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Cox Communications, Inc.

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Reviews Cox Communications, Inc.

Cox Communications, Inc. Reviews (2713)

Review: Cox has lost me tons of work. I work from home & in this area there have been at least 7-8 LONG outages. I can handle 15 minute outages, I can NOT handle 2-6 hour outages.

Before when Cox screwed up I would get a healthy credit so I accepted the outages, but in the last 2-3 months they have made their credit system a joke.

Today no matter who I called, I was given a $3 credit for losing 6 hours of work. I know that eventually I'll lose a job because of them since no client is going to hire me if my Internet is always down & I had interviews this week. I can just see it now, I'll have an interview set up & I won't have Cox service & I'll miss the interview.

Today when I called, only one person was sympathetic as to what I went through on Sunday & he wasn't even a manager.

The other 2 managers I spoke to (Tech & Loyalty) were ignorant, indifferent & could have cared less that I am losing that much work.

Also I don't have unlimited cell phone minutes, so every time I call Cox I lose the only minutes I have to them.

This past Sunday after calling twice & being on hold over 10 minutes I finally hung up.

When I used someone else's cell to call, it was 23 minutes before the call was picked up.

I never had this problem before. They always picked up within 5 minutes.

Clearly their Internet service is no longer any good, their tech support department has gone down the drain, PLUS they now no longer care whether they keep you as a customer.

I've been with them for 1 1/2 years & always spoke highly of them, but in the last 2-3 months my opinion of them has gone down the drain..Desired Settlement: I want a healthy credit on my account. I should be asking for it for the last outage I went through, but I'll take it for just this past Sunday's June 28, 2015.



We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their experience. It is certainly not our intention to cause any frustration. We have contacted the customer directly to address their concerns. We explained our guidelines regarding service adjustments for Residential Internet services and flexibility our customer service representatives have provided. Thank you for your time and consideration. Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

While they did reach out to me, I wasted more time going on & on & on about my issues & the fact that they refuse to give me any reasonable credit. That was 30 minutes, then he called me 2 days after the techie came, that was another 20 minutes & I had to get him off the phone b/c I knew he wasn't going to do anything for me.I don't consider $2-3 for 6 1/2 hours of lost work plus 2-3 hours of lost work 3 days later plus all the times I spend on the phone with them, I have to call them using my cell which is lost cell minutes (I don't have unlimited & I lost 20 out of 100 minutes of my monthly plan on them plus they are the only ones I ever spend minutes on), plus last Thursday I lost another 2-3 hours work.While a techi did come over, I've had 6+ techies over here (that's what he told me, I have a feeling it's way more & he's lying) & none have fixed the problem & every time I have to call & complain & then make sure I'm here for the techie & then stop all work is countless hours of my life.While they used to give me credits, as of around March they refused to (he brought up $15 in April), wow, the problems have been worse in the last 2 months & nothing. And now making a joke out of it at $2-3/day for numerous hours I've lost.I complained to the guy who saw my report, he did nothing other than just try to pacify me.Another guy called me b/c in their survey I complained about techie who came over & how something their other techies did before wasn't tightened properly, so that's what he did to fix it. So I have been going thru TONS of stress & loss of income b/c of their incompetent staff.So no, I don't consider this resolved at all, plus until 2 weeks have gone by & I know for sure the Internet is fine, I doubt they fixed it.I will maintain they should have given me more than $3 for all the trouble I've gone through.Thanks for listening.




We regret to hear of our customer's dissatisfaction after speaking with them in response to their complaint. It is certainly not our intention to cause any frustration. However, we feel that the adjustments that have been applied to the customer's account have been fair and generous.If our customer has any additional questions or concerns in the future, they are always welcome to contact our customer service department. At that time we will be more than happy to assist our customer and if applicable, apply an appropriate adjustment to the customer's account.Thank you for your time and consideration.[redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region

Review: I tried to acquire [redacted] communications internet to find out that I had an outstanding debt of about $1500.00 in 2007-2008. I had never signed up for [redacted] s services before. Upon investigation, I discovered that my biological mother, whom I no longer am in contact with, had used my social security number and name to purchase services for herself at three different addresses. [redacted] asked me to file police reports, obtain proof of residency and affidavit of fraud. Police report #[redacted] was filed and all documents were sent to [redacted] resolved only $800.00 of the debt. The remaining amount, I was told, they could not resolve for unknown "policy" reasons. [redacted] said that since I lived at one of the addresses, they could not prove identity theft. I did live at this address for a short while during college, but my mother did not inform me that she was putting bills in my name.Desired Settlement: [redacted] communications acknowledged that part of the debt was due to fraud, and it only makes logical sense that the entire account would be fraudulent.

I would like all debt resolved since it is not mine.



August 1, 2013

Complaint ID #[redacted] – [redacted]

This is in response to [redacted] complaint that was filed by our customer

regarding his concerns with a significant write-off balance on a former account. The customer is disputing the fact that we

waived only a portion of the write-off in question. The complaint was given to

me for research and to provide the response.

We apologize for the significant inconvenience that he experienced

regarding this matter.

There are two

separate addresses with write offs:

Based on the documentation received from our customer, which

shows that he lived at the [redacted]

Lane address when the account on [redacted] was set up, and based on our

Collections Team’s conversation with our customer who said he lived at this

address with his brother during that time, we cannot prove id theft on that

account. There were a couple of payments

that were made on this account over the phone and IVR, which were never

disputed as fraudulent payments. The

charges on this account that resulted in write off are for services accrued

AFTER the account was connected and AFTER he moved in on June 2, 2008.

The [redacted] account was cleared for identity theft because

our customer provided information that he lived at the [redacted] address

during the time that this account was connected (6/7/08 – 10/21/08). We did

not “just accept only a portion of the charges as fraudulent”. There were two separate accounts, and we

cleared one address for fraud. We did

not clear the address he lived at as fraud.

All of this information was explained to our customer by our

Collections Team when he first filed the dispute. We apologize again for the

inconvenience that this has caused our customer. Thank


Executive Resolutions

Office of the General Manager

Cox Communications/Arizona



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

The bottom line is that my name and social security number were used, without my knowledge or consent. I was 19 years old, I was in school, and I was taken advantage of. Whether I lived at the house is a non-issue, since I have already taken the steps to prove, without a doubt, that my identity was stolen. I have provided police reports, affidavits, and even the names of the persons responsible I have taken every measure that Cox has requested, and they, themselves, have cleared half of charges, seeing that I was wronged. I only ask the remaining balance be so that I can, indeed, use Cox's services in the future and not have to worry about this debt hanging over my head of destroying my credit score.




This is in response to customer’s rebuttal to our response

to his initial complaint to the As a courtesy to our customer, we requested

that our Fraud Team review his request one additional time. Following is the response:

The fraud department cannot

prove identity theft at the time that this account was established at this

address. Again, this person lived in

this home, and ALL charges that have been written off on this account were from

the specific time of this account. Any

balance that was owed on the previous account (02) was paid for before charges

were made on this account.

Per the CC notes from the 02

account that was in his name:

6/01/08 [redacted]

6/01/08 [redacted]

6/01/08 [redacted]4:39P [redacted]

So, he was a victim of identity

theft by his mother at the [redacted] address, but she paid the balance due

and then transferred the service to [redacted], which we did clear for

identity theft. Therefore, Cox has

cleared the account that was proven ID theft and we removed that account from

his credit file.

We cannot prove identity theft on

the 03 account based on all of the information available to us (ie – his

packet, our ccs on all three accounts, skip trace tool).

Bottom line, our position is that the outstanding balance on

the 02 account on the [redacted] address was paid by his mother prior to

the time that he moved into the home.

The write-off that has not been waived is for the time that he was

living at the [redacted] address under the 03 account. We are sorry that our customer is not

satisfied with our response. All of this

information was explained to our customer by our Fraud Team when he first filed

the dispute. We

apologize again for the inconvenience that this has caused our customer. Thank


Executive Resolutions

Office of the General Manager

Cox Communications/Arizona

Review: In late March 2015 Cox Communications attempted to double dip into my bank account for two $65.01 payments via my auto payment. I immediately called Cox and requested they stop one of the payments coming out of my account (I saw them both pending). I was told that they could do nothing, as their system was only showing one payment coming in. The supervisor I spoke with told me to call my bank and stop payment on one of the transactions. I called my bank and my bank said they could stop both transactions or no transactions. I told them to stop both and no longer allow Cox to do EFTs for 65.01 from my account. I then called Cox to tell them I would immediately send them a check. Again they assured me no fees would be charged to my account. I sent a check for 65.01, but since Cox processes checks via EFT, my bank would not process it. I told Cox and would immediately send another check for 65.50 to cover March's bill. They again assured me no fees to be assessed. I sent check #[redacted] for 65.50 and it cleared in early April for March's billing. I sent another check #[redacted] for 65.50 prior to deadline for April's bill. Yet both April's bill and May's had several fees and NSF charges bringing May's bill to $115 - all above my regular 65.01 charges were fees. I called and told them I would send my 65.50 and they said they would back out fees. I sent May's payment Check #3840 for 65.50. I just received June's billing and a phone call that my service was to be turned off if I didn't pay immediately. I called an spoke with supervisor Sheldon, who just kept telling me my bill was for check's bouncing in February and march. No check in February ever bounced and I explained about March's stop payment and then the check not processing. He clearly did not understand and said my account was going to collections. I am frustrated beyond measure. Please Help!Desired Settlement: I would like all fees removed from my account in relationship from Cox Communication's error in double dipping into my bank account for payment and my due diligence in trying to work with them to fix problem. I was assured I'd not be assessed any fees or NSF charges due to their error nor my account sent to collections as Sheldon said he was doing. I also do not want service turned off. An apology would be nice too.


Response: #[redacted]We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their experience. It is certainly not our intention to cause any frustration.We have contacted the customer directly to address their concerns and provide a successful resolution.It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers' perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced.We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer. Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region

Review: Since June, 2014, we have had major issues of the Cox Cable DVR system shutting down, causing the entire TV cable system freezing all TVs.

We have been a Cox Cable customer since we built our house in 1995. Up until June 2014, we were able to get through and resolve their temporary problems.

Now, we continually, several times a day, are unable to use the DVR system, Contour program, that actually freezes all our TVs, leaving us with no television use at all. We have had over 12 technicians come out to our property, as well as weekly, sometimes daily multiple calls, into Cox Tech Support in order to reboot, reprogram and attempt to get cable to work again. We, ourselves, have to unplug, replug the entire system in our home to try to reboot it ourselves. This happens intermittently at least 3 to 4 times daily!

When the issues started in May 2014, and continued, Cox convinced us that if we upgraded to their new Contour program, it would resolve the ongoing interference of cable shutting down. So, we agreed and the problems have escalated since.

Each month, we have requested a full refund for the Contour TV cable program that we pay $173.07 plus $7.93 taxes, totaling $181.00 per month! And that's a discounted price since we bundle with Cox.

Not only have we been paying for services not rendered, but the accelerating amount of time lost at work and personal time, is causing us more income lost and costs accrued. They refuse to refund the full TV package charge because they claim there is not enough proof that there are significant problems to support our request. There have been days on end that we have no TV at all due to Cox Cable issues! Many times we don't call because we do get so frustrated knowing we can't use our TV and would end up on the phone with Cox Tech for at least 30 to 45 minutes, usually without resolving the problem anyway. The cable will work and shut down with no real pattern or reasons that over 30 (in person and by phone) Cox technical professionals are unable to figure out. The constant time taken off to have technicians work on this is extremely costly to us, not to mention the high level of agitation going through the daily routine over and over just to TRY to use services we pay a great deal for.

I have requested the log of all the tech calls we have made since last summer up to the present to show there is significant proof backing our request for a full refund of service not rendered. I spoke to "[redacted]" at the [redacted], **, office by in-house phone when we went there in person to resolve this issue. Since he refused to meet with us, I asked for those records to be given to us to show proof of copious service requests. [redacted] said, "No problem." However, we have yet to receive any such records.

"[redacted]" also denied our request for a full refund. We have received a few dollars here and there, not even amounting to one month of lost TV services we pay for. I was told I would have to call Every Day and request a refund each time I called. This seems flagrant and unprofessional to demand from any customer with an outrageous outstanding account of customer service problems.

We request that Cox Communications refund our full TV, Movie and Contour Package charges from August 2014 up to our current billing. With all facts to substantiate our claims, I don't believe our request for a full refund in the amount of $1810.00 is unjustified.

We will then be happy to cancel our Cox Bundle services and transfer to a different company.

Yes, I am willing to take this issue to our local media that help individuals that cannot get a reasonable solution from shady businesses.Desired Settlement: As I stated, we have had ongoing disrupted and intermittent nonexistent TV services since May 2014. However, we were out of town during July 2014. When we returned home in August 2014, the Cox cable problems continued and still exist today.

We have been paying a total of $180.00 per month, for Cox Cable TV Services that we have not been consistently receiving for the past twelve months. We go without service almost daily.

The longest our services have been accessible after professional te



We were sorry to hear that a valued subscriber has concerns with her service. Due to the concerns that the customer brought to the attention of your office, we have made direct contact with the customer. While the customer was not satisfied that we were not able to apply further credit on her account, we explained that that the credits that we have already supplied to her is a generous accommodation to the service issues that she experienced. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to assist our customer. Thank you.

Review: Failed to properly activate our account by sending a cox representative on the agreed upon time and day appointment two different times.

We,as a consumer, pay a $60 professional installation fee to have a cox representative, the business, install their equipment and services on our residence in order for us to obtain Premier Internet service. We agreed to schedule the date and time on 4/27/2015 between the hours of 3 p.m to 5 p.m. The cox representative didn't show up until 5:28 as written on the paper he left us and he even wrote how he was suppose to arrive between 3 p.m to 5 p.m. Our Cox representative at that time was, [redacted]. We then re-scheduled to have the service perform on 4/28/2015 from 8 a.m to 10 a.m they never showed up at all this time and when we called to ask why we were told that it had been cancelled for no known reason. The representative via phone, [redacted], had even looked through the notes to find out why they cancelled the agreed appointment and couldn't find any reason. I had personally called off previous engagements with work and family in order to stay home both times for the time slots agreed upon to be available for these appointments. I don't have an account number since our account hasn't even been established but our information is stated below:

Primary Account Holder: [redacted]

Residence: [redacted]

Service: Premier Internet (Only Internet)

Pin #: [redacted] Authorized Person: [redacted] Security Answer: [redacted] Not giving social security information due to security purposes.

In conclusion my complaint towards the company Cox Communications is that as a consumer I was guaranteed professional service two different scheduled times and days and never obtained proper service. As a consumer we made a payment of $60 to have someone not only install equipment and establish proper service but to show up in a timely manner as scheduled on an appropriate date. This lack of service in two different occasions caused us time, money, and gave us additional stress. We do not pay Cox Communications to provide this kind of service to us and to be told by cox representatives that there isn't anything better they can do for us when we were inconvenienced by their company three different times. I say "three" because the first two scheduled appointments were a huge inconvenience and now we are being inconvenienced again just to be "guaranteed" that a cox representative will be at our residence in order to establish service, again. So we have to take additional time out of our day for two more hours in order to hopefully obtain service from Cox Communications.Desired Settlement: We want $60 refund for "services" being installed at our residence. We ask for this refund since this is the amount we, as consumers, must pay in order to obtain professional installation. Professional installation was never given to us for the primary scheduled day and again for the secondary schedule day and as of today, 4/28/2015, we still haven't received any services from Cox Communications. We would also like any additional charges taken off of our first bill which includes: first-time ins



We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their service installation. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience they experienced. We certainly do not want to cause our customers any frustrations.Regarding the customer’s concerns with their account billing, we did attempt to reach them at the telephone number they provided to us (###-###-####) to address these issues but we were unsuccessful. We have left voicemail messages and submitted a letter to the customer with our contact information. Should the customer contact us we will be happy to address their concerns with their account billing. It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. Thank you. [redacted]Executive ResolutionsCox Communications




[redacted] Case #[redacted]

Review: I called January 20th to inquire about adding TV services to my account, changes could not be made by a sales rep as the promotion on the account would not allow them. After working with the loyalty dept Rep ID #[redacted] I was promised that with the services added I would pay $95.51 per month. I called back the day of or the next day to confirm that the agreement of $95.51 for my services did not change and the rep confirmed $95.51. in february I called in to ask a question, which it must not have been really simple since I don't not recall why I called in for,but the rep stated that a portion for a 410 credit expired on my account but because the credit was offered till january 2016 I would have to call in to have to $10 credit applied manually which was fine. I noticed my bill increased more then just $10. I called in spoke a few people who did not bother to look at any notes on the account the only proceeded to tell what what bill is currently is now, I got a supervisor named Dennis on march 17th who was able to see the notes from the rep in the loyalty dept which stated the amount offered to me was 95.51 until january 2016. denise promised to call me back in 24 hrs to let me know what is going on and how we can get the bill to what was promised. unfortunately, he has been out for a few days. no other superviser has been able to help me, I spoke to brad a supervisor in the billing dept who verified the notes as well and stated that he would not be able to help me. no one will go the extra mile, every other person has told me theres nothing that can be done. my contract will end in april and I will cancel service and more on. cox communications has given me the worst experience I have ever had with a service provider.Desired Settlement: I would like what was promised or close to it.



It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We apologize that our customer felt the necessity to write to the regarding her monthly rate. We sincerely regret the inconvenience that she experienced with our company.Upon receipt of this complaint, we performed a complete review of our customer’s account. We found a discount promised was not added to the order which caused an incorrect monthly rate. We added the discount which corrected the monthly rate. We want our customer to know that we are deeply committed to being her most trusted provider of communication services and apologize for the inconvenience that she experienced with regard to this issue. Sincerely,[redacted] / Office of the General Manager / Cox Communications Executive Offices / [redacted]



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. cox communications seems to be a company missing integrity, and have no compassion for their customers. I have not had a good experience with Cox at all and can not believe the standers in which this company is run by. Mrs. [redacted] left a VM message explaining that she had listened to the calls and was able to listen to the calls and was able to see what had happened and that the bill was corrected. she stated that "ONLY" differance was going to be 2 discounts that will expire before january. I do have the VM file and what the VM transcript was able to pick up Mrs.[redacted]s message below:The only difference(?) is is that you do have you have two discounts that were put in January that will expire before that. So there will be a change in the billing but based on those discounts where they are. That was it the pricing is correct has been corrected. That's why I wanna talk to you in and free(?) give you the breakdown as to when everything will change out and and how that affect your pricing. So that the pricing is been corrected and like I said I was able to listen to call so I know what you were you were told and I can see how the pricing was the correct party that was there was one there was a discount that was he had considered when he priced but for some reason he forgot to add it to the order. So when's the order closed it that discount wasn't on there that was the main thing that was causing the pricing to be wrong. So that's been corrected.Mrs.[redacted] and Cox do not have respect for their customers, and they try to justify the mistreat or cover it up. when asking about the manager who I spoke to that refused to read over any notes on the notes and hung up on me, I told me to have it supenued. it wasn't a surprise that Mrs.[redacted] Could not handle the call at all. I do not trust in any information Mrs.[redacted] has provided at all to help this situation, when I called in the first few times it was only to add an upgrade to the internet I had already and that was $5 to add. when speaking to the next person about TV services the only dept that would be able to make the changes offered was the loyalty dept. which I was quoted $95.51 which included TV, HBO and the DVR by the rep who suposably forgot to add the promotion. After hanging up with that rep I really could not believe the deal I got so I called back to check. I spoke with a 1st level customer service rep who I advised what I was offered and she was able to verify that my bill will be 95.51. I called again because the bill did not look how it should have and wanted to go over the bill. the rep advised me that the reason why because a discount of $10 expired and would have to be manually credited every month and I would have to call in each time to do so. I thought that was the only thing wrong with my bill at the time. the rep credit my acct for the past billing periods that I did not receive my discounts which was put in place to deduct the amount I will be charged for the DVR. I call in this second time about the bill and was never able to receive an answer from most reps as to why my price plan had changed. The Reps did not care and instead of looking in the notes where they would have seen what I was quoted and think to really get a supervisor on the line to help. I was hung up on mutiple times as stated in my original complaint until I spoke to denise who looked into the notes and was able to see where I was quoted 95.51. he actually provided the correct amount I was quoted of 95.51 as when I called I thought 95.12 was the amount. he became sick and unfortunately I had to start over after speaking to about 5-6 different people already. I attempted one more time to have someone help me and when I felt I had to fight again for someone to just look at my notes I decided I had to get someone involved. The 95.51 was offered to me by the loyalty team at cox communications, but I will accept the price of 120.57 before taxes. that is $25 more then what was originally offered by Cox communication till january of 2015.




