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Cox Communications

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Cox Communications Reviews (1494)

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 12468537, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

The bill in question is for [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Dear [redacted],
Thank you for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed with the in regards to the status of promotional gift cards that were promised to you.  I have reviewed your...

account and have determined the following:
Our records show that you installed services on August 4, 2015.  In order to qualify for the gift card promotion, you are required to pay the first 3 (three) months of service on time. 
You state in your complaint letter that you were offered a $300 gift card and that you have made your payments on time.  In reviewing your account, your August and September statements were not paid by the due date (see attached).  The first payment received was October 24, 2015.  Based on this information, you do not qualify for the gift card promotional offer.
Please contact me directly with any additional questions and/or concerns regarding your Cox account.
Executive Office of the Regional Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear [redacted],
Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your “rebuttal” complaint
filed through the 
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve
you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of
the service we provide to our customers.
Per our phone conversation that took place on January 4,
2017, I have confirmed that I reviewed the recorded call that took place between
you and our sales representative on November 11, 2016. 
Our sales representative quoted $163.98 plus taxes and fees
for 12 months for Contour TV, Premiere Data, phone service, 1 host box/7 client
boxes and DVR services.  Unfortunately,
the sales representative provided you the incorrect pricing information
therefore we have taken the proper steps to provide coaching/feedback on the
Importantly, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize
for your recent experience and we will honor what you were quoted by applying a
manual credit of $120.00 onto your Cox account for 12 months. 
As of January 4, 2017 I have applied the following manual
credits onto your Cox account. 
$120.00 credit for November 18, 2016 statement
$120.00 credit for December 17, 2016 statement.
Please be advised that I will manually apply the $120.00
credit on the 17th of each month until November 17, 2017. 
I am available
for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this
letter.  My office hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm,
Monday through Friday.
Best Regards,
COX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... /> [redacted]

September17, 2015  Wewant to thank our customer for taking time from their busy schedule to bring theiraccount issue to our attention.  Thecomplaint that was filed was sent to our attention for research andresolution.  We are sorry to hear thatour customer felt...

they had no other recourse than to contact the BetterBusiness Bureau to get their concern resolved. We apologize for the poor customer experience that they encountered.  HelloConsumer, Thankyou for affording us the opportunity to serve you. We have reviewed yourcomplaint and account. Iattempt to reach you via phone but was unsuccessful, however I did leave mycontact info on your voicemail. A technician came to the home on August 11th,since that visit we have not received a call stating you are experiencingproblems with your services. Although we have not spoken I am in high hopesthat the visit on the 11th resolved your technical problems.  Ialso reviewed your account for credit.  Iunderstand how important your time is, however it is imperative that you adviseus when you are having technical problems; at this time customer notificationis the only way we know when a customer is having problems. At this time I amunable to justify giving full credit for 3 months because you weren’t completelyout of service for 3 months, however I did place a credit for $231.20 to youraccount which is equivalent to 1 full month of services for all 3 products.  Ifyou are still having technical problems please reach out to me directly.  Pleaseaccept our apology for any inconvenience this may have caused you.  I am available for any additional questionsand/or concerns you may have regarding your Cox account.     [redacted]
[redacted]   ExecutiveRelations ###-###-####

We are sorry to hear that our customer has experienced issues with their services.   Upon receipt of our customers concerns we reviewed their account and found that all our customers levels at this time indicates our customers signals to her data modem are absolutely great.   Our Cox...

Business Liaison spoke with [redacted], and discussed our findings. Our customer states she is going to contact her VPN host and ask them for help with the VPN that is lagging. Since our customer is new customer and has made multiple calls to Cox, we issued our customer a $35.00 credit just now, which represents a two week credit. I explained to her that she will see this on her next monthly statement.   We provided our customer with information on how to file an online trouble ticket, and her Cox Business liaison’s direct contact information in case she has any additional questions or concerns.  We thank our customer for bringing their concerns to our attention and for being a valued Cox Customer.   Sincerely   Cox Communications Executive Escalations Team SE Tell us why here...
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The "proposed action" was simply to pay the bill I disputed and do not believe I owe. This is unsatisfactory.
As I previously mentioned, when I realized there was a discrepancy in my billing and it said I had a $0.00 balance, I proactively took it upon myself to try to get it resolved, though the mistake was made by Cox. After getting my account straightened out online, I then went to the nearest Cox store, and they waived my late fee and told me I could just pay for the previous month, which I did.
After I cancelled my services, I returned the cable box to the store as per instruction and pay any
outstanding balances there. When I returned my cable box, I asked what
else I needed to do. They pulled up my account and told me that I was good
to go.
To recap: when I looked online, it said I had a $0.00 balance, though I believed that I had an overdue balance and I took it upon myself to get my account fixed. When I went to the store, I paid what I was told I had to. When I returned the cable box, I again inquired and was told I was good to go. Cox made the mistakes in its billing, and yet three separate times I took it upon myself to get this issue resolved. Therefore, I do not believe that I owe anything to this company. Since I have cancelled my service and gone to another company, I am simply requesting that this matter be dropped.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[The Issue I have with this response, is that I was mislead and was given incorrect information and I am being bullied into accepting their mistake, while they look at me with a blind eye and act as if nothing happened. Extremely disappointed with Cox Communications.]

Dear [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing...

Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed through the in regards to your quoted rates.
In reviewing your account, it appears that you have disconnected your video service which breaks the 3 product bundle.  Your current rate for telephone and internet is $70.53.  If you would like to reinstate the level of video service that you previously subscribed to, I will be sure that you’re billed at the rate that you were quoted for 12-months.
[redacted] please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you and your company.  I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding your Cox account.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing Cox...

the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint filed through the and would like to respond accordingly:
Our records show that on November 24, 2013 you installed Cox High Speed internet and that you requested the "modem rental" option and also took advantage of a 3-month internet promotion for $34.99.
On March 20, 2014, you contacted our billing department to dispute the monthly rental fee.  At that time, the equipment assigned to your account was researched.  Cox determined that the disputed equipment was in use and had been since the date of install.
On April 20, 2014, our records show that new "customer owned" equipment was activated.  At that time, the modem rental fee was removed.
Based on this information, Cox must respectfully deny your request for credit.  Please contact me directly with any additional questions and/or concerns.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California,

Dear Ms. [redacted],
New Roman"> 
Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your complaint filed through the  Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.
As we discussed I have disconnected your phone service with Cox and removed HBO and Starz.  I have discounted your remaining Cox services by $45.00 per month for the next 12 months.  In addition I have issued a one time credit of $50.
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have in regards to our response to your Better Business Burear complaint.
Best Regards,
Executive Office of the Regional Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear [redacted],
Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your complaint filed through the  Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.
It was a pleasure speaking with you.  As per our phone conversation that took place on May 12, 2016 we have agreed to apply the following onto your Cox account.
Disconnect your cable and phone service – disconnected as of May 12, 2016
Waive Early Termination Fee – waived on May 12, 2016
Schedule for a technician to pick up cable box (free of charge)
Tech will pick up equipment on May 13, 2016 between 1-3pm
Keep Premiere internet with 2 year discount
$59.99 for 24 months
May 12, 2016 through May 12, 2018
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this letter.  My office hours are 9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Best Regards,
COX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Office of the Regional Manager 
Executive Customer Resolutions Specialist, California
5159 Federal Blvd. San Diego, CA 92105
Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:30pm

Dear Ms. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you...

for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs. We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed through the in regards to your level of internet service.
Our records show that your internet service has been switched back to our Connect to Compete rate of $9.95.  This was corrected on November 19, 2014.  Cox also issued an adjustment of $49.99 to your account.  This credit will reflect on your next billing statement. 
Ms. [redacted], please accept our apologies for the inconvenience we have caused you and your family.  I have applied an additional credit of $31.93 which clears your account balance for internet only.
Again Ms. [redacted], we apologize for the frustration we have caused you.  I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding your Cox account.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Executive Office of the Regional Manager
Cox Communications, California

We already recieved the customer's complaint from another avenue. The customer complaint has already been completed. We removed the equipment and charge from the account in 12/24.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Please check the attached [redacted] bill for the period of Bill Cycle Date: 12/03/13 - 01/02/14. It was not a "soft disconnected" I specifically informed Cox that i'm not going to use Cox internet.
Why would I want to have two internet connections at my residence and [redacted] u verse disconnect all other internet  connection when they install [redacted] u verse at my house.
I 'm 100% sure there wasn't any usage with Cox for the period specify by Office of the General Manager
Thanks You.

