This review gives glowing remarks about the care my cat (and I as owner-companion) received at Coral Springs Animal Hospital
My 10-year-old cat required emergent abdominal ultrasound from an experienced internist and critical-care specialist on staff I sought the service by referral from my local veterinarian, even though the hospital was a 60-minute drive from my home
The diagnosis was accurate and costs were competitive with other specialty veterinarians in the three-county region of SE FloridaThe benefits extended to accompanying me through post-diagnostic decisions which led me, with confidence, to present my cat for abdominal surgery one week after the initial ultrasoundDuring that week I received updated information about cytology results from fluid extracted during the examination connected with the ultrasoundThis quick turnaround gave me assurance that surgery was indicated as had been recommended on initial examination
The surgery expenses were both itemized by service and supplies/material in advance of surgery, providing me with "low" and "high" estimates so that I could plan my finances accordingly in advancePost-operative consultation with the surgeon gave me sound and clear information which was later corroborated by pathology results about six days after surgeryFurther referral to a follspecialist had already occurred in anticipation that I might request itThat specialist was on staff-referral network, which assured me that access to necessary records for my cat and at least one face-to-face conversation with the surgeon had been streamlined to "our" --the cat and I-- advantage --a process that might otherwise require far more legwork on my part
Perfection is not to be found anywhere you go...but this hospital comes darn close
This review gives glowing remarks about the care my cat (and I as owner-companion) received at Coral Springs Animal Hospital
My 10-year-old cat required emergent abdominal ultrasound from an experienced internist and critical-care specialist on staff I sought the service by referral from my local veterinarian, even though the hospital was a 60-minute drive from my home
The diagnosis was accurate and costs were competitive with other specialty veterinarians in the three-county region of SE FloridaThe benefits extended to accompanying me through post-diagnostic decisions which led me, with confidence, to present my cat for abdominal surgery one week after the initial ultrasoundDuring that week I received updated information about cytology results from fluid extracted during the examination connected with the ultrasoundThis quick turnaround gave me assurance that surgery was indicated as had been recommended on initial examination
The surgery expenses were both itemized by service and supplies/material in advance of surgery, providing me with "low" and "high" estimates so that I could plan my finances accordingly in advancePost-operative consultation with the surgeon gave me sound and clear information which was later corroborated by pathology results about six days after surgeryFurther referral to a follspecialist had already occurred in anticipation that I might request itThat specialist was on staff-referral network, which assured me that access to necessary records for my cat and at least one face-to-face conversation with the surgeon had been streamlined to "our" --the cat and I-- advantage --a process that might otherwise require far more legwork on my part
Perfection is not to be found anywhere you go...but this hospital comes darn close