Thanks for your response. Below is my cr and email. What other details do you need to pull up my account? My user id for my godaddy account is indusadmin [redacted] is my primary domain. cr: [redacted]Email[redacted]
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.GoDaddy has not entered into any agreements with the complainant. With that said, as the...
complainant indicated the domain is registered through Wild West Domains. GoDaddy and Wild West Domains are separate legal and business entities. Domain names are sold on a first come first served basis.RESOLUTION:The domain name is registered by an individual or entity and through another registrar and GoDaddy is unable to force a release of the domain name to the complainant. If the complainant still wishes to acquire the domain in question, they may wish to reach out to the current owner. We understand this situation is frustrating and sincerely hope the complainant is able to work with the current owner to come to an amicable agreement.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at customer has purchased numerous dedicated IP addresses, normally used with shared...
hosting plans, over the lifetime of their account, and wants to ensure that each one they have purchased or renewed is currently being utilized.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As our customer is serviced by our Premier Services department, their account executive has attempted to connect with them to discuss these concerns and provide any applicable refunds. We would advise our customer continue to work with their account executive to resolve these concerns.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:...
[redacted] On April 9, 2014 our customer purchased the domain name in question for a term of 2 years online through their customer account. Per our customers account settings, this domain name was automatically renewed for an additional 2 years on April 10, 2016. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Contrary to our customers’ understanding no call was made to our Customer Care Centers on March 29, 2016. Management of an account is a customer responsibility; the automatic renewal setting could have been disabled at any time by our customer. Per GoDaddy’s refund policy and Registry restrictions with regard to multi-year domain name renewals, the domain name in question is not eligible for a refund. At this time the automatic renewal function has been disabled and no further billing will take place on our customers account. If our customer would like to attempt to resell the domain name, they may find the following article helpful. Which domains can I sell on the auction site?[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at July 26, 2014 our customer purchased a Personal Website Builder Plan for 1 year...
term via the GoDaddy website. This plan was subsequently renewed for an additional year on July 29, 2015. On June 27, 2016 our customer renewed this plan for an additional 3 years during a call to GoDaddy’s Customer Care Center. Our customer has now requested a refund for the final 2 years of their most recent renewal. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Per GoDaddy's Refund Policy, the transaction in question is beyond refund eligibility. That policy can be reviewed in the following link: also appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels and will ensure their concerns are fully reviewed by our customer care managers in an effort to identify improvement opportunities. GoDaddy strives to offer the best service levels in the industry.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I was told somebody from GoDaddy called my business twice. I wasn't there at the time and I didn't get a return phone number. I'm reachable by email as well. [redacted]
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:* Universal Terms of Service Agreement* Online Bookkeeping Service Agreement The latest version of these agreements can be found at: January 28, 2013, the complainant created a free account with Outright, a GoDaddy company, for online bookkeeping purposes.On January 29, 2015, the complainant attempted to upgrade their free Outright account to a GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping account via an online transaction for a one month term. However, the complainant instead purchased a new account. Shortly after the original purchase, the complainant properly upgraded their Outright account to a paid Online Bookkeeping account, also for a one month term.Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the services in question upon expiration and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with the customer.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.As a gesture of goodwill, we have refunded charges in the amount of $64.74 to the complainant, and have canceled the additional Online Bookkeeping account on their behalf.If the complainant does not wish to continue the other GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping service in their customer account, they will need to disable the automatic renewal settings or cancel the service prior to the next renewal date. GoDaddy’s 24/7 Customer Care Center can assist the complainant if they are experiencing issues accessing their customer account.EDUCATION:The complainant may find the following article helpful for future reference: Canceling Products - Refund Policy - Renewals for Products and Services -⇄ you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer. We stand by our previous response. The service renewal took place January 26, 2016. Our customer did not contact our support teams until March 25, 2016. GoDaddy is unable to refund the credit back to a credit card as the refund request is outside of our policy. The In-Store Credit was provided as a goodwill gesture. If the customer needs assistance accessing their GoDaddy account we have our 24/7 Customer Consultation and Care team available to assist by phone at 480-505-8877. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer. Kindest regards, Mandy O'Connor Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 24, 2015, our customer purchased a domain name, Website Builder, and...