I've had Cox internet service for 2 years now and can't really complain about it minus the fact that it goes out every once and awhile. 3 days ago I ordered TV service on a promo deal I received in the mail from Cox, I was told I was going to pay exactly $109.34 for my services and agreed to have them come out and set up the new Contour 2 system. They came out yesterday and set up the system, the service-men were very nice and the service worked fine, problem was I was supposed to have the advanced 6 show DVR not the 2 show DVR included, they gave me the 2 show DVR instead. On top of that the next morning I checked the prices for my services and they were $30 more than they originally told me! I called and spent an hour and a half talking to them to basically get told that the deal I had ordered was a myth and that basically they had bait-and-switched me, ridiculous. I cancelled the service after 12 hours and took the box back to the store. I will never order Cox TV services again and am now debating on switching ISP's also, be careful with what they tell you because it might be a lie.

Dear Ms. [redacted],
Thank you for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve you.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed with the in regards to experience in cancelling service.  We would like to apologize for the extensive wait time and thank you for...

bringing your concerns to our attention.
I have shared your complaint letter with the organizations within Cox that are responsible for monitoring our automated system and hold times.  All customers are equally valuable and should share the same experience whether upgrading or disconnecting service.
Again, thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  I am available for any additional feedback you may have.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Executive Office of the Regional Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Please be advised the $25.00 credit was applied onto your Cox account on September 2, 2014. 
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions regarding this matter.
Thank you,
Cox Communications - Customer Relations
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
wish I could confirm some of your reply with information from our statements,
but your company has not sent us any statements in any form for over a year.
(We only learn about your price hikes when more money is demanded from our
misleading from sales reps about what we would receive, and what we would pay,
lead me to doubt the value of anything in those statements with regard to our
complaint, given that sales reps can tell us one thing and then enter something
entirely different into the system, and clearly have.
wireless modem you reference is a perfect example. We contacted Cox because the
modem provided with our initial setup was malfunctioning. Your sales rep
explained that the modem was obsolete. The sales rep then assured us, more than
once, that there would be no charge for the new modem because Cox had sent us
defective equipment. Then, despite very clear assurances from the sales rep,
the modem was charged to our account anyway. The credit you see on the Oct 21,
2013 is because we chose to return the modem and purchase our own from another
source rather than participate in a dishonest transaction.
most recent example of a misleading sales rep, and the incident that prompted
involving the, occurred during the Oct 14, 2015 call, when your sales rep
told us multiple times, including when directly asked, that downgrading our
service would result in a 35Mbps connection speed. We agreed to the downgrade,
and that likely would’ve been the end of the dispute, but we then checked our
connection speed and found we had been downgraded to 15Mbps. Surely you can
understand why being directly lied to by your company's representatives casts
serious doubts on the ethics engrained in your company’s culture?
would respectfully request you review the recording of our Oct 14 call, if any
such recording exists, to confirm our account.

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Thank you for allowing Cox the...

opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed through the in regards to your internet service.  We have conducted a thorough review of your account and have determined the following:
Our records do not support enough trouble reports to honor your request for reimbursement.  We have no record of any technicians being dispatched to your home to certify your cable line.  In addition, the notes on your account reference issues with your wireless speeds which is not something that Cox supports.
If you would like a technician to come to your home to certify your services, please feel free to contact me directly and I will arrange for the visit.
Executive Office of the Regional Manager
Cox Communications, California

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Description: Television - Cable, CATV & Satellite

Address: 43 Peninsula Ctr, Rolling Hls Ests, California, United States, 90274-3583


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