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Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company

450 Regency Pkwy # 200, Omaha, Nebraska, United States, 68114-3777

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Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Reviews (%countItem)

The worst
Lund is so horrible, I should have read the reviews before renting from them. First the rent is outrageous for the amount of work maintenance DOES NOT DO. Second the late fees are egregious. I understand there has to be some penalty for paying late but a one time late fee charge of $75 then $5 a day till rent is paid. They charge all those fees just to evict you and keep your deposit. They NEVER FIX ANYTHING. I’ve lived at my apartment for 3 years, my back patio has old scenes that were falling off the structure the screens were attached were not in good condition. I asked them several times to fix it over the three years and they never did. My maintenance request were always closed and fulfilled without them fixing any problems. With my back patio the property manager signed off on it and said some one would come out to fix it, they never did. Plus all the other tenants patios have been updated and fixed but never my units. My fridge and freezer was always defrosting and re-freezing. So I’ve eased tone of food over the years. And when the ice melted it would leak in to my fridge on top of my other food. A guy came up moved some stuff around (food not parts) and said that the issue was fixed. Guess what? It wasn’t. I had noticed some mold in my AC unit that needed to be cleaned. A guy came up wiped it up a little and called it done and closed the work order. Which I’m sure that if a tenant complains about mold it should be taken care of by a professional. One time they said water was leaking from my unit into the basement. And came up to investigate and I told them that water and mold was coming out of the bathroom tile on one wall. Maintenance guy says it’s because they have a door above me that leads to outside and when it rains water must be leaking in because the seal needs to be replaced and he took a picture and said he will show the property manager. Odd considering I think you are the one that needs to replace. Yes I know that rent has to be current to fix problems and in the time periods of my requests my account negative balances. Which means I was a head in payments. Lund is a greedy company. When I moved in I had a full-time well paying job. Because of the pandemic I could no longer work that job. So my freelance work became my main source of income. I would pay late most months but I would expect the late fees because I had clients I would be waiting on to pay me, which was never on time. And I always communicated with what ever property manager was there. Which changed too often. Got rental assistance a few times because of my Pandemic related income issues. Then my work slowed down and I fell behind. Not their fault. The property manager told me I can send her the conformation email for when I applied for assistance so she can make a note on my account that I would be receiving assistance. Did that. I also sent a link for them to fill out the landlord portion of the application, never filled it out. A few weeks later came home to a court summons. Went to court, was able to get assistance to cover what I owed and they wouldn’t take the money if I didn’t move out by the end of the month. Prior to this happening I asked the property manager is there a way that if, I get an eviction notice to just pay my balance, and all the other fees and court fees to stay in my apartment till the end of my lease. She said yes you can but then they would want all that paid and then next months rent upfront for security. I said okay fine. If that’s what has to be done I’ll find a way to do it if my assistance check isn’t deposited in time. Plus when applying for assistance and you do get an eviction notice they will pay all the above so you don’t become homeless. Fast forward, l go to court got the assistance approval but they would not agree to take the money if I didn’t move in 3 weeks because I had a history of paying my rent late. What is the point of late fees if they don’t let you be late. Anyways I’m glad I moved, less of a headache for me. All I know is I better get my deposit back. Because they agreed if assistance takes care of the past due balance then they would let me out of my lease for free if I vacate by month’s end. I thought my time in such a beautiful, historic building I would have enjoyed myself. I’m so glad I am leaving. I will never recommend Lund to anyone. And if you are not white and old they really don’t care. Lund can write all the rebuttals they want but I don’t care they suck and they know they do; that’s why they haven’t changed anything, Lund knows they can steal peoples money legally because people need places to live.

If I could leave a review with negative stars, I would do it with this company. My wife and I have lived in one of their properties for 3 years. We move out in two weeks and it can't be soon enough. What we have learned is they have deceptive practices and only care about money. There is no customer service and plenty of deception. I have been deceived by them more than once and it won't happen again. We live in Lux 96 Apartments which we thought were operated by Bellino but no it is Lund. The first bad thing is when they moved our refrigerator into our apartment due to a disability that I have. Their maintenance man damaged our unit by more than $600. We were told that the management would cover the repairs. Well that didn't happen so we were stuck without any help from the management at Lux 96 or the Lund Company. They claimed immunity from damaging our property. The way their rent system works is a scam. We were billed a specific amount which was paid. I would receive an email stating what our rent was. I paid what was on the email and never received anything further. Then I receive a phone call stating my rent is past due and there are late fees. So after going round and round I get stuck paying for their mistake. The management rarely enforces any rules here. We are so glad to be moving out and the Lund Company has only ever been interested in money not in our satisfaction.


