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Address: 5266 Old Highway 11, Suite 10, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, United States, 39402
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Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I have had problems with this companys bulbs in the past the first time was with another TV same [redacted] but a larger one that caused my color wheel to go because of excessive heatI had to replace that with my newest TV a smaller one and this was the first bulb replacementI am confident after anyone sees the are where the burest are that it was the faulty bulb that caused itI am currently working with an attorney to make sure that the word is out and the safety of this product is confirmedI am not trying to run a scam or get something for freeMy home and kids could have been lost and there is no price tag on thatA company of good ethics would have worked with a customer with a serious issue as thisWe work too hard for our money and shady companies try and take our hard earned money all the timeIt takes some one to stand up and say this will not happen to someone else if I can save one person the loss I have taken or save a child or home it will be all worth it Sincerely, [redacted] ***
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:The first bulb I bought only lasted days.The replacement bulb was faulty.There are over complaints on this very issue on ***.They should be ashamed of themselves.This is from other people they stole from From When Negative feedback rating The bulb did not work, Buy the higher priced bulbs that actual work Buyer: k***e ( 242Teal star icon for feedback score in between to 499) During past month Feedback conversation [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted] ) US $View Item [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted] Negative feedback rating lasted two days Buyer: s
t ( 71Blue star icon for feedback score in between to 99) During past month Feedback conversation ELPLPV13H010LLAMP IN HOUSING FOR EPSON PROJECTOR MODEL MovieMate 85HD (#300718271608) US $View Item ELPLPV13H010LLAMP IN HOUSING FOR EPSON PROJECTOR MODEL MovieMate 85HD Negative feedback rating Attractive Price, But Very Poor ProductBlew out on day #34!!!! Don't Buy!!! Buyer: r***x ( 34Yellow star icon for feedback score in between to 49) During past month Feedback conversation RCA LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted] (#271159629814) US $View Item RCA LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted] Negative feedback rating Bulb last minutes, seller blames my tv, takes forever to returnBADBuyer: r***r ( 68Blue star icon for feedback score in between to 99) During past month Feedback conversation SAMSUNG BP96-01653A BP9601653A LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL HL5075S (#300864901613) US $View Item SAMSUNG BP96-01653A BP9601653A LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL HL5075S Negative feedback rating its a bad lamp need to get it replaced contact the seller times no reply back Buyer: j***e ( ) During past month Feedback conversation [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD(#271159669419) US $View Item [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD Negative feedback rating Horrible sellerDon't try to save moneyBuy from EpsonBuyer: s
th ( 91Blue star icon for feedback score in between to 99) During past month Feedback conversation ELPLPV13H010LLAMP IN HOUSING FOR EPSON PROJECTOR M [redacted] US $View Item ELPLPV13H010LLAMP IN HOUSING FOR EPSON PROJECTOR MODEL PowerLiteHC Negative feedback rating Noticed the return policy has a $restocking fee,not worth my time on $item Buyer: 5***( 182Teal star icon for feedback score in between to 499) During past month Feedback conversation MITSUBISHI 915PLAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD(#271183332512) US $View Item MITSUBISHI 915PLAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD Negative feedback rating The lamp would not fit properly causing light not to workThey offered a refund Buyer: e***l ( 35Yellow star icon for feedback score in between to 49) During past month Feedback conversation SONY XL-XLLAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL KDF50E(#271875942955) US $View Item SONY XL-XLLAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL KDF50E Negative feedback rating Warning! Warning! Warning! Do not order from this sellerBuyer: j***j ( ) During past month Feedback conversation ?Reply by electrifieddiscountersinc Timothy Hayes
Although this customer used incredibly foul language to my employees, we are stil willing to send a call tag so that no additional charges are passed on to them in order for them to get their refund [redacted] does indeed produce lamps in China and many other countries as well None of the statements made in our advertising or as stated by [redacted] were or misleading We are sorry that this customer is so unhappy and if our paying the freight helps resolve their discomfort we are happy to do soThey should call [redacted] at ###-###-#### and we will arrange a return tag for them[redacted] ***Vice PresidentElectrified Discounters Inc I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] Sincerely, [redacted]
I have no issue with the customer's complaint and will issue a full refund today04/22/ [redacted] ***Vice PresidentElectrified Discounters Inc
Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: I feel that it was not the TV that was the problem it was a faulty bulbThe evidence is clear as the burns came from the bulb it's self and not the TVThe melting and flames came from the bulb.the first bulb blew up Inow two days and the second one lasted less then months which shows the quality of the productIt is apparent that this company has no care for the safety of there product or the safety of the customerI believe in fairness there should at minimum a compensation towards a replacement TV Sincerely, [redacted] ***
Hello, We are sorry to hear that the customer had a major issue with their TV that caused a fireWe do not believe that is was caused by the lampThe lamp he purchased is our biggest selling lamp for most of the years that we have been selling lamps and have never had an issue with it or
any other lamp that we sell causing a fireThere are many parts to a TV that can cause issuesWe had already sent him other lamps that he had problems with in his TV which shows that the issue could be with his TV and not the lampWe do show on our website under the terms and conditions the following: Electrified shall not be liable or responsible for any damages caused by any defects in material or workmanship of any of the Products, including but not limited to any consequential, incidental or special damages. Under the circumstances and out of courtesy we did go ahead and give him a full refund for the lamp on 5/11/We do not believe that we should be responsible to give him any other compensationAll of our lamps are the highest quality generic lamps on the market and they are all tested before they are shipped to us. Larry K***Electrified Discounters
Again,The customer contacted us already outside of his original warrantyWe replaced his lamp at no charge which we were not required to doThis was done because we have been in business for years and we alwasy try to go the extra mile for a customer.He was told it was a final replacementThe fact that he is not satisified is unfortunate but we were not required to do anyting for him under our original purchase agreeement.We just tried to be helpfuli am willing to sell him a new lamp at a discount but that is all we can do for himNo further action will be allowed in regard to his complaint
The statements of the customer are quite close to what the sitaution was however one major point of issue is that when the first call was made to us regarding the unit it was already out of warrantyMy customer service people always go the extra mile and since it was not long out of the time period
they granted a "one time" final replacement for the defective at no chargeAccording to the customer this lamp was defective when received and perhaps it was or perhaps the television had other issues that we are not a*** of like a bad ballast or power supplyHowever they were told at the time of our release of the replacement that we were doing it as a courtesy strictly in the name of customer service and would not able to offer any further service or replacement on this particular purchaseA request at this time for a refund is totally unreasonable as we only have a thirty day money back guarantee and the customer had used the item beyond the original warranty period before they even had an issueWe regret that we can offer no further assistance on this order
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: sending a bad replacement lamp and labeling it "final replacement" is not satisfactoryI was informed by *** that the lamp was the issue, not a power supply or ballastI would be willing to ship the defective lamp back again for them to diagnose and then send another lamp
*** ***
We have communicated with the customer and we have sent her a return label to send the defective product back to us and we will send her a replacement lamp to replace the defective product
After reviewing the custoemr complaint, I am afraid nothign was done improperlyWe sent a secondary replacement after his warranty had expired which we were not required to dooften teh custoemrs tv or projector has an issue otehr than the lamp (for example the powere supplyu or the ballast) which
causes the lamp to fail unexpectedlyWhile that may or may not be the issue here, we did in the name of customer service send him a replacement out of warranty in good faith which we told him at teh time was a "final replacement" which had no further obligatin or warranty to which he agreedHe is not due any refund or replacement of any kind
There are many different reasons (for example the power supply, ballast, fan, circuit boards, a power surge, a lightning strike) that can cause a television to malfunction and catch the lamp on fireWe are very concerned about the safety of our product and the safety of our customersWe do not send any unsafe products to our customers which is why after selling over a million lamps over a period of more then years this has never happened beforeWe can not be held responsible for this complaint which we state on our website and can not give any further compensation besides the cost of the lamp
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:The first bulb I bought only lasted 87 days.The replacement bulb was faulty.There are over 250 complaints on this very issue on [redacted].They should be ashamed of themselves.This is from other people they stole from
From When
Negative feedback rating The bulb did not work, Buy the higher priced bulbs that actual work Buyer: k[redacted]e ( 242Teal star icon for feedback score in between 100 to 499) During past month Feedback conversation [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted]) US $17.77 View Item [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted]
Negative feedback rating lasted two days Buyer: s[redacted]t ( 71Blue star icon for feedback score in between 50 to 99) During past month Feedback conversation