We are truly sorry to hear our customer still has additional concerns regarding her Cox account. We take the concerns of our customers very seriously and we appreciate our customer’s patience throughout this situation. In reference to the concerns brought forth in the most recent rebuttal, we were able to speak with our customer on 4/09/15. When speaking to our customer, we explained that we completed a full research of her account in addition to listening to the calls she had with our Customer Care Center on 1/20/15 and 1/26/15. We explained to our customer that the quote of roughly $95.51 she was given was a quote for her Internet and telephone services. However, on 1/26/15 our customer contacted our Customer Care Center again and ordered our cable services. We were able to confirm that our customer was advised of the additional costs that adding this service would incur.While we absolutely understand our customer’s frustration, we must explain that we have done our due diligence in researching their concerns and we must inform them that the existing rate for their service is correct. We are unable to provide them with the monthly rate of $95.51 for their cable, Internet, and telephone service as this quote was only intended to be the pricing for their Internet and telephone services.We appreciate our customer’s patience and understanding. Thank you.

[redacted]Executive EscalationsCox Communications

Review: On Friday 4/11/2014, my boyfriend and I had an appointment with Cox Communications to upgrade our services. We wanted to add 2 additional cable outlets and upgrade to the whole home DVR. Our appointment was 8-10am. We had both used vacation days to accommodate this appointment and other errands we need to do to complete our move.

At 8:20 the service man called because he was on his way. He arrive shortly and started to do his job. We did say he ran into some problems and needed to contact a supervisor. His supervisor came and another came after that. After noon sometime, they told us they put in a call to Cox. These service men worked for a different company and were contracted the work that day. The service men said they needed approval to move forward with any work on the home because all lines were failing that were in the home. Our internet, cable and phone had worked up to that day, so we did not quite understand how they were failing. Anyhow, they needed permission from Cox to proceed with the work. According the subcontractors, Cox said the home needed to be rewired completely for the upgrade. That was fine with us, however we did not want to wires to run on the outside of the home. The subcontractors said there was no option but to run the new wiring on the outside of the home. We asked if they could leave the existing wire and we would not upgrade to the whole home DVR and run the 2 new cable outlets. They said no. They were instructed by Cox to put everything back as it was and leave. By this time, it was after 2pm. The subcontractors left without changing anything for us.

By the time they left, nearly 230pm, we did not have time to go to our other home or storage unit, etc. We went to pick up the kids from school and they had practice that evening.

We notice at 4pm that our home phone did not work anymore! I called Cox and explained what had taken place that day. The Cox representative was very apologetic and could not believe what we had been through that day. She was going to forward my complaint to a manager to call me back. It was unacceptable to say they had to pack up, do nothing after so many hours and leave, especially with my phone disconnected. She said someone would be right out to fix it. It would be fixed that evening. I asked if the call center closed if I needed to call in and check status that evening. She said no, they are always open in Tech Support. I was very please she had listened to my complaint and was going to forward this to management as well as get my phone repaired that evening. We were not going to be home all weekend for a volleyball tournament and needed it repaired Friday evening. Between 7-8pm, I called Cox to find out how long until someone would arrive, since my boyfriend was waiting at home. I was told no one was scheduled until 3-5pm Saturday. I Cox I did not schedule 3-5pm, I was told someone would be out the same day. I was disconnected since I was on my cell phone all evening and close to my phone dying. I had to call back to Cox again to speak to a manager. It was after 8pm and I am at a gym with the children. I spoke to a representative in Tech Support and told them I needed someone that evening. I was told it would be taken care of that evening and needed someone that evening. They transferred me to a manager. I explained my day and that we had now 10 hours on this upgrade with Cox, no upgrade, and now no phone. I needed someone out Friday and I had never scheduled a 3-5pm Saturday. Someone within the Cox organization took it upon themselves to not send someone right out, as promised, and move me to Saturday 3-5pm. The manager said it was to late and he no one was working. I told him it was only to late because I had been waiting for someone that evening, as promised by the first representative at 4pm. I asked to speak to his manager and he said no one is available to take my call. He was as the only person I could speak to. I insisted someone come out as promised and he said "No.". I asked to speak to a manager, and he said "No." I told him I run a large business in Tempe and would absolutely never speak to my customers like this and never tell them no when I have made such a mistake and he said, "well you don't run this company." He acted like a child and every time I would ask he would say "No", "No", "No", "No". Before I got off the phone with the Cox manager I insisted he have a supervisor call me and he said it would be within 24 hours. Not that night.

My boyfriend tried to find someone to come out and fix our phone line since we were going to be gone all weekend and wanted to arm our home with our security system. This was not so easy at 9pm Friday night. My boyfriend had to look on Google pull out lights and figure out how to get our home phone to work. He finally was able to fix it himself that night. Between the 2 of us we spent 17 hours on Friday 4/11/2014.

I have never heard from any Cox manager.Desired Settlement: Quite honestly, if I had heard from someone I may have just wanted them to come out and perform the upgrade without running wire outside my home. At this point, I don't know that I want to upgrade anything to continue paying them upwards to $5000 per year for my homes.

I would like to speak to a real manager! I would like a credit for our vacation day we both used to be home just for them break things.



We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file her concerns regarding the installation of additional outlets and the subsequent problem with her phone service. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience she experienced. We certainly do not want to cause her any frustrations. When a customer orders Contour whole home DVR service the signal strength coming from the pedestal outside to all interior cables must be perfect. The technicians that were out ran a test and determined that the home needed to be rewired in order for the customer to experience the excellent quality of Contour. The customer did not want the cable ran on the outside of their home and wanted the technicians to fish the cable through the interior walls however they have vaulted ceilings and the technicians had some reservations about the space constraints the vaulted ceiling posed. One item I want to clear up is that this company would never tell the subcontractor to leave a job they were assigned too but would tell them to complete the job as ordered. This company fishes cable through interior walls even if the home has vaulted ceilings. Besides, the contractor does not get paid unless the job is completed nor would the company suggest that the customer should seek a competitor for service. On April 11, 2014 Ms. Guevara called and spoke to a technical support agent regarding her phone not working. After speaking with the customer for a few minutes the agent informed the customer that she was waiting to hear back from dispatch on weather a technician could be sent out that day and was fairly certain that it could be done. She also told the customer that it would take 15-20 minutes before she would receive a response. The dispatcher responded to the agent that a service call would need to be scheduled and the next available appointment was for the next day. The dispatcher would still attempt to find a technician that would be able to go to the customer’s home the same day. Unfortunately there were no technicians available. The customer called back at around 8:20pm and spoke with an supervisor stating that a technician was supposed to come out. The agent politely informed the customer that at this time of night there were no technicians available. The customer became upset and insisted that a tech be sent out that night. This agent did tell the customer no a few times in a row but was only responding to her demand that a technician be sent out. There are several things that could have been handled better. The agent she spoke to who was awaiting a response from dispatch, should have informed the customer that there were no guarantees that a technician could be freed up from other scheduled jobs. The techncians that were there to install contour should have informed their supervisor of the problems they were encountering and the supervisor should have joined them to determine what could be done to overcome the obstacle. We appreciate the customer’s feedback. Without that we would not know what areas we could improve upon. We are also pleased by the customers’ choice of their service provider and have issued a month’s credit. It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at ###-###-####. Thank you. [redacted] Sr. Customer Resolutions SpecialistExecutive ResolutionsOffice of the General Manager



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.First of all when it came to the initial visit, the technician did contact his supervisors with his company, They played phone tag with Cox most of the afternoon waiting for Cox to direct them as to what to do next. I did not want the wires running around the outside of my home and the subcontractors agreed with my decision, even stating they would not do the same in their home. The subcontractors also stated they were directed by Cox to leave everything as it was when they arrived and they were not authorized to make any changes to the home. We asked if they could run the wires for the outlets in the garage since that was not vaulted. They said the were directed by Cox to put everything as it was and leave. No changes were to be made. As I stated in my previous email, 2 of us had taken a vacation day and were home with your subcontractors from 8:30 am until nearly 3pm.I understand it is not you policy to advise a customer to go to another service provider, however that is what the subcontractors advised us to do. Whether it is your policy or not, it is happening. I called at 4:30-4:45 reported to technical support of the outage of the home telephone. She did not advise me there was a possibility they would not make it out that evening. In fact, when I explained to her what had happened with your subcontractors, she apologized over and over again and stated she was going to have a Cox manager contact me. In addition, she was guaranteeing me someone would be out that evening since they disconnected service by mistake earlier that day. She also never said there was a possibility they would not be out that evening. I asked if there was a phone number I should use that evening if I had any questions about them when they would be out that evening once they closed and she said technical support did not close so I could call the same number. She never stated there was a possibility they would have to schedule day. My boyfriend was waiting until nearly 8pm and not one person from Cox called us. At that point I called technical support again and insisted someone come out. I was told by a very rude, immature representative that my I was contacted about an appointment that was made between 3-5pm the next day. I was never contacted, someone within the Cox organization took it upon themselves to schedule it for the next day without notifying me. I was not available the next 2 days as I was leaving town the next morning and would not have a way to arm my home when we left. The representative I spoke to at 8 pm was very rude to me as though this was my fault. I asked that I speak to his manager and he stated he was the manager and would not let me speak to anyone else. I asked that a manager call me as soon as possible and he said the best he would do was have someone call me within 2 days. I never heard from a manager from the first time I addressed my concerns with the technical support agent at 4pm nor when I spoke to the rude technical support agent at 8pm. NEVER DID A COX MANAGER CALL ME AS PROMISED TWICE. NEVER DID A COX REPRESENTATIVE CALL AND SAY LET ME SEND OUT A COX EMPLOYEE.Recently we have added to our home and had to go into the attic. Although the ceilings are vaulted we have managed to have people go from one side of the home to the other. You must want to go, and honestly the subcontractors did not nor did they advise we wire through the outside. We could see they wanted to move on to an easier job. I know they do not make money if they do not do the work. I work with subcontractors on a day to day basis. I know some work is not worth the money to them. Honestly, I don't want anyone staying to perform work in my home that does not want to be here. This cannot end positive for either of us. However, it was up to Cox to step in.I do not believer you care about your customers and how they are treated. Cox is such a large business, your customers time is not important to you.Regards,

Review: I have had repeated connection issues and faulty equipment since the date of purchase. I have had multiple cox members in my home, trying to fix the issues. I have documentation to prove my connection issues and my faulty equipment.Desired Settlement: I would like my account credited and I would like my contract cancelled with no fees.


Response: Case # [redacted]We regret to hear of the issues our customer has had with their cable services.We have contacted the customer directly to address her concerns and provide a successful resolution.It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced.We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer. Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region

Review: Tried to order Cox Gigablast online. It showed $79.99 month with no one time charges. It showed my total monthly bill would be $125.48 + equipment.

When they called to schedule, I was told it would increase my monthly bill $25.00 month and incur a $300 install fee.

My current internet is $74 - so net increase should be $6.

Also, $125.48 is monthly rate shown to me + equipment. My equipment fees are about $35.00 month so that would be $160 month.

Online they showed no install fees of $300 nor did they say it would be a $25. price increase. This is total scam and trying to trick the customers.Desired Settlement: Deliver as promised for $125.48 month for my services + no installation fee.