Horrible. The Lund company doesn't care at all about their tenants. I moved into one of their properties a year ago and they pulled a bait and switch on me. They showed me a nice newly remodeled unit and on move in day I was assigned to a unit that smelled like cat urine. I insisted on a different unit and was moved. Now I was locked into a lease for a year. From there the problems continued until summer. The main reason I moved into this complex was for the pool, the pool that is listed in my lease , is broken. All summer long we the tenants were lied to. It was going to be open next week, next week, next week. It was never opened and after 4 different office staff changes and 5 different maintence worker changes I was told the pool would never be opened. They were talking about covering it up and turning it into a basketball court. So here it is 4/5/2020. My lease is up. We are in the middle of world wide pandemic ,people are losing jobs and the complex I'm at raised my rent $250 because I won't sign another lease. Why would I sign another lease with liars? So they raised the rent to "market rate" plus another $100 for month to month charges plus admin charges. I have never ever paid my rent late. And now they are charging a good reliable tenant an extra $250 a month when the president and mayor are encouraging management companies not to evict people. LUND DOES NOT CARE>

Not even sure where to start. I am living in this complex temporarily while my home is built. Ants, non working lights, unsealed doors, a broken washing machine, a garage that has never opened, noise beyond belief, a dishwasher that doesn't work, and an apartment that was not clean when we moved in 3 months ago. No rent concession granted to account for all of this? Never in my life have I been forced to pay for a garage that cannot be used- OR for anything that doesn't work. LUND IS IN BREACH OF THEIR CONTRACT WITH ME. Their attorneys are among the worst in Omaha, having gone up against them multiple times over the years and winning easily. If you are a consumer and feel that a lawsuit is warranted, I encourage you to pull the trigger. DO NOT LET LUND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU!
Lund is by far the worst run company in Omaha. There are 4 property managers at this complex (one of Lund's biggest properties) and at least 6 maintenance workers. Nothing gets accomplished. The Regional manager has temporarily taken over the complex since the head property Manager left Lund (good choice) and still nothing has been accomplished. The cleaners do not clean before you move in. Have you seen the painters? A couple of illegals that act like they are on drugs- they might paint a wall if needed before you move in.
Multiple robberies and break ins over the past few months here. It is not safe, it is in fact dangerous. My next step after this review is the State of Nebraska.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Dec 20, 2019

Hello Erik,

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback on your experiences within our community. We sincerely apologize that we have not met your expectations as a resident; our primary focus is the safety of our residents and we work hard to provide outstanding customer service. The items you have addressed are things we take very seriously and want to ensure they get taken care of for you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the office directly if there are matters that remain unresolved.

The Lund Company


I been calling them for two weeks about my dryer not working and no has came out to fix the issue yet. Every time I call they day the same thing and they will give me a call back but I never hear back from anyone or they don't answer me calls and I go down to the *** they are sitting right by the phone!! My balcony been boarded up since *** I'm just ready to move it's been a terrible experience here since I move in back ***. Bed bugs, ac unit went out, ceiling leaks every time it rains, dryer stopped working twice and they taking forever to fix it!!!

Desired Outcome

Other (requires explanation) Repair or I want out of my lease ASAP!!

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Sep 25, 2019

The on-site Property Manager spoke to this resident in the office today (***). The majority of the issues she indicated in her complaint (the bed bugs, air conditioner, and dryer) have been taken care of. The leak on the ceiling is still a problem. The resident did mention that she did not have any ceiling leaks until the new roof was installed. A work order will be submitted today to request Maintenance to complete the other items.

I live in the *** on the 3rd floor, this is the fifth time my apartment has been flooded in a one month time period.
I am writing this complaint about the Lund Company, specifically their property the *** in ***. This is the third time I have woken up to find it raining and flooded in my third floor apartment along with two other times where it has leaked a substantial sized puddle for a total of five times. Each time this has happened I have contacted The Lund Company emergency service to get a technician involved and the *** Property Manager via email, phone calls and in-person visits and was told they called the roofing company and the problem was resolved. On top of the flooding, the very first time it happened I was notified that they had lost their copy of my key and needed me to either give them my only key to get in or to go purchase one for them so they could enter my apartment to fix the problem. I decided to purchase one because I didn't want my only key to get lost again and I had no time to go to the office during the open hours as I work full-time. They denied reimbursing me for it because they "gave me other options."

