Columbia Gas of PA & Maryland Inc Reviews (27)
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Columbia Gas of PA & Maryland Inc Rating
Description: GAS COMPANIES
Address: 121 Champion Way Ste 100, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, United States, 15317
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Review: I recently had served connected at a property I own. During the phone call to schedule the connection I was not made aware that my billing date was not dependent on when service was connected. What I have learned in the last 24 hours is that Columbia Gas already has your billing date set up due I guess property address. Once they open an account for you, they can actually lookup when your first billing cycle will end, and it isn't a month from when you start the service, but they don't tell you that.
In my case, my billing date was three days after I connected service. That doesn't seem like a big deal, EXCEPT, the base charge that they charge the same on every bill, was being charged to me for 3 days just like it was being charged to my neighbors for 30 days. That's a 90% markup on my bill compared to what my next one will be.
When I called the company the first agent I talked with explained the base rate to me and that billing dates are predetermined, but couldn't explain why I wasn't told that when I scheduled service connection. So she suggested talking to her supervisor. The supervisor reiterated what the agent had said and said the agents are under no obligation to inform a customer that their bills will not match up with their connection date and that their first billing cycle would most likely not be a full one but they are still responsible for all the mandatory fees at full price. I asked if the agent could indeed see the billing date once the account was created and she said yes, but there is nothing in the company's policy that obligates them to tell a customer that date. Had I been told I would have scheduled the hookup for the day of the reading, but the company chose to keep that information to themselves.
So today, I wrote the company and explained the situation and I received a "sorry for your inconvience" reply. I feel bad for a company that sees keeping information from and then overcharging a customer, as an inconvience.
Apparently Columbia Gas hasn't grasped proration, or they just choose what is easier and cheaper for them then the customer.Desired Settlement: Refund for withholding information and lack of notification.
Review: in November 2014, I had emergency back surgery for a work-related injury and had to go on Leave Of Absence, prior to being eligible for medical benefits with my job. I had zero income from December 2014 thru May 2015. I applied to Columbia Gas' C.A.P. program in March 2015, since I could not afford to pay my bills during this unfortunate period. I applied for State Welfare for assistance. I applied to the state for LIHEAP, which would pay my outstanding gas balance. I was directed to the [redacted] to apply for Columbia's C.A.P. program. I had indicated on the application that my girlfriend had given me money. It was a $75 gift for food, since I had no income and could not afford it. Columbia denied my application, due to the gift, but NEVER communicated by mail or phone. I called them back and they told me to send them a letter stating the money was a one-time gift and then I would be eligible for the program. I did that. They then denied me again, but NEVER communicated again by mail or phone, because the application exceeded 30 days. Again, I had to call them back and reapply. During this time, I was accumulating full-priced bills and they refused to reprice those bills to, when I had first applied. I stressed to them that if they had just called me or sent me a letter, I would have had any issues with my application resolved immediately, instead of them dragging this process out. The state did pay my outstanding balance at the time of my first application for their C.A.P. program. Columbia Gas has refused to reduce or settle the amount after I've called them numerous times and find it unacceptable with their lack of communication, during my time of recovery from surgery, which I had ZERO income. I could have easily resolved any issues the same day, if they had called me. I find their practices to be unfair and unacceptable, especially to someone who is struggling in life with health issues. I called them back again on 6/12/15, to try and settle the account for half of their charges, since I should have not been charged full charges thru my application issues. They refused once again.Desired Settlement: I would like my charges to only be for the monthly payments that I would have been charged. $36 per month should have been my payment from the start of my application, March 2015, thru May 2015 and not $464.66. I cannot afford to retain an attorney to take civil action.
