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Client Attraction

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Reviews Client Attraction

Client Attraction Reviews (17)

this is wild
I was looking into this after watching marquel on the social proof pod... I think I'm gonna fallback... learn this on my own... I believe Marquel can get the job done but maybe doesn't have the bandwidth to see everyone is successful. also these clients may not have the talent in their own coaching to be successful l. Being a coach still takes skill, it's not an easy way to make income as some may have hope it would be. It takes work.

Buyer Beware!! Stay the F--k away from this ish!!!
On May 20th I enrolled in a CAU program and agreed to pay for the program in 3 equal installments of $3750.00. I made the first installment and was going through the program modules. 2 weeks into the training, I had a death in my family and I had to pool resources in order to bury my family member. The funds I had set aside for the installments were no longer available. On June 6th, I emailed support not asking for a refund but asking if the remaining installments not be processed since the monies were no longer available. I was told the contract is non-refundable and non-cancellable. Non-refundable I sort of understand but non-cancellable is freaking ridiculous. Life happens and I have a right to cancel if I can no longer afford to continue. To make this situation worse, these CROOKS debited money from my business debit card without my authorization. Not sure how they got the card number because I did not provide it to them. Can you say FRAUD can you say pending lawsuit. My lawyer has been contacted. Also I filed a complaint with BBB the sorry bunch did not respond to complaint. We should all band together and file a class action lawsuit. I am sure there are plenty who are not satisfied with their services.


It is contract fraud to not allow cancellations and then force someone to pay in full for services they will not receive. A company which sets up their contracts in this way, knowing that they will not be fulfilling their contractual obligations in the event of a cancellation, is guilty of contract fraud. Sue them for this, you will win.

Hello, I attended this school with high hopes and most importantly wanted to support my own people. I was told that they would become my family and support me to become better. After paying half of the tuition upfront then starting the class I was excited at first but did not receive the support I was promised. When I needed help from a coach you would have to be on a zoom with 100 other people waiting online to discuss your business. It was a mess I had to wait almost 2 hours after listening to so many other people first. This was so unprofessional.
There’s no one on one coaching ever! During my my 12 weeks I contracted covid and could not finish the course in time. After paying 80 percent of tuition I was told by Bianca that I would not receive any coaching at all which without coaching there’s no way to succeed in the program. I told her I had covid and could not finish in the 12 weeks and she said I’m sorry I can’t help you. I could not believe after giving this company over 8,000 for a 12 week course that they would not for fill there end. I hate to say this but it’s always my own people who screw me as disappointing as it is. I am now preparing to take them to court.
Please do not go to this school you will be better off finding a funnel specialist coach to set you up and then you will get all the attention you need. Stay away from these frauds and bully’s.


The customer chose to participate in the program and paid for the benefits of the programAt the beginning, we worked with the customer to address her concerns early on and re-assigned her a business coach that would fit her needsThe customer continued working in the program and with her coachThe customer made the decision to enroll and accepted and signed our student agreement and agreed to the terms of the full year long program (attached signed contract.) This comes down to personal responsibility for the actions takenAs stated, we don't guarantee resultsWe don't offer refunds or cancellations


Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I was clear after attending ONE session that I was NOT the IDEAL CLIENT for this company and that this program did not fit my needsI made my original request almost a year ago, although Client Attraction continues to assume I PARTICIPATED and didn't get the results I wanted and am now holding them responsibleThis is not the caseI requested to be released from the program early on, because I was moving toward RETIREMENT not toward building or re-building my businessI admitted my error and requested a win/win solution for the unused portion of the programAt that time, there were modules and sessions remainingI was told that the no-refund policy was in place to hold "budding entrepreneurs" accountable when they get stuck in resistanceThis doesn't apply to meI'm not a budding entrepreneurI'm not stuck in resistanceI've run my own businesses for yearsI respect the policy although it clearly doesn't apply to me and I can't "re-sale" my programIt is a waste of resources for meI was not blaming Client Attraction, although they continue to direct me back to my contract and lump me into their policy, rather than actually hear the real issueIt is simply a matter of common decency and doing the right thingEven their own coaches agreed that I was not a good fit for the program.
I am not arguing the validity of the programI am arguing the integrity of the company
Client Attraction makes no promises that their marketing strategies will work, however, they DO make clear promises, both verbally and in writing, as to personal interaction and inclusionTheir message encourages separation from the "mogul" world, where we are "black sheep" and "not understood", and they promise that we'll BE understood, have support, are safe to be vulnerable, and will be part of a "tribe" of black sheep in the CABS programFabienne uses words such as, "I'm always here for you." both verbally and in writing, and "Whatever you need is in this room.", although neither were true in my experience I have never been contacted personally by anyone other than a coach or the help desk, even when I reached out personally to Fabienne in a PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL email and requested only to speak with her about the issueWhen I was at my most vulnerable, I was disregarded and shuffled off to a coach or the help desk to be "handled"That is not congruent with "I'm always here for you." and that is a marketing promise and one of Client Attractions biggest selling points!
My complaint against this company standsThis program did not meet my needs that were INDEED promised, i.e"Everything I needed" was NOT in that room or in the material, nor was Fabienne ever "there for me"I continue to get marketing emails signed by her, inviting me to more programs, which only further confirms that I am an email address on a list, not an actual client that is "safe", "included" and "part of a tribe"Not now, and not a year agoThis only further confirms my point and my complaint.
*** ***


The Client Attraction Business School / Boldheart Business does not deliver what it promises. My virtual 'coach' had zero experience and provided no value. The 30-minute rushed recorded phone calls lacked direction, clarity, and focus. The 'coach' I was assigned to had a personal business which was failing miserably.