Office 365 email starter plan all for a 1-year term. On December 24, 2016, this term expired and the products failed to auto-renew as per our customer’s account settings as the payment method was declined. On December 27, 2016, our customer manually renewed their domain and did so for a one-year term, but did not renew the Website Builder plan or Office 365 plan. Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew both plans and continued to attempt to do so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with them. GoDaddy sent multiple notices about the failed billing on the following dates: • December 24, 2016• December 31, 2016• January 13, 2017These notices informed our customer the expired items were at risk of being canceled unless additional action was taken. GoDaddy provided 20 total days of hosting service without payment prior to cancellation. Account management is a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.GoDaddy holds website content for 30 days and as such no longer can restore our customer’s website. Our customer may wish to visit archival sites such as in an attempt to regain their content. Once gathered, they will be able to utilize that information to rebuild their website.. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at June 23, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy via online chat to request a refund...
for multiple domain name renewal transactions. GoDaddy provided credit for eligible domains. Their request was denied for ineligible domains in accordance with our Refund Policy.Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the domains in question and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with our customer. GoDaddy sent multiple renewal notices prior to the expiration dates. These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless additional action was taken. Account management is a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.When a domain name is registered or renewed, GoDaddy acts like a broker in the sense that we are taking an order from the customer (registrant) and buying/renewing the domain(s) from the Registry on their behalf. It is then up to the Registry to decide if they will take back an order and within the timeframe they would do so. In this case, GoDaddy has already provided the money to the Registry and we are unable to recoup the funds provided. As such, we are unable to fulfill our customer’s request for a refund.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
When registering for the account, it did not outwardly state that I was signing up for an auto renewal account, leading me to believe it was a one time transaction, unless I decided otherwise. Although not illegal, I feel this is an unethical business practice, as it leads to charges that the customer may not be aware of. Because I was unaware it was on auto-renewal, I did not check the email account on file, as I am no longer part of the business which the domain name was associated with. I understand the company sent renewal emails, but if they would openly state the account was going to be set up on auto-renewal unless otherwise changed, I would have been aware from the beginning and would have been able to make necessary changes.
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at: January 5, 2016...
our customer purchased a Deluxe Managed WordPress Plan for a one month term. They have since manually renewed this plan on a month by month basis on the following dates: February 5, 2016; March 10, 2016; April 2, 2016. On May 2, 2016 our customer contacted our Customer Care Center via chat to request a 7 day delay in their next required monthly payment. Resolution:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As a onetime exception we have provided our customer with one additional month on their hosting plan at no cost. Their next expiration date is June 5, 2016. Our customer will be responsible for the cost of all future renewals. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response that account management is a customer responsibility.Based on the charge-back the complainant has processed with their financial institution there are no further actions we can take at this time.Kind regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-####
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. As previously stated, the product in question was automatically renewed upon expiration per our customer’s account preferences. Our customer was properly notified the requested refund could not be expedited immediately and may take 5 to 7 business days to be reflected with their financial institution, regardless of the duration of time between the transaction occurring and contacting our support teams. We appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Website Builder Service AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: [redacted]On April 19, 2014 the complainant purchased the Website Builder in question for a one year term. This was for the service period ending April 19, 2015. Per the complainant’s account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the domain in question and attempted to do so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with the customer however, the customer's financial institution declined payment(s). GoDaddy proactively sent multiple notices pre- and post-expiration to the customer.GoDaddy sent a renewal notice prior to the expiration date on April 9, 2015.GoDaddy also sent notices on and after the expiration date on:• April 19, 2015• April 29, 2015• May 9, 2015On the day the Website Builder expired, in this case April 19, 2015, the complainant’s agreed and purchased term of hosting ended. After the complainant's agreed and purchased term ended, GoDaddy provided 10 days of live site service without receiving payment from the complainant. When this 10 day period ended, the site was suspended for nonpayment. GoDaddy then held the website data for an additional 10 days before the site content was deleted. In total GoDaddy provided 20 days of service without payment prior to cancellation.The complainant is under no obligation to pay a restore fee to recover their website, provided they have their own independent backups of their content. Website restores are not a product that GoDaddy regularly offers, but rather a service that GoDaddy may provide in rare occasions when a customer does not have their own content independently backed up. Account management, including data backups, are a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.If the complainant purchases a new Website Builder plan, our office will waive the restore fee as a one-time exception. The complainant can contact GoDaddy’s 24/7 Customer Care Center directly to purchase the new Website Builder plan, and request their restore.EDUCATION:The following GoDaddy Support article will be helpful in the future to the customer regarding managing product renewals.Managing Renewals for Products and Services:[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted]
First, I never approved the website for publication. One of the people answering the phone said the problem with the program not emailing my company and client when a reservation for an art class was submitted was that the website had to be published. It did not work. (It still does not work) I did not approve the publishing the website.I made a clear understanding with the salesman about how I wished the site to function. He checked with a so-called programmer. I used several other art class sites as examples. They said they could. There is no excuse. They never mentioned they would be using third party plugins or that I would be responsible for any programming. I paid GoDaddy to design the site. If they can not design it properly, simple, give my money back and I'll find someone that can.There was to be two calendars, one for art classes and one for music & events. They designed the site with one calendar for the art class and duplicated it for the music/events. It did not work.There is no one manager for the website. You can never get a supervisor when you request. You never get the same person twice when you call.The site is useless to me. It has never worked as intended.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at October 5, 2017 our customer purchased GoDaddy’s Search Engine Visibility for a one...
year term via the GoDaddy website. Search Engine Visibility is an Internet-based search engine optimization and submission tool that assists users with optimizing their website. Our customer cancelled their Search Engine Visibility plan on January 30, 2018. Our customer did not contact our 24/7 Customer Care teams regarding their Search Engine Visibility plan until February 22, 2018, when they called to request a refund. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.In accordance with our publicly located Refund Policy, which can be found at, our customer's Search Engine Visibility plan is not eligible for refund.While we would hate to lose our customer’s business, if they wish to transfer their domains to another provider, there would be no charges incurred from GoDaddy, only from their new registrar. The steps at the following URL may provide some useful information if our customer is trying to transfer away: Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:...
h[redacted] On February 1, 2015 our customer purchased a domain name registration, an email plan, and a Website Builder plan, each for a one-year term via online transaction. GoDaddy’s Website Builder is a proprietary, do-it-yourself, template based product to construct a website.On February 2, 2016 and February 21, 2016, per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew these services and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with our customer. GoDaddy sent multiple renewal notices prior to the renewal transactions. These notices informed our customer their products would be renewed in accordance with their account preferences unless additional action was taken. GoDaddy must rely upon its customers for information that we would otherwise be unaware of, use of a new email address. Account management is a customer responsibility. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.On March 9, 2016 our customer connected with our billing team. The renewal preference was disabled on their existing products and received a full refund for the latest renewal transactions was submitted to the original payment method. Our customer may find the following article helpful if they wish to immediately cancel their services:Cancel Products in your GoDaddy Account-[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Domain Name Registration Agreement• Hosting AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: April 9, 2015 the hosting plan in question within the complainant's account expired. Per the complainant’s account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to not automatically renew the Linux Economy shared hosting account in question and did so in a Good Faith effort to honor its agreements with the complainant. Account management is a customer responsibility.GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to the expiration date on:• March 10, 2015• March 25, 2015GoDaddy also sent notices on and after the expiration date on:• April 9, 2015• April 19, 2015On the day the hosting expired, in this case April 9, 2015, the complainant’s agreed and purchased term of hosting ended. After the complainant's agreed and purchased term of hosting ended GoDaddy provided 10 days of live site service without receiving payment from the complainant. When this 10 day period ended, the site was suspended for nonpayment, at which time, GoDaddy will hold the data for an additional 10 days before the data is deleted. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.As a one-time exception, we have extended the complainant’s hosting account by one month at no charge to them. The complainant will need to download their files from the hosting account prior to its new expiration date of May 9, 2015.EDUCATION:The complainant should be able to recover their content via GoDaddy’s Hosting Control Panel, or via use of a third party FTP (file-transfer protocol) client and the hosting account’s IP address.The following articles from our help center may be useful to the complainant in accessing their content on their shared hosting account:Backing up Your Shared Hosting Account⇄ can I download my shared hosting backups?⇄ to Your Hosting Account with FileZilla (FTP)⇄ Your Hosting Account’s IP Address⇄ you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thanks for your response. Below is my c
r and email. What other details do you need to pull up my account? My user id for my godaddy account is indusadmin [redacted] is my primary domain. c
r: [redacted]Email[redacted]
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.GoDaddy has not entered into any agreements with the complainant. With that said, as the...
