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100 Waterman Dr Ste 301, S Portland, Maine, United States, 04106-2880

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Reviews Recycling Center Clynk

Clynk Reviews (%countItem)

Very pleased
I've been using Klink for about a month now. Had loads of bottles and cans from over 2 years. I always get the right amount credited to my account. My returns are dropped off at Hannaford Super Market, in Greenwich NY

Camp Mechuwana
I want to thank Clynk and Hannaford for this program. You have helped hundreds of Maine youth go to summer camp. Because of this organization, people from all over the state of Maine contribute to our scholarship fund. You are making a huge difference in the lives of hundreds of children in our state. Thank You. Norman Thombs- Executive Director
Camp Mechuwana

Where's the $$$$?
Seemed that we, new users, were getting short changed, so we counted the refund due the. last bag -over $3. Checked our account a few days later, it increased by a whopping $2.15! We have heard from CLYNK employees that they do NOT use the service as the automated scanning system is faulty...last time we will use CLYNK.


Abhorrent Service
We brought 7 bags of bottles to clynk on our first run. The balance was over $100. We brought another bag so I checked the $33. I sent an email to their 'customer service' who basically told me after several emails that they had no record. We will no longer use this service nor will we recommend it to anyone we know. Guess it was a donation to their own business. Disgraceful!


not getting full refund
2nd time in a row not getting full credit. Shorted $10.65. Bags were not overfilled and labeled correctly. I left the 2 bags in August 2022 one had 100 cans the other 104 should have been $10.20 received $4.15. Missing $5.85! The 1st time in July the 2 bags were full and only 1 was counted. I was shorted another $5.00 plus missing and no credit. This summer. It has been off since I've been counting the cans I put in each bag. I want to trust CLYNK but I'm losing faith.


CLYNK is skimming
For quiet a while I felt sure CLYNK was shorting me by anywhere 30% to 90%. I called a couple of times and got some "feeble" excuse for shorting like bags bursting open or not tied. PURE BS . I am now on a champagne of pre-counting my deposits and recording the cash back. my first case I dropped off 141 bottles (mix of beer bottled and soda cans) and got $4.85 not the proper $7.05. I am going to record two more transactions and ,if significantk=ly shorted, will report to the NYS business fraud department and the Better Business Bureau. This robbery must stop.


Tired of getting ripped off
I count my bottles/cans before placing them in the bag. I tie the bag so none fall out and place them in the container so they dont break open. I dropped off $13.00 and only got credit of $7.30. I can see missing a few here and there but geez! Other times it has been off $1.00 or more. I love the idea of Clynk as it is almost like a secret savings for us but totally not worth it. I am not going to lose sleep over it but I feel bad for the people that count on their bottle/can money to go to a charity. The convenience is great and all but totally going local from now on if I can even find one where I live.


Thought I was the only one getting ripped off
For whatever reason I continued using clynk after countless times of getting shorted or no return at all, I guess I should have contacted clynk offices a long time ago and aired my complaint but quite frankly I don't have time for that s[censored]! But I think I'll take some time to video my next several drop offs with video counts and take it to the proper authorities!


Tired of being ripped off by this company. I have started to count the bottles in each bag and write down the day I turn in my Clink bags. Out of the 8 bags I have turned in over the past few months 3 of them were never counted at all! The other bags were shorted between .90 and $1.55. Small amounts but from the reviews I have been reading having this amount taken from every bag that would certainly add up very quickly. Avoid this company if at all possible.


Since July, 2020, I have dropped off a total of 9 CLYNK bags at the *** location in ***, ***. Each bad had approximately 118 cans and/or bottles in it. I count the totals each time. I have only been credited a total of $0.40 in my account.
I have ensured that each bag is a CLYNK bag, and that each bag has a label on it. Per ***, the scanner does not work and they have a sign up advising to put your full bags in a chute for CLYNK pickup.

I understand that with COVID, the staffing may not be adequate, and if so, I can wait to be credited. I just want to be sure the bags have been received and that I will get credited in the near future.
9 bags at 118 in each bag at $0.05 each equals $53.10.

Thank you.