This living situation is absolutely unacceptable and poses a health safety risk as a resident of the apartment, the second time it (majorly) flooded on *** I did not see that it flooded, as it was dark in my apartment, and slipped and fell -- thankfully catching my self as much as I could on my couch. Below is an attached *** document that has a statement that was written out to The Lund Company with great detail to each incident. If you would like further details on all the five flooding incidents please do the following:

For more information (plus images and video) please contact me via email ***, by phone *** and/or read this *** Document link to my statement sent to The Lund Company: ***

Thank you.

Desired Outcome

I am now looking at what next steps to take because the place I am currently living at is considered substandard housing -- it isn't just housing that's unattractive or outdated, it's housing that poses a risk to the health, safety or physical well-being of occupants such as myself, neighbors, or visitors. I believe that the Lund Company has been negligent and dishonest in dealing with these major structural damages that have affected me directly; i.e. flooding, purchasing a new key for the technicians and slipping and falling into the flooded area. I would like to consider my current rental contract null and void since the Lund Company has not fulfilled its obligation to provide safe housing. I was told that repairs were completed when in fact, the defect was not addressed. The living conditions I have dealt with on and off this past month are unacceptable and unsafe conditions. I would like to find a way to get out of my lease without having to pay out of it myself as these problems, stated above, that have happened have not been any of my doing. Please feel free to contact me once again for further details. *** or *** Thank you.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Aug 26, 2019

The roof of the resident's building was inspected and repaired back in *** when resident reported the leak, however another leak developed. Our team on site has been proactive in communicating with the resident and our roof contractor made us aware that there was another active leak. Therefore, our roof contractor went back out last week to re-inspect the roof and trapped the areas of concern. The roof contractor will be out this week, weather permitting, to make the necessary repairs. Nevertheless, this resident wanted out of her lease due to this roof leak, and we have granted this request with a 30 day notice and rent being paid until her move out date.

We consider this matter to be resolved.

If I can give them no stars, I would. The Lund Company manages the *** which is who my complain is about. The *** has staff that are horrible, unprofessional and do not care about people. They changed to a new manager and she cares only about the money. Her regional manager is also greedy and cares about the money. I am not sure how these people sleep at night. They made an error in my lease and they want to penalizing me for their error. They want me to back pay for two previous months when I never agreed to the new rate. They will not work with me to move forward and want me to pay all these extra charges for their mistake. The previous manger Sydney was amazing. She was always nice and would greet you with a smile. But the management has changes and they are awful. I do not have the extra money they want to charge me for their office mistake. Horrible people!!!

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Aug 16, 2019

We apologize for this resident's less than satisfying experience with The Lund Company. Our goal is to always provide excellent customer service and an overall excellent experience with us. The resident who made this review was notified in advance of her lease expiring and that she would incur fees if she did not renew her lease. She did not renew her lease in the time frame that was communicated to her and this resulted in a month to month lease for 6 weeks, during which she incurred the fees. She has since renewed her lease and was credited back half the Month-To-Month fees. We feel this issue has been resolved. We thank you for your feedback and your continued business.

If we did this to The Lund Company they would be suing us.
We leased an townhouse at *** which is owned by the Lund Co. now. ever since Lund took over the property last May 2017 we had nothing but problems. The cut the staff in half, and then never did any maintenance property, the AC never cooled the unit, upstairs it stayed 90 degree's.
In May 2017 our AC was not working and they sent over a kid to fix it, well he didn't know anything about AC and then he stood in my living room and told us that the previous maintenance man stole all the tools from the maintenance shop. well the previous man I knew and it was my son. and when he worked for *** all the guys owned there own tools. so this kids supervisor Lyn *** was telling all him employees that my son stole all the tools. Well this kid got fired but it didn't stop Lyn *** from spreading his lie all through the Lund Co.
well when all this happen my son ended up telling this kid where the part was and my son put the part on the AC unit. the next day I asked Bobbi *** to have the filter replace in the AC, she said she would. three weeks later we were on vacation and then they tried to enter our unit. we changed key pad because we didn't want anybody in our unit while we were gone, but our neighbors knew our code if there was an emergency.
when we got back in town our unit was over 95 degrees upstairs. we went to the office and ask them to fix it, and the manager stood there and told me she was not going to do a dime thing for us until we gave her a key or the code to our unit. We didn't trust her she had already lied to us multiple times. Then I had to call Lund Company again. to get ac taken care of.
We also had tree limbs that were scratching our car when it would rain or the wind would blow, we had to keep putting this request in because the manager would mark it as being done...after a month we went and bought our own pruning sears and trimmed it our self. The LUND Co. is suppose to take care of all the maintenance and up keep.
The first manager was always charging us a late fee and we had to fight with her every month.
they never did any preventive maintenance on the grounds or buildings.