complainant indicated the domain is registered through Wild West Domains. GoDaddy and Wild West Domains are separate legal and business entities. Domain names are sold on a first come first served basis.RESOLUTION:The domain name is registered by an individual or entity and through another registrar and GoDaddy is unable to force a release of the domain name to the complainant. If the complainant still wishes to acquire the domain in question, they may wish to reach out to the current owner. We understand this situation is frustrating and sincerely hope the complainant is able to work with the current owner to come to an amicable agreement.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at customer has purchased numerous dedicated IP addresses, normally used with shared...
hosting plans, over the lifetime of their account, and wants to ensure that each one they have purchased or renewed is currently being utilized.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As our customer is serviced by our Premier Services department, their account executive has attempted to connect with them to discuss these concerns and provide any applicable refunds. We would advise our customer continue to work with their account executive to resolve these concerns.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:...
[redacted] On April 9, 2014 our customer purchased the domain name in question for a term of 2 years online through their customer account. Per our customers account settings, this domain name was automatically renewed for an additional 2 years on April 10, 2016. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Contrary to our customers’ understanding no call was made to our Customer Care Centers on March 29, 2016. Management of an account is a customer responsibility; the automatic renewal setting could have been disabled at any time by our customer. Per GoDaddy’s refund policy and Registry restrictions with regard to multi-year domain name renewals, the domain name in question is not eligible for a refund. At this time the automatic renewal function has been disabled and no further billing will take place on our customers account. If our customer would like to attempt to resell the domain name, they may find the following article helpful. Which domains can I sell on the auction site?[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at July 26, 2014 our customer purchased a Personal Website Builder Plan for 1 year...
term via the GoDaddy website. This plan was subsequently renewed for an additional year on July 29, 2015. On June 27, 2016 our customer renewed this plan for an additional 3 years during a call to GoDaddy’s Customer Care Center. Our customer has now requested a refund for the final 2 years of their most recent renewal. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Per GoDaddy's Refund Policy, the transaction in question is beyond refund eligibility. That policy can be reviewed in the following link: also appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels and will ensure their concerns are fully reviewed by our customer care managers in an effort to identify improvement opportunities. GoDaddy strives to offer the best service levels in the industry.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I was told somebody from GoDaddy called my business twice. I wasn't there at the time and I didn't get a return phone number. I'm reachable by email as well. [redacted]
I was not properly notified of the debits that where going to be taken from my atm/bebit card.
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:* Universal Terms of Service Agreement* Online Bookkeeping Service Agreement The latest version of these agreements can be found at: January 28, 2013, the complainant created a free account with Outright, a GoDaddy company, for online bookkeeping purposes.On January 29, 2015, the complainant attempted to upgrade their free Outright account to a GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping account via an online transaction for a one month term. However, the complainant instead purchased a new account. Shortly after the original purchase, the complainant properly upgraded their Outright account to a paid Online Bookkeeping account, also for a one month term.Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the services in question upon expiration and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with the customer.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.As a gesture of goodwill, we have refunded charges in the amount of $64.74 to the complainant, and have canceled the additional Online Bookkeeping account on their behalf.If the complainant does not wish to continue the other GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping service in their customer account, they will need to disable the automatic renewal settings or cancel the service prior to the next renewal date. GoDaddy’s 24/7 Customer Care Center can assist the complainant if they are experiencing issues accessing their customer account.EDUCATION:The complainant may find the following article helpful for future reference: Canceling Products - Refund Policy - Renewals for Products and Services -⇄ you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer. We stand by our previous response. The service renewal took place January 26, 2016. Our customer did not contact our support teams until March 25, 2016. GoDaddy is unable to refund the credit back to a credit card as the refund request is outside of our policy. The In-Store Credit was provided as a goodwill gesture. If the customer needs assistance accessing their GoDaddy account we have our 24/7 Customer Consultation and Care team available to assist by phone at 480-505-8877. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer. Kindest regards, Mandy O'Connor Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 24, 2015, our customer purchased a domain name, Website Builder, and...
