Cox Communications, Inc. Reviews (2713)
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Address: 101 Plaza East Blvd STE 303, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, 47715-2871
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Review: On December 2012 I decided to discontinue Residential TV Cable service with Cox Communications to switch to a Satellite provider. When I contacted Cox Communications to cancel my service they connected me to their Customer Retention Representative who offered me more services and better equipment if I would stay as a customer. I agreed to not terminate my service and I specifically requested I did not wish to be tied up to any sort of annual agreement. The representative assured me he is in a special department to take care of loyal clients and it would not require any sort of agreement. I did not have to verbally agree to any contract. I just had to agree not to cancel my service. March 15, 2014 I decided to downgraded my level of service with Cox. I did not cancel my service.
Today I reviewed my bill and Cox Comm. is charging me two Price Protection Early Termination Fees of $48.16 & $31.83. Again I was not aware nor was I told by the representative that I had a Price Protection Contract. I contacted Cox Comm. billing service and their billing supervisor [redacted] (He would not give me his last name) employee #[redacted] informed me that I did not have to agree to anything during the conversation I had with the representative in December, as they included with my January 2013 bill an additional piece of paper outlining the Price Protection Agreement and that it stated that if I did not read it or if I did not object to it within 40 days from the bill date, that would be a valid contract. I do not believe this to be true and I am respectfully asking for your assistance, as it cannot be legal for a company to sneak in a piece of paper outlining an agreement that I did not have any knowledge of stating that if I did not object it would become valid. I asked the representative repeatedly to provide me proof that I had greed to this Price Protection Agreement and Early Termination Fees and he stated he did not have to provide anything since they sneaked that piece of paper in the January bill. I asked him for proof they included it in the bill or for that matter that I received the bill in the mail and he said I could research a copy of my bill on the internet.
As consumers we must be protected from this deceiving tactics by these companies and their representatives that they say anything to sell you something and they illegally sneak in a so called agreement. I do hereby state I was not told by the representative I would incur in any Early Termination Fees if I made changes to the services I purchase from Cox and I specifically asked and I was told by the representative I was not under any type of contract or agreement.Desired Settlement: I respectfully request a billing adjustment of the $48.16 & $31.83 Price Protection Early Termination fees in my bill and any subsequent charges I incur as I am paying my Cox Comm. bill minus these two charges.
April 25, 2014 Complaint ID [redacted] – [redacted]
Re: Customer Disputing Early Termination Fee
We want to thank our customer for taking time from his busy day to let us know about his concerns regarding the early termination fee associated with his contract. It is always our goal at Cox Communications to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, it does not appear that we were successful in this effort in meeting his expectations. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience that this issue has caused him.
Upon receipt of the complaint, her account was completely researched. Our records indicate that our customer accepted a Price Lock Guarantee on 12-12-12 when he called to get a reduction on his monthly billing. Our customer enjoyed a deeply discounted level of service during the term of the Price Lock Guarantee. As a courtesy to our long-time customer, we have waived the early termination fees in the amount of $82.25. The credits were applied to the account today.
We want our customer to know that we appreciate his loyalty, and apologize for the poor customer experience that he encountered. If our customer has any additional questions or concerns, he can contact our Customer Care Team at [redacted]. Thank you.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications/Arizona
Review: In reviewing my credit report I show a "hard" inquiry from Cox communications on 7/02/2014. I live in an area not serviced by Cox communications and I have never applied for service. I did not authorize them to complete a "hard" inquiry into my credit report.
I have attempted to call and resolve this matter and I have been transferred and disconnected on many occasions with no help in resolving this matter. I have also sent written correspondence with no response. I have at no time had service with nor applied for service with Cox communications. The Hard credit inquiry should be removed from my credit file. I contacted Equifax report#[redacted], they said to contact Cox directly.Desired Settlement: Remove the hard credit inquiry from my credit report and send me written notification that this has been completed
Response: Case # [redacted] It is our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We sincerely regret the inconvenience this individual has experienced with our company. We have attempted to contact them on 3/10/16 and 3/14/16 at telephone number provided. Once we are able to speak with them directly, we can address their concerns and provide a successful resolution. Thank you for your time and consideration. Jesse W. Executive Resolutions Office of the General Manager Cox Communications, Southwest Region
Review: COX Salesmisrepresented in writting, using diceptative practices to get me to switch fron [redacted] and [redacted] to them.
On or about June 11 I contacted COX by "CHAT". off their website. I was looking for the best price for TV service and Internet. I kept copys of the actual chat which I can provided. I was clear as to what I wanted and was given a price in writting. I have 5 TV's and 1 main computer. I made it clear several times I needed the "ID" channel. Installer came out on Friday June 13 and the internet was slow and WIFI was weak. He made several calls and could not improve service. Also only 1 TV was able to recieve more than just basic service.Finally after several hours of delays I told him that I could no longer stay at my home and left him with my adult daughter to finish up. An hour later he called and told me he could only improve my internt service if I paid for another 2nd cable box so I could have service in my outside office where WIFI worked perfect with [redacted]. I told him that he could leave as I needed to contact COX direct. I was quoted for 5 TV's and Internet, $109.99 for the first 12 months ad $129.99 for the 2nd 12 months of a 2 year contract. I attempted to call COX support and customer service 6 differnent times and was put on hold numberous times up to over 30 minutes where I would finally hang up. On Monday June 16th I went to the COX office at [redacted] in Tucson and spoke to [redacted].He went to the store mangaer whom did not come out to meet with me but relayed information back and forth to me through [redacted]. I gave them copies of the chat I had with [redacted] the COX rep and they stated that she had made some mistakes in pricing.They told me that the reason I was not getting the iD chaneel was that I needed to also purchase Bonus pak for an additinal $10.00 per month and that the reason I did not get more than basic was that I needed to rent an additnal 4 boxes at $8.50 per month each so for $44.00 more per month I could get what I originally wanted and was quoted. I had also been quoted by [redacted] for Just the TV cable service. For $59.99 for the first 3 months and $82.99 for the next 9 months. Since the internet was not operational I explained that I would stay with [redacted] and go with the cable service only which had been quoted. [redacted] spoke once again to the store manager [redacted], and they proposed that they give me a new router for the internet as possibly the technician had installed a older used box. This I declined as I had paid $60.00 for COX to install and after 3 hours their tech could not get better internet. I am staying with [redacted] a company I trust and has good internet service. This resulted in an offer to requote the CABle TV only. I even said that I would only ask for 2 cable boxes not 5 as was in my original quote from COX. Here is what was offered. $94.00 for the 1st 3 months and $121.00 for the next 9 months. By the way they forgot to include the bonus pak so I could get the ID channel!!!. If I add in the additinal $10.00 it comes out to $104.00 for 3 months. ( I was quoted for 5 TVs $59.99) and quoted $131.00 for the next 9 months ( I was Quoted originally $82.99). It is my belief that COX practices deseptative pricing in order to win business. In most cases consumers have only verbal conversations and in most cases have no way to prove what has be promised. In this case I had the chat and have the promises in writting. Through deseption they are able to win business they would not win otherwise when consumers are trying to compare apples to apples. I can only imagine how they take advantage of the more elderly. I am asking that this be elevated if possible to a more national level since the sales team is involved is out of state, and international. There is no doubt in my mind that deception is used regularly to take advantage of people and boost profits. Also I wish to share that when you order service from COX they will need send yDesired Settlement: I want my cable TV with DVR and 2 boxes, with ADVANCED TV Preffered along with the BONUS pak if this is what is required to get ID. Channel. I want this at the priced promised of $59.99 for 3 months and $82.99 for 9 months. If not I want my $60.00 installation fee back, my $100.00 early cancellation fee I am paying to [redacted] for cancelling early with them. I want the installation fee for another cable provider to install their sysytem. I also am asking for $774.00 the amount that is over and
Response: Complaint - Case #[redacted] - [redacted]
We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file his concerns regarding the monthly recurring charges and the offer he was given. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience he experienced. We certainly do not want to cause him any frustrations.
