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CFL Workroom Reviews (49)

See AttachmentRE: Complaint # [redacted] - [redacted] Silver Spring, Maryland ***, Legacy Acct # [redacted] Inboxx [redacted] @pepco.comAttachmentsFeb (days ago)to me, [redacted] Good Morning [redacted] , Attached is my response to [redacted] ***'s concerns addressed in Complaint ID [redacted] I have also mailed a hard copy to you todayRichard C*** Richard C [redacted] | Escalated Investigations Representative Pepco | Customer Relations Department Ninth Street N.W| Washington, DC o: ###-###-#### [redacted] From: Special Investigations/PEP To: Richard [redacted] C***/RSC/PEP@PEP, Cc: [redacted] ***/EP/PEP@PEP Date: 02/02/12:PM Subject: RE: Complaint # [redacted] - [redacted] Silver Spring, Maryland ***, Legacy Acct # [redacted] Sent by: [redacted] ***

This letter serves as a response to your inquiry on behalf of our mutual customer, Ms [redacted] , regarding her deposit refund.On December 13, 2013, the customer paid a deposit in the amount of $Deposits and accrued interest are refunded to customers upon demonstration of good paying habits over the course of twelve consecutive monthsThe refund eligibility requirements were met on this account in November and accrued interest of $was applied to the accountHowever, the refund for the deposit balance of $required manual processing, which was delayed due to an internal billing system conversionThe manual process is now complete, and the customer will receive a refund in the amount of $within the next ten to fifteen business days.Please convey our apologies to Ms [redacted] for the delay and that it was necessary for her to contact us more than once to resolve this issueI trust this information will address the customer's concerns

[redacted] [redacted] *** [redacted] *** SUMMARY REPORT Date: 03/19/Pepco Representative’s Name: [redacted] *** Type of Inquiry [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] ** [redacted] [redacted] Agency Representative’s Name: Karen R [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] *** [redacted] Part II: Type of Investigation Initial Bill: Final Bill: High Bill: Metering: Other: If Other, Customer states that payments made are being applied to the account for apartment Disputed Amount: describe: unit #1B in errorThe customer lives in apartment unit 2BInternal Use Only: Does inquiry have an impact on the billing? If so, issue 4S waiver and check here: Part III: Meter Information Meter Test Request: Yes: No: Test Results: Light Load Heavy Load: Overall: Previous Meter Test Date: Additional Comments: Page Escalated Investigations Summary Report Page 2Part V: Summary Statement RE: [redacted] Disputed amount: $ On April 12, 2013, our records show an electric account was established for [redacted] ***, when the customer requested new service at this location by phoneOn October 9, 2014, [redacted] contacted us by phone and advised that they lived at [redacted] in [redacted] and not in ***We have no prior record of the customer contacting prior to October 9, to indicate that they were being billed for the incorrect apartment unitThe Customer Service Representative initiated a new account for [redacted] the correct apartment unit at *** [redacted] with an effective Modate of April 12, An account investigation was also issued on the incorrect account [redacted] to cancel all of the billing previously issued on this account and to move payments made by [redacted] to the correct Pepco AccountPepco has taken the following corrective actions: ? All previous billing for the incorrect apartment unit [redacted] have been cancelledA new electric account [redacted] has been established in the name of [redacted] for unit 2B with a Modate of April 12, All customer payments previously applied to #unit 2B for a total of $1,have been applied to the customers correct account record for unit 1BA new party pending deposit request of $ has also been waivedPayment Date Amount Payment Date Amount 05/25/$04/10/$07/08/$05/12/$08/07/$06/09/$09/08/$07/09/$10/08/$08/11/$11/06/$09/... Total $1,The customer will need to re-register for Pepco’s My Account online access using the correct account # [redacted] The customer will need to use this account number # [redacted] when rendering any payments or when contacting Pepco to discuss the accountI have attached a billing history statement to show the account activity for the correct apartment unit #1BThis statement reflects all of the payments that have been applied to the correct account through 2/19/A new bill will be generated on March 23, As always the customer can contact us to set up a time payment arrangement if necessaryI hope this information is helpful in responding to the concerns of the customer

