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Address: 101 Plaza East Blvd STE 303, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, 47715-2871
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We would like to thank the for giving us the opportunity to...
address the service call scheduling concerns that our client brought to your attention. It is never our intention to cause frustration for any of our customers.
We did make contact with our customer on February 24, 2016 to discuss his concerns. We were able to verify that his service issues have been resolved, and our records confirm that we reached resolution in less than 48 hours. Our company has not refused or denied him service.
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced.
[redacted]Cox Communications, Southwest Region complaint # [redacted]
We are sorry to hear that one of our subscribers is experiencing confusion with his billing and service. As a service oriented company, we realize that customer satisfaction is crucial to our success.
Because of the complaint...
filed with the, a thorough review has been completed on the account. Our records confirm that on the 19 of this month, our Billing Agent [redacted] applied the necessary credits in lieu of the installation fees charged to the subscriber on the 7 of February 2014. The customer also stated that he was promised a two year lock on pricing when he originally ordered the service. Review of the work orders on file indicate that only phone service was on the original order on February 7, with the additional services ordered five days later. Because the services were not ordered and transferred at the same time, the agent would not have been able to secure a discounted price at a contract rates for the customer.
While we always appreciate it when the brings a customer situation to our attention, we want to point out that our Billing agent attempted to assist and answer all of the subscribers questions regarding his monthly rates and service. It is also noted on the account that she offered to research the situation regarding the contract and free service issues, but the customer declined her assistance. Our Customer Service Team is trained to assist our customers with their concerns, and we welcome the opportunity to help. If the subscriber would like our Billing Team to investigate the matters that he has brought to your attention, we ask for his cooperation and some of his time. While we cannot divulge personal information in our reply to the, we will attempt to contact the customer by phone to discuss the situation at hand.
We sincerely apologize for the anxiety that the customer has experienced with our company, and hope this information has been helpful to the
[redacted]/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
April 11, 2014 rebuttal complaint # [redacted]
We are sorry to hear that the customer was unhappy with our first response to his complaint. While the customer disputes that he chose to keep Internet on seasonal rather than disconnecting it, our records confirm otherwise.
We have validation that on November 4, 2013, the customer contacted our Care Center and advised that did not have any renters at the property in question, and was requesting his Cox High Speed Internet Service (CHSI) to be disconnected. Our agent informed the customer that rather than disconnecting the service completely, we could offer him an option for a seasonal rate, which would be more cost effective versus paying for a reconnection of service in the future. After explaining the benefits of the seasonal rate, the customer advised our Customer Service Team that he would keep the Internet on seasonal rate, rather than disconnecting the service. The customer also paid his billing in full in the upcoming months, with no dispute on record for the services displayed on his bill.
We are sorry that we are not able to give the customer the information that he is looking for. We hope this information has been helpful to the Thank you.
[redacted]/Office of the General Manager/ Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
April 24, 2014 complaint # [redacted]
We were sorry to hear of the confusion that our customer is experiencing on her billing. We appreciate the opportunity that the has given us to address her concerns.
Because of the complaint filed with...
the, a thorough review has been completed on the account. The customer states that she was charged a returned check fee, and was advised by an agent of our company that the charge would be removed.
Our records confirm that one of our Collection employees did request the $25.00 charge be reversed on April 18, 2014. Due to our error, the credit was not posted until today. We sincerely regret the delay of the promised credit.
We would like to point out that although our on line billing may not reflect this credit today; we can assure the customer and the that the $25.00 has been credited to the account. The customer may contact our Billing Department at [redacted] to confirm that the returned check fee has been removed from her account.
We extend our sincere regret for the inconvenience the customer has experienced with us. We hope this information has been helpful; again we thank the for the opportunity to assist a valued customer.
[redacted]/ Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
Tell us why here...November 13, complaint # [redacted]We are sorry that the customer is not satisfied with our previous response to your company.We attempted to contact the customer again by phone, but we were only able to leave a message. We did send an email with information on the special discounts and credits applied to the customer’s account since that was her main concern on her complaint. We also advised the customer that she is always welcome to call our Account Services Department at [redacted] to verify this information. We hope this information has been helpful to your office. We look forward to hearing from the customer. Cox Communications Executive Offices/Arizona
February 12, 2014
Complaint ID#[redacted]
We would like to thank the customer for contacting our company via the regarding the billing on the customer’s former account. We are sorry to hear that the customer believes that Cox did not properly address his concerns in a timely manner.