Negative feedback rating Attractive Price, But Very Poor Product. Blew out on day #34!!!! Don't Buy!!! Buyer: r[redacted]x ( 34Yellow star icon for feedback score in between 10 to 49) During past month Feedback conversation
RCA 270414 LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted] (#271159629814) US $18.95 View Item RCA 270414 LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION [redacted]
Negative feedback rating Bulb last 10 minutes, seller blames my tv, takes forever to return. BAD. Buyer: r[redacted]r ( 68Blue star icon for feedback score in between 50 to 99) During past month Feedback conversation
Negative feedback rating its a bad lamp need to get it replaced contact the seller 2 times no reply back Buyer: j[redacted]e ( 9 ) During past month Feedback conversation
[redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD73737 (#271159669419) US $18.88 View Item [redacted] LAMP IN HOUSING FOR TELEVISION MODEL WD73737
Negative feedback rating Horrible seller. Don't try to save money. Buy from Epson. Buyer: s[redacted]h ( 91Blue star icon for feedback score in between 50 to 99) During past month Feedback conversation
Negative feedback rating Noticed the return policy has a $10 restocking fee,not worth my time on $18 item Buyer: 5[redacted]5 ( 182Teal star icon for feedback score in between 100 to 499) During past month Feedback conversation
Negative feedback rating The lamp would not fit properly causing light not to work. They offered a refund Buyer: e[redacted]l ( 35Yellow star icon for feedback score in between 10 to 49) During past month Feedback conversation
Negative feedback rating Warning! Warning! Warning! Do not order from this seller. Buyer: j[redacted]j ( 5 ) During past month Feedback conversation
?Reply by electrifieddiscountersinc203
Timothy Hayes
I am sorry to have read the statement from the customer. We have been in business for over 32 years and pride ourselves on our follow through and customer service. In this particular case, the unit returned to us had none of the identifying marks or labels that we put on every item we selll....
There are serial nuymebrs on the box, the unit and the bulb. Their is a warning label that states that all warranties will be void if it is removed for any reason.All units that have origianl bulbs (which is what the customer purchased from us) are also stamped right on the bulb the original manuffactureres name which this did not have . None of these markings which we scrupulously put on the unit were present. I am not accusing the customer of any wrong doing. This may just be a simple accident of his reutrning his original product that was defective instead of the unit we sent to him. I do not know. I do know that the unit we received was not the unit we sent to him. If he wishes to resend the proper unit we will be more than happy to handle the warranty replcaement. I am always available if he wishes to dicuss this personally but the action taken by our customer service people and reviewed by me seems totally correct and appropriate considering the situation.thank you,James S[redacted]Vice PresidentElectrified Discounters Inc.
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have had problems with this companys bulbs in the past the first time was with another TV same [redacted] but a larger one that caused my color wheel to go because of excessive heat. I had to replace that with my newest TV a smaller one and this was the first bulb replacement. I am confident after anyone sees the are where the burest are that it was the faulty bulb that caused it. I am currently working with an attorney to make sure that the word is out and the safety of this product is confirmed. I am not trying to run a scam or get something for free. My home and kids could have been lost and there is no price tag on that. A company of good ethics would have worked with a customer with a serious issue as this. We work too hard for our money and shady companies try and take our hard earned money all the time. It takes some one to stand up and say this will not happen to someone else if I can save one person the loss I have taken or save a child or home it will be all worth it.
Although this customer used incredibly foul language to my employees, we are stil willing to send a call tag so that no additional charges are passed on to them in order for them to get their refund. [redacted] does indeed produce lamps in China and many other countries as well. None of the...
statements made in our advertising or as stated by [redacted] were false or misleading. We are sorry that this customer is so unhappy and if our paying the freight helps resolve their discomfort we are happy to do so. They should call [redacted] at ###-###-#### and we will arrange a return tag for them.[redacted]Vice PresidentElectrified Discounters Inc.
Once again I need to say that we have done nothing wrong. We honored the warranty even though it had expired which we didn't have to do and told him this would be his final replacement. He had the original lamp for over 5 months which is what the warranty is for. We can not be expected to honor warranty's that are way past the warranty period.
I agree that this is hardly an earthshattering issue but we are a legitimate vendor and I woud be happy to discuss this with you further.Please give me a call at ###-###-#### and perhaps we can find some commn ground.Jim S[redacted]###-###-####
I am willing to accept their resolution as long as I get a FULL REFUND ( this includes taxes and S&H fees).
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.