Clynk Response • Oct 16, 2020

This note is in response to customer complaint. Dear ***, I would like to thank you for sharing you concerns with us regarding bag credits on your CLYNK account. We always aim for perfect counts, but we do use a high speed system and there are many variables that can cause a container not to scan. I am concerned that you may have another card, or you are viewing your account wrong as your account has never had a .40 balance. Your account is currently at $20.60 after the bags you brought in. It's been over $4 since mid-July and has gone up since then. In reviewing your account I see that you have never reached out to CLYNK customer support to note your questions. We are here M-F, 9-5 and we are always happy to credit a customer if something is missing. You can call *** for this assistance, or e-mail us at ***. I have gone ahead and credited the difference you stated based on your bag count and total containers. One of our main goals is to make sure that you get your nickels back as you are the one who paid them at the store. I hope you are well during these odd times. At your service, -


Clynk can be reached by phone and they will credit your account.
For whatever reason my bags routinely come up short so avoid this service and co-owner


Due to the pandemic I started using Clynk because my beverage center was trying to figure out how to accept large quantities of returnables. I had several bags already counted out and switched them to the Clynk bags. The first four bags had 435 cans/bottles ($21.75) and I received a total of $18.20 meaning they only counted 364 of them. I attempted to email them multiple times with zero response. Like a dope a put in three more bags over the next few weeks and ended up being shorted a total of $4.95 overall. I did not even use the last 3 free bags I was so disgusted as I put the money received towards a Veteran's group. I have checked my account twice since I gave up and have found a random .05 cent credit each time, so they only screwed out of $4.85 now!


I am a long term Clynk user. I have never counted the cans and bottles and checked them against the amount credited to my account, as the convenience factor was paramount. However, being a bit skinny on the nothing compared to the deterioration of the quality of the bags being PURCHASED from Clynk. Even with minimal filling, they fall apart, have holes in them as soon as they are pulled off the roll, and will hold no where near the 20 lbs they are supposed to. Perhaps OK for cans but as soon as wine bottles are in the mix, forget it. As soon as you went to one size bags, the quality went over a cliff. Either improve the bags, or I am out as a customer.


Clynk is supposed to give you the full deposit (for my state, 5 cents) for each valid container you drop off. My first two bags had around 115 in each. Each had over 100 for sure before another 10-20 were added before dropping off. All were either very obvious brands (*** or *** cans, or *** bottled water) that would definitely be in their system, or a small number of off brand glass soda bottles that should be in their system since they were bought at their parent company ***. We were credited with just $9.25. So it was AT LEAST $2 off. Because of this, the next bag dropped off was counted and was exactly 150 containers. But instead of the $7.50, we were credited with just $4.70. Almost 40% less. All totaled, we have been shorted about $6 on about $19 worth of containers. So about 30%. There is no way that is an honest mistake.

Clynk Response • Aug 12, 2020

This is in response to a concern brought by our
customer. Thank you, ***, for taking the time to explain the
challenges you have encountered. I would like to share that we are distraught
over your experience. We strive to be reliable and worry free for you and all
our customers, and feedback like this helps us improve. We process an amazing amount of volume and we are really
accurate at our scale. Do errors happen,
yes, and I can assure you we are not in the business of ripping people off.
CLYNK’s primary guiding principle is to get the customer reimbursed. We don’t
get paid until you get paid so we are incented to work to get the customer back
their deposit. I have reviewed your account which you started with us in September
2019. To date you have dropped 3 bags.• Throughout
almost one year of using CLYNK, you dropped 3 bags. You claimed that due to
miscounts you were owed money on each bag. Without checking for confirmation,
but simply taking your word as a valued customer we went ahead and applied a
credit for $4.55. That’s 91 containers at .91cents and we are happy to do it as
we always want our customers to be whole. We are in business to do good, and to
help our many customers do as much good as possible as well. • In the 2
cases you contacted CLYNK’s customer support letting us know our count differed
from your records, we immediately credited the difference without any further
investigation. You can see this credit reflected on your account on 8/3/20
equaling $4.55. This is a significant amount when we are talking about .05
transactions. We do this in trust and to help you have the best experience
possible when things don’t add up. We credited your account regardless of the tone of 2 mails
you sent to our customer service team with swears and threats against our team
and company. Due to the swearing and threats your account has been suspended.
My last mail to you on 8/3/20 stated that I am happy to and willing to work
with you to ensure you have a good experience using Clynk. I have yet to hear
back. To date we have responded to every request and there are no
pending credits owed to you. I hope all is well and again, I appreciate your honest and
detailed feedback. ***Customer Service Manager, CLYNK8/12/2020

