused to respond to the Due Process committee list of violations who had completed due process and needed further action.
4) Horton disbanded the Homeowner run Due Process Committee
5) Horton decided that it did not want to pay the ARC committee fee required by the CCRs for architectural proposals and announced the suspension of the requirement to pay the proposal fee.
6) When the committee rejected proposals, including a Horton proposal, that did not have the required fee, Horton had letters sent to each ARC committee member - all residents - that the committee was now disbanded.Desired Settlement: Horton change in company policy for how it treats Homeowners in established HOAs that they buy into as builder. Horton return control of the HOA at Parkside West to the residents of Parkside West. Exploration whether through media attention or legislative action this type of activity by an unscrupulous builder can be prevented from happening in other communities in the future.
Dear Thank you for your letter dated May 14, 2015 addressed to DR Horton, Inc. Below, you will find responses to theclaims presented in the letter.I. Horton used a bloc vote based on their number of owned lots to take control of the Board of Directors for theHomeowners Association. Builder controls Board of Directors for HOA.Response- The Annual meeting is held each year in accordance with the documents and Florida Statutes. The 2014-2015 7 person Parkside West Board of Directors was elected in accordance with the Parkside West CommunityAssociation documents and Florida Statutes. The results of the elections included 3 individual homeowners [redacted]and [redacted]. Recently, [redacted] resigned on 3/11/2015 due to selling his home and movingout of the community. [redacted] resigned on 2/24/2015. The Annual meeting is approaching and theremaining Board members agreed to leave the two vacated seats vacant and let the owners vote for all 7 seats atthe next annual meeting, which is being scheduled now by the Property Manager under the guidelines of theParkside West Community documents and Florida Statutes.2. Horton disbanded the community's rights to [redacted] fines against homeowners and Jot owners who brokecommunity rules documented in the CCR's for Parkside West, including fines for builder.Response- Per the Parkside West documents and Florida Statutes, it is a Board decision on whether they want tohave a fining committee and [redacted] fines in the community. The Parkside West Board of Directors has chosen not tofine in the community. Violations are being sent to homeowners monthly and owners have cured their violations asthey get the notices. Out of the 474 violations sent, there are 6 outstanding violations at this time in thecommunity.3. Horton refused to respond to due process committee Jist of violations who had completed the due process andneeded further action.Response- The protocol established by the Board, in accordance with the HOA documents, is that violations areprocessed by the Licensed Community Association Manager through the Community Association ManagementCompany, who sends notice to the parties in violation. The Parkside West Board of Directors has found that thisprocess is effective in resolving violations.4. Horton disbanded the homeowner run due process committeeResponse- The Parkside West Board of Directors has not disbanded the Due Process Committee. However, theyhave not approved fining by the Due Process Committee. Homeowners are taking care of their violations in a timelymanner. Only 6 violations are outstanding in the community.5. Horton decided that it did not want to pay the arc committee fee required by the CCR's for architectural proposalsand announced the suspension of the requirement to pay the proposed fee.Response- The Parkside West ARC committee, under Parkside West Board of Directors' direction, was not chargingthe $25 fee prior to Sept. 5, 2013.The Parkside West Board of Directors I Licensed Community Manager posted a notice for a Parkside West Board ofDirectors meeting. It was held on March 19, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. The Parkside West Board of Directors asked thehomeowners at the meeting if they wanted to waive the $25.00 Arc fee. The owners were in favor of waiving the$25.00 ARC fee. The Parkside West homeowners said they felt they should not be penalized for improving theexterior of their home. The Parkside West Board of Directors moved that the arc fee would be waived if theAssociation Attorney opinion granted them that right. All were in favor and the motion carried. The Parkside WestBoard of Directors then directed the Licensed Community Association Manager to reach out to the AssociationAttorney for a written Attorney Opinion. The Attorney said the $25.00 ARC fee could be waived by the ParksideWest Board of Directors in a board meeting, which took place on March 19, 2015. The Parkside West Board ofDirectors /Licensed Community Manager then reached out to the ARC committee and let them know theAssociation would no longer be charging the ARC fee. The ARC committee did not follow the Parkside West Boardof Directors decision and proceeded to deny ARC applications for not paying the ARC fee of $25.00.The Parkside West Board of Directors conducted a meeting on May 7, 2015 at 11:15 a.m. In the meeting, there wasa discussion with the owners at Parkside West about the $25.00 Arc fee. The Board found that there were someconflicting views on the ARC fee. The Board of Directors reversed the decision to waive the $25.00 ARC fee anddecided to table the discussion until the annual meeting in 2015 where the entire community can discuss thematter.6. When the committee rejected the proposals (arc applications) including the Horton proposal that did not have therequired fee, Horton had letters sent to ARC committee members- all residents- that the committee was nowdisbanded. -Response- The Parkside West Board of Directors received multiple complaints regarding the conduct of the ARCcommittee. Additionally, it was discovered that the ARC Committee had ta[redacted] actions that violated Florida Statuesand the Parkside West HOA documents. For that reason, the Parkside West Board conducted a meeting on May 7,2015 at 11:15 a.m. and voted, unanimously, to remove the current ARC committee. The Parkside West Board ofDirectors agreed to run the ARC until such time as a new ARC committee could be formed by the new Parkside WestBoard of Directors at the upcoming annual meeting in 2015.I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and trust this informationclarifies the issues you have raised, however, should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to letme know.