I am responding to your letter dated June 12, 2015 regarding the complaint of [redacted]As you know, Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc., (“Columbia” or “the Company”) is a natural gasdistribution utility that is regulated by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (“Commission” or “PUC”).Columbia's business practices are governed by the Commission and the Company must follow all Commissionrules and regulations, including those that are related to the Company’s Customer Assistance Program (CAP).On February 27, 2015, Columbia sent a letter to Mr. [redacted] informing him that his application for theCAP program was incomplete and asked him to contact the Company. Specifically, the Company informed Mr.[redacted] that that there was a discrepancy related to his claim of zero income, due to assistance provided by athird party. On April 6, 2015, Mr. [redacted] provided Columbia with the required information necessary to beenrolled in the CAP program. Under Columbia’s CAP, a customer can have a portion of his balance forgivenmonthly over a three year period. Furthermore, when a customer leaves this program, any remaining balancenot forgiven remains past due and eligible for collections.Prior to being enrolled in the CAP program, Mr. [redacted] contacted Columbia on April 24, 2015, andrequested discontinuance of his gas service effective April 27, 2015. Columbia disconnected service at 110North Avenue on April 27, 2015 as requested. The Company issued him a final bill for $57.54 with an accountbalance of $464.66. Based on the timing of his enrollment in CAP, his first CAP billing, and the disconnectrequest, it was determined that Mr. [redacted] was not eligible to receive any arrearage forgiveness on his pastdue balance.On June 12, 2015, Mr. [redacted] spoke to a Columbia supervisor and stated that he would not pay theaccount balance because he felt it took too long for enrollment in the CAP program. He requested thatColumbia remove a minimum of 50% off the final bill because if he had been enrolled in CAP when he firstcalled, his balance would not be as high.Columbia reviewed the account and advised Mr. [redacted] that his delay in providing needed customerinformation hindered his enrollment into the CAP Program. Under Columbia’s Universal Services Programapproved by the PUC, the Company could not enroll a customer in CAP without the completion of a validapplication. Consequently, Mr. [redacted] was advised that Columbia could not accept any settlement offers onhis final balance. However, Columbia negotiated a 24-month payment plan of $19.37 per month with Mr.[redacted] on his past due balance.If Mr. [redacted] should request service in the future within Columbia’s service territory, he can reapplyfor the CAP program, and if he meets the income eligibility guidelines, he will be enrolled in the CAP program.Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact [redacted] at [redacted]
[redacted]Very truly yours,[redacted]
Review: my gas was shut off 2 weeks and 1 day ago due to a gas leak my landlord had the repairs done but Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania is giving me the run around about restoring my gas I have 3 kids ages are 4, 6, and 8 today is 4/29/2014 and my gas is still not restored Columbia Gas left in the middle of a job said that they would be right back and never came back I called Columbia Gas this morning and they said they would have it fixed as soon as possible mean while I have no hot water or heat for my kidsDesired Settlement: I would like my gas turned back on today not tomorrow because tomorrow never comes!
Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania’s (Columbia) records indicate [redacted]’s
Review: In early November 2014, my gas service was shut off and the meter was removed by a Columbia Gas representative. I, along with my children representing on my behalf, spent approximately two weeks attempting to get my gas service reinstated. I was told by Columbia Gas that service was terminated at my address back in year 2000 and up until the day Columbia Gas shut the service off, the gas should not have been on at my residence. I moved into the property in 2003 and I was responsible for paying the rent, water, and electricity. The gas was already on prior to my move in. Realizing that I was not at fault in this matter, Columbia Gas reinstated service in my name after I paid a deposit and I have made payments starting in December 2014 up until today.
On Monday, March 23, 2015 and Energy Investigatoron came into my home on behalf of Columbia Gas to notify me that I will be held responsible for paying Columbia Gas, $3,299, which is the amount owed to them from 2013 through to December 2014. While, this is only a small percentage of what Columbia Gas should have received from 2000-2014, I should not be held accountable to pay Columbia Gas any dollar amount prior to them reinstating the service in my name for many reasons including: 1) I did not move into the property until 2003, 2) Columbia Gas failed to realize gas was being consumed at the property from 2000-2014 and further, failed to properly disconnect the service in 2000; and 3) if the service was never disconnected, Columbia Gas failed to generate a bill from 2000-2014 to either myself at at the residence or the landlord, who stated that he never received a statement since I moved into the property. Had a statement been generated at any point from 2000-2014, I can assure you that either I or the landlord would have paid the bill.
Columbia Gas was extremely difficult to work with during this time. I dealt with rude customer service representatives and technicians. With my personal background in customer service and debt collections, I can assure you that the manner in which this issue was resolved is not a good representation of Columbia Gas.
The Energy Investigator came with a letter requesting the $3,299, however, the letter appeared to be very generic and non-specific. The letter was not on any proper and professional letterhead and it was not addressed to anyone and simply stated my address at the top which would lead me to believe that Columbia Gas is aware of the fact that I should not be held accountable and is attempting to exploit me for money. This is saddening, considering that I incurred many losses during the two weeks that my service was shut off including having to stay in a hotel, late fees for missing other payments, and an increased electric bill for using electrical heaters to heat my home.Desired Settlement: At this point, I am requesting an apology, and an adjustment to my bill, removing the $3,299 charge.