Customer Response • Aug 12, 2020

I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # ***. Please add your rejection comments below; if you do not provide any details, your complaint will be closed as Answered.
HE claims he would be happy to work with me to have a better experience with their service, but then closed my account. Not exactly working with me. That account was closed before they knew if I had any other bags in the system for processing. Luckily, I did not, but I almost did. Had one waiting to go, just waiting the 3 days that they asked customers to do due to the pandemic.

Clynk Response • Aug 13, 2020

Dear ***, Before suspending your account, it was reviewed to confirm there weren't any pending bags waiting to be credited. We are happy to work with you and will open your account. As I stated before we are here to help out, not to receive mails with swears or threats. If you would like to send me a mail or call at your convenience I am here. So far your only response has been to threat/swear and not allow us to help you. We are here and ready to talk. Clynk is a service of convenience and is not perfect for everyone as any product or service is not. Here's my e-mail -*** Here's our CS number -*** I look forward to hearing from you if your interested in resolving the challenges and moving forward. If not, as I stated before, we wish you the best. A check has already been mail with the $18.50. This was mailed on 8/4/20.

I love on an island off the coat of Maine. I am a true believer of reduce, reuse and recycle products. Returning returnables can be a bit difficult for lack of local places that accept returnables. Clynk seems like the next best thing. It's ok but it appears I'm shorted by at least one to 5 containers on each bag. The first time I noticed I emailed Clynk. No one responded back. I have seen a few complaints about this. Apparently this is happening to quite a few people, and that's just the ones who have noticed. A few cents isn't much but a few cents every bag over time adds up. I believe we are being ripped off 5 and 15 cents at a time. Technically this is theft as every deposit has previously been paid by myself or other purchasers. I'm on disability and at poverty line. Those stolen cents over time help me more than they are helping clynk.please help all of us who are being gypped from trying to do the right thing.


I signed up for CLYNK several weeks ago. As a new member, I was promised a voucher for a free box of CLYNK bags, which I never received, even after calling and speaking with a CLYNK Rep. in May. So I purchased my own CLYNK bags and made my first bag deposit of 115 valid cans that I had previously paid a 5-cent *** bottle deposit on. I should have been given a credit of $5.75 in my clink account, but instead, they shorted me by $3.50, as they had only credited my account for $2.25 for the 115 cans. They have since corrected the mistake, after I sent them an email on June 1 about the error. NOW, on June 9, I made a second bag redemption full of 135 valid ***-bottle deposited cans, and I should have been credited back $6.75 to my CLYNK account, but for the second time in a row, they've shorted me - again. They only credited me $4.65 for the 135 cans and plastic bottles (ALL valid for 5-cent reimbursement, *** and *** ) . Twice in a row now, they have shorted me. On June 12 I sent them another email about this second error and now they're not replying to me. They still owe me $2.10 for the last drop-off on June 9. I believe I am finished with using CLYNK services. They have not been reimbursing me correctly.