The infamous 'Client Attraction Business Curriculum', is simply Fabienne's original $500 Client Attraction home-study program consisting of sloppily arranged 'transcripts' arranged into a spiral bound binder coupled with 30-minute phone calls with a so-called 'expert'. The content is outdated, the coaches are not qualified and the program is not worth the hefty $800/mo price tag.

After 3-months of open-mindedly completing every assignment and speaking with the expert coach, I knew the program did not and would not deliver what it promised.

The onboarding was sub-par, I didn't receive the 'workbook' until month 3 when I asked to cancel my subscription to her program.

All the warning signs were there. I attended a workshop in NY city and she made sure to let everyone know how lucky we were to be there and that she had 'gifted' us with cheese and crackers -- how generous. Bottom line attendees paid $50 for a 45-minute motivational speech (scare tactics included) and a cheese and crackers.


We are aware of the request from our client [redacted] in the Client Attraction Business School.
We have carefully reviewed the complaint.
To be clear, we have made every effort to accurately represent the School and its potential in all of our...

marketing communications, enrollment process and onboarding.
The testimonials and examples used are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on many factors, including his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.
We are glad to hear that [redacted] followed the steps of the program and used the benefits of the program including attending the live/virtual meetings, using the curriculum and your private coaching sessions.
As per the signed student agreement states (attached), "by enrolling in the School, you accepted, agreed and understood that you are fully responsible for your progress and results from your participation in the program. Your signed agreement also makes it clear that we offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding your earnings, business profit, marketing performance, audience growth or results of any kind."
Simply put, Client Attraction does not offer refunds, pauses or cancellations for the program. Once again, there are no exceptions to this.
We are happy to work with [redacted] to re-engage you in the program and get continued value from it.

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
Based on this experience and unfair business practices, I have communicated cancellation. I have also filed a claim with and disputed charges less 10% with my credit union. 
 I have reviewed fair business practices and contractual law and it falls in line with paying for services received and valued at a fair market price. I have verified with multiple coaching services and companies that it is typical industry practice in line with contractual law to charge for services received and provide refunds for overvalued services align with customer service and goodwill.
 Further, I received access June - August to 3-4 30 minute virtual modules, Deep Dive, and Fastest Path, 30 min calls X 3 with Lee, manual access. Based on multiple market comparisons including coaches with substantially more clients and revenue, they offer equivalent services to a “virtual coaching” for $100.
Based on this, I initially filed the claim with for half of services. However, based upon further review and counsel, I have now disputed all less 10% for value received.
Finally, no educational system, higher ed or otherwise charges for services not received or overvalued. The pricing was $8,000 upfront for one year or $10,000 (added $2k) for installment for one year.
I participated in 2.5 months and received access to items above, which are automated, only 1.5 hours of one on one time, and no added work or custom development for coaching.  Based on the time and materials received and comparative value, an offering of $260 is more than fair upon comparison to fair market value from coaching with substantially more value and access.


The customer participated in the program and paid for the benefits of the program.
The customer made the decision to enroll and accepted and signed our student agreement and agreed to the terms of the full year long program (attached signed...

By enrolling in the School, the student accepted, agreed and understood that the student is fully responsible for progress and results from participation in the program. The signed agreement also makes it clear that we offer no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding earnings, business profit, marketing performance, audience growth or results of any kind.
As stated, we don't guarantee results. We don't offer refunds or cancellations. 
The customer has chosen to not further engage or be involved in the program.
We have a strict student policy that prevents us from giving refunds or leaves of absence. There are no exceptions to this.
We are sympathetic to the current concerns of the student and her health. Her involvement in the program since October 2014 until September were provided as any other student.

The customer chose to participate in the program and paid for the benefits of the program.
At the beginning, we worked with the customer to address her concerns early on and re-assigned her a business coach that would fit her needs. The customer continued working in the program and with her coach.
The customer made the decision to enroll and accepted and signed our student agreement and agreed to the terms of the full year long program (attached signed contract.)
This comes down to personal responsibility for the actions taken.
As stated, we don't guarantee results. We don't offer refunds or cancellations.

The customer participated in the program and paid for the benefits of the program.
The customer made the decision to enroll and accepted and signed our student agreement and agreed to the terms of the full year long program (attached signed contract.)
This comes down to personal responsibility for the actions taken.
As stated, we don't guarantee results. We don't offer refunds or cancellations. 
The customer has chosen to not further engage or be involved in the program. The program benefits, coaching, curriculum and access is ongoing and still available while the customer pays for the program.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
It if false.  See enclosed. 