The customer was provided with a promotion that provided him with service on five TV’s, one digital video recorder and internet service for $99.99 per month plus tax that increases $20.00 in month’s 13-24. This was a 24 month contract with an early termination fee that decreases each month. In order to get the ID (Investigation Discovery) the Bonus Pak would have to be added and is an additional $10.00 per month. The promotion did not include this Pak. In order to receive more than the Expanded video channels the additional TV’s would need a digital receiver connected which are an additional cost per month.
On June 14, 2014 the customer called and stated that the wifi in his office had a weak signal and only one TV received all of the channels. He was informed that each additional TV would need a digital receiver and that he could install a wifi signal booster for the areas of his home that had a lower wifi signal.
This company can offer the customer several different price ranges for services which is why the customer was quoted different prices for his services.
I did listen to the call between the customer and our sales agent and the sales agent did ask him how many TV’s he wanted to connect and was told 5. The sales agent also asked the customer if he wanted receivers on each TV in order to get all of the channels and the customer declined. The sales agent also informed the customer that the installer could check the wifi signal in his exterior office and if needed a wifi booster could be installed. The customer never mentioned he wanted the ID channel.
Unfortunately the customer disconnected service within the 30 day money back guarantee so all monthly charges were credited as well as the installation charges. The customer did not have to make any payment.
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.
Sr. Customer Relations Specialist
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 10095354, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I am not sure how a company stating how hard they strive for excellent customer service, accepts 0 responsibility when I had to make dozens of calls and ultimately it required my cancellation in order to get out from under the shell game played in order to get customers to sign up. I have in writing what COX's representative Celene stated. I am sure it is just a matter of time before a class action law suit will be brought against COX costing them millions of dollars. I am not the only person to be hoodwinked by COX. Let me point out the deceit.
1 Installation between $30 and $60.00 actual $160.00 please explain the extra $100.00 charge. Installer from COX cuts cable rather that unscrewing cable. Results in an additional charge for a service call to repair when I went back to [redacted]. Internet would not work in my office where [redacted] worked perfect previously. This was discovered before the installer left my home. Multiple calls to the office by the installer only resulted in informing me the only solution was to install another Modem at another additional subscription cost.
2. I clearly asked in writing and it is documented that I asked for the ID channel and asked for the 5 TV's. Your bait and switch tactics are clear. When I called in my understanding was I would not get a digital signal to the other 4 TV's so I would not get those channels.
3. I am finally sitting at 0 balance owed to COX. This was only after 7 or 8 calls and even as late as yesterday there was still a balance. It was not until I called again yesterday that they cleared my bill.
A short response back from COX stating how great of a company they are, and how it was all a result of my misunderstanding is not supported by the facts, and is an absolute insult to myself and the consumers they market too.
Response: Complaint - Case #[redacted] - [redacted]
We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file his concerns regarding the monthly recurring charges and the offer he was given. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience he experienced. We certainly do not want to cause him any frustrations.
1. The customer was informed by the sales agent who set up the order for him did inform him of the $60.00 for the install. There was also a $50.00 service deposit charged to the customer. Another $50.00 was the installation of the home networking for his laptop and smart phone. As stated in the initial response to the dated July 3, 2014 these charges were credited. The configuration and square footage of a home could require the installation of a wifi signal booster and are inexpensive. Of course the closer the customer is to the wireless router the stronger the signal.
2. During the conversation between the customer and the sales agent the sales agent did ask how many TV’s he wanted connected and the customer said 5 (the install order did show 5 outlets to be installed) the sales agent then asked the customer if he wanted receivers on those TV’s and the customer declined. The ID channel was never discussed.
3. On June 23, 2014 the customer called and inquired about the balance on the account and was informed that there was still a balance of $31.50 that was credited during the call.
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. If they should have any additional questions or concerns, they can contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.
Sr. Customer Relations Specialist
Executive Resolutions/
Office of the General Manager
Review: On 1-13-2016 at 3:30pm I called cox communications to negotiate the second year of a two year contract. I was quoted $150.29 for the remainder of the contract. I accepted the quote all of which is on tape at Cox. I then received a notice by e-mail from Cox in March that they would be billing my checking account on April 2nd $194.00. I called Cox and talked to Tiffany on 3-14 @ 9:07am and she quoted me $168.00. I told her that was not acceptable and requested to talk to her supervisor. I talked to her supervisor Amanda who then quoted $176.85 which I advised her was unacceptable and was advised that would be the rate.
On 3-14 @ 10:30am I spoke to Patrica at Cox Corporate in Atlanta and she told me she would credit me the difference between $176.85 and $168.00 which I refused. She said she would send case to resolution dept. who would contact me.