Response: Case # [redacted]We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their experience. It is certainly not our intention to cause any frustration.We have contacted the customer directly to address their concerns and provide a successful resolution.It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced.We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer. Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region

Review: I contacted Cox to have a professional technician come to my residence to hook up my Ethernet cables in my smart panel because I needed to have a hard wired internet for a job. My Husband explained to the first technician that came out that some of the cable that were connected in the smart panel went to our whole home surround sound and some went to our security system. The technician unplugged all of the cables to try to figure out which one was for the Ethernet. My husband again told him that some of the cable were for the other things, the technician said that he didn't remember were they all went. So when he plugged some of them back in, he plugged them into the wrong ports and then left the rest unplugged. So now our surround sound system is not working properly. So I contacted Cox again and told them the issue, so they sent out a senior technician to fix it. Well the tech came out and it still is not working right. I called Cox back and told them they need to have On-Q out to fix it properly and I was told that they not not do that and that we would have to call them out and pay for the work and then submit a claim for credit on the account. I told them that it wasn't fair that I have to pay for their technicians mess up.Desired Settlement: I want Cox to pay to fix the issue that their technician caused and replace anything that was damaged with my system.



We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file her concerns regarding the issues remaining from a recent service appointment. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience she experienced. We certainly do not want to cause her any frustrations. Upon receipt of this complaint we were able to make contact with our customer on 4/29/16 and arranged to have a supervisor visit her home to correct the issues once and for all. Our supervisor visited the home on 4/29/16 and we were able to confirm with our customer that the issues are now fully resolved. It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank You. George Executive Resolutions Cox Communications



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], I received the call and the supervisor came in and fixed the problem. Thank You



Review: [redacted] a representative of Cox Home security came to our house and gave us the detail knowledge on the product cox is providing for Home security. He also assured me that my monthly billing will be 39.99 after package bundled with Cox TV and Internet(which I already had) . He also mentioned that there will be a one time charge of 99 dollars to install the security system which I paid before the installation happened.

After everything I received my bills with additional 6.99 charge for Home service and equipment leasing charges. That is not what they told me first time when they arrived. I still have the document stating what will be my cost.

Not only that there was additional charge of $79.85 of installation charges again.

Cox should have mentioned all the hidden charges initially I wouldve thought of getting security system somewhere else. Cox is not a good company and will not recommend to anyone else in future. This is not how you do business by lying to customer.Desired Settlement: I want them to credit my account with $79.85 first . Also remove the 6.99 monthly fee from my bill till the contract expires and also credit me for the last 2 months for charging me 6.99 fees.



March 27, 2014Complaint ID# [redacted] We would like to thank the customer for contacting us regarding their account billing concerns we are sorry to hear of the customer’s difficulty and hope that the information provided in this response helps to clarify Cox’s position.On March 14th the customer’s account was credited $116.59 for the remaining equipment/installation charges. The $3.99 reoccurring Home Security Equipment Service charge was removed and backdated/credited to January 11th. We apologize for the inconvenience the customer experienced and thank both the customer and the for the opportunity to respond.Respectfully,[redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, [redacted]

Review: Dear Agent:

Subject: Dispute of bill

Re: Cox Communications

Acct #: [redacted] On October 22, 2013 I cancelled my cox internet service my bill would have been due Oct 30, 2013. I was paying ahead 3 mos at a time. I have no equipment belonging to Cox.

They have turned the Acct. over to Credit Control Corporation POB [redacted] (see hard copy online).Desired Settlement: They are trying to collect the amount of 67.98 which I do not feel I owe.

I am enclosing a copy of their bill.



March 18, 2014 Complaint ID# [redacted] We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to contact our company via the regarding the billing on her former account. We regret the frustration and difficulty the customer has experienced in her attempt to resolve this matter.We’ve reviewed the customer’s account and cannot find any indication that the customer contacted us to close her account. We have no indication that account has been accessed at any point prior to October 30th when the customer claims she requested disconnection of her Internet service. This is why the account was not closed until it went into non-payment status on November 21, 2013. We’ve removed the outstanding balance of $67.98 as a show of our commitment to being the most trusted provider. We have also notified the collections agency as to the now satisfied status of this debt. The customer has been an outstanding customer and we hope to have the honor and pleasure of her business in the future. Should the customer have any questions regarding the status of this account she may contact the Collections department at [redacted], or our Billing department at [redacted]. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully, [redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, [redacted]

Review: I had been with Cox for 17 years. They were authorized to bill my [redacted] automatically. I switched companies on December 3rd 2014. I informed them about the switch but they still proceeded to take money out of my [redacted] account. To date, they owe me $83,97. I soon put a stop to the [redacted] payments and phoned them several times that they had taken unauthorized payments after I had switched companies. THey told me that a cheque for $83.97 was in the mail. I have had several phone calls since then but each time I get told that the cheque is in the mail. To date, I haven't received a cheque. It has now been 3 months and to me, if I hadn't out a stop payment with my [redacted], they would still be taking money out of my account. And no one has made an effort to refund my $83.97. Every time I phone, I get told it's on its way but no cheque yet.Desired Settlement: They can either send me a check for $83.97 or refund it with my credit card. Either way, I want an apology for running me around with false promises.



We were sorry to hear of the delay that the customer experienced with our company regarding her refund. Due to the concerns that the customer brought to your attention, we spoke to her directly regarding the difficulty that she has experienced in receiving her refund in a timely manner. We contacted our Accounting Department and requested that a check be drafted and sent to the customer as soon as possible. Our Accounting Team agreed to process and expedite the refund for the customer within 72 hours. We sincerely regret that the customer did not get her refund check as quickly as she should have. We appreciate the opportunity that the has given us to assist this customer. [redacted]/Office of the General Manager/ Cox Communications Executive offices/ [redacted]

Review: We are experiencing customer service and overall service issues with Cox. My husband, [redacted], called the week of 12/22 to switch to Cox for our high speed internet. We made arrangements for the tech to come out on 1/10. The guy showed up on 1/10 and said he couldn't complete the install because we've never had Cox and that a wire or flash was needed. He told us to call his boss to have this work done and that he could come back that afternoon and complete the work. Of course we were upset because Cox should have known that we never had their service at our house. We called his boss and we were told the tech should have never told us that he could come back that day or that the wire work would be completed that day. He said they would bury the line and send another tech out on 1/17. On 1/14 someone from the Cox Buried Wire Service left a flyer on our door and made some marks on our front yard. When a different tech showed up on 1/17 he told us he could not install it because the hard line was not there. I've made several calls yesterday and talked to or left messages with 5 people. I was told that the work order for the buried line was scheduled for 1/20. I was also told that someone would call me with an update. As of this morning, no one has called me and the line still isn't there. Many of my friends have had issues with Cox and I didn't believe it until I went through it myself! Thank GOD we kept our service with our current internet provider.Desired Settlement: Believe it or not I still want to switch to the fast internet speed that is offered by Cox. So I am giving them one last chance to make this right. I want someone from the Executive Offices to call me back. I want the install to be scheduled based on my schedule (no longer getting up early on Saturdays and changing plans for nothing) and I want a SIGNIFICANT discout for the first year of service.



