The job was a bench job. They took it out and they put it back in. We told the guy to come back within two weeks so we can get the mileage and he did not. So we are unable to warranty his transmission because he did not comply with the requirements that was wrote on his ticket for his warranty to be...
Reopen:This has gone to Small Claims Court 6/13/16 and we are now seeking payment for judgment awarded (2,272.60), Abstract fee (5.00) and filing fee (28.50).Attached are receipts and copy of judgment.
The job was a bench job. They took it out and they put it back in. We told the guy to come back within two weeks so we can get the mileage and he did not. So we are unable to warranty his transmission because he did not comply with the requirements that was wrote on his ticket for his warranty to be...
Reopen:This has gone to Small Claims Court 6/13/16 and we are now seeking payment for judgment awarded (2,272.60), Abstract fee (5.00) and filing fee (28.50).Attached are receipts and copy of judgment.