I called Cox Corporate on 3-21 and spoke to Chris who told me they could not honor the quote of 1-13 for $150.29. He told me he was crediting me $103.00 which was the difference Patrica had offered. I did not agree to this credit as an acceptance of the current rate and again asked Cox to honor their agreement as I had. I was told the rate would remain at $176.85.Desired Settlement: For Cox to honor their quote of $150.29 for the remainder of the second and last year of the contract. All conversations with Cox are taped by them and they can easily review those tapes including the tape of 1-13 verifying their quote of $150.29 to me and my official acceptance of the quote.
March 29, 2016 ID#: [redacted]—Harold A[redacted] We were sorry to hear of the confusion that the customer experienced with his billing. Due to the concerns that he brought to the attention of your office, we thoroughly reviewed his account. Our investigation confirmed that the customer did speak to one of our Sales Agents on January 13, 2016, who noted that the customer’s monthly rate was increasing due to the end of a temporary campaign. We also verified the notes from the 14 of the month with our Supervisor Amanda, who advised the customer of the monthly rate of $176.65 with the client. Because the customer stated that the employee in January quoted him a lower rate for his service, we have requested the call recording for review. Once our office has the results of that recording we will contact the customer directly. We hope this information has been helpful to your office. As always, we thank the for the opportunity to assist a valuable customer. Catherine/ Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
I appreciate the fact that Cox is going to review the tape of January 13th at 3:30 Arizona time. I will await their review and then maybe they will finally honor their agreement since they not only offered the rate of $150.29 but I accepted the rate for the remaining year of my contract on that call. Not only have they wasted a good deal of my time but also their staff regarding this issue.
April 1, complaint # [redacted]—Harold A[redacted] We appreciate your patience as we waited for the results of the recording. Due to the misquote that the customer was given, a credit of $316.32 has been applied to the customer’s account as a one-time credit to accommodate the misquote. This figure was derived by the $26.36 per month, for 12 months. This one-time credit to the customer’s account will ensure that he received services for the price quoted for the 12 month period. Because we do not have a code that will charge the account the lower price every month, a one-time bulk credit was applied to honor the rate. We hope this is sufficient information to close the complaint for your office. Thank you. Catherine/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
Review: The absolute worst customer service on the planet. They are complete liars and cannot keep their schedule straight. Last week imade an appointment for atech to come check our [redacted] boxes because we keep having problems with them (they have came twice this month, still.not fixed) and the appointment was set for 5-7 pm on Monday. On sunday we get the confirmation call and it says Monday from 3-5 so I sit on hold for what seems an hour before the girl I spoke to tells me to disconnect my boxes and take them to the cox store on [redacted] the next day and they will swap them out for me. Whem I get there the next day [redacted] helps me out and tells me since they are [redacted] boxes they cannot be switched amd a tech has to come to our house to do it. So [redacted] tells me there is a Wednesday appointment slot open from 5-7 and they will come then to do the switch. What happens today? They call and say they will be there between 3 & 5 on Wednesday after [redacted] said my appointment was from 5 - 7. My wife has been on hold for 45minutes and I'm tellling her to hang up on these ......... (you fill in the blank). Would you pay for service like this? They want to keep charging us for their faulty equipment. Our Internet works fine but why should we keep paying this crappy television service and extra for a dvr system that has not world right since the beginning of may.Desired Settlement: Refund for the past 2 months and to have them keep the appointments they schedule so they can come and replace the malfunctioning cable boxes.
Response: Complaint – [redacted] – [redacted]
Review: I was adjusting my services with Cox Communications, and on Jan. 21 got in contact with Martin M[redacted] who's business card was left outside my apartment with a Cox promotions flyers. Over the phone, via text message, Martin advertised that I could get an Internet service with a speed of 40mbps for $39.99. I agreed to have that service activated for that price. When I was returning the old equipment from my previous services (modem and cable box) at the Cox Camelback store on Jan. 22, I asked Stoan M[redacted] to confirm the service I was getting activated. He said I was getting a 15mbps Internet, for $39.99. I said I had been told I was getting 40mbps for $39.99. Stoan said Cox offers no such service, that it's either 15mbps for $39.99 or 50mbps for $54.99. At the store, I got on the phone with Martin M[redacted] who said the people at the store where trying to steal his business and trying to confuse me so they could get credit for activating my service. Stoan, at the Cox store, said Martin was a third-party salesman, and that he was "[redacted] me. I've been a customer of Cox Communications since September 2014. It is upsetting that I was lied on and had to deal with two contradicting arguments by Cox representatives, and that I was in a situation where I didn't know who to believe. Martin shouldn't be falsely advertising, and Cox shouldn't contract people that are deceiving customers.Desired Settlement: I want to get the Internet service for the price that was advertised to me ($39.99). If Cox doesn't have 40mbps Internet, then closest thing to that is 50mbps.
Response: Case #[redacted] We are sorry to hear of the negative experience our customer encountered with our outside sales team. We contacted our customer directly to address the concerns she brought to the attention of your office. We were able to offer a solution to resolve her service level and billing issues in which we felt were fair. Our customer was satisfied with the offer and she did accept our resolution to her concerns. We appreciate the opportunity that the has given to us to assist our customer. Jaimi / Executive Resolutions Office of the General Manager Cox Communications, Southwest Region
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. The business has performed this action and I now consider this complaint resolved.Thank you.