Office 365 email starter plan all for a 1-year term. On December 24, 2016, this term expired and the products failed to auto-renew as per our customer’s account settings as the payment method was declined. On December 27, 2016, our customer manually renewed their domain and did so for a one-year term, but did not renew the Website Builder plan or Office 365 plan. Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew both plans and continued to attempt to do so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with them. GoDaddy sent multiple notices about the failed billing on the following dates: • December 24, 2016• December 31, 2016• January 13, 2017These notices informed our customer the expired items were at risk of being canceled unless additional action was taken. GoDaddy provided 20 total days of hosting service without payment prior to cancellation. Account management is a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.GoDaddy holds website content for 30 days and as such no longer can restore our customer’s website. Our customer may wish to visit archival sites such as in an attempt to regain their content. Once gathered, they will be able to utilize that information to rebuild their website.. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at June 23, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy via online chat to request a refund...
for multiple domain name renewal transactions. GoDaddy provided credit for eligible domains. Their request was denied for ineligible domains in accordance with our Refund Policy.Per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the domains in question and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with our customer. GoDaddy sent multiple renewal notices prior to the expiration dates. These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless additional action was taken. Account management is a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.When a domain name is registered or renewed, GoDaddy acts like a broker in the sense that we are taking an order from the customer (registrant) and buying/renewing the domain(s) from the Registry on their behalf. It is then up to the Registry to decide if they will take back an order and within the timeframe they would do so. In this case, GoDaddy has already provided the money to the Registry and we are unable to recoup the funds provided. As such, we are unable to fulfill our customer’s request for a refund.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
When registering for the account, it did not outwardly state that I was signing up for an auto renewal account, leading me to believe it was a one time transaction, unless I decided otherwise. Although not illegal, I feel this is an unethical business practice, as it leads to charges that the customer may not be aware of. Because I was unaware it was on auto-renewal, I did not check the email account on file, as I am no longer part of the business which the domain name was associated with. I understand the company sent renewal emails, but if they would openly state the account was going to be set up on auto-renewal unless otherwise changed, I would have been aware from the beginning and would have been able to make necessary changes.
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at: January 5, 2016...
our customer purchased a Deluxe Managed WordPress Plan for a one month term. They have since manually renewed this plan on a month by month basis on the following dates: February 5, 2016; March 10, 2016; April 2, 2016. On May 2, 2016 our customer contacted our Customer Care Center via chat to request a 7 day delay in their next required monthly payment. Resolution:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As a onetime exception we have provided our customer with one additional month on their hosting plan at no cost. Their next expiration date is June 5, 2016. Our customer will be responsible for the cost of all future renewals. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response that account management is a customer responsibility.Based on the charge-back the complainant has processed with their financial institution there are no further actions we can take at this time.Kind regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: ###-###-#### Fax: ###-###-####
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. As previously stated, the product in question was automatically renewed upon expiration per our customer’s account preferences. Our customer was properly notified the requested refund could not be expedited immediately and may take 5 to 7 business days to be reflected with their financial institution, regardless of the duration of time between the transaction occurring and contacting our support teams. We appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Website Builder Service AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: [redacted]On April 19, 2014 the complainant purchased the Website Builder in question for a one year term. This was for the service period ending April 19, 2015. Per the complainant’s account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew the domain in question and attempted to do so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with the customer however, the customer's financial institution declined payment(s). GoDaddy proactively sent multiple notices pre- and post-expiration to the customer.GoDaddy sent a renewal notice prior to the expiration date on April 9, 2015.GoDaddy also sent notices on and after the expiration date on:• April 19, 2015• April 29, 2015• May 9, 2015On the day the Website Builder expired, in this case April 19, 2015, the complainant’s agreed and purchased term of hosting ended. After the complainant's agreed and purchased term ended, GoDaddy provided 10 days of live site service without receiving payment from the complainant. When this 10 day period ended, the site was suspended for nonpayment. GoDaddy then held the website data for an additional 10 days before the site content was deleted. In total GoDaddy provided 20 days of service without payment prior to cancellation.The complainant is under no obligation to pay a restore fee to recover their website, provided they have their own independent backups of their content. Website restores are not a product that GoDaddy regularly offers, but rather a service that GoDaddy may provide in rare occasions when a customer does not have their own content independently backed up. Account management, including data backups, are a customer responsibility.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.If the complainant purchases a new Website Builder plan, our office will waive the restore fee as a one-time exception. The complainant can contact GoDaddy’s 24/7 Customer Care Center directly to purchase the new Website Builder plan, and request their restore.EDUCATION:The following GoDaddy Support article will be helpful in the future to the customer regarding managing product renewals.Managing Renewals for Products and Services:[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted]
First, I never approved the website for publication. One of the people answering the phone said the problem with the program not emailing my company and client when a reservation for an art class was submitted was that the website had to be published. It did not work. (It still does not work) I did not approve the publishing the website.I made a clear understanding with the salesman about how I wished the site to function. He checked with a so-called programmer. I used several other art class sites as examples. They said they could. There is no excuse. They never mentioned they would be using third party plugins or that I would be responsible for any programming. I paid GoDaddy to design the site. If they can not design it properly, simple, give my money back and I'll find someone that can.There was to be two calendars, one for art classes and one for music & events. They designed the site with one calendar for the art class and duplicated it for the music/events. It did not work.There is no one manager for the website. You can never get a supervisor when you request. You never get the same person twice when you call.The site is useless to me. It has never worked as intended.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at October 5, 2017 our customer purchased GoDaddy’s Search Engine Visibility for a one...
