The amount of the original extra charge was computer driven and it was excessive, I do apologize for that As far as keeping it a second day, that would have been fine if it was available We try to book out our equipment for every day that we can We can't book it once then wait for the rental to come and go before we book it again just in case the customer needs it longer We couldn't stay in business that way I apologize if she was given the wrong impression of our policy from the start If the customer would like the lift again I'll charge her the 2nd day rate, less the $she already paid, and include free delivery We try to communicate well with our customers, but sometimes things aren't stated as clearly as they should be so the customer misunderstands That would seem to be the case here, so again I do apologize
Mrs [redacted] reserved the lift for one day She did mention that she might need it longer, but she only reserved it for one day While she has the lift out she may call us to see if it's available for a 2nd day, and if it is then there's no problem In this case, I just discovered, that the lift had been booked by someone else for that second day before she even started her rental Now we told the 2nd guy that we couldn't get it to him early because we were busy and had to pick it up elsewhere first So when she called asking to extend we told her she could keep it until 10:am, at which point I picked it up and brought it directly to the next customer I manipulated my schedule to allow her as much extra time as I could It was originally delivered to her about 7:am The one day rate on that lift is $322, additional days are $ When the contract was first closed the clerk was very busy and just let the computer calculate how much extra to charge I admit that was a mistake And when Mrs [redacted] called about the extra charges the clerk reviewed it and agreed to lower the extra rent to $ We calculate extra charges based on an hr work day, so that would be about $per hour using the already reduced 2nd day rate So extra hours should be $60, so we're already lower than that I just read the complaint again, even using Mrs [redacted] 's figure of hours extra, the $rate is exactly correct And yes we charged the next customer for a full day, but we gave them hrs from when they got it, they weren't paying for the time Mrs [redacted] had it And as I stated, it was booked to the next customer before she even received it, not during her rental, so calling to see how her job was progressing wasn't an option.To close, I understand that the rental didn't go as she had hoped When she called asking for more time we gave her as much time as we could, while still honoring the next reservation If she had been the 2nd customer she would have been upset if we didn't honor her reservation We tried to make both customers happy We think that with the adjustment we already made that we gave her a fair price
The amount of the original extra charge was computer driven and it was excessive, I do apologize for that As far as keeping it a second day, that would have been fine if it was available We try to book out our equipment for every day that we can We can't book it once then wait for the rental to come and go before we book it again just in case the customer needs it longer We couldn't stay in business that way I apologize if she was given the wrong impression of our policy from the start If the customer would like the lift again I'll charge her the 2nd day rate, less the $she already paid, and include free delivery We try to communicate well with our customers, but sometimes things aren't stated as clearly as they should be so the customer misunderstands That would seem to be the case here, so again I do apologize
Mrs [redacted] reserved the lift for one day She did mention that she might need it longer, but she only reserved it for one day While she has the lift out she may call us to see if it's available for a 2nd day, and if it is then there's no problem In this case, I just discovered, that the lift had been booked by someone else for that second day before she even started her rental Now we told the 2nd guy that we couldn't get it to him early because we were busy and had to pick it up elsewhere first So when she called asking to extend we told her she could keep it until 10:am, at which point I picked it up and brought it directly to the next customer I manipulated my schedule to allow her as much extra time as I could It was originally delivered to her about 7:am The one day rate on that lift is $322, additional days are $ When the contract was first closed the clerk was very busy and just let the computer calculate how much extra to charge I admit that was a mistake And when Mrs [redacted] called about the extra charges the clerk reviewed it and agreed to lower the extra rent to $ We calculate extra charges based on an hr work day, so that would be about $per hour using the already reduced 2nd day rate So extra hours should be $60, so we're already lower than that I just read the complaint again, even using Mrs [redacted] 's figure of hours extra, the $rate is exactly correct And yes we charged the next customer for a full day, but we gave them hrs from when they got it, they weren't paying for the time Mrs [redacted] had it And as I stated, it was booked to the next customer before she even received it, not during her rental, so calling to see how her job was progressing wasn't an option.To close, I understand that the rental didn't go as she had hoped When she called asking for more time we gave her as much time as we could, while still honoring the next reservation If she had been the 2nd customer she would have been upset if we didn't honor her reservation We tried to make both customers happy We think that with the adjustment we already made that we gave her a fair price