Review: received cable boxes on Thursday was told that would have services by Friday night at 7pm. attempted to view tv at 7:40pm and nothing was working called in to get assistance and was told that everything should be working but its not now i'm being told that no one can come out to fix issue until Sunday that is not my fault nor problem now they are trying to interfere with me attending church I requested Saturday so I would not have to miss mass which is at 12pm but was told no why should I pay for services when I am not getting them and I had a lot of issues with internet this week alone and had to call in since the guy at the store didn't bundle my account so much calling in to get this things fixed on my account its ridicules at least a sort of courtesy credit credit should be applied to my accountDesired Settlement: courtesy credit should be applied to my account and for my services to be working since my internet goes down alot and cable is not even working
[redacted] complaint# [redacted] We were sorry to hear that the customer is having difficulty with the services from our company. We contacted the subscriber and we were advised to have a Spanish speaking agent call her to discuss her concerns. Our employee [redacted] did attempt to contact the customer and left a message and his direct number for the customer to contact us at her convenience. We will assist the customer with all of her concerns when it is convenient for her to speak with us. [redacted]/ Cox Communications Executive offices /Arizona
Review: Account #: [redacted] Phone on Account: ###-###-####
Can you guys please fix my bill, it has been two weeks and counting. I was charged for 2 wifi extenders($259.99) that I never ordered. I called in on the first of January and was told that the issue will be resolved within 7 to 8 days. It was going to take that long because he had to fill out a special form to fix my bill. So, what is the point of having a billing department if they are not going to be able to help you with your bill? Anyways, when the 8th day comes around the bill hasn't been fix, so naturally I called (01-12-15) again. The operator tells me that she is going to have to fill out the form again and it should be resolved with a week. A week later( 01-19-15), I check my bill again and guess what, my bill hasn't been fix and to top it off I have been hit with a late charge. And Yes, this does involve a health issue. It causes unnecessary stress, which can have a negative result on my overall health.Desired Settlement: Fix my bill for, I can pay it, and also remove the late fee from next month's bill.
[redacted] Case #[redacted] We are sorry to hear our customer was negatively impacted by additional equipment charges. We have attempted to directly contact the customer to by telephone and email. We have reviewed the account and will advise the customer of the credits and current balance. Thank you for your time and consideration. [redacted].Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region
Review: We signed up for a year long discount. Today I got a bill that increased my payment by $20 per month. I called and aksed what happened and they told me that the "year" discount increases after 6 months by $20 per month.Desired Settlement: HONESTY! Be upfront with your customers and hold true to what you say your terms are. When I call in and they tell me they can not honor the initial contract for the full year that is ridiculous. So then I state there is another discount out there right now for $24.99 per month and they state that is for new customers only and I do not qualify. It took a long time with me on hold for them to come back and tell me that they will let me pay $136 month now, which is still an increase. I am NOT happy with Cox and if I had any other option I would move immediately to them. Cox holds a monopoly and it is not fair to the customer.
We were sorry to hear that the customer is not satisfied with her monthly rate and billing. We did attempt to reach the customer and discuss her concerns by phone, but were unsuccessful in reaching her.
The customer states in her correspondence to the that our company has misled her with the rates quoted to her. Notes on the customer’s account indicate that our Care Center Team did explain that our bundled discount package does have a $20.00 “step up” pricing in place at the six month mark. Our records also indicate that on September 30, 2014, our agent did offer and add an additional campaign to ensure the customer’s rate was kept at the approximate rate that she was charged in the past.
We apologize again that the customer is confused and unhappy about her rates. The feedback that the client provided has been forwarded to our Marketing Team. We realize that comments such as this are beneficial to our company, so we thank the for passing this information to us.
[redacted]/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ Arizona
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I am not satisified with the resolution as I refuse to be called a "confused" customer. I am a customer that you did NOT provide all the information to. There was never anyone that stated "your rate will go up after 6 months of signing an agreement for a year contract".
Labeling your customers is unfortunate and unprofessional. Cox has a monopoly and we are left to work with a company that is untruthful and does not disclose the information in full to its clients.
Review: On Wednesday, December 2, I called and spoke with Amy in customer service because we were moving and I needed to have service changed to the new address, she told me when we arrived at our new house on Saturday, December 5, just plug in the internet box and then call a number to activate the service. We were going to do that but we discovered that the service was not connected to the house from the street, I thought the company would know this fact, apparently not. On Monday, December 7, I called customer service to schedule for a technician to come out and get the service started, I was given an appointment time for Tuesday, Decembert 8 between the hours of 3 pm and 5 pm, I chose these hours specifically because my mom had drs appointments and I knew that she would be home then. At 5 pm the technician still was not at the house so I called them back and then I was told that I never scheduled an appointment, notes showed that I needed to set up for them to come out. How would I have a specific date and time if I never scheduled an appointment, I don't remember this girls name that I spoke to but the conversation escalated from there because then I was informed that she would waive the $50 fee for them to come out as a courtesy and I told her that I wasn't informed of the $50 fee, her reply was "well that's cuz you never scheduled an appointment". She then proceeded to give me another appointment 2 more days out and then tell me that I could be placed on a call list if any openings came up.Desired Settlement: I want the job completed and they seriously need to teach their customer service respresentatives how to interact with people. I don't appreciate the rude comment from the girl yesterday, I know that I was upset when I called but people schedule appointments for a reason and her comment was uncalled for. I know I can't have any other credit on the bill because I was also informed that I don't even have service right now so there's nothing to credit. It would be nice to have some other compensation since my daughter uses the internet for her school work and she hasn't been able to with it not up and running, it's a MAJOR inconvenience for her and personally to me, I'm using data on my cellular plan because I have no wi fi to connect to. We all know how expensive data plans are, we have 4 phones using 3 gbs for a month. Something needs to be done and I'll leave it up to Cox Communications to resolve my issue and make me a happy customer again or I will not recommend them to anyone.
We would like to thank the customer for taking the time to file their concerns regarding their service installation and experience with our Care Center. Please let me begin with an apology for any inconvenience they experienced. We certainly do not want to cause our customers any frustrations.
Regarding our customer’s concerns with their service installation, we were able to make contact with them on 12/10/15 and confirmed the installation in question was completed successfully this morning. Due to the inconvenience, we have also credited the installation charges and set up a callback for Monday just to ensure all services are still working properly. We are confident the issues at hand have now been resolved. It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. As a customer service oriented company, we know that our success largely depends on our customers’ perception of our employees, as well as our company. Once again, we would like to apologize for the frustration that the customer has experienced. Thank you. GeorgeExecutive ResolutionsCox Communications
Review: I called Cox on 4/16 to due a payment extension spoke with [redacted] he told me to pay 45.00 before 4/18 and they will hold a post dated check till 4/25. So thats what I did and the processed my check on 4/20 and have caused my account to overdrawn in the ammount of a 140.00 and I went in and paid cash for the amount the check was for. All I want is them to put the money in over draft fee back and stop trying to take it out of my account. I have talked to Supervisors [redacted] and [redacted],[redacted] and no help what so ever. there will be two more over draft fee's coming out [redacted] told me they send bad checks to a company and they run it 3 times that will be another 70.00 on top of the 140.00.Desired Settlement: and not to my cox account either to my bank account
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We apologize that our customer felt the necessity to write to the regarding her payment issue. We sincerely regret the inconvenience that she has experienced with our company.