I am writing to you on behalf of Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. (“Columbia” or “the Company”) in response to the referenced consumer complaint.After completing a thorough investigation of its billing, meter reading and service line records for the past several years, Columbia has concluded that no meter existed at Ms. [redacted]’s address, located at [redacted], since November 2000 when Columbia removed the gas meter.Ms. [redacted]’s meter is part of a three meter manifold set that also serves dwellings located at [redacted]. Meters for these two associated addresses remained active since the time Columbia removed the meter serving [redacted], in November of 2000. Columbia’s records also indicate that the gas service for [redacted] where Ms. [redacted] resided, remained inactive from November 2000 until November 2014.On November 17, 2014, the customer who resides at [redacted] contacted the company to report a possible carbon monoxide (CO) condition. While performing the required safety checks, Columbia’s service technician discovered that an additional meter was now set on the three meter manifold that serves [redacted]. Company records indicated that no meter should have been present, since the service was inactive.Due to the possibility of unauthorized gas usage, Columbia immediately took steps to make the condition safe and removed the meter serving [redacted] (Ms. [redacted]’s residence).On November 18, 2014, Columbia personnel contacted both Ms. [redacted] and the property owner of record, [redacted], regarding the unauthorized usage. During discussions with both parties, each indicated that the other was responsible for payment of the gas service at [redacted].On November 21, 2014, the Company advised Ms. [redacted] that it was still investigating the unauthorized usage situation, however, it was willing to accept her application for gas service. While connecting service to this residence, Columbia discovered leakage on the customer owned service line. Repairs were made later that day and the service was established Due to the age of Company records and data that needed to be unarchived and reviewed in its investigation of this situation, Columbia was not able to immediately confirm the exact amount of the re-billed gas usage. On February 25, 2015, the Company completed its investigation and backbilled Ms. [redacted]’s account $3,299.09 for usage from February 2015 back to March of 2013 (2 year period). Columbia chose to backbill Ms. [redacted] only for two years due to the fact that the Company installed Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology on all its active meters in 2012, which enables the Company to obtain actual meter readings without physically accessing its meters. Prior to the installation of AMR devices, the Company took bi-monthly manual meter readings that required physical access to meters. During the pre-AMR era, a report of a meter reading at a non-active account would have triggered an investigation to explain the presence of a meter. Since there was no report of a meter reading during that time, it is reasonable to conclude that the meter that was discovered at the premises on November 17, 2014 was installed after Columbia had ceased bi-monthly physical meter readings. This conclusion is further supported by the fact that when Columbia discovered the additional meter at the premises on November 17, 2014, there was no AMR technology installed on that meter. This indicates that the meter was likely installed between November of 2012 and November of 2014.On March 23, 2015, Columbia personnel met with Ms. [redacted] and provided her an itemized statement of the rebilling and a thorough explanation of the situation.As I mentioned earlier, Columbia’s billing, meter reading and service line records demonstrate that no meter was present at the premises for several years. This information has been documented by various individuals within the company, whose responsibility it is to perform mandated regulatory tasks.Since Ms. [redacted] has received the benefit of the gas service for the past several years, Columbia believes she is the responsible party to be billed for the unauthorized gas usage. Further, Columbia is not responsible for any lease arrangements between Ms. [redacted] and her landlord, Mr. [redacted], and their relative rights and responsibilities under such arrangements is a matter to be resolved between them.Should you have any further questions regarding this matter, please contact [redacted], Manager of Regulatory Compliance at [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc.
Review: Instead of sending a bill to my po box they had a gas tech stop in from of my house with a shutoff notice for 77 dollars. we have lived here for 7 years and never had a problem until today. Neighbors were all watching while the tech was talking about a late bill of 77 dollars and how they will have to shut off my gas if not paid by 8-4-2014.Desired Settlement: is this how we as customers are treated? I pay for a service that every billing cycle we now have to wonder if they are going to stop out and give me a shutoff notice to my house instead of just billing me. What a horrible company.
I am responding to your letter dated July 28, 2014 regarding the complaint of [redacted].
Review: On Feb 27, 2015 I contacted Columbia to tell them I was moving and needed the account transferred back to my landlords name. I was told I was not allowed to transfer service. I was told the landlord had to call and make the request. I immediately told my landlord that he needed to call since he owned the property. He didn't call until 10 days after I moved and I was billed for those 10 days that I did not live there. I called Columbia again on March 16, 2015 after receiving an erroneous bill for those additional 10 days. They then said I was supposed to ask for a disconnect of service. They never told me this in the previous call. Disconnect means to shut off service. I was not allowed to shut off the landlords gas service, I wanted it out of my name so I wouldn't get an erroneous bill. Their customer service reps knew I was moving, but failed to make clear what needed to be done. This is their error, not mine. Their policies and procedures are confusing and make no sense. Their reps are not trained properly to ensure the proper procedure is followed. I paid what I felt I owed, now I am being billed for days I didn't live there. This is unfair, and they are bullies and will ruin my credit because of their mistake. THIS IS WRONG. They failed to clarify their procedures with me and now expect me to pay for gas I did not use.Desired Settlement: I want the remainder of this erroneous bill marked as settled and paid in full as far as I am concerned.
Review: As of June 23, 2014 my husband and I moved from our home at [redacted]. At that time we cut off all of our services to that address including our gas via Columbia Gas of PA. We went through the process together on their website and canceled shut off our gas service. As of August we have received a bill charging us for June and July stating. We called them to get the charges removed as our service was cancelled. They refuse to remove the charges stating that they have no record of our service being cancelled and they are offering us no assistance in rectifying the situation. Our choices are to pay for the service (which we cancelled) or to allow it to go to collections. The approximate amount of the bill is $70 which makes a big difference to our family budget.Desired Settlement: We have documentation that shows that we cancelled our lease and moved out as of June 23, 2014 and the property is owned by [redacted] (out of Freeland, MD) who should be paying for the months in between tenants.
I am responding to your letter dated August 20, 2014 regarding the complaint of [redacted]