Cobbler's Enterprises Reviews (5)
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Address: 110 Milam St., Fredericksburg, Texas, United States, 78624
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Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because: Pretty long-winded, I'd say! I have a receipt from [redacted] showing the cost for re-installing the drier partI also have a receipt for the price of replacing the washer, Zi bought a new one after finding Ibeiuld have to the work he had already charged me for, plus pay for the overhaul he had me make a down/payment towards The analysis he made on the washer was haphazard and incomplete [redacted] was able to give me an overall cost for repair after one visit, rather than doing it piecemeal over almost two months as Cobblrt's didHe kept adding on costs, keeping my washer without giving me a return or repair date/cost [redacted] had a serviceman out to my house within days and used proper equipment to analyze the problem with the washer during that first visit Their analysis indicated Cobbler's previous work which I was charged for, had not been completed properly so I want to recover those costs.Libel would imply untruthsMy accusations are backed up by a [redacted] service representative I already explained to him that if he did not want to reimburse me I would see him in small claims court That is where I will leave it Regards, [redacted] ***
I do not agree with Mr *** view of this completed transaction, Bottom line, I was hired by Mr *** to replace a lid switch on his washer, The Lid switch was obviously broken and was assumed by Mr *** to be the only problem, I was not, I repeat I was not hired to diagnose any problems with this washerI was only hired to fix this lid switchI charged mr *** up front for this part and quoted him one hour of laborI then ordered this lid switch and when it came in I installed it.You can not install a lid switch incorrectly and have the washer still work correctlyAfter the repair was complete, Mr *** inspected this repair and was satisfied that the lid switch was working correctlyHe signed my invoice and paid the one our of labor charge proving of his satisfaction with the repair and my serviceAlthough had performed the work that I was hired to do there were other problems with this washer that came to light which would require a separate repair, Mr *** stated that a Sears Technicion used a factory computer to diagnose all possible problems with this washer prompting Mr *** to decide not to repair the washer because of cost and to go out and buy a new washerPlease note, These problems with this washer existed before I was ever called to this service call.I was also Hired by Mr *** to checkout his dryer due to a nasty smell comming out of itI opened up the the dryer cabinet and dismantled the blower and motor housing, A dead varment was proven to be the culprit to the smell,It had gotten stuck and died in the blower housingI instructed Mr *** how to clean his dryer and blower housing, I warned Mr *** that he may not be able to get the smell completely out, To My amazement and admiration Mr *** was able to get the smell out quite well, while the dryer was still apart I advised Mr *** that the drive belt and motor belt should be replaced due to the age of the belts and to prevent possible future belt problems with this dryer with the objective of saving Mr *** an unnecessary service call in the future in turn saving Mr *** money in the long runI charged Mr *** upfront for the belt cost and then ordered these two belts and quoted Mr *** one hour of labor to replace these belts and to assemble the dryer cabinet back togetherAfter completing this repair on the dryer I inspected this dryer and it worked as it should when originally manufactured by whirlpoolAs a sign of approval Mr *** paid the one hour of labor fee and that was proof positive of his satisfaction of my service and the repairIt was a few days later that Mr *** notice a metal shroud that was not installed on the dryer while I was completing the dryer repairThis metal shroud did not prevent or otherwise be considered unsafe to his dryer or any user if not installedMr *** notified me of the shroud and I said that I would install the shroud as soon as possible as wellthe instructions Mr *** gave to me were that he was going to bring the dryer to my shop to complete the repair.It is My opinion that if Mr *** was so unhappy with my customer service and the completion of the repairs in a satisfactory and timely manner ? Why did he not dispute the original Remaining balance labor cost and Why did he call me again days later to perform a second repair on this washer ? It is my assumption that if that was the case ? He would have never called me to reserve a spot to repair his washer a second time or paid the remaining balance owed for my labor on his washer and dryer without a dispute.All parts and labor that was ordered and provided to Mr *** by cobblers Appliance was completed in a timely and correct and professional mannerAnd Mr *** signed my invoice and paid all fee's due as a proof of his satisfaction.It is also my opinion that the only dispute or possible refund here would be in regards to the Dryer shroud not being installed during the dryer reassemly And that is even debatable ? since I was never given the oportunity to correct my mistakeMr *** did drop off his washer for a second repair to my shop charged Mr *** $upfront to pay for the drum bearing and seal needed to repair his washer, When that repair was not completed in a timely manner the work order was canceled by Mr ***The washer was returned to Mr *** along with the $part cost for the drum bearing and seal refunded in full on 08/13/check number 0532if Mr *** would like to Call my Office at *** and set up a meeting at my office along with my bookkeeper to look over his receipt of that labor to install the metal shroud ? I would be happy to discuss and come to a resolution and possible refund of that labor performed by someone elseThank you *** ***Cobblers Appliance***