Clynk Response • Jun 30, 2020

This is in response to a concern brought by our
customer. Thank you, ***, for taking the time to explain the
challenges you have encountered. I would like to share that we are distraught
over your experience. We strive to be reliable and worry free for you and all
our customers, and feedback like this helps us improve. We process an amazing amount of volume and we are really
accurate at our scale. Do errors happen,
yes, and I can assure you we are not in the business of ripping people off.
CLYNK’s primary guiding principle is to get the customer reimbursed. We don’t
get paid until you get paid so we are incented to work to get the customer back
their deposit. I have reviewed your account which you started with us in April
2020. To date you have dropped 2 bags.• Throughout
the 2 months of using CLYNK, your bags included containers that were not
immediately identified in our database as redeemable—these are containers
eligible for redemption, but the manufacturer had yet to register them
appropriately. When this happens, our barcode research team alerts the beverage
manufacturer to complete the registration process. CLYNK then proceeds in
applying credits retroactively, even if it’s days, months, or years later. You
have turned in 45 containers that fall into this category. As a result, your account received $.50 worth
of research credits (.05 cents x containers so far). We do this proactively and
you likely were not even aware that this was happening. This is a benefit to
using CLYNK over reverse vending machines. This should have been explained to
you fully when you called. • In the 2
cases you contacted CLYNK’s customer support letting us know our count differed
from your records, we immediately credited the difference without any further
investigation. You can see these credits reflected on your account on 6/02/20
and 6/22/20 adding up to $5.50. This is
a significant amount when we are talking about .05 transactions. We do this in
trust and to help you have the best experience possible when things don’t add
up. To date we have responded to every request and there are no
pending credits owed to you and in fact, you are positive by $.40, again, due
to you calling for credits and then having the research credits applied. I hope all is well and again, I appreciate your honest and
detailed feedback. ***Customer Service Manager, CLYNK6/30/2020

I sent 2 bags in and counted 100 verified valid deposit containers which should have been $5/bag.. My account was credited $6.25 which means that 75 of my containers were not credited! I have written clynk twice with NO response and warn others that SOMEONE is getting credit and money for other people's bottles/cans! I could possibly see a few off but 75 out of 200! No way!


I deposit the bottles at the clynk sit at ***. I know all the bottles have a deposit.
I also keep track of the number of bottles I deposit and this company short changes me. I am not
working and these bottles help me out financially as I hav 100 to 200 bottles. I call the company
and nothing gets done about it

Clynk Response • May 26, 2020

This is in response to a concern brought by our
customer. Thank you, ***, for taking the time to explain the
challenges you have encountered. I would like to share that we are distraught
over your experience. We strive to be reliable and worry free for you and all
our customers, and feedback like this helps us improve. We process an amazing amount of volume and we are really
accurate at our scale. Do errors happen,
yes, and I can assure you we are not in the business of ripping people off.
CLYNK’s primary guiding principle is to get the customer reimbursed. We don’t
get paid until you get paid so we are incented to work to get the customer back
their deposit. I have reviewed your account which you started with us in
September of 2016. To date you have dropped 112 bags. Three
of those bags were flagged as missing and were credited in full on 06/26/18,6/13/18
and 5/24/18 when we were made aware of it. It is rare that bags go missing
but when they do, it is for the following reasons: theft, damaged bag,
operator or machine error. In your case, we happily credited you based on
your historical average. We pride ourselves in making our customers whole.Throughout
the 8 months of using CLYNK, your bags included containers that were not
immediately identified in our database as redeemable—these are containers
eligible for redemption, but the manufacturer had yet to register them
appropriately. When this happens, our barcode research team alerts the
beverage manufacturer to complete the registration process. CLYNK then
proceeds in applying credits retroactively, even if it’s days, months, or
years later. You have encountered 28 instances affecting 128 containers.
As a result, your account received $6.40 worth of research credits (.05
cents x 128 containers). We do this proactively and you likely were not
even aware that this was happening. This is a benefit to using CLYNK over
reverse vending machines. This should have been explained to you fully
when you called. I have included (after my signature) a breakdown of what beverages
are covered by ’s bottle bill. I have noticed in reviewing your account that
there are times when containers are turned in that are not redeemable. I believe
this is causing part of the frustration for you as you don’t see “50 containers,
44 redeemable” when you review your account. I hope this helps and as always,
we are here to help. I hope all is well and again, I appreciate your honest
feedback. ***Customer Service Manager, CLYNKWhat beverages
are covered by 's Bottle Bill?Carbonated Soft Drinks Including Sparkling WaterCarbonated Energy Drinks Carbonated Juice (anything less than 100% juice, containing added sugar or
water) Carbonated Tea Soda Water Beer and Other Malt Beverages Mineral Water - Both carbonated and non-carbonated mineral water Wine Products Water which does not contain sugar, including flavored or nutritionally
enhanced waterWhat beverages are not covered by
's Bottle Bill?Milk Products Wine and Liquors Hard Ciders Non-Carbonated Tea Non-Carbonated Sports Drinks Non-Carbonated Juice Non-Carbonated Energy Drinks Drink Boxes or PouchesWaters Containing SugarHow do I know if a water product has
added sugars and does not need a deposit?Generally, look for the following:First, determine if the product is
identified as a water through the use of symbols, letters or wordsNext, Check the nutrition label to
see if a sugar has been added. If "Nutrition Facts" label indicates:"Sugars"
is 0 grams, then the water requires a deposit"Sugars"
is more than 0 grams, No deposit is required.There may be limited exceptions to
this generalization. Please contact DEC if you think "a beverage
identified as a type of water to which a sugar has been added" does not
conform to this general principle.What types of beverage containers
are included?An individual, separate, sealed
glass, metal, aluminum, steel or plastic bottle, can or jar,Containers less than 1 gallon or
3.78 liters, andContainers of beverages intended for
use or consumption in ***.