Review: Client Attraction, and [redacted] and [redacted], had me prepay for a 12 month program. However, at this point, I have not received months 11 & 12 content, and at this point, this content is 4 months late. However, I already paid for this content 14 months ago.Desired Settlement: I would much prefer a refund of my charges, rather than waiting an indefinite amount of time.



Website Complaint Response:

In an effort to provide superior customer satisfaction, Client Attraction has agreed to issue a prompt and fair refund that exceeds the disputed amount.

Sent on: 1/24/2014 7:47:23 PM


Review: I requested initially a pause with this coaching program, then a cancelation after they attempted to force me to continue with the program. I have explained and communicated with them for the last several weeks of economic hardship. They refuse to pause or cancel the program. They reverted me to their contract which unfairly and possibly illegally attempts to force you to stay in the program AND/OR Pay EVEN if you no longer receive coaching. Facts: I. I have overpaid $2,600 in the last three months for VIRTUAL coaching via a live stream. Only 3 30 min coaching sessions with an assistance coach, and access to content for a marketing system and distribution of videos every 2 weeks. I believe it is significantly over priced for value and one on one time provided. II. Their agreement states YOU pay regardless of use. There is NO liability if NO Service is rendered or received. Explained this via email to Ruth G[redacted] and via phone to Nikki R[redacted]) that it is like having the light company charge you in advance for lights for a year. III. I cancelled two other coaching programs and an actual educational program with a university earlier this year (one much larger) with NO issue or liability. I provided them with that info and they refused to acknowledge (emails sent to Ruth and spoke to Nikki R[redacted]). IV. Ruth G[redacted] and Nikki alluded to that they only cancel with a leave of absence WHICH is unheard of and there is NO mention in the agreement (see attached). They attempted to request and demand a medical leave of absence to pause or cancel, which of course, no doctor will grant. In addition is additional wasted time and energy. V. The program markets itself for coaching for entrepreneurs with authenticity, integrity and love. When they are faced with true confrontation and hardship for an entrepreneur, the only feedback and "sales coercion" I received last week was "maybe this is the one coaching program you should be part of" after I explicitly stated I would be put in a predicament of not having money for food or rent. Further comments and mentions of other students who "found a way to pay", I explicitly stated any excess income would go to pay off my currently owed debt and not for a program where it is a luxury, and services I have NOT received of next 9 months, nor do I want. VI. No prescreening of cash flow and income. I am also concerned others may be put in this predicament. VII. I have respectfully requested cancellation mutually (which their agreement states they may grant) yet they keep attempting to force me. I just received another note from a Chris with the company.Desired Settlement: Due to lack of pre-screening, complete disclosure of time to market and build momentum, overpayment, minimal personal service (all recorded or group live training), pressure to stay in the program, and lack of concern about actual well being as a student, lack of ownership for providing service, and unfair possibly illegal contract requiring fees for no / unreceived service, request BEST option: 1) 50 % refund of tuition of last 3 months 2) No further obligations. 3) Revision of contract. I have documentation of emails plus requests for medical leave of absence to pause the program.



We are aware of the request from our client [redacted] in the Client Attraction Business School.


Review: I am 100% dissatisfied with the Client Attraction Business School Growth Track program and Fabienne F[redacted] personally, as a mentor and coach. I expressed my dissatisfaction early in the program, and requested a prorated refund. I was dismissed and redirected to the no-refund policy. Due to a recent cancer diagnosis, I made a 2nd request in September under a PERSONAL and CONFIDENTIAL letter to the founder, Fabienne F[redacted], and was BLATANTLY disregarded and response at all. When I inquired if it was received by her, someone at the 'help' desk confirmed that it was and then redirected me to the no-refund policy again, offering to help "get me back on track with the program."

Throughout the Client Attraction Business School's marketing, the phrases, "We're here for you."; "We've got you."; "Your safe.", "Everything you need is here." "We're your TRIBE", are used often and with gusto. NONE of those things have been offered to me, even when one of their "tribe" is in need. I am not a fit for this program and have known that since my first meeting. I was honest and requested a win/win solution. I got nothing.

Even with a cancer diagnosis, I got no words of encouragement, no personal response, no care or interest in a member of their "tribe".

My complaint is failure to provide services as promised and poor business practices. I am requesting a refund for the full $8000 tuition.

I believe the stress of this past year has contributed negatively to my health.Desired Settlement: A full refund of my tuition for CABS.



The customer participated in the program and paid for the benefits of the program.


Wow. This is nuts that Responder is arrogantly holding this disposition. If someone doesn't like your services, let them go without justifying your reasons for not wanting to refund. Here's how it comes across. "We know you're human, and all, and things will happen in this life, but it's not our fault. You gave us your money; you signed an agreement saying we can legally keep it, so you we don't care. Sorry but not sorry." How pathetic. I hope the doors of this place close if money is more important to you than the human. I hear arrogance and I hear greed! And only a people of greed would write those type of stipulations without certain exceptions.

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Description: Marketing Consultants

Address: PO Box 62, Stamford, Connecticut, United States, 06904


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