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Climate Works, Inc. Heating & Cooling

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Climate Works, Inc. Heating & Cooling Reviews (2)

I am rejecting this response because:
The Climate Works response contains so many blatant lies in an obvious attempt to make themselves look good and make me look bad that I'm shocked. Very little of what Climate Works said was true. I would like to be able to refer to the Climate Works response but I can't access it to refer to it point by point. What Climate Works said about me threatening them and wanting to defraud Bryant are lies and is reprehensible. I realize that Climate Works thinks this will remain a their word against mine issue but I would like to challenge them to take a polygraph test to determine the truthfulness of our respective comments. We would each give enough money to an impartial person or organization to cover the other's expenses and, in the case of Climate Works, they would also add the $95 for the refund I requested. The person or company deemed to be untruthful would be out the money put up and the person or company deemed to be truthful would be reimbursed. The would then know that Climate Works is dishonest. There are many companies in the Minneapolis and St. Paul area that conduct polygraph tests. They cost about $400. Each of us would put up the cost of the test(s) and Climate Works would add the $95 refund I requested. If I am deemed to be truthful, I would receive the cost of the test I paid for plus the $95 I requested. If Climate Works is deemed to be truthful, I would cover the cost of their test. Now let's see if they are willing to stand behind everything they said in their response. I can tell you right now that they won't. I never threatened anyone and never tried to defraud Bryant. Climate Works never tuned up our heat pump. Jeff only tested it because we thought it wouldn't be prudent to tune it up because the compressor might need to be replaced because of the noise.

7/11/16 This letter is in response to a complaint sent to the by [redacted].  Mr. [redacted] called our company requesting a furnace and heat pump clean and check on a Bryant Hybrid heat system on 4/15/16. We set a date to perform the work and informed him of the cost to perform the...

service. We also told him that if the outside temperature was too cool to do an accurate test of his heat pumps operation we may need to reschedule. When the scheduled day came we found that the temp was only in the 40 degree range and made a call well in advance to change the date. Mr. [redacted] cancelled the next two dates we set because the weather was not in his words “optimal” for the clean and check. We happily rescheduled and went to his home on 5/24/16 and as requested, parked on the rock next to his driveway so in the event our almost new work truck leaked oil it would be on the rocks not the concrete. I performed a thorough furnace cleaning including an extra inspection for corrosion on the secondary heat exchanger that would not normally be included. I also noticed that the filter housing was not sealed to the furnace on the downstream side of the filter. I used ½ of a tube of sealant and sealed the entire housing. I also took the time to check another appliance as Mr. S requested, which required the moving of a heavy freezer. During the furnace cleaning Mr. S asked me to go up in the attic and attach his bath fan vent to the roof termination. Neither of these items was mentioned during his call to our office but I went ahead and performed the work at his request after informing him there would be additional charges. I then went on to perform a thorough tune up and testing of his heat pump which included checking his Evolution control for stored codes and an operation check. During the operation check I noted a slight noise from the compressor, Mr. S said it sounded normal to him. I explained to Mr. S that this unit had a service bulletin on it regarding potential compressor failure and that the bulletin clearly states that a noisy compressor is not covered under this bulletin, but that I would at no charge to him perform a diagnostic on the unit’s compressor and capacitors as outlined in the service bulletin to ensure that the unit had no covered issues.  I told Mr. S. that the check was normal but I would speak with my technical support advisor at the local Bryant distributor at no charge on his behalf and verify that in fact compressor noise was not covered and that the readings were satisfactory as I believed they were. As the unit was functioning perfect with the exception of the slight noise as noted, we finished our visit and Mr. S told me he was extremely pleased and was amazed at how thorough my visit was and would recommend us to his friends. I charged Mr. S the previously agreed upon rate of $190 for the furnace and heat pump clean and check (this was the amount he was quoted on the phone by Kim [redacted] the co-owner of our company on the initial call and it was clearly stated it did not include parts or materials). He was also charged 1 ¼ hours labor at a discounted rate for the time to seal the return duct and check the other appliance and climb into attic to repair the bath vent. He was also charged 4.00 dollars for ½ tube of sealant that we sell for $8.00 per tube. I also used Butyl backed tape, screws and bands to attach his bath fan vent and did not charge him for them. As is our practice I asked Mr. S if he agreed with the charges and he again expressed his satisfaction. There was no further conversation regarding returning to his home as he suggests. As I always follow up with promised work, I called Bryant technical support and discussed the slight compressor noise and the test results with an advisor. The findings were deemed normal and at the suggestion of the advisor and technical manuals it was decided that if the customer was concerned with the slight compressor noise an additive could be installed into the system. This additive has been used widely in the industry with good success but would not be guaranteed to stop the slight noise. I then sent an email to Mr. S and explained this to him as well as the estimated cost to perform this procedure. The next day Mr. S called our office, Kim was on the phone scheduling another client and could not answer so Mr. S called back three times in a few minutes and by the fourth Kim had to inform the other client that she would need to call them back.   Kim [redacted], my wife of 19 year and business partner of 14 years then spoke to Mr. S and asked what we could do for him, he was very hostile and told Kim that he felt like the unit should be covered under warranty and that he would be doing everything in his power to destroy our company if we did not go to bat for him. Kim explained to him that we could not do unauthorized warranty work which seemed to further anger him, he said he wanted to talk to a man and that I needed to call him. He told us he has sued other companies and we would be next. He then took his threats to the next level telling Kim that “a woman who works out of her home by herself should be more careful about angering customers” and that “hopefully you have a security system”. Kim terminated the call with Mr. S and immediately called me very shaken and in tears, I suggested we call the Sheriffs department and file a report, but Kim was reluctant and worried about further angering Mr. S as we also have young children.  I then called Mr. S and asked why he was threating us and explained that we had more than fulfilled our obligation to him and we would no longer be doing business. That evening while checking the model and serial numbers of another system we discovered that Mr. S has a 10 year PARTS and LABOR warranty under contract with Anderson heating and cooling the company from Wisconsin that had installed his system in 2009.  The next day I sent him an email making him aware that he had this enhanced warranty. Apparently this was not enough for Mr. S as he then sent the an email full of lies and even made up a story that Kim always has to talk to me when he calls our office. In fact, the last time Mr. S called our office was 2009 when we quoted a new system for him. At that time, he opted to use another company for the work. There has been no other contact or work for Mr. S and he did not call and leave voice mail or try to contact us further as he states in his letter. All work performed at Mr. S home was accurate, correct, thorough and 100% complete. The price he was charged was fair and below market value and he received items at no charge. We also made phone calls to the technical advisors on his behalf at no charge. In my opinion Mr. S is angry because he wanted us to defraud Bryant by performing warranty work that clearly would not have been covered and we would not do it. It is my belief that he wanted the additive installed in his heat pump for free and this is what prompted his threats and action with the He never once mentioned a refund or any dissatisfaction with the work performed but was only angry about the compressor noise and it not being taken care of for free or under warranty. There will be no refunds and no further contact with [redacted].

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Address: 7140 340th St, Stacy, Minnesota, United States, 55079-9509


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