year term via the GoDaddy website. Search Engine Visibility is an Internet-based search engine optimization and submission tool that assists users with optimizing their website. Our customer cancelled their Search Engine Visibility plan on January 30, 2018. Our customer did not contact our 24/7 Customer Care teams regarding their Search Engine Visibility plan until February 22, 2018, when they called to request a refund. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.In accordance with our publicly located Refund Policy, which can be found at, our customer's Search Engine Visibility plan is not eligible for refund.While we would hate to lose our customer’s business, if they wish to transfer their domains to another provider, there would be no charges incurred from GoDaddy, only from their new registrar. The steps at the following URL may provide some useful information if our customer is trying to transfer away: Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:...
h[redacted] On February 1, 2015 our customer purchased a domain name registration, an email plan, and a Website Builder plan, each for a one-year term via online transaction. GoDaddy’s Website Builder is a proprietary, do-it-yourself, template based product to construct a website.On February 2, 2016 and February 21, 2016, per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to automatically renew these services and did so in a good faith effort to honor its agreements with our customer. GoDaddy sent multiple renewal notices prior to the renewal transactions. These notices informed our customer their products would be renewed in accordance with their account preferences unless additional action was taken. GoDaddy must rely upon its customers for information that we would otherwise be unaware of, use of a new email address. Account management is a customer responsibility. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.On March 9, 2016 our customer connected with our billing team. The renewal preference was disabled on their existing products and received a full refund for the latest renewal transactions was submitted to the original payment method. Our customer may find the following article helpful if they wish to immediately cancel their services:Cancel Products in your GoDaddy Account-[redacted]Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Domain Name Registration Agreement• Hosting AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: April 9, 2015 the hosting plan in question within the complainant's account expired. Per the complainant’s account preferences, GoDaddy was instructed to not automatically renew the Linux Economy shared hosting account in question and did so in a Good Faith effort to honor its agreements with the complainant. Account management is a customer responsibility.GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to the expiration date on:• March 10, 2015• March 25, 2015GoDaddy also sent notices on and after the expiration date on:• April 9, 2015• April 19, 2015On the day the hosting expired, in this case April 9, 2015, the complainant’s agreed and purchased term of hosting ended. After the complainant's agreed and purchased term of hosting ended GoDaddy provided 10 days of live site service without receiving payment from the complainant. When this 10 day period ended, the site was suspended for nonpayment, at which time, GoDaddy will hold the data for an additional 10 days before the data is deleted. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.As a one-time exception, we have extended the complainant’s hosting account by one month at no charge to them. The complainant will need to download their files from the hosting account prior to its new expiration date of May 9, 2015.EDUCATION:The complainant should be able to recover their content via GoDaddy’s Hosting Control Panel, or via use of a third party FTP (file-transfer protocol) client and the hosting account’s IP address.The following articles from our help center may be useful to the complainant in accessing their content on their shared hosting account:Backing up Your Shared Hosting Account⇄ can I download my shared hosting backups?⇄ to Your Hosting Account with FileZilla (FTP)⇄ Your Hosting Account’s IP Address⇄ you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy