Collar City Painting LLC Reviews (4)
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Address: 88 Cole Lane, Troy, New York, United States, 12180
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Here is my 2nd response to this outrageous claim.#The fact with these people are comparing my cancer to them having "personal or health issues" tells you a little bit about their characterI am dealing with DAILY radiation treatments plus a medication regimeI lost both my parents and my younger brother to cancer so their "s
t happens so deal with it" attitude is remarkable.#The fact that I did it for cost is something I sometimes do on smaller jobs in hope that it'll turn into other future workI offered to fix the issues that were not our doingWhen I explained this to them (after speaking with my staff) that this was absolutely not a result of our poor workmanship but NEW issuesBoth became confrontational about it, even though I offered to fix it free of chargeThey both basically insisted I was wrong and than Carol said she originally wanted the entire room re-taped which is laughableTo do what we did would cost them about $with any other painting company, to do what Carol suggested would be about $3,+The contract CLEARLY states REPAIR damaged areas.My reputation speaks for itself which we have built over 13+ years, we have won customer service awards for 2013, 2014, and We donate paint and labor to local little leagues, food pantries and NUMEROUS charities in the [redacted] area year roundFor these people to attack my business as well as my character is not going unanswered if this damages my business in any way I promise.The color of the room is a stock color from [redacted] and is on the front of the almost full gallon we left themI beleive it may be Extra White but not 100% but its on the front of the can.In closing I am done with this back and forth ridiculous situation.SincerelyEdward [redacted] OwnerCollar City Painting, LLC
t happens so deal with it” attitude, but this is obviously not the forum within which to discuss thisThis is about a paint job and a subsequent uncompleted repairPeriod#2 Mr*** says he did this job at costWe never asked him for any kind of a “deal.” We received other bids on this jobAll of them were similar to Mr***’sAt no time were we ever “confrontational.” Our reputation also speaks for itselfOur accounting of the events that took place are accurate and we stand behind thatWe have not launched any personal attacks on Mr***’s character as he certainly has on oursWhen you do business and advertise on the internet, people are invited to provide a review of their experienceWe do not take well to being threatenedMr***’s last statement is the only one upon which we agreeThere is no point in any more “back and forth.” Mr*** has made it abundantly clear that we will receive no satisfaction or fair treatment from him
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
This is our response to Mr*** #1 We were very sympathetic to Mr***’s illness and never said nor exhibited a “s
*** *** *** ** ***
I was hired by the owners of [redacted] road to repair visible areas where the tape had come loose from the house settling and painting the family room. My crew was there 4 days and I was there every day to check on the status of the project and I had 3 painters there not two and have payroll...
records and pictures and video to prove it. The fact that they say I was not there is a absolute lie. The room was entirely sealed off with plastic, all windows, doors, vents etc which I also have pictures and video of. The room was cleaned with a wipe down with Clorox wipes daily and a swifter used on the floor as well as a vacuum. I did this job basically at my cost after paying labor and materials and was paid and thanked by [redacted] personally on a great job and was told they were very happy.I was called a little over a year later that there were issues with tape popping and I said I would look at it and address. I met [redacted] and seen that tape was in fact popping in a few places and told her I didn’t understand why because we use a flex tape. After showing Tim the supervisor on the job he informed me that this was absolutely not our repairs that failed but new issues. Tim and I looked at the pictures and video from the original work which confirmed it was different issues.I informed [redacted] and [redacted] of this when I went to prep the repairs and said I would still fix it for them at no charge. [redacted] stated " I told you I wanted this entire room done with the flex tape" I told her absolutely not and to look at the contract which was $923.40. My employees that were on that job make $23 per hour, $20 per hour and $16 per hour so her statement is not true and the contract proves it. [redacted] also stated that these areas were the ones repaired and I explained AGAIN they were not but I would address. We use flex tape only not paper tape which I have pictures of the new areas and all are paper tape.During this entire situation I was diagnosed with cancer and was and still am receiving daily radiation treatments that are absolutely debilitating and wipe me out. I am 52 years old with a 3 year old fighting cancer daily and these people (who I explained my situation)left me one rude and nasty voicemail after another. I had some complications and was hospitalized for 5 days which I have paperwork for and during this period and received voicemail then as well. I have the voicemail as well as the texts and pictures and video of original work as well as pictures of the new issues that clearly show its old paper tape that popped.Now as far as their home filled with dust from the work another absolute lie as I have the pictures and video of the entire room contained. They paid me and thanked me for a great job. If they would have been decent people I would have fixed it for them but they could not help themselves with their nasty behavior.I am not doing another thing for these people and have forwarded all my information to my attorney and my wife and I are contemplating whether or not to file a law suit for any loss of business this entire situation may cause.FYI I have paperwork from my Oncologist as well as for my hospital stay and pictures as well as video of the original job and pictures of the new issues.Edward [redacted]OwnerCollar City Painting, LLC[redacted]
Here is my 2nd response to this outrageous claim.#1 The fact with these people are comparing my cancer to them having "personal or health issues" tells you a little bit about their character. I am dealing with DAILY radiation treatments plus a medication regime. I lost both my parents and my younger brother to cancer so their "s
t happens so deal with it" attitude is remarkable.#2 The fact that I did it for cost is something I sometimes do on smaller jobs in hope that it'll turn into other future work. I offered to fix the issues that were not our doing. When I explained this to them (after speaking with my staff) that this was absolutely not a result of our poor workmanship but NEW issues. Both became confrontational about it, even though I offered to fix it free of charge. They both basically insisted I was wrong and than Carol said she originally wanted the entire room re-taped which is laughable. To do what we did would cost them about $1500 with any other painting company, to do what Carol suggested would be about $3,500 +. The contract CLEARLY states REPAIR damaged areas.My reputation speaks for itself which we have built over 13+ years, we have won customer service awards for 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017. We donate paint and labor to local little leagues, food pantries and NUMEROUS charities in the [redacted] area year round. For these people to attack my business as well as my character is not going unanswered if this damages my business in any way I promise.The color of the room is a stock color from [redacted] and is on the front of the almost full gallon we left them. I beleive it may be Extra White but not 100% but its on the front of the can.In closing I am done with this back and forth ridiculous situation.SincerelyEdward [redacted]OwnerCollar City Painting, LLC