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: because he still refuses to acknowledge that his repair to the washer lid-lock was not done satisfactorily See attachment
*** ***
Dear *** *** corporate office ID : *** Date: 08/30/16I am the manager of cobblers applianceI received this letter from you on 08/27/This letter is in response to a complaint filed by *** *** *** to your office.I do not appreciate any of my customers filing useless and
uncalled for bogus and complaints against my companyHaving been in the appliance repair business for over years ? this is my first ever complaint from a customer to the Revdex.comI have thousands of past and present customers that will confirm of there customer satisfaction with me and my company and my service.Mr *** is used to getting his own wayHe is not used to being told NOwhen he is told NO ? He begins to rant and rave and threaten and say really crazy thingsHe begins to tell previous conversation that you "said that" I and you "said this" I that were in his mind but never spokenI believe Mr *** is a borderline social path and has real issues.I have many text and voice mails and direct conversations recorded to prove the aboveWhich I can submit them too you as proof if needed.I believe that Mr *** purchased at auction a washer and dryerAnd the washer needed more parts and repair than it was worth, Washer Needed a complete overhaulI believe he paid the amount of $the amount he is asking for reimbursement from my company for this washer and dryer atauctionHe is trying to recoup the money he spent for them in the first placeIt was A bad business deal on his part and Mr *** is trying to make others pay for his mistakes.I know this because from Sunday evening to Monday morning at 7:AM the last time I spoke with Mr ***He could not have gotten an Appliance repair company to his location to assess any damages or repair any machinesAnd I don't believe he had any help to move the washer into'the garage due to his ownership of a hand truck that I used to move his dryer when I performed a service call at his locationHe did not have anytime or a chance to come up with a value or receipt for service or work he claims to have performed and or paid forThe amount of $he is desiring is the amount he paid for both the washer and dryer at auction.Now let me break down the complaint letter that he sent you which is 10% truth and 90% lie ! And a lot missing !Mr *** states that I left a part off of the dryer ? which he then had repaired by an Appliance repair company within hours of sending his complaint letter to youNot Possible I *** This was a metal shroud onlyMeant to protect an appliance tech from getting burned by the heater coil while work was being performedThis shroud does not affect the performance of the machine or In any way effect Mr ***The Dryer was in perfect working order after my repair was performedNow ? I have an email written to me by Mr *** apologizing for not having the shroud with the other parts that he left for me to preform the repairYou see ***, There was a rat in Mr ***s dryer that had died and had really stunk up the dryer and made a mess of thingsMr *** took all of the parts After I took the dryer apart and cleaned them with chemicals and left them to dry In the sun at another location.When I put the dryer back together a few weeks later the shroud was not thereAnd since a lot of techs routinely leave them off I did not remember if I took the shroud off or not but it did not matter because it was not needed for the dryer to perform efficiently and safelyI never never never told Mr *** that I was going to charge him anything for a return visit to put the shroud back on the dryerNever ! He was to bring the dryer to me when picking up the washer at my shop and no charge fee was ever mentioned.I performed all of the duties that were asked of me on the first service call. completed and paid in fullMr *** called me a short time later within a week asking if I would do a different repair on the washer which was because of the nature of the problem a complete overhaulI told him I did not have time for such a big job because I was extremely busyI am the only Appliance repair company in Gillespie county TexasI told him it would be quite a while before could finish and Labor would be really expensive almost trying to deter him from even repairing the machineI even told him it would be hours of labor and very expensive trying to deter his intent a second timeit Did not seem to matter to himI told him I would let him know when to bring it by my shop which would be a time when I knew I had some time to work on itHe told me he wanted to bring it that same dayI am a nice person and don't say no when I really shouldHe told me he did not care if I took a while on it because by bringing it to me he was getting it off of his bucket listWhen we unloaded from his van! reiterated again the amount of work and money and that I did not know when I could have it finished at that pointNo date or time was ever stated by me in person , on the phone, via text or otherwise a repair completion and ready for pickup date or time frameMr*** is a very pushy person and changes previous conversation to suit his needs.Mr *** stated I did not answer his phone calls ? On the contrary, I answered every call either by voice or via textMr *** did not like texting and would get very angry when I didNot realizing was texting because I could have a conversation while performing my duties and because Mr *** is very very long winded, Once he gets you on the phone he can not stop talkingA minute phone call turns into minutes !