February 23, 2015Dear [redacted] :This is in response to complaint # [redacted] regarding [redacted] 's billing concernsI have reviewed the account and would like to offer the following informationAttached is a billing statement from November 28, to February 5, for the above referenced address.I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the consumer may have experienced as a result of her account (# [redacted] ) being erroneously closedSubsequently, [redacted] 's account was reinstated and billing resumed under a new account number (# [redacted] ).Please note, in January 2015, Pepco transitioned to a new customer information system and all customers were assigned new account numbers [redacted] 's account number was changed to as reflected on the January and February monthly billsAlthough the account numbers changed, the customer's bills from November 28, to February 5, were based on actual meter readings from meter number [redacted] , serving unit #312, which has not changed.As meters record electricity cumulatively, each subsequent actual meter reading serves to confirm the accuracy of the preceding billingI have confirmed the meter readings used to bill the account with the recorded meter readings in our meter data management systemAdditionally, on February 9, 2015, a meter technician completed a service order to check the meter and obtained an actual reading of Further, actual meter readings were recorded on February and February 22, ( [redacted] and ***, respectively), which serve to confirm the previous meter readings and billsThis information serves to verify that the bills are an accurate reflection of the consumer's usage as registered on the meter serving unit #and no billing adjustments are warranted.While I can understand [redacted] 's concerns regarding any higher than expected bills, Pepco is not in a position to determine what internal conditions or equipment contribute to the usage registered on the meterOur consumers are encouraged to use our energy management tool, "My Account," which may be accessed via for more detailed energy information, such as daily and hourly consumption to help them analyze their energy usage and identify ways to conserve energy.I trust this information will serve to satisfactorily resolve [redacted] 's concerns and appreciate the opportunity to respondIf you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Harvey H

December 2, 2014Dear [redacted] :This is in response to an inquiry from [redacted] on the status of his green solar power interconnection application.On November 14, 2014, I contacted [redacted] to acknowledge his inquiry and to advise him that we were waiting to receive a corrected Net Energy Meter interconnection application from his solar contractorOn November 20, 2014, Pepco received the corrected application and a work order request has been established to install a net energy meterOn November 26, 2014, a net energy meter was installedThe customer will receive the approval to operate from Pepco's Green Power Connection team within the next to business days[redacted] has my contact information should he need any further assistance regarding this matter.Sincerely,Linda B

March 24, 2015Dear [redacted] :This letter serves to respond to the inquiry regarding the delay in the installation of a Net Energy Meter for the above referenced customerI have reviewed the process involved with installation of the meter and offer the following information.Review of our records reflects that we received a copy of the final electrical inspection certificate from the customer's contractor on February 5, Under circumstances once the certificate is received, a Net Energy Meter is installed within approximately a week to daysHowever, due to a backlog of meter install requests there has been a delay in the installation of the meters.The meter for the above referenced customer was scheduled to be installed on March 23, I trust upon receipt of our response to the, the meter has been installedPlease extend our sincere apologies to the customer for the delay in the installation of the meter.Stan P

February 20, 2015Dear [redacted] :I contacted the customer on December 19, to advise her that our Green Power Connection (GPC) Team authorized her solar system for operation effective February 18, 2015.Additionally, our GPC Team has sent an e-mail confirmation [redacted] , along with her solar company.Sincerely,Richard C

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:From: [redacted] < [redacted] @***.com>Date: Thu, Apr 2, at 3:PMSubject: Re: You have a new message from the of Metro Washington DC & Eastern Pennsylvania in regards to your complaint # [redacted] .To: "" Hi - This issue is still unresolvedIt is now April 2nd and the meter has yet to be installedWe are requesting a firm timetable for when this installation will occur so we can begin using the solar systemAdditionally, we have yet to even hear back from Pepco via a phone call or email of any sort regarding this matterThank you, [redacted]

From: < [redacted]>Date: Fri, Feb 27, at 11:AMSubject: RE: Complaint # [redacted] - [redacted] , [redacted] NW, WDC [redacted] / [redacted] To: [redacted] [redacted], [redacted] @pepco.comGood Morning, A conference call was conducted with the customer on February 25, 2015, and we explained what had occurred on his account We agreed to issue a courtesy credit adjustment for $to resolve his complaint Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questionsThanks, Linda *B***| Escalated Investigations Representative Pepco Holdings, Inc| Customer RelationsNinth Street N.W| Washington, DC 20068o: ###-###-#### | [redacted]

April 16, 2015Dear [redacted] :Please accept this is in response to complaint # [redacted] , regarding [redacted] s' billing concerns for the above referenced account.As reflected on the March bill (attached), the consumer was billed from February 6, to March 5, for 1,kilowatt hours in the amount of $This was based on a start meter reading of and an end meter reading of 38569.Meters record electricity cumulatively; therefore, each subsequent actual meter reading serves to confirm the accuracy of the preceding billingI have confirmed the meter readings used to bill the account with the recorded meter readings in our meter data management systemAdditionally, at [redacted] 's request, Pepco replaced the smart meter ( [redacted] ) with a non-smart meter ( [redacted] ) on March 16, The actual meter reading of recorded from the smart meter on March 16, 2015, serves to confirm the previous meter reading and billing historyBased on my review of [redacted] 's account, the bill from February 6, to March 5, is a reflection of the usage as registered on the meter serving her residence and a billing adjustment is not warranted.Our consumers, through their individual usage patterns, determine the actual kilowatt-hour consumption registered on their metersGenerally, the major energy users in consumers' homes are appliances that generate heat or provide cooling such as electric heating and/or supplemental space heating, electric hot water heating and air conditioningIt is also important to note that if any appliances are not operating efficiently, energy usage can increase.I trust this information will serve to satisfactorily resolve [redacted] s' concerns and I appreciate the opportunity to respondIf you should have any questions, please contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Harvey H

February 24, 2015Dear [redacted] :I apologize for the typographical error in my initial response dated February 20, 2015.I contacted the customer on February 19, to advise her that our Green Power Connection (GPC) Team authorized her solar system for operation effective February 18, 2015.Additionally, our GPC Team has sent an e-mail confirmation [redacted] , along with her solar company.Sincerely,Richard C

[redacted] [redacted] March 5, [redacted] [redacted] *** [redacted] Re: [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] On January 31, 2015, the customer’s account at [redacted] was closed and subsequently final billedOn February 3, 2015, a final bill was rendered for service from December 18, to January 31, 2015, for 1,kilowatt hours, in the amount of $771.70, which includes Pepco arrears ($464.25), Pepco current charges ($80.65), and [redacted] supplier current charges ($226.80) that was due February 24, We do recognize that the customer’s final bill is higher than expectedThe two major factors that likely contributed to the amount of the final bill are the number of days in the billing cycle (days), and the customer’s supplier rates that increased from $per kilowatt hour (kWh) to per kWhAttached are copies of the customer’s two most recent monthly bills, reflecting the supplier rate increase As deregulation bylaws prohibit Pepco from addressing supplier related inquiries and/or charges; therefore, if [redacted] has any questions concerning the supplier charges or rates, she should contact her supplier directly.Based on my review the customer’s final bill is an accurate reflection of the usage consumed at the customer’s home, and does not reveal any evidence of a billing errorThank you for the opportunity to respond to the customer’s concerns Sincerely, April S [redacted] Enclosures (2)

March 6, 2015Dear [redacted] :Deposits are requested of customers establishing credit, who have maintained a less than satisfactory payment record over a month period, or due to service interruption for nonpayment of an outstanding bill.Pepco relies on information from [redacted] , a third party credit bureau, to determine if a new customer is required to pay a depositSince we do not have access to a customer’s credit file, any questions regarding the assessed deposit are referred to [redacted] .To ensure customer satisfaction, I have waived the $deposit requested from [redacted] with the stipulation that the bills will be paid in full and by the due date each monthShould the credit history become unsatisfactory, a deposit equal to 2/12ths of the customer’s annual usage may be requested.Thank you for bringing [redacted] ’s concerns to our attention and for allowing me the opportunity to respond.Sincerely,Richard C

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved] Complaint: [redacted] I am rejecting this response because:I do not accept the response from PEPCOAccording to Part V: Summary Statement, I paid $1,from May 25, to February 13, However, after applying my payments to the correct apartment, PEPCO insists I still owe a remaining net amount of $2,Please justify why I owe so much more than what I already paid!Furthermore, I should not have to pay additional moneyAssuming the remaining balance of $2,is correct, I was never afforded the opportunity to reduce my apartment’s electricity useFor instance, perhaps Meter # [redacted] has malfunctioned or I could have not run certain electrical devicesPEPCO should give me the following:· Stop the automated bill pay for my accountI cancelled the last one because the charges were for over $2000.· Give me a monthly itemized listing of my payments against actual amount dueI need to know how much I was under-billed each month since April 2013· Give me a maintenance report on Meter # [redacted] Regards, [redacted]

April 27, 2015Dear *** ***:I have reviewed the customer’s account and confirmed that *** *** was billed based on actual meter reading data recorded remotely from a smart meterThe kilowatt-hour consumption is accurate and there is no billing errorI have attached a billing history
comparison statement for the last months for your convenience.On November 26, 2014, Pepco received a pending third party supplier enrollment notification from *** *** *** with an effective date of December 12, On February 4, 2015, a bill was issued for a net amount of $406.21, which included Pepco charges of $and *** *** *** charges of $On February 19, 2015, Pepco received a supplier drop/cancellation notice from *** *** *** with an effective drop date of March 17, Pepco is the default standard offer service supplier for all usage billed from March 17, forward.Deregulation bylaws prohibit Pepco from discussing supplier charges, rates, enrollment practices, etcTherefore, if the customer has questions or concerns regarding the supplier portion of the bill, such as the refund *** *** is expecting, she would need to contact her supplier directly.On February 23, 2015, a month deferred payment plan was initiated on the customer's account and is referenced on the bill issued on March 20, Please have the customer contact me directly if this payment arrangement needs to be revised.I hope this information is helpful in resolving all of your concernsAs always we appreciate your business and value you as a customer.Sincerely,Linda B

June 8, 2015Dear *** ***:This is a follresponse to complaint #***, regarding *** ***' billing concerns for the above referenced account.We regret that the consumer is not satisfied with the Company's responseHowever, as previously stated, the billing in question was based on actual metered data and no adjustment is warrantedAttached is a copy of Company records which substantiate the meter test results previously provided.I trust the information will assist you in responding to *** *** and thank you for the opportunity to respond.Sincerely,Harvey H

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: We verified that the meter was installed in March; however, we received absolutely no communication regarding the installationFurther, the fact that the meter has now been installed for over a month, and the complete solar panel system having been installed for over months, just underscores that there is no credible reason why Pepco won't forward the necessary paperwork to *** to allow us to turn it onIn our frustration we have repeatedly contacted *** requesting to know why, with the system fully installed and necessary meter in place for this long, it can't be turned onThey were quick to point out they are powerless at this stage; they are awaiting a required letter from Pepco stating they are allowed to operateThis is really outrageous to us, that it's taking this long for a simple letter to be sent from Pepco to ***, even after all permits have been granted, installation performed and necessary inspections passed.In our view the resolution to this complaint would be immediate delivery of the necessary letter *** needs from Pepco, so that the system can be turned onWe aren't asking for tentative "window" of time, we're requesting Pepco send the letter immediatelyAdditionally we want some communication from Pepco letting us know when this happensTo this point, we still have yet to even receive a courtesy call from Pepco regarding this matterIn case they need it, my personal number is ###-###-####, and my husband's is ###-###-####
*** ***

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: the date in the response letter is incorrectP???? contacted me on February 19, The letter states that P???? contacted me on December 19, 2015, which is a date in the future that has not happened yetI would be happy to accept the business's response if the date is corrected
*** ***

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***
In response to their claim. I was assured that I would assume the responsibility for the electric bill which would be placed in my name not that I had to go to the utility company to do so; however when I did so I went to their office and provided the necessary information required; however there is no way I could have used that amount of power for my bill to be that high, they must take into account that the heating/air conditioning unit ran for months possibly a year or so before I even took over this unit and I would have been charged over a month for the months stated in their claim which isn't correct, these bills are extremely outrageous which people residing in houses don't pay this muchI've just received a bill 4/17/for yet your still telling me this is a correct reading? No way possibleI did however expecte to pay maybe for thise months but not that's rediculousI'd like to have them exposed to the media if possible because this isn't right at all

May 12, 2015Dear *** ***:This letter serves to respond to the ongoing concerns regarding the delay in receiving notification from Pepco's Green Power Connection Team (GPCT) to start the operation of their solar systemPlease extend our sincere apologies to the customer for not responding in a timely manner.Due to the many hundreds of customers sending in their final documents just before the end of 2014, our GPCT have experienced a delay in responding to the final applicationsAlthough the staff has worked substantial overtime hours to complete the final application steps, the very high volume of applications caused a backlogIn addition, on January 6, 2015, we rolled out a new customer information and billing platformThat new platform changed the way certain net meter tasks are accomplished at Pepco, and stabilizing the new process took substantial time away from processing the applications and getting the Net Energy Meters installed, so a backlog developedWe are working through these backlogs as quickly as possible.On May 7, 2015, a notification was mailed to the customer giving the customer authorization to interconnect and fully operate their renewable energy facility.I trust this information will assist you in responding to the customer’s concerns.Sincerely,Stan P

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