(3) bags of 150 redeemable cans/bottles - shorted 67 each. My $7.50 each bag turned into $4.15 each. $22.50 turned into $12.45!! Stopped using service a year ago because I felt I was shorted. Never counted cans or bottles before so was unsure. Currently forced to use service because of COVID19. Does not matter to which store I return. I tried several, thinking it may be store personnel or Clynk driver. Contacted Clynk and told it could be a machine calibration error. Told same again this past week. Possible calibration error with 4th deposit of (150). Account fixed again. 4th time :/ Thank you for happily fixing account for when I take time to count my cans and then, take time out of my day, to follow up with phone call to your company :/ but truly, what is with that? From many trusting people who don't have time or taking the time to "count and call" or who may be on fixed income using this service. It looks like, shame on you, CLYNK.

Clynk Response • May 14, 2020

This is in response to a concern brought by our customer.
Thank you, ***, for taking the time to explain the challenges you have encountered. I would like to share that we are distraught over your experience. We strive to be reliable and worry free for you and all our customers, and feedback like this helps us improve.
We process an amazing amount of volume and we are really accurate at our scale. Do errors happen, yes, and I can assure you we are not in the business of ripping people off. CLYNK’s primary guiding principle is to get the customer reimbursed. We don’t get paid until you get paid so we are incented to work to get the customer back their deposit.
It is unfortunate that the feeling you are left with is that shameful behavior is happening when you have been given credits when calling Clynk Customer care. In each of those cases we credited your account to help you. We haven’t asked for proof, for you to send pictures, we just helped you as we operate on trust and with integrity.
I have reviewed your account which you started with us in July of 2017. To date you have dropped 47 bags.
• One of those bags were flagged as missing and was credited in full on 4/21/19 when we were made aware of it. It is rare that bags go missing but when they do, it is for the following reasons: theft, damaged bag, operator or machine error. In your case, we happily credited you based on your historical average. We pride ourselves in making our customers whole.
• Throughout the 8 months of using CLYNK, your bags included containers that were not immediately identified in our database as redeemable—these are containers eligible for redemption, but the manufacturer had yet to register them appropriately. When this happens, our barcode research team alerts the beverage manufacturer to complete the registration process. CLYNK then proceeds in applying credits retroactively, even if it’s days, months, or years later. You have encountered 16 instances affecting 329 containers. As a result, your account received $16.45 worth of research credits (.05 cents x 329 containers). We do this proactively and you likely were not even aware that this was happening. This is a benefit to using CLYNK over reverse vending machines. This should have been explained to you fully when you called.
• In the 3 cases you contacted CLYNK’s customer support letting us know our count differed from your records, we immediately credited the difference without any further investigation. You can see these credits reflected on your account on 10/7/19, 4/20/20 and 5/5/20 adding up to $10.60. This is a significant amount when we are talking about .05 transactions. We do this in trust and to help you have the best experience possible when things don’t add up.
To date we have responded to every request and there are no pending credits owed to you and in fact, you are positive by $4.35, again, due to us crediting your account in cases where a research credit was applied and you were double ced.
Looking ahead...I have some ideas I'd like to work with you on, so your next bag drop is tracked and confirmed to get to the bottom of the challenges you've encountered. None of us are as smart as all of us and I personally would like to identify where we can improve and earn your trust back.
I hope all is well and again, I appreciate your honest and detailed feedback.
Robert Morrissette
Customer Service Manager, CLYNK