*** ? I do not have that kind of timeif I did not somehow let him know I got his message usually by text he would call and call and call, He would become a maniac !When Mr *** dropped off his washer I asked him to leave me a deposit of$to pay for the part for his washerI ordered the part and a special tool for his particular machineThe tool kept getting back ordered which was the main reason for the repair delayAfter Mr *** left the washer with me knowing it was going to be quite a while before it would be completedWell ? He started calling me a week later and never stopped until I finally told him for the 100th time it was not ready and to just come and pickup the damn thing and I would give him the $he gave me as deposit for the part backHe finally started threatening me if I could not be there when he was ready to pick it up he was going to the sheriffs dept and the city courts and etcIt was on his schedule and who cares about mine ! He threatened me no less than seven times in a number of different ways.I started getting worried that this guy was going to do something stupid I because he was making a small situation into a big one and I did not understand how or why a man could act this way ? I told him the only availability I had was Saturday for him to come to my shop and pick up the washer and his $He told me he was coming Sunday because he would be out of town on Saturdaychanged my plans and made arrangements to meet him on Sunday just to get this thing finishedMr *** told me he was bringing a friend to help him knowing full well I helped him unload it and would help him load itI started getting nervous for my safety.l told him I would bring it to him and he seemed adamant that he wanted to come to me with a friend insteadafter thinking about some of his previous statements and threats and somewhat crazy talk I decided it would not be a good ideaI knew that if I did not meet him on Sunday that he would for sure go and file a Police report telling them I stole his washer, And I knew that if we did meet in person that there might be a confrontation which I preferred to avoidtook the opportunity of knowing he would be out of town on Saturday and the weather report said that there was only a chance of rain Labor and time to deliver the washer to his home miles away Just to avoid a confrontationI loaded the washer and unloaded the washer by myself and placed it in the bestlocation possible as to protect it if it was to start rainingI purchased a tarp and duct tape to cover over washer and wrap it to protect the control panelthere were no overhangs, I set the washer at his front door above the water line. everything that could be damaged by rain was covered over and duct taped in case it got windyeven if it did rain enough to cause a river traveling under the washer which it did not, There was nothing that could be damagedthe only thing that would cause malfunction is the control panel which was protectedI have been an appliance tech for years and can guarantee That Mr *** is either wrong or is a liar ! I took several pictures of the washer and the tarp and duct tape and the ground and showing it was not raining at the time of deliverycan email those pictures to you if neededI left the refund for $for the part inside the washer, He walked into my bank the next morning and cashed that check.***, He did not pay anyone to help him move the washer, he did not pay anyone to put the part on the dryer, And there was no damage to the washer, The whole statement is a lie, he is an opportunistI pissed him off by not giving him his own way and I told him noAnd he cant stand it !And he figured out a way to get his money back for buying a couple of pieces of junk in the way of an old broken down washer and dryer set.Mr *** needs to be reprimanded for wasting the Revdex.coms time and money over his frivolous and untrue complaint.His Washing machine cost me days of storage after I told him to pick it up, at $per day total $hours of labor taking the washer apart and putting it back together at $per hour total $110.0020% restocking charge for all material ordered for this machinematerial cost total $43.20shipping charges to ship material back was $27.95delivery of washer to Mr ***s home $ plus $a mile at miles total $105.00Tarp and duct tape cost $11.97Grand total Mr *** owes cobblers Appliance $ 448.12Mr *** has also slandered my company name and has commited Libelvalue ? $10,plusMy advice to Mr *** is to just drop it and get on with his life like I have because it is not worth it.Note to *** , If Mr ***s complaint must stay on my companies record in the ? which I hope it wont because I have done nothing wrong here and that would not be very fare ! But if it does I would request that my total response be also submitted in full, Nothing should be deleted from my statementbecause you or anyone else deems it unimportant because it is all true and is important.Mr *** has Mental issues and just because a person files a complaint does not mean it is true or Justified.All emails and voicemails and text and pictures are available to you at your request Thank you, *** *** with cobbler's Appliance
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Pretty long-winded, I'd say! I have a receipt from *** showing the cost for re-installing the drier partI also have a receipt for the price of replacing the washer, Zi bought a new one after finding Ibeiuld have to the work he had already charged me for, plus pay for the overhaul he had me make a down/payment towards The analysis he made on the washer was haphazard and incomplete*** was able to give me an overall cost for repair after one visit, rather than doing it piecemeal over almost two months as Cobblrt's didHe kept adding on costs, keeping my washer without giving me a return or repair date/cost*** had a serviceman out to my house within days and used proper equipment to analyze the problem with the washer during that first visit Their analysis indicated Cobbler's previous work which I was charged for, had not been completed properly so I want to recover those costs.Libel would imply untruthsMy accusations are backed up by a *** service representative I already explained to him that if he did not want to reimburse me I would see him in small claims court That is where I will leave it
*** ***