On June 18th 2018 we had a bad rain and our gutters were full of debri, his started 2 waterfalls coming off our roof and in the gutter downspout by the garage, the water just poured into our garage.
it was just after 5pm. we called the office, (they never answer the phones) so my husband went to the office and informed them water was coming into our basement and into the garage. The guy told Steve, Ashley would be over before she went home. Nobody came over, they knew water was coming into our unit and chose to ignore it. If somebody worked for me and left my building with water coming into them I would of fired them.
we put a work order in, Ashley before they did anything she marked it as being fixed. The next day, it didn't get fixed right until Aug 20th 2 months after it happened.

The water destroyed all of our moving boxes full of our stuff. our 70 inch TV, vacuum. all my *** selling stuff. we had to throw away over $47,000.00 worth of our stuff.
we had 2 insurance policies, one paid off $15,000
But the other insurance policy we bought through*** asked for a letter. Ashley lied in the letter, saying that Omaha was under a flood alert.
Ashley then a lot in the letter wasn't even correct (she couldn't even get my husbands name right even though I told her to correct it. . The water came in between the unit and the garage because the gutters were clogged. *** is on one of the highest spots in Omaha, and it was *** (Lund Co) fault because they never cleaned the gutters for over 2 years...
I even called Bobbi *** at the Lund Company, and let her know and she told me she didn't care and Ashley wasn't going to redue the letter.
So this insurance company called me and told me I had to Sue the Lund Company. Because The Lund Company didn't do preventive maintenance.

So in the end The Lund Company cause a lose of $47,000.00 worth of our property,
we lost all our wedding pictures, kids things growning up, kids, grandkids videos our herilooms. we are 57 and 59 and all of our parents are dead. all their pictures were destroyed in the water damage.
everything was full of water and rusting. Then Black mold got on everything.

we receive a letter from the Lund Company and they claim responsibility.

The apartment manager is denying an opportunity to rent an available 1 bedroom for no particular reason other than ones own biased opinion!?
The apartment manager is demanding of me to unlock my Experian credit to complete my application!? This request is bogus since I, ***, have been applying for a home loan without this ever being an issue!? My train of thought is this cannot be a valid reason since millions have put a lock on their credit score to protect themselves as I have done and can't imagine millions of folks being asked to "unlock" their credit score!? I have found this whole experience in applying for an apartment unethical.

Desired Outcome

To reverse this treatment of undue punishment and get back on task of operating as a reference for doing the right thing beyond ones personal feelings.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Aug 29, 2018

Due to Federal Fair Housing Act laws, we are required to qualify everyone the same way. This process does include a criminal background check as well as a credit screening.

Thank you,
Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Poor Management resulting in my using Constructive Eviction as recourse. Threatening, fraudulent, libleous/defamatory collection practices.
I used Constructive eviction to end my lease with *** of Lund CO. on *** and left my apt and garage space in pristine condition. I also forfeited the remainder of *** rent and gave the keys and written approval to show the apt and lease it prior to *** month ending. My decision to leave was based on a series of events, the last one being domestic violence in the Apt just above mine on ***, that lasted 2 hours, from 3 am-5 am. Note: I had to call 911 5 times for police assistance. I was a nervous wreck and felt threatened in my apt, let alone the vicinity, especially since I had reason to believe that the neighbors I had reported on knew I was the one who reported on a lesser disturbance a month or so prior and likely the one who reported this last, very nasty one. All my issues had been reported to *** Mgmt and the prior Management. Many of the complaints they provided no evidence, let alone reassurance, that they would be addressed. In fact when I reported on the final straw incident noted above, directly to the Manager at ***, the correct response, should have been "I'm so sorry that happened". With no action being even hinted at, I proceeded to ask what I needed to do to get out of my lease. Still, no offer to resolve anything. Instead a warning that I would be breaking my lease and would be penalized financially, etc. I took this up the ladder to Lund Co and they reacted the same as the Manager. I consulted with an Attorney and they were mailed a detailed letter. A "cookie cutter" response was received from their Attorney, citing things alleged in my lease agreement that were misphrased. Meanwhile, I found out from my former neighbor, who still resided at ***, that my former Apt had been re-leased out the first week of ***. I also inquired as to whether or not issues I had reported had been handled, i.e. very poor lighting in the parking lot (such that my car had been broken into and 2 of the 6 windows smashed and my GPS stolen), drug deals taking place in the hallway and parking lot, pot smoke in the ventilation system, domestic violence. I was informed that nothing had changed and all these were still issues. Further, I spoke to my former neighbor a few weeks ago and inquired again. At that time it was 8 months later. She told me that the parking lighting had still not been handled. However, a few months earlier (4 months after I left) they started taking action on the pot smoke, tracking down where it was coming from and evicting those responsible. Back to my story... instead of returning my security deposit, they hired *** of *** to collect on a bogus debt. This resulted in negative information being sent to three national credit bureaus. I called a Rep at *** to find out what this collection was all about, since it was *** that owed me and not the other way around. She went over the fees I was being charged ($***) and every single entry was false. To my recollection there was a $*** fee for repairs with no details as to what was repaired. Again, I left the apt in great condition (I have photos to prove it). $*** or so for parking garage fees? When these were $*** per month and I had long since left. Besides the garage has roof and gutter leaks I reported that were never repaired. The Rep also stated that my security deposit was forfeited as I "broke my lease" so that would not be applied to my so-called "debt". I provided her with detailed information and she agreed to put my account in dispute. This is tantamount to libel and defamation of character. Meanwhile over a month has gone by since the dispute was filed and no word back. Also, I've received yet another letter from a *** (Transunion) about a report they received which added negative information to my credit file. Prior to this I had nothing negative on file, in fact, my credit score was in the lower ***.