On February 8th the customer’s accounts were credited for the outstanding balances. We apologize for the difficulty and frustration this has caused the customer. We have also notified the Collections agency to remove this entry from the customer’s credit report. We regret that this matter was not addressed sooner.
We thank the customer and the for their time and consideration.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, Arizona
We were sorry to hear of the confusion that our customer recently experienced with his account and billing. We appreciate the opportunity that the and the subscriber have given to us to make the necessary corrections to the account. Because of the complaint filed with...
the, a thorough review has been completed on the account and the situation at hand. Our records indicate that the service call and the outlet installation charge have been removed from the customer’s billing. The subscriber’s concerns were forwarded to our Digital Store Manage for review. Our Store Supervisor has followed up directly with our stores agent and assured us that the customer’s requests have been accommodated appropriately. The customer may now check his billing on line or with our Customer Service Department for verification of the credits applied to the July and December one time charges. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that our subscriber experienced with our company. It is never our intention to cause problems for any of our valued customers, so we thank you again for the opportunity to make things right. [redacted]/Office of the General Manager/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
August 11, 2015 complaint # [redacted] We were sorry to hear that the customer experienced difficulty when she called to disconnect her service. It is never our intention to cause problems or delay a request from any customer. ...
Due to the concerns that the client brought to your attention, we attempted to contact her at the number that she indicated that she could be reached at. While we did not speak to her, we did let her know that we are happy to process her disconnection and backdate it once we speak with her and confirm the PIN number associated with the account. We look forward to hearing back from the customer and thank you for the opportunity to address this customer concern. [redacted]/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ [redacted]
August 18, 2015 [redacted] We were sorry to hear of the difficulty that the customer experienced with our company and brought to your attention. Due to the concerns that the client stated that she had with her...
installation and damage, we contacted our Damage Claims Department for assistance. We were advised that the proper team contacted the customer and arrangements were made to have the repairs completed. The subscriber has the contact information for our Damage Claims Team should she have further questions regarding this matter. As always, we thank the for the opportunity to assist. [redacted]/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona.
Acct Nbr [redacted] Complaint#[redacted] Good Morning Mr. [redacted]s, This letter is in response to the above-referenced complaint that you filed September 30,...
16, regarding the Early Termination Fees in the amount of $4180.59. We have reviewed all documents and contracts that have been submitted and we have issued the credit for the Early Termination Fees. There was no supporting documents that indicated that this current balance had belonged to you, just the fact that it was created under your business name. On 9/30/16 when you did call in, you were recently added to the account only to gain access since it was your business name. Knowing that you were just added for the 1st time, supports your main concern that your signature may have been forged. Unfortunately Cox has no bearing to file those types of charges, so that would have to be something you would need to pursue if necessary, outside of Cox. In conclusion, Cox Acct[redacted]1 has been cleared of the $4180.59 in dispute. If there is anything else we need to address that may be case related, please feel free to reply to the email. Other than that, thank you so much for still being a continued loyal customer with Cox Communications. . We thank you for your continued patronage and look forward to providing you with exceptional customer experiences for the future.
We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their experience. It is certainly not our intention to cause any frustration.
We have contacted the customer directly to address their concerns and provide a successful resolution. After extensive research of the customers service address we have verified that the residence has not had Cox services delivered to the property dating back to the first contact in 2002. There have been several calls over the years requesting service, however, this will require a plant extension to the property. Our customer has been provided with the details of what will be required to provide residential service at this point. We have also recommended that the customer contact the Cox Business group to set up business service as well.
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers' perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced.
We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer.
Lawrence E.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, Southwest Region
July 28, 2016 complaint # [redacted]
We were sorry to hear the customer was not happy with the resolution we presented in our last communication. Due to the concerns that the client brought to your attention, we contacted the customer directly once again and discussed his billing concerns.
The necessary adjustments have been made to the customer’s account. At this moment the customers billing concern has been resolved in a satisfactory manner. The client has our contact information should she wish to contact us directly.
As always, we thank the for the opportunity to assist our customer.
Luis/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
July 5, 2016— Complaint #
font-size: 10pt;">[redacted]
We were sorry to hear that the customer is unhappy with our company. Due to the concerns that were brought to the attention of the, a thorough review has been completed on the account.
The customer states that she has experienced constant service issues with her cable and data. The customer also said in her complaint to your office that she did not want to schedule a service call with our company, due to the possibility of a fee.