Upon receipt of this complaint, we performed a complete review of our customer’s account. Our records indicate that the customer contacted our offices on 4-15-14 and discussed the status of her account with one of our representatives. The representative that she spoke with advised her that she would have to make a $45.00 payment and then call back to receive a 7-day extension to pay the balance. The $45.00 payment was made in cash on 4-16-14 at one of our Solutions Stores. Our payment records further indicate that the $196.22 payment made on 4-16-14 was web based and was not taken as a post-dated payment as per our customer’s claim. A copy of our payment ledger is being forwarded separately to confirm that was a web payment.
Our customer has called in several times regarding her concerns on this issue. It was determined that there were times that she was provided incorrect information as to the type of payment made and as to our liability for her bank charges. She received a $105.00 credit on 5-01-14 and an additional credit today for $52.50. No additional credits will be approved for this account.
We want our customer to know that we are deeply committed to being her most trusted provider of communication services and apologize for the inconvenience that she experienced with regard to this issue. If there is any way in which we can be of further service, we ask that she contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications/Arizona
My check was a post dated check not web payment. They are covering up for their rep. my account is over drawn still cause of this.
This is in response to the customer’s rebuttal to the response that we submitted on May 30, 2014. We are forwarding documentation from our records to support our response to this customer. The attachments are as follows:
Account payment history page shows that the payment in the amount of $196.22 dated 4-19-14 was a web based payment. We have no way of altering this information.
Printout from account ledger identifies the $45.00 cash payment made on 4-16-14.
Printout from account ledger shows the $196.22 web e-check posted to the account on 4-20-14.
Printout from account comments dated 4-15-14 shows the notes indicating that the customer was advised that once the $45.00 payment was made she would have to call back to set up the extension. The following printout shows that the customer did not call back into the Care Center on that date. We did not hear back from the customer until 4-22-14.
Printout from account ledger shows a cash payment in the amount of $192.00 posted on 4-25-14.
Printout from account ledger shows check in the amount of $196.22 being returned and debited to the account on 5-05-14. Our payment processor will make several attempts to collect on funds before actually returning it to us as uncollectable.
If the customer can produce a letter from her financial institution indicating that the transaction in question was initiated by us we will certainly entertain her claim. Based on what we have provided, there is nothing to support her claim that we submitted the payment in questions.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience that our customer has experienced and have documented everything thoroughly with regard to the response we have provided. If there is any way in which we can be of further service, we ask that she contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications/Arizona
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
This is in response to the customer’s comments on our initial rebuttal to the response that we submitted on June 19, 2014. The notes are as follows:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
We stated in our response that we will entertain her claim when “she” provides a letter from her financial institution. She has only provided us with copies of her bank statement that do not identify how the payment was processed. They only support that the payment cleared. They will need to tell us exactly what type of payment and where it was sourced.
Again, we have provided all of the details to support the payment processing from our records. We have very specific coding that is required for the type of payment that she is referencing and these codes were not used on this transaction. This is not in alignment with what the customer states. Based on what we have previously advised, there is nothing further that we can do at this time. If there is any way in which we can be of further service, we ask that she contact our Customer Care Center at [redacted]. Thank you.
Executive Resolutions
Office of the General Manager
Cox Communications/Arizona
Review: I first contacted Cox due to death in family - Needed to change ownership of the account so we could make changes etc. I was quoted 9.95 per month plus tax for 12 months. They have not honored that quote. The have told me they would put a bulk credit on the account so it will still reflect $9.95 per month. But then the credits were removed and the new bill was sent out with over $300 worth of charges that can't be explained. They said they would credit the account $30 for a customer service failure and have since removed that and I was told, the agent who offered me that "misquoted" me and didn't have the authority to offer that. I have now spent over 8 hours on the phone trying to resolve this issue and am totally fed up. I called the automatic system on 11/3 and was "quoted" a due balance of -$136.35. When the bill arrived, it was for $53.18. I called again yesterday to complain about this situation and again told I would receive a bulk credit. I checked the online bill yesterday and it showed a total due of $53.18, today it shows $3.61. When I called today, I was told that the actual balance is -$208.23 and that it could take up to 24-48 hours for them to be seen online. Currently Cox has this account set up for a monthly billing fee of $49.57. This is a very long way fro the $9.95 per month that was quoted. This account is for my mother in law, and this should NOT be so complicated. She should be able to receive a bill in the mail and just pay it without all these credits, removal of credits etc.Desired Settlement: I want my mother in law to receive the services as stated at $9.95 per month for 36 months. That should be the Premier Package, that includes Unlimited Long Distance and Unlimited Local Services. I want her bill to reflect that and not a bunch of charges and credits to complicate the process. I would also like a check mailed to her for $150 for my time. After having to deal with the loss of her spouse/my father in law, Cox Communications has truly aggravated the situation. $150 does not even come close to what my time is worth, but I have a feeling Cox Communications wont' even do that much.
We are sorry to hear our customer has been negatively impacted by an account holder change and misinformation provided by a representative. We have researched the account in regards to the billing and credits. We have reached out to the customer directly by telephone to address the concerns listed in the complaint. Thank you for your time and consideration. [redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
At this time I am not happy with the way this business has "resolved" this issue. I still have to follow the account for a couple months to make sure my mother in law is being charged correctly. I have spent so much time on this, and I feel they are taking advantage of the fact that she is older in years. All though I am watching out for her protection, it should not have to be SO complicated to pay for a local ordinary service. This company stated they were a phone service and not in the business of comping me for my time that has incurred due to their service failure, but I disagree. Customer Service should be "service" not what I have seen from this company so far. Their resolution is to send me a spreadsheet for me to go over to make sure the charges/credits are all accurate - which is going to take more of my time. This company still deserves a F- rating in my book. I do not feel comfortable accepting this resolution at this time, because as of yet, nothing has been resolved. Additionally I am still out 8 hours / or a full days pay / to try and clean up THIER mess. They are the ones who quoted me the rate of 9.95 per month, I didn't research and ask for it.