Desired Outcome

I want my security deposit of $*** returned, credit collection to be cancelled and negative credit report to be removed.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Aug 30, 2018

Thank you, this matter is being handled by legal counsels.

Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Customer Response • Aug 31, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I filed a complaint with CFPB on the collection company, *** and they responded that they are closing the account and having the claim removed from my credit report. So as far as their collection process we are done. They should take this into consideration. I still want my security deposit returned and the apology.

My car was illegally towed without warning and the company refused to refund the $*** it cost to get my car back.
I am in the process of moving out of *** owned by Lund. My address was ***, ***, ***. Lund had made a contract with *** to tow cars illegally parked in their lots. There was no notice given to residents that any parking rules were being enforced and my car was never parked in a spot that was illegal or blocked access to any other vehicles, or broke any rules in my lease agreement. I have requested a refund of the $*** and worked with ***, the complex manager, who "is no longer authorized to speak with me about the matter."

On top of them refusing to acknowledge this issue, they have also refused to acknowledge that I gave them my 60 days notice to break my lease since purchasing a home, causing me to pay out additional rent that is not due to the complex.

These business practices are predatory and should be handled immediately.

Desired Outcome

I want my $*** back and my 60day notice effective ***.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Sep 14, 2018

To whom it may concern-

*** has had a contract for Towing since The Lund Company assumed management in ***. Towing signs are posted in plain sight in several locations per the state mandated regulations. There is also a section in the lease agreement (quoted below) stating that cars not parked in designated spaces will be towed with no notice given. The towing company has the permission per that contract to patrol the property after hours and on weekends and to deem illegally parked cars as such, as long as it is within the appropriate statute. The complainant was parked at the end of a row of parking spaces, on a curb and not within any designated parking lines.

With regard to the complainants notice to vacate, we did honor the original request to back date the notice to vacate to ***. therefore no insufficient notice fees were charged on the final account statement. In closing we agree to refund the towing cost of $*** to the complainant in good faith. A check will be mailed to her last known address within 7 days.


VI. AUTOMOBILES/BOATS/RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. Notwithstanding this, any vehicle illegally parked in a fire lane, designated no parking space or handicapped space, or blocking an entrance, exit, driveway, dumpster, or parked illegally in a designated parking space, will immediately be towed, without notice, at the vehicle owner's expense.

Page 3 of Apartment Lease Contract

21. PARKING. We may regulate the time, manner, and place of parking cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles by anyone. Motorcycles or motorized bikes may not be parked inside an apartment unit or on sidewalks, under stairwells, or in handicapped parking areas. We may have unauthorized or illegally parked vehicles towed from the apartment community at your expense under the terms of this lease contract or by appropriate statute.


Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Direct: +***
Fax: +***

***, ***

Customer Response • Sep 14, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
These business practices are predatory and scale the line of legality. I have taken this complaint to the city council to ensure others in the future don't have to pay $*** for leaving their car in an "illegal" spot for less than 5 hours. Your company should be ashamed for participating in what I can only describe as grand theft auto. I was never notified that I needed to move my car, no were there any notices of parking restriction enforcements. Multiple Tennant's in that building were forced to park in the same spot my car was towed from because two other cars were abandoned in the spaces adjacent for over a YEAR. Those that were forced to park at the end of the spaces we're never towed like I was. Clearly the only thing Lund cares about is making a dime off their residents and taking part in unfair business practices to do so.

apartment at ***, #, ***, ***
is in unacceptable condition, management is making repairs, would not allow early lease termination
My daughter signed a lease agreement and moved into her apartment at ***, #, ***, *** a few months ago, before having a chance to view it. We arrived from out of state on her move-in
day. The online pictures looked decent, so we didn't
expect any problems. But when we got the keys at the leasing office
and walked in to the apartment, we were shocked by its condition. The
only area which was clean was the carpeted area. All kitchen surfaces
were sticky and covered with old grease which took days to scrub off.
All cabinets inside and out were sticky and stained and also required
deep cleaning. The tops of the kitchen cabinets, bathroom vent, heater/air conditioner were covered with inches of thick dust.
The heater/air conditioner was filthy inside and outside, the window screen is poorly fitted and infested with bugs, kitchen and bathroom base boards and the bathroom floor, sink, tub and all appliances, including the dish washer, were infested with fungus and required deep cleaning, as well. Fungal infestation was so severe that it left areas of discoloration on the inside of the tub and other areas. The stove was old and rusty, there is old water damage under the kitchen and bathroom sinks.
The management is now making repairs while my daughter is living there. It's taking few months now and is unacceptable. Management would not allow to terminate lease early without penalties, even though it was an oversight on their part to put this place on the market without inspecting it first.

Desired Outcome

Official lease agreement expires ***, I am requesting and early lease termination without penalties in mid *** with the prorated *** rent, as well as a refund on the security/cleaning deposit.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • May 17, 2018

The referenced complaint is in regards to our unit located at *** Apartment *** in which the complainant is the mother of the resident who resides in this unit. The resident in this unit moved in on ***. After keys were given to the resident, no concerns were brought to our attention in regards to the items mentioned in the complaint. A check in sheet is provided to all residents at move in for them to fill out. The items noted were not to the extent of what the complainant is stating at this time.

The first time we were notified about the issues the resident had with cleanliness at move in was when they came in to discuss breaking the lease 1 month early. The Property Manager followed policy and stated that unfortunately they would need to fulfill their lease term which expires in ***. After this was stated to the resident, that is when the concerns regarding the cleanliness of the unit at move in was brought to our attention which was 3 months after their move in date. We apologized for any issues they may have had at move in, but we were not given the opportunity at move in to correct/remedy their concerns. We offered to reimburse them the cleaning expenses, they refused and stated they wanted out of the lease with no penalty.

As a company our goal is to offer the best customer service and living experience to all of our residents. If we have not fulfilled this expectation, we do want we can to make it right. All other work orders that were submitted by the resident were completed within 48 hours. At this time, we are willing to offer half off their last month of proration which will leave them a balance for *** of $*** based on the lease termination date of ***.

Thank you,

***, ***
Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Customer Response • May 20, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not complain when my moved in because we did not have any alternative living arrangements. I had to return to work in *** after helping my daughter get settled. Cleanliness is not the only issue with the apartment: fungal contamination of the bathroom , beetle infestation of the window, air contamination form the old dirty air conditioner/heater among other issues. I started looking for an alternative arrangement immediately. It took me 3 moths to find it. If I filed a complaint upon the move in and the apartment was determined unlivable, my daughter would be left homeless at that time. I hope that now you understand my reasons for postponing my complaints

Customer Response • May 29, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Thank you for meeting me half way, but half off *** rent is $***, and not $***, I am not sure how it is prorated, but my daughter will be ready to move out mid ***. I will be satisfied if you added a cleaning fee credit of $*** to this offer, the cleaning credit which you offered to me in the beginning of this negotiation. I would also appreciate if my daughter's security deposit will be fully refunded upon her move out. Which means that she will owe you $*** for the month of *** (***+***=***, ***-***=). Since her security deposit of $*** will be refunded, it can be used toward *** rent $***-$=$***). Which would mean that my daughter would pay nothing out of pocket for the month of *** and would be refunded $*** upon her move out mid ***.
I would like to bring to your attention that last Friday my daughter was diagnosed with a fungal infection of her skin and was prescribed an anti-fungal medication. This supports my complaint and justified my concerns about her current living conditions.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • May 30, 2018

Thank you for providing the additional information. The Lund Company values our tenants and we strive to do whatever is possible to remedy a situation. At this point, we will have to work with your daughter because she is the tenant of the unit. We will be reaching out to her directly to review the situation with her and complete all the needed paperwork.

Should you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I can be reached at ***.

