Christian Brothers Automotive Franchise - Missouri City Reviews (2)
Christian Brothers Automotive Franchise - Missouri City Rating
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint [Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I have been in contact with the customer as recently as Friday, 10/14/I am not sure when this complaint was filed because some of the issues were covered with her admitting that they have had trouble with the vehicle ever since they boughtMajor work has been performed on the car as
evidenced by photos that were taken to which she admitted to after the repair, not prior toThe evidence being the dash had been removed prior to the car being brought to us as tabs where the dash is mounted were brokenThe wiring harness has been completely replaced with "hard wiring" (meaning the connector normally present for the harness under the dash is no longer present)I wrote in the Repair Order the car MAY have been wrecked or major work done which was the dash removalWe are working toward a resolution and invited her to come back by for us to ride with her to listen to the noise to determine the causeI had different employees drive the car, one of which was one of the first to drive it before the repairOn his test drive her heard the noises both from the fan and the poppingAfter the repair, he was the only one to drive it because he heard the noiseAs I told the customer, we did have to install fans before we were satisfied no noise was presentNo popping was heard on any test drives by the that drove the car on FridayThe "rigging" as she calls had to be done because parts were missing for the fan/radiator and the radiator was actually crooked I was told after the repair was completedNo supporting documents have been submitted as I am running out of my time limitThey will submitted at a later time