We honored the pricing offered with an upfront adjustment. The customer was charged for a modem and the charges will reverse upon receipt from the customer. The customer will then realize the full billing adjustments given by Cox. Thank you for your time and consideration. [redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region
Review: Cox Communications refuses to provide customer service. They claim their six month agreement on pricing, sales and billing prices go up, and that your servcies goes down. While the bill and prices go up, a customer loses their six month agreement. A customer loses their unlimited long distance, loses their phone services, and loses the service they had during the first six months. They advertise on television a 99.00 dollar plan, but the cost of my six month service was 126.00 a month, and now is going up to 146.00 a month but I lose long distance, call waiting, and I must downgrade in order to have a plan. Calling them is impossible as every single representative tells you something different. Customer services reps hang up on customers, supervisor also hang up. When I calll their corp office in [redacted] I get a run around. I was told no price increase and no discounts, but I am getting a price increase with less service. When I call their customer service, no one is able to help me.Desired Settlement: I do not understand why my bill is going up and my services are being downgraded.
October 4, 2013
Review: I was living in Phoenix from 6/01/14 until 9/5/14 on assignment as a traveling nurse at a Phoenix hospital. I called and spoke to a representative for Cox Communications the week before I moved. I asked if it was possible for them to come and disconnect and take the equipment. I worked three 12 hour shifts the week I was leaving and with packing everything and driving by myself across the country I didn't want to deal with dropping off the equipment. The representative told me it would be a $20.00 fee and they would prorate any balance occurred through the first few days of September. I told him that I would probably not be there, so he said he would put on the work order to go to the apartment complex office and they would let him in to get the equipment. On 9/4 I received a confirmation call that a technician would be out to get the equipment between 10 am and 12pm the following day.
On 9/5 I dropped off my keys at the office but the technician still had not shown up for the equipment. I wasn't concerned because I had spoken to a representative for Cox Communications who set everything and gave me an estimate of my final total bill.
I received a bill in September that had a balance of $ -51.76. I went to the website on 10/4/14 and opened my account to see a balance of $629.00! Being in a different time zone it would be hours before their offices would be open for business. I decided I would pay the $51.76 since this was probably what I owed for the remainder of the bill and the pickup fee. I spoke to a [redacted] on 10/4 at 12:20. He told me the technician had not gone to the office, but instead went to the apartment, knocked on the door, and when no one answered, he left. I never received a call from the technician. I went back and checked my call log to verify just in case I had missed the call. I did not receive any such call. In fact, I never heard anything about the equipment not being picked up until I found out online. [redacted] assured me that he would look into the matter and would call me back in a day or two.
On 10/6 I hadn't heard back from anyone, so I called Cox Communications again. This time I spoke to [redacted]. She told me there wasn't a supervisor that could take my call at this time, but she reassured me that the matter would be looked into.
Not hearing anything for over a week, I called back on 10/15, my third call. I did speak to a supervisor. I believe his name was [redacted] (I didn't write it down). He listened to me and he checked the work order and told me it said to go to office first. He said he would put in a missing work order to track the equipment and I should then be credited $103.50. He said that it would take a few days and he promised to call me back. I mentioned to him that each person I spoke to told me they would call me back but hadn't. He assured once again that he would most definitely call back. He never did.
On 11/4 call number four was placed. This time I spoke to [redacted]. He basically told me there was nothing he could do. The equipment had not been found and I owed $577.24. He transferred me over to collections and they also told me there was nothing they could do.
To recap; I spoke to a representative that set up for a technician to come and take my equipment. I was told the work order would say to go to office to be let in to apartment.
The technician did not follow his work orders, nor did he call to see if he could reschedule. When the equipment was installed, the technician called when he didn't get an answer at the door. I know they had my number because the appointment was verified the previous day. When I finally found out about all of this it was a month later. I called the apartment manager and she checked to see if the equipment was in their storage. It wasn't there. Of course there is now someone living there so they were unable to see if the equipment was still in the apartment.
I do not feel that I should have to pay this bill. I left the equipment in perfect condition. I contacted the company in plenty of time and set up an appointment for pickup. A pickup fee was quoted to me. A confirmation the day prior to pickup was placed and received. I should not be charged because the technician could not follow work orders. No effort was made to contact me to let me know the equipment hadn't been picked up. I don't even know if he did go to the apartment. I live 2000 miles away.Desired Settlement: My desired outcome is to have this bill dissolved. I don't feel that I should have to pay for the technician's inability to follow work orders. The company knew I moved; that's why I was cancelling my cable/internet. Someone should have contacted me. Maybe something could have been done if I had known about it that day or the following day. A business should hold their employees accountable. I should not be penalized or have to pay for the mistakes of their technicians. The fact that absolutely no effort was made to contact me concerning this matter until I found out for myself shows very poor business practice.
It is always our goal to provide our customers with exemplary customer service. We apologize that our customer felt the necessity to write to the [redacted] regarding her attempts to return her equipment to our office. We sincerely regret the inconvenience that she experienced with our company.
Upon receipt of this complaint, we performed a complete review of our customer’s account. We confirmed she requested and scheduled an equipment pick up but the equipment was never retrieved. Per the notes we were to contact the apartment manager to gain access to the apartment. This was incorrect information. We contacted the apartment manager to confirm the equipment was not in their office and if left behind in the apartment would have been discarded. Since this was an error on the part of Cox Communications and the customer was not advised correctly the equipment has been removed and charges reversed. We left a message for her acknowledging her request and to apologize for the charges. We also explained the equipment has been removed and the charges reversed.
We want our customer to know that we are deeply committed to being her most trusted provider of communication services and apologize for the inconvenience that she experienced with regard to this issue.
[redacted] /Office of the General Manager / Cox Communications Executive Offices / [redacted]
Review: Cox communications has not consistently provided service over the last 6 months. I have experienced frequent service outages, including multiple outages in a 24 hour period. In addition, Cox has failed to rectify the problem consistently with any permanent solution. Upon continued pursuit to find a long term solution to my service outages I receive poor Cox technical support with the end solution being an offer of further paid services to fix a service for which I already subscribe and pay for. Having already acted upon a previous recommendation for the purchase of a new router, it is evident that the solution lies with Cox's ability to provide consistent cable service and its further ability to rectify outages. Cox Communications refusal of services is not consistent with the contract I have with them for cable and internet.
Furthermore, I have had frequent issues with my Cox bill. Over a period of 4 months Cox presented me with incorrect bills which required numerous hours on the phone to resolve the problem. Between my interactions with them to both rectify frequent billing mistakes and restore services I have spent upwards of 12-15 hours during my last six months of service.