Our records confirm that the last service call on record for the client was in July of 2015. Notations on the account also confirms that our Technical Support Team did advise the client the possibility of a service call fee, as our agents are required. While our goal is to solve all technical problems over the phone, some issues can only be resolved at the home with a service technician. All of our subscribers have the option of signing up for our CSPP (Customer Service Protection plan) which guarantees that NO service charges will be incurred by the client. Because of the problems that the customer is having, we do suggest that the subscriber contact our Customer Service Team at [redacted] and schedule a service call. We would like the opportunity to solve and resolve the issues that the customer has brought to the attention of your office.
We hope this information has been helpful!
Catherine/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona Case # 11556143
size="3"> We sincerely regret the inconvenience that our customer has experienced with our company.
Upon reviewing our customer’s complaint, we partnered with our Field Leadership to ensure a successful resolution was provided. Cox Field Leadership worked directly with the customer regarding the installation and appropriate adjustments with their account. We followed up and spoke with the customer directly and she confirmed that her concerns were addressed.
Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. Their feedback will be forwarded to the appropriate leadership regarding their experience.
We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer.
Jesse W.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, Southwest Region Case #[redacted]
We are sorry to hear our business customer has been experiencing technical issues with the Internet service. Due to this being a business account, we have notified our Cox Business team to reached out to the customer directly to schedule a visit to address the concerns listed in the complaint.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, Southwest Region Case # [redacted]
size="3"> It is our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We sincerely regret the inconvenience that our customer has experienced with our company.
We have attempted to contact our customer directly at the e-mail address and telephone number provided on 6/29/16 and 7/6/16. Once we are able to verify the account, we can address their concerns and provide a successful resolution.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
J[redacted] W.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications, Southwest Region Case #[redacted] We are sorry to hear our customer has been negatively impacted by technical issues with Cox Internet services. We have reached out directly to the customer and scheduled a service call to address and resolve the issues. The customer will be contacted after the service call to...
ensure we have successfully resolved the issues. Thank you for your time and consideration. [redacted].Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region
July 5, complaint # [redacted]...
We were sorry to hear of the difficulty that the customer described in his complaint to your office.
Due to the concerns that the client brought to the attention of the, we requested our Field Leadership Team contact the customer directly to resolve his issues. On June 27, 2016, we confirmed that all of our services were working well at the home, and our technician gave his contact information to the customer for further concerns on this matter. While we were not able to verify the missed time frames for service that the customer spoke of, we did apply a one month cable credit to his account, and we removed the fee normally charged for upgrade of service. We hope this information has been helpful to your office. As always, thank you for the opportunity to assist a valuable client!
Catherine/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
We were sorry to hear of the confusion that our customer experienced on her billing.
Because of the complaint filed with the, a thorough review has been completed on the account. The July 8 work order notes confirm that the installation of the cable was charged on the...
original order for service, as well as the data upgrade. Our Technical Service representative notated that the subscriber requested a service call for the data; as well as relocation, as the modem had been moved to another location in the house. The $60.00 fee is the normal and customary fees charged for the services requested on the work order.
While we don’t have any notations on the customer’s account that indicate we agreed to a free install/upgrade of cable and Internet service, we have requested a copy of the phone call so we may review the conversation between our agent and our client. We will contact the customer once we are able to review the call, and we will discuss the installation charges with her directly.
To address the $6.99 Gateway modem charge, our records confirm that this monthly fee has been on the customer’s statement since the inception of the service in September of 2013. Our company does charge a lease fee in lieu of forcing our subscribers to purchase equipment. By renting equipment from us; it ensures that our subscribers don’t have to purchase costly equipment that becomes quickly obsolete. The leased modems that our customers use are frequently changed out as technology changes.
We hope this information has been helpful to the Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns that the client has brought to your attention.
[redacted]/Office of the General Manager/ Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
We were sorry to hear that a customer experienced confusion on his billing. In an effort to address all the concerns that the subscriber brought up to your office, we attempted to reach him by phone, but were unsuccessful.
We advised the customer in our phone message that his...
equipment charges were reversed on July 15 of this year, and also advised that we have waived the $8.00 late fee. Review of the customer’s ledger indicates that the customer is being charged the monthly rate that he indicated in his message to the While we cannot go into detail in our response to address the customer’s questions on his monthly billing, we do suggest that he contact our Billing Department at [redacted]Call: [redacted], at his convenience. Our knowledgeable and friendly agents can address all of his questions and concerns.
We hope this information has been helpful to the, thank you.
[redacted]/Office of the General Manager/ Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona