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Address: 26301 South 655 Road, Grove, Oklahoma, United States, 74344
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This is in response to your fax/letter dated June 13, I am sorry that Ms [redacted] is still looking for a resolution to her ongoing request for some sort of refundHer complaint now is that she is requesting a $7,refund.Enclosed please find the following documents that address the history of Ms***s disputes with her sewing and embroidery machineCopy of original sales invoice dated June 21, Dealer Product Price ListCertificate of Technical Proficiency (which I am required to attend to be a dealer and repair technician)Invoice (3) showing Brother Acct # [redacted] purchases of [redacted] Letters (4) dated November 30, 2016, Dec14, 2016, February 3, 2017, and January 17, (Merchant Chargeback Case No [redacted] )Document showing her personal in-home lessons on her machineFax from Merchant Chargeback stating case is closedLetter dated April 21, from Parker, Stanbury LLPAt the time of purchase, Ms [redacted] was verbally informed that the machine was on our table and is newWe do display higher priced machinesThe "smell" she is referring to is just a cleaning solution we use to dust and clean the machine before it is packed into the original boxThe machine was in excellent condition when it was sold to Ms***.Again, in clarification, I did not tell Ms [redacted] that her machine was used or a demo modelNor has anyone in my store told her the samethe machine purchased is the top of the line Brother sewing and embroidery machineThe Dream Machine by Brother international is the largest and full-featured on the marketThere isn't another machine that can be compared to it.Ms***'s sewing/embroidery machine has a 25-year manufacture's warranty and, in keeping with my original promise, I will continue to support Ms [redacted] on her lessons and service contractshe is welcome to bring her machine to my shop for the service and contact the sewing educator for additional classes as she wishes.Ms [redacted] continued requests for a full refund, claims of machine malfunction or "problem" are truly unfounded as all documents indicateNow she is requesting a "partial" refund because she states the machine is "used."With respect to all concerned, Ms [redacted] should not receive a refundHer machine is in excellent condition and works with excellent precision; Ms [redacted] even has stated that herselfI believe this is a case of buyers' remorse.Again, I will state clearly that I will provide Ms [redacted] with continued service and educational classes as she needsShe is welcome to contact me or the instructor to complete her coursework
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your accept [redacted] of the business's response If you wish, you may update it before sending it If you and the business have reached an agreement and compli [redacted] is set for a future date, we trust the business will comply Please contact us after that time if the matter is not resolved as agreed and we will review the complaint and proceed accordingly.] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me Regards, [redacted]
This customer special ordered the hose on her own we order the holes that she wanted she paid port issue was charged the correct price there was no such thing as $tag or a $tag whatsoever she reserve [redacted] receipt upon the time she ordered it she tried returning the holes I refuse to take the holdback it was a special order this is a simple case of customer remorse and I refuse to give her any kind a refund but that's the way it's going to stay and that's the way we are we are not going to change anything she cannot return it we cannot return it to the supplier again this is simple case of customer remorse this lady is just doing nothing but lying telling a Bunchin of fake news there's only one receipt if she received a receipt at the time of purchase the receipt she was talking about Blong to a Nother customer nothing to do with her back you may know this lady is just a complainer and trying to pull a fast one but with this company it will not work we will not offer a refund at anything on this person thank you [redacted]
Good Morning,My name is [redacted] , I recieved an email from you ( at the end of the week about my claim against the General Electric Credit UnionI just want to let you know I call them today and left a messageI will keep you informed if the General Electric Credit Union calls me back.Than you, [redacted]
We received the complaint for Ms [redacted] ID # [redacted] We understand Ms [redacted] ’s complaint regarding General Electric Credit Union (GECU) states the following:-She believes she made her monthly auto loan payments on me and stated that an addi onal $in late fees was added to her account and that since she was never late and never received any type of le er from GECUShe contacted GECU and was told her account would be sent to upper management for review to have the fees waived and no one contacted her back-After two weeks, she contacted GECU again and was told only $in fees would be waived and she would be required to pay the rest-She states that fees cannot be added over a period of five and a half years without le ng the consumer know there is an issue.As a credit union, General Electric Credit Union (GECU) must adhere to standard regulatory compliance and lending guidelines when financing an aut o loan for our membersIn turn, the member(s) is r esponsible for agreeing to the contractual terms with a signature on our loan contractOur contract clearly states: “Late Charge: If a payment is more than days late, you will be charged a late charge of $30.00.” Please see a ached, the copy of the signed contract by Ms [redacted] .A le er is also generated on day of the loan being delinquent and mailed to the member’s address on fileWe have confirmation that a minimum of past due letters, please see attached, were mailed to: Ms [redacted] c/o Ms [redacted] at: [redacted] over the period of her loan with GECU to notify her of her delinquent loan statusAs well, annually, a member statement with a detailed description of the annual loan activity is mailed to the member, including a summary of late fees that would have been acquired for that year.We feel that our courtesy refund of $is sufficient considering the numerous attempts to notify the consumer of their late payment status via mail through delinquent no celeers and annual member statementsMs [redacted] , per her signed loan agreement, is responsible to pay off the remainder of the loan.Please let us know if further information or supporting documentation is required
To Whom it May Concern: In response to our member, as stated, the situation has been recently resolvedPart of the agreed resolution included removing the delinquency status and notifying all three major credit bureausWe have removed all delinquencies; however, it will take up to 30-days to reflect this update (this is the timing stated by the bureaus and is not within our control)Additionally, the aforementioned information has been mailed to our memberRespectfully,Jill L., Marketing Director [redacted] , Lending Manager of course have a copy of my initial loan documents and have only ever received documents pertaining to my insurance Once again should I have received any notices regarding a problem in the way I had been consistently paying my account the action would have been remedied The representative I spoke with even stated in a phone conversation that I was just never considered late enough to receive a letter I'm very disappointed by the way my loan has been treated and would even find it exceptable to split the fees
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
To Whom It May Concern: Please find our response in the attached document. Thank you, Jill L*** General Electric Credit UnionAugust 23, 2017Cincinnati Revdex.comE4th Street, Suite 600Cincinnati, OH 45202Re: Complaint #***To Whom It May Concern:We
received the complaint for *** *** ***, ID #***We understand *** ***'s complaint regarding General Electric Credit Union (GECU) states the following: - An unauthorized transaction withdraw of $was made to her account on 7/21/from *** she does not have a *** phone- She spoke with a GECU representative who advised her to close her account and open a new one- After calling again, on 8/7/17, the GECU representative advised *** *** to go through *** to initiate the refund to her account- She had to do her own investigating and felt GECU was dismissive of her complaint.At the time of this letter, we have been in contact with *** ***A refund for the $and $was credited to her account on 8/14/and 8/16/17, respectively*** *** was given contact information for the GECU Representative who assisted her in our Reading Road office on 8/16/in the event she had further questions or concerns.Please let us know if further information or supporting documentation is required.Sincerely,Ashley C***Business Development & Member Service Officer***ashley.c***@gecredit union.orgReading Road Cincinnati, OH ||
I am rejecting this response because: This is the second rejection notice I've sentI also sent the original receipt of which it had written on it PATRIOT hoseIt was not a Patriot hose and the owner said that it would work fineIt was a fire hazard because of the connection not fitting properlyI want a full refund for the generic hose.Sincerely, *** ***
Consumer contacted the and indicated that he has still not received the paperwork in the mail as of today, 4/21/
Good afternoon,Attached please find the response to this complaint.Respectfully,Jill L***Reading Road Cincinnati, OH 45241March 28, 2016Cincinnati E4th Street, Suite Cincinnati, OH 45202RE: Case ID ***To Whom It May Concern:I have reviewed the complaint
*Collection Manager 513-243-Ext*** [email protected]• -
filed by *** ** ***During the review I found that *** *** missed payments on his vehicle in January and March He did not attempt to make up those two missed payments even though we have been in close contact during the past two yearsOnce a payment is missed, the following payments received are applied to the arrearage firstIn *** ***'s case he has been paying two months in arrears since March 2014.When we first contacted *** *** in March 2014, he stated he was having financial problems due to his hours being cut at workHe stated that he would try to pay extra each month until he could get his account up to dateEach and every month since that time, we have either talked with *** ***, sent him a letter, and/or left phone messages for him to return our callsOver the course of the past two years, he also received seven repossession lettersHe is well aware of the delinquency on his account due to all of our correspondence.In February 2015, we spoke with *** ***, further working with him by providing the option of doing a change of terms to his original loan agreementWe would update the delinquency on the account and extend the term of the loan two months to cover the missed payments, This information would be provided to the Credit BureauHe is currently working to make the required payments to get this done.Through numerous conversations with *** *** we have demonstrated that we will work with him to help him get his account back to a current statusHe is currently in a program that will help him to get there as long and he keeps the arrangements he has made.If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call or email me.Sincerely,Sharon S
This letter is in response to the Cincinnati regarding the complaint by Ms*** *** concerning difficulties with a Lien StatementAs Ms*** mentioned, this loan was paid in full and we processed the Kentucky Lien Termination Statement on 5/27/(Loan was paid off on
5/23/2016)Unfortunately, Kentucky does not offer the notation number or file number required to process the Termination StatementAs we do not receive the Lien Statement from Kentucky, we are unable to provide, or verify, that information on the Termination StatementThat said, the file number is located on the title which the member holds as a Kentucky resident. Unfortunately, we are unaware of who Ms*** spoke with when first calling into the Credit Union upon discovering the errorWhen mailing official documentation to members, we utilize the address information provided at the time of membership/application that is associated with the accountAs alluded to by Ms***, we mailed the associated documents specific to the loan to the address provided at origination, corresponding with the titleIf requested by our member, we can fax the requested information.On 7/14/2016, Ms*** contacted GECU's Title DepartmentThe Title Clerk worked to resolve the issue by preparing a corrected Lien Termination Statement and faxed it to the Kentucky Clerk Office, then emailed and mailed it directly to the member. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to Ms*** and have recently spoken to her to ensure she has what she needsWe responded in a timely manner to all requests and worked to resolve the matter with due diligence to prevent a further inconvenience to the memberAt this time, it is our understanding this complaint has been satisfied.Respectfully,
*** ***Operations Director*** *** *** ***
We do not offer a refund policy with our corporation we are corporation and we run by the rules of the corporation this is just a simple case of customer remorse we are not the Internet we do not compete with the Internet and we do not price with the Internet we are a corporation that we have
overhead we have a payment overhead for the building and for the property and for all workers in our taxes and our inventory we are not the Internet we don't compete with the Internet in our prices are slightly higher than the Internet and there's nothing that we can do to change it because we do not sell on the Internet as well if you look at our website you will see that you cannot purchase anything on our website you have to come into our store frontage in order to purchase anything the machine is brand-new there's nothing wrong with it they got extra things with the machine they also have a five your pre-service contract that alone is worth over $they also got a free lessons on many times they needed that alone is worth around $the machine they purchased Britney is a very nice machine will work I will not offer them a refund of any which whatsoever this style is that stance the machine is under warranty they can get pre-servicing on the machine they can get lessons on the machine but we will not offer and we will not agree to any refund whatsoever we are a corporation under a Corporation rules and that's what we go by I'm sorry with all due respect but we have to honor the corporation rules thank you
Thank you for the opportunity to respond and work through this concernIt took time to review all of the details, understand the chronological order or events, and determine what occurred. Per our attached response, please reach out to *** *** to make agreed upon arrangements
suitable for us bothRespectfully,Jill L
I am rejecting this response because: The machine is years old and had nearly million stitches on the computer. This was verified by the Sacramento Dealer and is considered in the industry a used machine. That was confirmed by the dealer in Fresno. The date of the manufacture was confirmed by the Brother International office. Furthermore, Brother stated to me that he is NOT a dealer nor is he certified to work on these machinesThe certificates he presented to Visa were years old. I just had this machine back to the dealer in Fresno where they told me they had to adjust another item that was incorrectly installed that resulted in a loud humming noise when run at high speed. So Mr*** is not telling the truth about any of this. I did receive lessons on the machine which really were not adequate to go into all that the machine can doThe Brother District Manager is aware of his fraud and I wish you would contact him about Mr*** claims. His name is *** *** *** and phone is *** ***.Mr*** refused to acknowledge my attorney's letters and would not negotiate with me on this. My complaint is that he charged me too much money for this machine and I want either the Brother Dream Machine that he took in trade back or $7,to compensate me. This is financial elder abuse in the extreme and I want him to compensate meAgain, Mr*** sold me a used machine at a greatly inflated price and has continued to lie about what he did. He will not discuss anything with me on the phone. He keeps submitting his outdated certificates like they were current ones and they are notI was not allowed to see the lies he told Visa until the case was closed and only then did the investigator send me all the documentation that he submitted. Visa was not helpful at all and not very consumer friendlyI hope you will contact some of these other people to confirm what I am saying instead of just believing this man's lies
December 21,
RE: Case
# ***
*** * ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
To Whom It May Concern:
We are writing in response to the compliant by *** *** ***
We are aware of
the circumst***s surrounding *** ***’
accountWe have the same understanding regarding her statement that the
bankruptcy trustee paid three delinquent payments prior to her filing
bankruptcy in the planAdditionally, *** ***’ plan stated she was to make regular
monthly payments directly to the credit union each month
During our investigation, we have found there was a misapplied
payment in October 2011; the payment was credited to another loanThis made it
appear as *** ***’ missed paying the October payment; therefore, running
a month behind*** *** was protected by the automatic stay during the Chapter
term, we could not contact her during that time to determine what was
happeningTo us, it appeared as though the payment had been missed
After the plan was completed and discharged, we attempted
to contact her and explain the situationDuring these attempts, *** *** would
not collaborate with the collectors, or loan interviewers, who contacted her,
we were unaware of what occurredIf communication between us would have been successful,
we could have discovered what happened sooner and corrected the error
At this time, we have corrected the misapplied payment
and credited the ***’ accountThis in turn, has created a bal*** on the
other loan they had with us, but we are considering the matter resolved and not
pursing to collect the remaining bal***We have also refunded any associated
late fees that were charged and are currently in the process of updating their
credit bureau reportWe regret this error happened and that it was not
discovered until four years laterWe are taking the necessary steps to correct
and bring resolution to this situation
Jill L***
Marketing Director
*** / ***
To Whom It May Concern,We have been in regular contact with *** *** to come to a resolutionNot only has an agreed upon resolution been reached, but we have sent and received back, a newly affirmed/signed contract with *** ***As several "wrong" address issues were at play - even with the most recent efforts to get *** *** the new agreement (it took two times), this was the reason for the difficulties in properly communicatingThis, combined with the lapse in agreed upon insurance coverage has been resolved We are please to have been able to work through this issue with *** *** and look forward to our continuing relationship.Thank you, Jill L- Marketing Director*** *** - Loan Manager###-###-####/###-###-####
To whom it may concern the person you called me about today July 17, Complaining about a hose she purchased for her back to you on the special order a base she was informed when ordered the holes that it was a special order and there was no returns of any kind that could be done she realized this at the time of purchase The hose cost $plus tax we did in fact order her the hose under a special order and she read turn is a few days and picked up her holes that was ordered a couple days later she return trying to return the holes saying that she thought she paid too much in reality the price of the hose was actually the price for the hose we told her we could not return the hose and it was in fact a special order item that she was not able to return it and the company we cannot return it at all so therefore under those circumstances we cannot offer her a refund of any kind this is just case of customer we Morse and I hope she understands as a company we cannot after a refund on something we do not stock it was a special order or non-return Obel sincerely yours *** *** CEO of Modesto vacuum and sewing center Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***