As of this complaint I currently do not have working internet and have not had consistent internet service for 1 week. This along with all previous outages amount to an unacceptable amount of time which I have not only been billed for services I have not received but often over billed.
On personal note, I frequently work from home making it paramount that I have consistent internet. This fact has unfortunately been met with apathy and disregard for the inconvenience by some of the Cox Communication staff.Desired Settlement: Consistent Cox services. I would like to be contacted by a Cox representative who will provide a productive solution.
August 19, 2014 complaint # [redacted] We were sorry to hear that one of our customers is not receiving the type of Internet service that he expects to receive from our company. In the documentation to the, the customer states that we have not provided reliable Internet service to him for six months. Due to the concerns that the subscriber brought to our attention, a thorough review has been completed on the account. Review of the account notes does indicate that customer has called us to report connectivity issues on several occasions since connection of service. During one of the most recent conversations with the customer, one of our Customer Service Agents did advise the customer that a visit from our technician would be the best course of action. While the customer declined to accept a service call with one of our qualified home service technicians, we highly suggest that the subscriber schedule a visit so we may diagnose and resolve the problem at hand. While we understand that customer is concerned with incurring a service call fee, we do offer CSPP, (Cox Service Protection Plan) an insurance plan that will ensure that he is not charged for the visit. For more details on this option, this link provides all the details on our optional plan. [redacted] While the occasional outages are an inconvenience, we want the customer and the to know that restoration of service quickly during planned or unplanned outages is a priority to us. Although our residential product is only intended for recreational purposes; we do understand the inconvenience when loss of service occurs. We will continue to keep outages at a minimum, for the convenience of our clients. We urge the customer to contact us at his convenience, so we may schedule him for a service call. Our Technical Support Team is available by phone 24 hours a day, and seven days a week. Our Field Service Team works seven days a week; in convenient two hour time frames. We can be reached by phone at [redacted]Call: [redacted], or via our website at [redacted]. We hope this information has been helpful to the Thank you. [redacted]/Office of the General Manager/Cox Communications Executive Offices/ [redacted]
Review: On 6/14/2014 at approximately 1500 hrs, I [redacted] called to make a payment arrangement with cox communication for $100.00 for the 6/27/2014, when going over my bank account online on 6/16/2014 I noticed COX Communications at tried to take out $100.00 on 6/14/2014 the same day I made the payment arrangement and accrued a bank fee on my account which made my account go negative then had other authorized charges from different transactions go in the same day, at that time I had to go deposit more money in my account to bring it current, I called COX Communications Collections Department and I told them what had happened, they told me they did see that we made a payment arrangement for 6/27/2014 for $100.00 but the agent made a mistake and took it out the same day and that it would not happen again, on 6/16/2014 COX communications tried again to take out the $100.00 which made our account go negative and accrued more bank fee, at this point I had to fill out paperwork ans pay a fee with our Credit Union to process a stop payment for COX. I again called COX Collections and spoke to Supervisor [redacted] agent I.D [redacted] and we explained to her our situation and speaking with her for about 30 min she said she was going to zero out our account and any fees or returned payments were going to be taken off the account and we would not owe anything until 7/27/2014. I verified that our account was back to zero with the COX office in our town and they checked and confirmed it was $0.00 on 6/26/2014 I received a automated call from COX saying our account is past due and to make a payment to avoid disconnection. I called and spoke to Supervisor [redacted] agent I.D [redacted] and said we still owed the account because the payment was returned to them, we explained to her that we were told that if the payment was returned it was going to be credited to our COX account with any fees, this time she changed her story saying that only the $32.00 fee was going to be credited back and that we still had to pay the account in full and she would not help us out, she said we needed to send them our bank statement with our personal information and they would maybe credit back a fee that the bank charged us and that they were still going to disconnect our service. All this happened because a mistake there agent did which caused us to have an unauthorized charge
on our bank account. We were willing to work with COX to settle this issue but they were not able to fulfill there promise and we were misled by Supervisor [redacted] agent I.D [redacted]. Thank you for looking into this situation.Desired Settlement: Will like for them to fulfill there promise and zero out our account with them like they said.
Response: Complaint – No. [redacted] – Ms. [redacted]
Review: On May 20, 2015 [redacted] on line payment [redacted] paid $90.31 yet June 1, 2015 Cox has sent a final notice demanding payment with a threat of going to collections.Desired Settlement: Stop harassing me with collections for bills that have been paid. Also stop harassing me with collections for equipment that has been returned. I do not owe these people anything not one penny. Just stop demanding payment and stop threatening my good credit.
Response: Case #[redacted] We are sorry to hear our customer was negatively impacted by billing concerns. I have reached out to the customer and resolved all current concerns to a satisfactory resolution as agreed upon by the customer and myself. Thank you for your time and consideration. [redacted].Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region
Review: Company promised to complete service to our home within a 12 hour period which required that we wait at home for said service to be completed. After 10 hours we placed a call to customer assistance then to technical assistance who told us that their service was complete.. an absolute lie. The service was completed the next day after waiting another 8 hours and we were never offered an explaination nor an apology for their substandard service and lies. The service person was terrific and tried to remedy this awful situation caused by Cox. They all continue to LIE. I attempted several times to remedy this situation with their customer service department but they are impossible to contact via telephone or internet. We are totally disgusted and exhausted and will certainly be seeking an alternative to this horrific company. When we finally did contact someone telephonically we asked for an ID or name and was told that they are not obligated to give more than a first name: [redacted]. We asked for a SUPERVISOR AND WERE DENIED THIS REQUEST. TOTALLY ABSURD. GLAD I'M NOT A STOCKHOLDER.Desired Settlement: This company has a track record of deceit and smooth and fast talking heads that will promise anything and do not deliver, in our humble opinion. In the midst of all our problems [redacted], wants to sell more product: internet and phone, even after we explained our continuous problems with Cox's service. We would like an apology for all our wasted time and the lie we were told when they stated the service was turned on when in fact it never was. I believe a reduction in billed fees or free service for a limited time is warranted. Most important is the acknowledgement of this problem and an investigation, at very least, into this problem.
