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Cox Communications

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Cox Communications Reviews (1495)

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 We are sorry to hear that our customer has concerns regarding an equipment charge, which they were unable to have addressed.We have reviewed the equipment charge and found the equipment in question to be from our customer’s previous address.  Striving to live up to our mission statement “to be the most Trusted Provider” we realize that this has been some time and the customer may have misplaced, or thrown away the equipment.  We have credited the equipment charge back to our customers account , and notified our customer of the actions taken.We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused our customer, and thank our customer for allowing us the unique opportunity to serve them through this avenue.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
As we discussed, I would like to reject Cox Comm response and I consider the case unsatisfactory resolved.
Thank you for your help and support.

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Roman" size="3"> Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your complaint filed through the  Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.
Our records show on April 5, 2016 a credit card payment of $100.00 was applied onto your Cox account in error.  The payment was removed from your account on April 6, 2016 and applied to the correct account. 
As a company, if our customer provides a proof of payment and was applied onto a different account, in error, we are obligated to correct the misapplied payment and apply it to the correct account. 
Per your desired settlement from your complaint to the, you are requesting for $100.00 reimbursement.  We apologize and will have to decline your request. Unfortunately, there is no valid reason for Cox to apply a $100.00 reimbursement to you or onto your Cox account.
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this letter.  My office hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Best Regards,
COX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Office of the Regional Manager 
Executive Customer Resolutions Specialist, California
877.982.5917 toll
5159 Federal Blvd. San Diego, CA 92105
Monday through Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.--------------------------------------------------------------------------... /> Hello, [redacted].
Thanks for your reply. As I stated in the previous message, the refund issue with Cox involves both our old and new Cox accounts. The total refund therefor has two parts: $142.99 = $109.99(old) + $33(new). A family number is the holder of the old account. I am the holder of the new account. I filed this complaint to deal with the tangled issues together.
I am not sure whether I understand your reply correctly. Do you suggest that my family member(old account holder) should filed a new complaint as well?

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your...

complaint letter filed through the in regards to the campaigns on your account.  I have reviewed your account and have determined the following:
Our records show that on December 12, 2012 you signed up for our Gold bundle step-up package at the rate of $124.99 per month (Not including taxes, fees and equipment rental).  This rate was for the primary outlets of each service you subscribed to.  Any additional outlets would be billed at the standard rate.  The Gold bundle step-up package rate billed at $124.99 for the first 12-months and increased by $15.00 for months 13-18.  This second portion of this discounted rate is set to expire on June 12, 2014.
Unfortunately, our system does not allow us to stack discounts.  Therefore, our customers must wait until the campaign has fully expired.  Once the campaign has expired, customers can inquire on any additional discounts we may have available.  Unfortunately, some of our more aggressive discounts that were previously offered may not be available nor are we able to extend them.
Mr. [redacted], on behalf of Cox, I would like to extend an apology to you if this was not thoroughly explained.  I would also like to apologize for the lack of follow up to your online chat.  I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding your Cox account.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear [redacted],
Roman" size="3"> Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your complaint filed through the  Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.
I apologize you have been experiencing technical issues with your cable and data services.  If you are still experiencing issues, please let me know, so I can schedule a senior technician to your residence to resolve the ongoing issues. 
Unfortunately we do not compensate our customers for “horrible service” as you stated on your complaint to the  However, if you choose to disconnect your Cox services then I will waive any early termination fees that will accrue onto your account.  At the meantime, I have issued a one month courtesy credit toward your cable services of a total of $111.47.  The credit adjustment will reflect on your next billing statement.
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this letter.  My office hours are 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Best Regards,
Tell us why here...

Dear [redacted]
Roman" size="3"> Cox Communications (Cox) is in receipt of your complaint filed through the  Let me begin by thanking you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you. We thank you for bringing your concerns to our attention.  Doing so allows us to improve the quality of the service we provide to our customers.
Our records show that Cox installed services at your residence on April 29, 2015.  At that time, you agreed to a 2 year Price Lock Guarantee (PLG).  A 2 year PLG is a guarantee if there were to be any rate increases within the next 2 years that your account will not be affected.  Along with the 2 year PLG, we applied a 12 month discount onto your account in which it expired on April 28, 2016.  Therefore, there was an increase on your April 29, 2016 billing statement.
On May 5, 2016 we applied a $40.00 off discount onto your account along with $5.00 off of your DVR service for 12 months.  Your new monthly rate for 12 months is as follows: 
$115.46 Plus Tax = $128.43
On May 17, 2016 I left you a voicemail regarding the recent discounts that were applied onto your account.  Mr. Webber, if you are not satisfied with the new discounts and would like to terminate your Cox services, I am willing to waive the early termination fee.  Please contact me, directly, if you would like to terminate your services.
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding this letter.  My office hours are 9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Best Regards,
COX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------... Office of the Regional Manager 
Executive Customer Resolutions Specialist, California
5159 Federal Blvd. San Diego, CA 92105  
Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:30pm

Cox Communications responds to case #[redacted].
We have reviewed the customer's bill in detail with them, made a payment arrangement and provided credit for services to satisfy the overall issues concerning the non-payment, bill and re-rates issue with...

direct dialed calls that had been made. In addition, our customer has advised our supervisor that these  several resolutions have met their satisfaction.
Our customer has our supervisors contact information in the event that they have any further questions or concerns pertaining to this matter. Our apology that we did not update your office sooner.
Thank you,
The Executive Customer Resolution team 

Dear Ms. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing...

Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed through the in regards to your recent experience with your internet service.  I have reviewed your account and have come to the following resolution.
Cox would first like to apologize for the delay in responding to your trouble report.  I have provided this feedback to the organizations that are responsible for ensuring that our field technicians arrive within the scheduled time. 
In regards to the modem rental fee, Cox would like to provide this modem to you as a complimentary gift.  The equipment rental fee has been removed and your account updated accordingly.
Again, Cox would like to apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced.  I am available for any additional feedback or concerns you may have.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California

Thank you for your response.
The account number is [redacted]
Monthly charges l were automatically billed to her Discover card.
[redacted] died 2-12-14.
underline;">  I am the Trustee for her estate.
Both my Aunt [redacted] and her granddaughter had their names on the Cox account. I  was tasked with removing my deceased Aunt's name from the account.  I emailed Cox and was told I needed to make the change through one of their stores.  I went in and spoke with [redacted] a "Solutions Specialist."  I specifically stated that only the name was to be removed... all services were to remain the same.  I was never told that any fees would be  raised or that her phone number would be lost.  Then...the granddaughter received her first bill.  My deceased Aunt's phone number had been disconnected and the bill was $100.00 higher that the previous month.  I tried to remedy this by telephone.  I was told to fax my Trustee papers to [redacted] at Desk [redacted].  (858)715-4529.  My call was never returned.  The granddaughter called Cox.  She was told that the phone number was disconnect ted and could never be retrieved.  She was told to come into the store to discuss the situation.  We went to the Santee store and spoke with [redacted].  She was able to retrieve the telephone number.  We were told that due to the name removal, all fees had been raised.  We asked her to put that in writing and she stated that Cox employees" were not allowed to put anything in writing."  I truly believe that the Cox employees were taking advantage of a family in mourning.  Either [redacted] was lying to me, was not trained properly or was following company policy to open new higher fee based accounts at any cost to deceased family members.  Cox employees were confused (at best) or dishonest (at worst).  We lowered the granddaughter's Cox services to a minimum until this matter could be settled. 
Please contact me should you need any further information.
Trustee, The [redacted] J. [redacted]
[redacted] home phone
[redacted] work phone
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11899510, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Hello:I am still having connection issues with business internet with COX. Going to business internet did not resolve the issue of the connectivity problems. A tech has created a ticket for you all to come out and fix the connection problem between the outside pole and my apartment, How much longer will this continue to go on?Ticket # ESR00000228881z (or 12)created January 20, 2017 

I acknowledge my error in reading the contract. I did not see this section nor was I made aware of it when discussing with the customer service representative previously. I intend to honor the contract.

Dear Ms. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint letter filed through the in regards to your former Cox account.  
As we have stated from our original response on June 19, 2014 as follows:
Our records show that on December 23, 2013 you entered into a 24-month service contract (see attached).  You cancelled your Cox services on February 21, 2014.  You state in your complaint letter that you were informed that the early termination fees would be waived.  Cox has no record of this being authorized. 
However, Cox will waive half of the early termination fees of $99.79 as a courtesy to you.  The amount of $99.79 will be applied towards your early termination fee today.  Ms. [redacted], please be advised that you are still responsible for the remaining charge of the early termination fee.  You can call our Customer Service line at 888.222.7743 to make that payment. 
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding your former Cox account.  My office hours are 9:00am to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California

Dear Mr. [redacted],
Let me begin by thanking you for allowing Cox the opportunity to serve your communication needs.  We are in receipt of your complaint filed through the in regards to the "toll restriction" call feature.  I have reviewed your account and...