Review: We purchased our home February 28, 2012. Service was great up until we bought our home, now it is like pulling teeth to get your company to do any of the warranty work. Here is the timeline breakdown (and I have all the emails, there are some issues that pre-date this, but most of that was resolved):
11-1-12: emailed [redacted] on our year walk-thru items and the landscaping problem.
11-5-12: no return email from Mr. [redacted] so I filed a warranty request form.
NO response.
1-22-13: filed another warranty request for our year walk-thru
1-28-13: emailed [redacted] for [redacted]n's phone number as we had yet to hear anything about our landscaping. (he emailed back the same day)
2-14-13: emailed [redacted] our year walk-thru list of items that need to be repaired. NO RESPONSE
2-19-13: emailed [redacted] again inquiring about our year walk-thru list and our landscaping problem. NO RESPONSE
2-25-13: emailed [redacted] as still had gotten no response from [redacted].
2-25-13: response from [redacted] about landscaping.
3-6-13: emailed [redacted] stating landscaping was resolved, except they found another downspout in our yard that needs to be addressed. Asked about our year walk-thru items again.
Found out [redacted] no longer works with DR Horton. Contacted [redacted]ns about these issues.
3-25-13: still NO response from [redacted]/DR Horton. Filed ANOTHER warranty complaint online.
3-25-13: received an email from [redacted] about our warranty items.
3-26-13: sent email back, complaining about our siding as it was melting/burning from the neighbors windows.
Discussed with [redacted] and they came out and looked (do not have dates a/t/t) and agreed to replace our siding once the neighbors windows are replaced. Per [redacted]ns, he would not contact the other builder (Ryan homes) because "we just don't do that."
5-8-13: filed another warranty claim for the landscaping
6-4-13: filed yet another warranty claim for our year walk-thru items that have not been fixed.
6-6-13: [redacted] emailed back - stating I need to schedule an appointment. I had emailed him back advising I do not need one as I already did my walk-thru, but was following up on the items not fixed yet. [redacted] last emailed on 6-13-13 stating he's next available appointement is 6-20-13, and did not address any of my concerns. I emailed back stating I would take that appointment, but got no response.
8-8-13: filed yet another warranty claim for the year walk-thru. NO RESPONSE.
9-4-13: filed yet another warranty claim for the year walk-thru.
9-4, 9-5, 9-18: received emails from [redacted] Was advised [redacted] no longer works there and that she would handle. She said she submitted the information to the vendors and they will be in contact, but to give them sometime as they are alittle backed up.
10-9-13: Emailed Pamela back as NO RESPONSE from ANY of the vendors to date. Still have not gotten a response back from Pamela.
So as you can see, it appears I have been given the run around and passed around to several of their employees. I've dealt with 6 representatives in a matter of less than a year to get my items fixed. The current problems we still have remaining are: vanity coming loose from wall in master bathroom, floors squeak in two rooms, the drainage problem still exists (we actually have a black hose we connected ourselves to the downspout to prevent it from pooling in one area and attracting bugs/etc.. due to the lack of response from your company as we were trying to mitigate our damages), and the siding still needs to be replaced. The landscaping/drainage was done in March of this year (after a year of complaining to your company) but it was not done all the way as we still have a downspout that was not tied into the drain that was installed. I am not happy with the answer of "well, we just don't do that" when having to deal with the other home builder to ensure they replace the windows so our siding can be replaced. I have been having to call the Ryan Homes representative myself because your company representatives refused to do so...which is an awful way to handle customers and to do business. I am also extremely dissatisfied that once you buy a house from your company, you are treated like this. This is so unacceptable and all should be warned of your policies/practices of once you are a homeowner.Desired Settlement: We just want the items to be corrected as outlined in our walk-thru list. We would also like a representative to follow up to ensure all is taken care of.
Dear [redacted]
This message is in regard to your complaint submitted on 10/10/2013 1:06:08 PM against D R HORTON INC. Your complaint was assigned [redacted]
The business has sent the Revdex.com a message regarding this complaint, and we are passing it on to you. The contents of this message are below or attached. Please respond to this message at your first convenience.
The text of your complaint may be publicly posted on the Revdex.com web site (Revdex.com reserves the right to not post in accordance with Revdex.com policy). Please do not include any personally identifiable information in describing the nature of your complaint. By submitting your complaint, you are representing that it is a truthful account of your experience with the business. Revdex.com may redact your complaint to protect privacy rights and to remove inappropriate language.
I am communicating with the
customer to schedule a time that accommodates her schedule and have left
messages for the Ryan Homes Service Manager in an effort to assist the customer
in getting the neighbor’s window replaced so we can eliminate the siding issue
on her home. I will continue to follow up until her items are complete.
Thank you,