Comprehensive Liquidation is a company that was started by a bunch of crooks. I know this first hand. James Coots and Eric Bohr have just created this company and have used all their recently stolen resources to do it. James used to work for Thomas (who is the owner of Infinity Remarketing Services) many years ago... and eventually broke off and started his own business Direct Product Sourcing. Once again with all of Thomas’ contacts that he stole. Learned afterwards as he had a much different story at the time. However, he had called and said he had a deal on Redbull. After reviewing the details, I decided to buy it. Well I sent James over $50,000 and he never delivered my order. I called and called and called. It turns out he
Fled the state and hid out in SC and started selling cars at a used car lot. While I tried to make attempts to collect my money that nearly put me out of business... He has never made any attempt of restitution. And even had the balls to tell me ”st happens... Are you kidding me! Well now to find out Thomas gave him a second chance and even made him in charge of sales and guess what? The guy did it again. This time carefully planned out with Eric who another employee who worked for Thomas. What they did is sickening and I know Thomas is suing and even noted the state found grounds for criminal charges. 🙏 James and Eric created a company called Comprehensive Liquidation, and I can assure you it won't last long. They took all the information from Thomas and Infinfitny Remarketing. Including client data, records, vendor and supplier lists and so on... Eventually leading to around 5-7 million dollars in losses for Thomas. And after all that Thomas said they even called the police and made a fake police report resulting in a search of his home... That yielded no evidence of what was reported. Which turned around to bite them in the a&& because Thomas was able to find proof that it was Eric who called in the fake tip. Resulting in the supena of the 911 call, and now charges have been filed for filing a falsified police report and taking advantage of police resources in attempt for civil gain on existing dispute. This is a very brief rundown. Thomas has been left out to rot by these guys. I can't stand to see them in my industry. These are the types of people who hurt and take advantage of anyone they can. All they want is money. Beware they got me. I’m sure they will do it again.
Fled the state and hid out in SC and started selling cars at a used car lot. While I tried to make attempts to collect my money that nearly put me out of business... He has never made any attempt of restitution. And even had the balls to tell me ”s