I am shorted every single drop off I make. I have resorted to video taping my count and drop off in case proof is needed. I have also had money taken out of my account for no valid reason and customer service cannot explain why
My last drop off was 2 bags each with 135 in them. My credit should have been $13.50. They only credited me $6.65!!!
That is the biggest discrepancy so far. When I call, the rude cs representatives reluctantly credits my account but the fact remains they are totally ripping people off. I advice everyone to do the same as I did, video tape so you have proof . I can feel a class action suit coming.

Clynk Response • May 07, 2020

This is in
response to a concern brought by our customer. Thank you, ***,
for taking the time to explain the challenges you have encountered. I would
like to share that we are distraught over your experience. We strive to be
reliable and worry free for you and all our customers, and feedback like this
helps us improve. We process an
amazing amount of volume and we are really accurate at our scale. Do errors happen, yes, and I can assure you we
are not in the business of ripping people off. CLYNK’s primary guiding
principle is to get the customer reimbursed. We don’t get paid until you get
paid so we are incented to work to get the customer back their deposit. It is unfortunate
that your calls to Customer Support didn’t result in a satisfactory outcome.
You should not have to encounter a rude Associate but rather someone who will
take the time to listen to you and determine what went wrong. We failed you and
we are sorry for that.I have reviewed
your account which you started with us in September of 2019. To date you have dropped
29 bags.Three of those bags were flagged as missing and were credited in full on 12/19/19,1/20/20 and 4/15/20 when we were made aware of it. It is rare that bags go missing but when they do, it is for the following reasons: theft, damaged bag, operator or machine error. In your case, we happily credited you based on your historical average. We pride ourselves in making our customers whole.Throughout the 8 months of using CLYNK, your bags included containers that were not immediately identified in our database as redeemable—these are containers eligible for redemption, but the manufacturer had yet to register them appropriately. When this happens, our barcode research team alerts the beverage manufacturer to complete the registration process. CLYNK then proceeds in applying credits retroactively, even if it’s days, months, or years later. You have encountered 14 instances affecting 119 containers. As a result, your account received $5.95 worth of research credits (.05 cents x 119 containers). We do this proactively and you likely were not even aware that this was happening. This is a benefit to using CLYNK over reverse vending machines. This should have been explained to you fully when you called. In the 3 cases you contacted CLYNK’s customer support letting us know our count differed from your records, we immediately credited the difference without any further investigation. You can see these credits reflected on your account on 3/17/20, 4/15/20 and 4/28/20 adding up to $14.10. This is a significant amount when we are talking about .05 transactions. We do this in trust and to help you have the best experience possible when things don’t add up. It is important to note that we made a mistake in a manual credit we issued on 3/20/20. You received $35.75 versus $3.05, favorable to you by $32.70. You withdrew those funds on 4/25/20. CLYNK has never withdrawn funds from your account. If you have documentation that shows otherwise, we respectfully ask that you provide that information to us. To date we have
responded to every request and there are no pending credits owed to you and in
fact, you are positive by $29.65, again, due to our mistake but we honored that
mistake and left the money in your account.Looking ahead...I
have some ideas I'd like to work with you on, so your next bag drop is tracked
and confirmed to get to the bottom of the challenges you've encountered. None
of us are as smart as all of us and I personally would like to identify where we
can improve and earn your trust back. I hope all is
well and again, I appreciate your honest and detailed feedback. ***
***Customer Service
Manager, CLYNK

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Address: 100 Waterman Dr Ste 301, S Portland, Maine, United States, 04106-2880


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