We would like to thank the customer for contacting our company via the regarding their account installation concerns. We are disheartened to hear of the difficulty and frustration the customer has experienced in his attempt to establish service with us. The customer’s concerns having been fully investigated and appropriate corrective action implemented. Reviewing the account history we found the installation was setup as what is called a Self-installation meaning that the technician does not enter the home and make any connections. The technician comes to the outside signal tap and connects services from there. The customer is responsible for making any inside connections that may be necessary. This is a valuable option for customers who do not want the expense of a professional installation and are certain they are no internal problems within the home that would prevent service activation. There is a drawback to this type of installation such as, if the outside lines are not properly tagged due to a missing or mislabeled tag the technician may not activate the correct line preventing service activation. This appears to be the case with this customer’s installation as verified by the service all completed on June 5th. On June 11th a credit of $17.75 was applied to the account. In addition to this adjustment we have applied an additional credit of $25.00 that will reflect on the customer’s next monthly statement. We want our valued customer to know that we are committed to providing outstanding services and customer care. It is imperative we receive this feedback so that we can redouble our efforts towards excellence. We sincerely apologize if as a result of this matter the customer feels any less valued as a patron of our company. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully,[redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Arizona
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.First and foremost their explanation is not correct. After several calls and and lies by their techs we were able to ascertain that the outside connection was never made on the day and time they claimed. We spent two days after they explained that the T.V. connection had been made, attempting to find the problem. We also spent two days waiting for a contractor to come to our home. This was supposed to be a simple transfer. We found out from the previous owners that the connection was just recently disconnected. I was also able to ascertain that for whatever the reason, the connection was not made, even though they claimed it was, until the contractor who showed up made the appropriate connection. This was after several days of our original call and several calls to all types of Cox employees. Although they were all courteous no one seemed to get a handle on this problem which was easily remedied when the serviceman finally responded. This was also after threats by them (Cox) that if they came and found the connection was made, we were then liable to pay. What a way to treat customers. We were also denied the right to speak with a supervisor after many requests.This is our second runaround by Cox. In October of 2009, I sent a complaint to Cox regarding their service and lack of it at [redacted] This letter was sent to their Technical support team and I still have a copy of that complaint. Again they wasted valuable time of ours, when we were out there on vacation. They failed to even respond to our letter. That problem went on for four days. I will send you a copy, if necessary. In summary, this is an annoyance which we really do not need. Cox appears to lack as much in customer service as in their ability to complete an accurate investigation. In my humble opinion,they seem to fail at their service to their loyal customers, which we have been for many years. I believe their offer is insulting and we're just a nuisance to them. However, we will not accept their trivial offer at this time. Regards,[redacted]
We are disheartened to hear that the customer does not believe that his concerns have been properly addressed. We take all concerns brought to our attention with the utmost attention and seriousness and apologize sincerely for the delay in service activation. We have thoroughly reviewed and investigated the circumstances of this matter and have found that the technician that did the outside only, self-installation, activated the wrong line due to a mis-tag of the lines that service this particular customer’s home. As stated in our previous response, this is a possibility that may occur when a self-installation is performed versus a professional-installation in which the technician enters the home and verifies connectivity prior to leaving the site. We do advise our customers whose services are not working after a self-installation that there is a potential service charge if the finding of the lack of service is due to an internal connection or setting inside of the customer’s home. We do not charge if the problem is due to lack of connection or signal on our end. The customer was not charged for the technician’s visit on June 4th subsequently. We believe we have properly compensated the customer by crediting the days the customer was without service and applying an additional $25.00 credit. We are sorry the customer does not believe this to be so. We have applied an additional $25.00 credit as a show of our commitment to remaining our customers’ service provider. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully,[redacted]Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Arizona
Review: I ended my service with [redacted] on May 28, 2013. I received a bill for $260.09. I called and was told I had equipment that needed to be turned in. I could not find the cable card they said I had and so an appointment with for a tech to come out was made for June 18. The tech, [redacted], came out and after some searching he found where the cable card was installed in my TIVO box. He took the card and the tuner. I then started receiving repeated collection calls for the $260.09. I told them that there tech had picked up the equipment. I called [redacted] and he told me turned in the equipment to [redacted] on June 20 and that [redacted] checks his truck every week to make sure no equipment is missed. I relayed this information to [redacted] They then started calling saying I had balance due of $38. I told them that was not possible as I had paid my account in full at the beginning of May and cancelled before the end of May, therefore, they owed me a credit since they bill in advance. The rep said no, I owed them. I asked for a final accounting and it has yet to be sent. Today July 8th, I received another bill for $260.09.Desired Settlement: I want [redacted] to STOP calling me and to zero out my account.
August 1, 2013
Review: Internet service is once again failing constantly. Techs are in neighborhood wiring fiber for Cox Gigabit service. Service constantly up and down. I am a technical consultant and often have to force someone to do SOMETHING. in 2013 this went on for 3-months. I ahve been a customer for 22 years and one of the 1st internet and phone customers.The last . 4/10 issue with speed very slow (.01 Mbps.) Tech Elvir I[redacted] was here, tested all components, wires, connections AGAIN (see 2013 issues). Same issue with or without router. "Jessica" insisted it was a modem problem. Replace modem, no difference. Tier 2 rep Venessa said there was NOTHING wrong with modem to but original back on. Signal is week. Issue resolved itself shortly there after as "techs" were in area installing gigabit. Problem now is internet up and down constantly this morning yet again. Tier 1 and Tier 2 could do nothing to help. THey could not, for some reason do what Venessa did and test signal. Michael from Tier 2 was completely worthless in trouble shooting. Again restarted modem/router ( I have switch both out several times over). He has requested supervisor to call in 24-hours.Desired Settlement: Resolve issue!! Communicate so your support center can tell if there are field techs messing with equiptment. Credit my account for service for at least several weeks.
If this continues, I will cancel all my services and move to other providers. This is OUTRAGEOUS. [redacted] is coming. We'll move to them (or [redacted]) as soon as they are here unless Cox gets their act together.
Response: Case #[redacted] We are sorry to hear our customer is having technical issues with his Cox Internet service. We attempted to contact the customer by telephone and email. We have not had the opportunity to discuss the account with the customer at this time. We do need to schedule a service call to review the location and work on successful resolution. Once the issue is resolved we can further assist the customer’s concerns about billing for the services impacted by the technical issues. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sirena M.Executive ResolutionsOffice of the General ManagerCox Communications, Southwest Region