We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their service installation. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience they experienced. We certainly do not want to cause our customers any frustrations.Regarding the customer’s concerns with their service installation, we did attempt to reach them at the telephone number they provided to us (###-###-####) on three separate occasions to address these issues but we were unsuccessful. We have left voicemail messages and submitted a letter to the customer with our contact information. Should the customer contact us we will be happy to address their concerns with their installation. It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. Thank you. [redacted]Executive ResolutionsCox Communications



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

I have asked to be contacted at ###-###-####. My husband has called the number he left and is never available. We would like free installation and discount of our service. We had scheduled to have service installed twice early in the morning and both times had to reschedule. Have also spend time on the phone to just get this scheduled. We have very busy schedules and we feel that they have cost us valuable time with their poor customer service.




We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their additional concerns regarding their service installation experience. We truly regret any inconvenience this situation has caused. Upon receiving this complaint, we have attempted again to reach the customer at the telephone number they provided on 2/10/15 and 2/12/15. Unfortunately, both attempts to reach the customer were unsuccessful. We have left our contact information as a voice mail message on both of our attempts. In order to assist our customer with the issues at hand we will need to speak with the primary account holder directly. They are welcome to contact me directly at ###-###-#### to proceed. We appreciate our customer’s patience and understanding throughout this situation. It is our genuine desire to continue a positive relationship with them for many years to come. Thank you.[redacted]Executive EscalationsCox Communications

Review: I have had there Internet services for years now and about 6 mos. ago I decided to try there TV. First I would like to say that there TV is not user friendly and there equipment did not work very well. When I signed up I was told my monthly bill would remain at $177 for two years. Now it is $200. Just went up.

I do not wish to stay with there TV for all of these reasons and have already ordered a new provider for this coming Monday. I was told on the phone that I would be charged extra money to cancel even though they did not price lock my bill as promised at signup.

I did not plan on canceling my internet service but if they are going to charge me to disconnect the cable then I wish to cancel all services and dispute the final bill.Desired Settlement: I wish to cancel TV cable service and continue internet service without being charged a disconnect fee. They make these promises during signup and then months down the road when you have no way to backup there promises they change up and charge up.

Not fare.

Review: I have had many problems with my home televisions cable boxes crashing and not producing the "on Demand" cable movie rental. All I get is excuses from customer service. I have contacted Cox several times, been hung up on while being transferred 3 times, scheduled 2 appts. to come out and fix problem and the technician didn't bring the equipment as requested both days. I was hung up on by a technician [redacted] when I cancelled the appt. due [redacted] not bringing me two new cable boxes I had requested the previous day when the technician [redacted] failed to due so. I have tried to cancel my service with Cox but was kept on hold for an half an hour. The phone system gave me the option to leave a message and someone would return my call by the business days end. No one ever contacted me..I have had patience, I have been courteous too all employees I have spoken with but am a point where I am going to complain until I get some kind of resolution to my problems. I am an 11 year customer of Cox cable and am being given the run around.Desired Settlement: I wish to have a technician come to my house with two new black upgraded cable boxes and install them as I have been requesting for weeks, NOT [redacted] THE TECH> WHOM HUNG UP ON ME>>> These boxes are not the new contour cable box but the step below them. They are black. I wish to have a significant reduction in my bill for months because of all the time I have invested trying to get Cox's attention. I am very disappointed in my Cox Communications technician's, customer service and manager I spoke with on the phone.

If I do not get any response from Cox or the completion of my work order finished then I will be calling [redacted] and [redacted] over 20,000 people and [redacted] 35,000 people and networking of my great disappointment.



November 21, 2013 Complaint - Case #[redacted] - [redacted]

We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file his concerns regarding the service issues described in his complaint. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience he experienced. We certainly do not want to cause him any frustrations.

This company has addressed the service issue of this complaint. The customer has had two service calls in 2013. The first on March 28 where the technician determined that the customer’s television was on the wrong channel and on November 4 where the technician determined that the interior cabling needed to be replaced.

The main issue the customer brings up is that he wants a certain cable box installed in place of the DVR’s he currently has. The customer wants a Rovi DVR box which, at present time, are not in stock. The only new DVR’s in stock are the Contour DVR’s. Account documentation states that the customer does not want the Contour DVR.

It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.

Sr. Customer Resolutions Specialist

Executive Resolutions

Office of the General Manager



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

A technician did show up on Nov. 4th and failed to provide the "Rovi" box. He rescheduled another technician for Nov. 5th whom showed up without the box. I never was I offered a reason that they could not provide me with the "Rovi", nor was I given an opportunity to be provided with the Countour. I scheduled the appt. for Nov. 4th several days before service and Cox still sent a technician with the no new box. I was never told the box was out of stock. I was never given a solution or a simple phone call that I had requested several times threw the Cox telephone system. I received a feedback form for the service provided on Nov. 4th and disclosed my disappointment for my customer service and was given an opportunity to receive a phone call regarding my terrible service. I did disclose that on my original complaint. Never received any communication from Cox.

The main problem is, yes I want 2 new DVR boxes and a different model considering both boxes I have crash (lose power and reboot themselves) too often. Mainly when I am on "on demand".






Nor did I ever receive a phone call after being on hold for 27minutes, Cox provided a voicemail and said I would be contacted within the next business day. threw the disconnect resolution service from calling [redacted].




December 12, 2013 Complaint - Case #[redacted] - [redacted]

We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file his concerns regarding the service issues described in his complaint. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience he experienced. We certainly do not want to cause him any frustrations.

On December 11, 2013 this company was able to meet the customer at his home and exchange the receivers he had with Contour receivers and also replaced all cable fittings and replaced two amplifiers which cleared the tiling problems. A credit was also placed on the customers’ account.

We do apologize that the previous technicians came unprepared to honor the customers’ request. The customer can be assured that those issues are being addressed internally.

It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.

Sr. Customer Resolutions Specialist

Executive Resolutions

Office of the General Manager

Review: I initially signed up for Cox Communications when I moved into my new house after I was approached by a sales rep promising set pricing for my services along with a $200 rebate gift card that would be issued 8-10 weeks after completing the offer. When I received my first bill it was double the amount the sales representative quoted to me and it took almost a month and several phone calls to have my bill corrected. I was initially told my bill would be no more than $150 included taxes and fees, but have had bills closer to $190-$200 since signing up for services. When I called for clarification on these charges I was told the charges were for additional boxes that I received even though the form that was given to me by the sales rep states the additional boxes are at no charge. This is just the beginning of the misrepresentation provided by Cox.