have determined the following:
Our records show that you primary telephone number [redacted] is under the California Lifeline Program.  This program allows qualifying low income customers to have phone service at a discounted rate.  Lifeline customers also receive toll restriction as a courtesy.
In reviewing your account, it appears that you have/had multiple phone lines which did not qualify for the Lifeline program.  Therefore, you were billed for the toll restriction phone feature.
Based on this information, Cox must respectfully deny your request for credit.
I am available for any additional questions and/or concerns you may have regarding your Cox account.  My office hours are 7:30am to 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, California

We are responding to the customer's feedback for case# [redacted]. Once we received the information we  immediately reached out  our customer and discussed the reasons for this particular review. Our customer graciously accepted for us to send a specilized lead technician in this focused area to look at all once again.
We have an appointment scheduled for 5.14.15. We look forward to resolving this matter and appreciate our customer's patronage and working with us. 
Thank you,
The Customer Experience team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Cox Communications has never met their end of our original agreement when I added my phone services. I know exactly what I agreed to and I not only double checked but tripled checked before making the final agreement with the Sales Rep. Cox Communications has not met their end and since they are the ones with money, feel they can get away with walking over me, the little guy.
Please get ALL my money back. NOW I am asking not just the original amount but I am NOW asking for the amount from my previous complaint about Cox Communications about a very similar issue. I have been a loyal customer and to be treated and abused like this, with the very little money I get each month, I find what Cox is doing not only inhumane but bordering on robbery.
Do what is right to ME the customer and NOT to yourselves the big money company.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[I have attached pictures of the damage done to the USB dongle.  The damage caused by Cox's technician resulted in the casing of the USB being broken and the alignment of the USB connector to the small circuit board being bent.  The damage to the case snapped a clasp on it and the case can no longer be closed properly, also shown in the pictures attached.  Finally, the bent alignment of the USB connector has placed undue stress on the connections holding it to circuit board, and any attempt to straighten it would place additional stress on them, potentially causing a complete break.
While the unit is still operational, it's continued use is not practical as the protective casing cannot be secured properly to the device.
The response from the business indicates to me that in their opinion it is okay for their employees to damage private property without the company being held fully accountable for any damage caused by that employee so long as the item damaged remains functional.
I continue to find this attitude unacceptable and request that the company provide an additional $29 so that a new unit may be purchased to replace the one damaged by their employee.]

At Cox Communications our customer satisfaction is number one goal!  We are sorry to hear that our customer has concerns regarding their billing.  Upon receipt these concerns we reviewed our customer’s account and found that our customer has since visited their local retail location to...

have their concerns addressed.  Our Retail Agent explained to our customer that the charge occurred due to our customer removing the Cox Service Protection Plan (CSPP) from the account, after a recent visit that was determined to be non Cox related.  Our Retail Agent has issued an adjustment for the service call, and applied an additional $25.00 credit to the account for our customer’s inconvenience. Additionally our customer called in to our call center on March 7, 2016, and we waived our customer’s most recent late fee. We thank our customer for bringing their concerns to our attention, and for choosing Cox Communications.   Sincerely   Cox Communications Executive Escalations Team SE

font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;">Cox Communications is responding to the complaint filed with your office on 8/19/2014 assigned the ID of [redacted]. 
Upon receiving this complaint Cox Communications reached out to our customer in an attempt to rectify their technical issues.  A Lead technician was scheduled  to visit the home and determined that the issue our customer was experiencing was something that Cox is working diligently to rectify.  Our customer decided that they would suspend their video services for the time being until the deployment of the software update that will correct the problem. 
We regret that we could not find an immediate solution to the technical issue and have taken the necessary steps to meet our customer’s expectations with regard to his requested resolution.
Cox Communications Executive Resolution Team
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The reply from the COX still didn't answer the question why a scheduled tech appointment for Friday was changed by the manager/supervisor on wednesday (who was also abusive/unsympathetic) in retaliation after I asked for COX policy. Also, the fact that COX now mentions 72 hrs to rectify but representative telling me 24 and then 48 hrs is definitely an evidence of COX's deceptive attitude towards customer or that their staff doesn't now what they are doing. I had to work from office on a holiday weekend because the technician (the manager) had canceled a scheduled visit without informing me and that definitely added insult to my injuries. Also on Friday I was told that there is no complaint on my account which is definitely a sign that this manager did delete the complaint. So, I will like the manger to issue a formal apology and I want to be compensated properly because of the mental anguish and frustration caused by this incident.   Thanks a lot,

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Description: Television - Cable, CATV & Satellite

Address: 43 Peninsula Ctr, Rolling Hls Ests, California, United States, 90274-3583


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