Thank you,

***, ***
Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

I put deposit down for a apartment in *** For ***. Then was told my deposit was more. I don't have extra money.
I put deposit down for a apartment in *** For ***. Then was told my deposit was more. I don't have extra money. I told the apartment manager I wont be able to move was told we are keeping your deposit. I have never in my life dealt with money taken money that doesn't belong to them .The apartment manager for *** in *** in ***.

Desired Outcome

I want my deposit back

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • May 02, 2018

To whom it may concern:

In reviewing the concern brought by Mr., all policies and state laws were followed. At this time, as a courtesy, we will be refunding the $*** deposit to Mr..

Thank you,

Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Customer Response • May 03, 2018

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I'm happy with the result of getting refund

Fraudulent charges and no help from management or company representatives
I'm am being charged admin fees after paying the administration fee prior to signing lease. Charged for liability with the company with outside coverage. Representatives and management are clueless as to what I'm talking about and refuse to fix the conflict.

Desired Outcome

I would like explanation and reinbursment of fraudulent charges

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response • Feb 26, 2018

Along with the monthly rent and most of the utilities, our residents at *** pay a monthly Utility Management administrative fee of $*** per month (we use a third-party Utility Management Company to monitor and bill back each residence for utility consumption).

Out residents also pay $*** per month for a Limited Liability Insurance policy. This is not renter's insurance. This is a supplemental limited liability insurance policy. This information is outlined in our Residential Lease Agreement residents sign when they move in or renew their lease.

We hope Mr. will renew his lease and stay living with us, but if he decides he doesn't want to agree to our lease terms he can give a 60-day notice at the end of is lease and vacate.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our Corporate Office at ***.

Thank you.

Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Issues with transparency in billing.
I was told I had a rent balance from previous months which has not been reflected on my most recent statements, which are mailed monthly. I would likely not have an issue paying these fees if I had any idea what they were for.

I was a resident from before Lund took over the rental property and my pet rent had been figured into the total rent. I am now being charged additional pet rent monthly. I was going to be charged a 2nd pet deposit, but I requested management look at my records as I had paid said deposit when I first moved in. To me, this seems like double jeopardy and I was not told to expect this change when I signed my lease renewal for ***.

I attempted to pay *** rent on ***, fully prepared to pay the late fee. The office is supposed to remain open until 600 PM. For those of us who work until 500 PM, this can make timing tricky. I arrived at the office at appx. 530 PM to pay my rent and the late fee, but the office was closed. There had been no notification that the office was closing early or that hours of operation had changed. I had a 3 day notice of eviction letter at my door at 745 AM on *** when I left for work.

On the morning of ***, there was a 3 day eviction notice/payment notice. I opted to pay my rent on the *** instead of bouncing a check, knowing full well I would have to pay a late fee. I paid the balance due in its entirety, but I strongly to object to these practices. I will not be renewing my lease in ***. I have lived at *** since *** and have never had such issues as I have since Lund took over.

Desired Outcome

I would like an explanation of charges, including a satisfactory explanation of the added pet rent. I am unhappy I am being charged for WiFi; I have my own internet and have not activated my WiFi account, but am being charged. I do understand there may be nothing to be done about this. I would like at least the $*** late fee reimbursed as the office was not open during regular business hours and there was no notice given of the office closing early. I phoned the office on *** and requested a meeting with an associate to discuss my concerns. I have questions about the proposed addition of liability coverage purchased by the complex indicating residents will be charged on a per month basis for this coverage. I have renter's insurance, which is required at this property, and liability coverage is included in my policy.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response