There have also been problems with the rebate program that is supposed to provide the $200 gift card. The terms of the rebate state the card will be issued within 8-10 weeks after the offer is completed. I initially completed the offer on June 19th and had everything approved by July 23rd. Per the statement on their website I should have received the gift card within 3-4 weeks after the date of approval so when I had not received the gift card by August 20th I decided to give the customer service number provided on their website a call. I then spoke with an associate by the name of [redacted] who told me they had an overwhelming response to the rebate program and it would be an additional 2 weeks before the card would be issued. I believed this to be true, but when I checked their website again after September 3rd (2 weeks later) and it showed the card still had not been issued I called their customer service line again and spoke with the same associate ([redacted]) once again. She then told me she would escalate the file to a manager and I would have my rebate card within a week. Once again I checked their website on September 10th (1 week later) and still a card hadn't been issued. I then called the customer service line again where I miraculously spoke with [redacted] for a 3rd time and was told it would be 10 days before the card would be issued. After becoming frustrated with the situation I asked to speak to a member of management and was transferred to a woman named [redacted] (who [redacted] initially introduced as [redacted]). [redacted] advised me that she had researched the account and my card should have been issued but she would have to forward it to management (which is what she was supposed to be) to see if they could review the file and have the card sent out by the end of the day. I once again checked the website this morning and the card had not been issued. I have had several poor experiences with Cox since signing up for their service and would just like this issue resolved.Desired Settlement: Better clarification on charges that will be on the bill before services are installed, or having my bill reflect the initial amoung that was quoted and completion of the rebate offer.



September 16, 2014

Review: I have ordered internet service with Cox, confirmed with them in advance of selecting their service that they could provide the level of service I was in need of and that was between 80 and 100 megs of download service. they assured me they , could provide this level of service I was moving to. The first tech showed up on Tuesday, at the scheduled time but was unprepared. He had the wrong equipment for the order, went back to the office, only to discover he was still missing the equipment he needed, went back to his office again, the install that was to take 1 hour took over 5 hours, only to discover after he left the internet didn't work. We called Cox back informed them, they discovered through testing on their end the tech had installed the wrong equipment. They were to send someone out that day with the correct equipment and a supervisor was to call us back, which neither happened. Wednesday a second supervisor was to call us and again that didn't happen, Thursday Morning at 8:00pm a specialized tech was suppose to be at our place, that didn't happen. A regular tech did show up at 10:30 am but though he was to just install a new internet service didn't know anything of the problem we were having.... he through a bit of a chilcish temper fit, I callled the cox office for assistance with the situation, they said they would fill out a form and have a supervisor call me, didn't help much when their employee in my home made me feel unsafe so much so I left the house to call them.

I went back into the house, and he was calmed down and started to do some work. He ended up replacing the lines to my condo, and installed a new modem , but the service still did not give me the level I ordered, and said that was all he could do and left.

I called Cox back on hold for 45 minutes, before I got someone, they wanted me to run through a bunch of test, I said no, they need to do that them selves at this point and I was transferred to level two tech support after another 30 minutes on hold. Who told me they could have a tech out on either Friday or Monday, I said I wanted to speak to a supervisor and he said he would have one call me in 20 minutes...

An hour later a supervised called didn't know why the person said they couldn't have someone out today. They finally agreed to have the supevisor come out at 3:30 pm today and of course didn't arrive unti 4pm. he worked on a few things installed the new equipment and worked on a few more settings, we had 88 meg when he left....

a short while later we got a call from Cox saying our Modem failed, and to us to place the modem back where the supervisor had it. We never touched the modem after the supervisor left we were not home and the modem is in the same place....

I call cox tech support, and the person I spoke with had me run some tests, and that didn't change things at all she was to transfer me to a second level tech support, and instead transferred me to the loyalty department, who then of course transferred me back to tech support, and who told me I had to use a certain site for speed test or she would not help me I told her I was using the spend test the supervisor who was her told me to use... and I didn't want to work with and other speed test site, don't know what that has to do with correcting my internet connection she refused to assist me I asked for her supervisor she said she didn't have one, I said I don't believe you, are you the president of cox communications? She said no, well then you have a supervisor. Can I please speak with them, again she said she doesn't have a supervisor... placed me on hold, next thing I know I am speaking with [redacted] her supervisor!

[redacted] was unable to assist me with getting someone out to work on my internet in the morning, said that there is nothing he can do, I said so two tech's and supervisor coming out not fixing the situation and there is nothing you can do.... but send out another basic tech sometime in the next three days, even feeling unsafe in my own home, where I have to leave to call you because of one of your employee's and still nothing you can do....

This is where it stands, I don't have the level of service they have ads on tv saying they give, and I was told and promised I would get here at this location.... I want what I was offered the 100 megs, and I want them to address the issue of being unsafe in my own home with one of their employees.Desired Settlement: I want the service I ordered and was promised at the speed level I was promised I would get, and I feel I should be given so compensation, for what they have put me through the last couple of days, they have worn me out.... I am exhausted three plus days and over 17 hours trying to get this fixed should not be that big of an issue, they have totally worn me out...



It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We apologize that our customer felt the necessity to write to the [redacted] regarding his experience during the installation of his service.Upon receipt of this complaint we performed a complete review of our customer’s account. We found the customer contacted after his installation to inform of slow internet speeds. The service issue was corrected four days later. As part of our investigation we listened to calls made by the customer and took statements from the employees involved. The customer mentioned the one installer’s behavior was inappropriate. We found the tech did not have a cable caddy and as a result was kicking the spool of cable wire. The tech left after the customer insisted and wanted a supervisor to complete the install. The supervisor came out and changed the equipment to see if a different modem would increase his speeds. The new modem did improve the speed. After the install we continued to monitor the service and found the levels changed from when we were last out. We contacted the customer and arranged to return. During that visit we found there was an issue with the line that was originally installed. The line was replaced improving the service. We addressed the issue with the tech and having the proper tools to complete the job and how his actions were viewed. We removed all install charges and adjusted the first month bill even though his service was interrupted 4 days. We want the customer to know that we are deeply committed to being his most trusted provider of communication services and apologize for the inconvenience that he experienced with regard to this issue. If there is any way in which we can be of further service, we ask that he contact our Customer Care Center at ###-###-####. Thank you.Sincerely,[redacted] / Office of the General Manager / Cox Communications Executive Offices/[redacted]




October 9, 2013

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Address: 101 Plaza East Blvd STE 303, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, 47715-2871


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