To Whom it May Concern:
The complainant has been a Resident of *** Since ***. *** was originally owned and managed by *** and was transitioned in *** to Lund. After the transition, *** obtained all leases and did not make any adjustments to accounts. However, after lease expiration all leases were converted to a Lund lease with charges and adjustments made accordingly.
*** the complainant contacted the *** Office and had requested extermination treatment on her apartment. She was informed the treatment would be billed back to her upon completion. The complainant and *** Management used e-mail as communication through the process. As the treatment was completed, she was informed of such charges and provided a copy of the invoice. The complainant did not return any e-mail messages and or pay the balance on the invoice; therefore, the *** staff applied the charges to her residential account on ***. The complainant received a copy of her utility invoice in ***; however, the extermination charge was not listed on the statement. The reason for this is because the third party vendor extracts the lease charge information during the middle of the month. This allows them sufficient time to process invoices and deliver via USPS prior to the *** of each, when rent and utilities are due. Unfortunately, the information was extracted prior to adding the invoices extermination charge on ***.
After the complainant paid her *** rent, this left the extermination balance outstanding. The *** account system is set to charge an automatic late fee on the *** of the month and an additional $per day thereafter until the balance is paid in full. Since the *** rent payment did not cover the balance in full, late fees were applied. Management contacted the complainant as soon as they noticed the balance on her account and informed her of the charges. An agreement was made that all late fees would be removed after the payment was received on ***. As the payment was posted to her account, the late fees were then removed; however, one fee was mistakenly missed in this process, leaving a small $*** balance. Since this was brought to the attention of the Management Teams, the late fee has been removed.
The complainant signed a new lease in ***. At that time her lease was renewed with the updated changes regarding the new Wi-Fi implementation. This change did require an additional addendum to be signed stating the update change and monthly pricing. The addendum has been signed by The complainant and her *** account was charged accordingly for the new implementation.
During the month of ***, *** initiated the Liability Insurance program. Since the complainant's new lease was executed in ***, she was automatically enrolled in the program; however, after review it was realized by the on-site management team that her offer letter was dated prior to implementation and she was grandfathered into the previous Renter's Insurance requirement. As long as the complainant continues her Renter's Insurance with the required Liability Insurance as stated in her lease agreement, she will not be enrolled in the new Liability Insurance initiative. Her account has been credited for the months she was charged for the additional insurance coverage and she has been notified of this error and correction.
After the complainant signed the new lease in ***, the pet addendum was updated by the complainant stating she had a cat by the name of *** residing in her apartment with her. As stated on the Pet addendum, there is a monthly pet fee of $*** per month per pet. Unfortunately, if an accommodation was made by the complainant and the previous management company regarding this pet, this would be void due to initiating her new lease and pet addendum, in which she completed with her pets information, in ***.
The *** office is open 7 days a week and office hours are posted on the door along with a sign, in the event the staff is out on a tour or walking the property. On ***, the office was fully staffed until 5:30 pm, when the Manager had gone for the day. The Assistant Manager remained at the community until 6:00 pm; however, it was necessary to deliver time sensitive legal notices due by the end of the business day to residents with outstanding balances, such as the complainant. Her *** rent payment was received online on *** and her account was charged for late fees through the *** of the month.
The on-site management staff at *** has been in contact with the complainant and a meeting was scheduled for Friday, *** to review her lease, addendums, charges and credits.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
***, CAM
Regional Property Manager
The Lund Company

Customer Response

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I still have concerns regarding consistency in billing and transparency. Lingering balances on my account have not been carried forward to monthly billing statements, and there has been a lack of identifying information on billing statements describing what prior balances have been accrued for.

My air conditioning has not been working for 15 days starting ***. I've made 17 phone calls emailed Lund and went to the office with no resolution
On *** my air conditioning went out after I've already had issues with it before. I called my apartment manager she had maintenance come out and look at it he said parts needed to be for the inside and the outside. I followed up a few days later to be told that it turns out I need a whole new unit but they had an e-mail out to find one, which I don't understand. It has been a consistent 80-85 degrees in my apartment for the last 15 days. I've called 16 times, most of the time it goes to voicemail with no return call. I've e-mailed Lund with no follow up email and I've visited the office with no help. They gave me a window unit to put in my bedroom but it doesn't cool down the house with how hot it's been outside so that leaves my *** year old daughter in an 80 degree bedroom at night. I have been very patient with this situation but this is completely unacceptable at this point. I've tried to talk to my apartment manager about compensation for the inconvenience but of course no one answers and no one ever calls back. The temperatures this week are supposed to get into the 90's which means my apartment will top at least 90 this week and the Lund company thinks this is acceptable.

Desired Outcome

I would like my air conditioning fixed so my apartment is actually livable. I would also like compensation for all the days I've been with out air conditioning. For all the day's we've not been able to stay home because it's to hot and all the day's we've had to order out because I can't cook in my apartment or it get more humid and hot. I would like an explanation as to why the Lund company thinks it is acceptable to not fix someone's air conditioning even though it's been in the high 80's and 90's.

Cushman & Wakefield/The Lund Company Response

Thank you for writing us and letting us know of your frustrations.

I am contacting the management team to get them involved and get a resolution for you.

I'll be in touch.

After visiting with the Regional Manager we have approved a $*** credit be applied to your account for your inconvenience.

Secondly, it is my understanding that the new AC unit is scheduled to be installed on Monday, the ***.

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your frustrations. It is our hope that this is fully resolved for you after the new AC is installed.

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Address: 450 Regency Pkwy # 200, Omaha, Nebraska, United States, 68114-3777


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