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Address: 717 McGilvary St, Fayetteville, Illinois, United States, 28301-5433
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I have reviewed the customer's reply regarding internet issues and credit requestI show the customer was issued a $credit for internet issues it posted on the Jun19,billI reviewed the account notes history and show the customer did call in 12/29/regarding payment arrangements,3/22/to make a payment no notes about internet issues until she called on 6/1/which is when the credit was issued for internet speed issuesI show the customer is currently at 117% download and 112% upload speed with a stable connectionUnfortunately we don't have faster speeds available in the area and no time frame when they will beI have noted the account the customer can cancel with no fees if they choose due to us not having higher speeds at her address Sincerely,***
05/11/I apologize if Mr*** received any advertisement from CenturyLinkI should have advised that adding Mr*** to the do not mail registry can take up to 30-days or longer to take effectAdvertisements are created and generated in advance by CenturyLink and vendor advertisement
companies and may not be mailed out for monthsAs CenturyLink does use vendor advertisement companies, the do not mail is not 100% guaranteedAlso, I never advised Mr*** that CenturyLink would not “ever” contact him with advertisements; see statement pulled from previous response: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...⇄ I have added Mr***’s address to CenturyLink’s do not mail registry (this will not include generalized mailing or bulk advertisements)-----------------------------------------------------------------...⇄ On 05/05/2016, Mr*** contact CenturyLink’s escalations department who removed the do no mail and do not call and re added it back on Mr***’s closed accountThey also added his address to the do no solicit (as if he had never had an account)Mr*** may also add himself to the do no mail list via CenturyLink web site by copy/pasting this address into his web browser: http://www.centurylink.com/help/privacy/optout_en.htmlCenturyLink has closed this complaintSincerely, *** ** *** CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Consumer /Small Business Sales and Care
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:First, Century Link missed other calls in tier list of calls received from us We did not have a late bill until they forced us to set up Autopay Nor were we ever given any notification by any sales rep we were receiving a new account number.The reply only makes matters worse since again Century Link is obviously not aware of their companies practices at each level.I revert back to the criteria set out in my original complaint in regards to satisfying my complaint.Since Century Link is defending their unethical actions, let me supply some proof We received order number *** from Century Link that our new bill was going to be $for the first month as a curtesy for all our problems Second, we were promised internet would be thereafter for a year, with the total price being That still has not happened We still have seen any credit reflected on our accountIn fact we called again, twice, and were told we had to pay our original amount of over $and then we would receive a credit back. Since we never had a late payment until Century Link made us set up auto-pay, that did not work correctly because they did not tell us we had a new account number, Century Link is to blame.This is the worst company I have ever worked with Until this complaint is satisfied, according to terms of my original complaint, I will reject every effort of Century Link Their practices are unethical, and deceitful I will be considering legal action if my complaint is not dealt with in a timely manner
*** ***
CenturyLink appreciates Ms*** giving us the opportunity to review the handling of her accountAt CenturyLink we strive to provide outstanding customer service and her comments are appreciated plus utilized to enhance our trainingUpon review, Ms***’s concerns were addressed on
December 30, At that time, the account in concern was canceled and the Early Termination Fee was waived CenturyLink apologizes for any inconvenience or frustration this issue may have caused Ms*** CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Group
To whom it may concern: Please be advised that CenturyLink has completed a review of the complaint filed by *** *** and found the following: The advertisement clearly indicates the criteria for the pricing as mentioned in the complaint; some bundles as stated or noted in the
advertisements require a home phone package or some sort of other bundle The customer was then offered an optional stand alone internet offer that was not sold at the time as a 100Megabit offer There are times that the customer is not made aware of the difference or the customer is but it is misunderstood, people make mistakes The customer is getting a very good product for a very good price even if it is not what the customer had originally anticipated Again, the criteria to qualify for all of CenturyLink advertised promotions provide all the information needed to understand the offer if and when the time is taken to review such offers The 100Meg service is not available as a standalone product at that price and systems cannot be manipulated to simply accommodate the customers wishes based either on a misunderstanding of the promotion, a poor explanation or omission by the representative In situations where the customer feels that this was not done in good faith and is not happy with the product and pricing they currently are getting the account will be noted that if they decides to change providers or cancel service they may do so without any early termination fee CenturyLink acknowledges the customers concerns and apologizes for any issues or inconvenience that may have been experienced. Sincerely, *** *** Executive Office Regulatory Escalations Analyst CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Consumer/Small Business Sales and Care
As previously stated, more information is needs to be provided by Ms*** to open a payment investigation. We need to know which payments are missing, the amount of the payment, date the payment was made, and the tracking number since Ms*** says the payments were made on-line. All the necessary information should be located on her bank statement. Unfortunately, we cannot look for the missing payments without this information. CenturyLink apologize for any inconvenience this may cause *** CenturyLink Customer Advocacy
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because centurylink has failed to show proof of a contract This is a common issue with centurylink, they literally fabricate contracts
*** ***
To whom it may concern: I have received and reviewed the Revdex.com complaint and found the following: Centurylink has determined that the customer as made a good faith effort to return the modem but has been unable to do so as a result of no RMA and no label being sent as promisedIn lieu of this and
the continuing efforts the customer has made to address this CenturyLink has issued and adjust clearing the charges and has applied the adjustment to the customer’s billThe customer does not have to return the equipment and should see this adjustment offset some of the balance on the next 1-bill cyclesCenturyLink acknowledges the customers concerns and apologizes for any issues or inconvenience that may have been experienced. Sincerely, *** *** Executive Office Regulatory Escalations Analyst CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Consumer/Small Business Sales and Care
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***The service is for *** *** at *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** under *** *** Please provide this to Mr*** since he did not provide any contact information
To whom it may concern: CenturyLink appreciates the opportunity to review the issues or concerns regarding this complaintAt CenturyLink, we strive to provide outstanding customer service and feedback is appreciated and utilized to enhance our trainingspeeds are not guaranteed due
@CenturyLink.com for further assistance with either the wire or speed issues CenturyLink acknowledges the customers concerns and apologizes for any issues or inconvenience that may have been experienced. Sincerely, Steve S***
to physical limitations in the environment where it is located that can impede the signalThe Customer should run a speed test with a single device hardwired to the modemHere is the site to run the test: http://internethelp.centurylink.com/internethelp/zam-speed-test.html This site uses the CenturyLink network and leaves a trace that technicians can look at to isolate any outside wire issues that might be an issue should there be one on the CenturyLink side of the connectionThe customer is on a 3M download and currently there is nothing to indicate that there is an upgrade is coming to this circuit, at least not in the next days to monthsUntil that time the services will not changeAs for the wire, if there is still an line that is not buried at the customers location, they may contact me directly at the following email address Steve.S
I have reviewed the Revdex.com Complaint regarding a billing disputeI have reviewed the customer's account and show they had an increase in their bill when their promotion expired in May, They have since been put on a new promotion I have issued a credit to the June bill for
$as a courtesyI would like to remind our customer we advise them what promotion they are on and when it expires every month on their CenturyLink bill so they don't have any surprise increasesWe encourage customers to contact us when they are on the last month of their promotion to see if we have any new promotions they may qualify forUnfortunately since *** is a separate company we aren't able to change their pricing, terms nor plans the customer would need to contact them for any questions or disputes with those servicesWe apologize for any confusion and frustration this situation has caused for immediate assistance they can call our Customer Care Center *** or use our live chat help option on our website www.centurylink.com.Sincerely,Mr.***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 4, 2015/08/31) */
CenturyLink has reviewed this account and has found billing to be correctMs*** was on a promotional offer that expired in June of 2015, which caused the final bill to be higher due to the removal of the promotional discountsWe did
adjust the late fee on the account in the amount of $which can be seen on the 8/23/billing statement which shows with the previous payment of $the account now has an account balance of $
Consumer and Small Business Sales and Care
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 6, 2015/09/01) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I find that Century Link is is still liable for $which is owed to meMy biggest fear in this complaint is that this increasing the bill at the end of a promotion automatically, disregarding that fact that we called to tell them that we were not interested in the new price and that we would be cancelling our services is their "policy" and it is repeated with all customersWe returned all of our equipment on time, the day before the bill was dueI did not agree to the new price that they wanted me to payMaybe it is time that the State is made aware that this seems to be a common practice, and people are being scammed routinelyIt is definitely not resolved in any manner, since Century Link agreed to do absolutely nothing
Complaint Response Date bumped because: Holiday
Final Business Response /* (4000, 8, 2015/09/16) */
CenturyLink has found billing to be correct, but we have added a final one time credit of $to the accountThis will be our best offer to resovle this complaintPlease allow to days for processing and mailing of refund check
Thank you
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 10, 2015/09/17) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Sending me a check for what I am owed is a satisfactory resolutionThis complaint could have been avoided, if the company had done the right thing in the first placeMy lingering concern is that I am not the only customer that has had this experience
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I SHOULD NEVER OWE FOR A SERVICE THAT WAS INCLUDED WITH MY SERVICE!! OVER DOLLARS FOR SUNDAY TICKET? The explanation you gave makes absolutely no sense as to why I am charged this amount.
*** ***
To whom it may concern: I have received and reviewed the customers’ complaint and found the following: Prior to this reply and shortly after the customer called, the account was adjusted in full for the returned equipment and the balance reduced to zero CenturyLink acknowledges the customers
concerns and apologizes for any issues or inconvenience that may have been experienced. Sincerely, *** *** Executive Office Regulatory Escalations Analyst CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Consumer/Small Business Sales and Care
CenturyLink appreciates Ms*** giving us the opportunity to review our handling of her account, *** *** ***. I would like to apologize for the less than exemplary service that Ms*** recently received from CenturyLink representatives. Her comments are appreciated
and, to improve customer service, will be investigated. Our representatives need to know the negative impact we have on customers when we fail to do our jobs well. A request was processed on January 24, to cancel and re-issued Ms*** refund check. The mailing address used on the new check is the address provided on the Revdex.com complaint. CenturyLink regrets any inconvenience Ms*** has experienced Margaret CenturyLink Customer Advocacy
I have reviewed the complaint from *** regarding a disputed charge for a early termination feeI would be happy to investigate this issue and see what I can do to help if *** can provide me with his closed CenturyLink account numberI was unable to locate the account with the
information providedSincerely,Mr.T***
CenturyLink has reviewed the customer concerns and contacted the customer on 04/14/at 9:45AM MDT. I confirmed that the duplicate account for the television service was closed and has no balance. I confirmed with the customer the current configuration on the account and that all
the services are working properly. I apologized to the customer and offered to add months of discounts to the current service to help satisfy his concerns. The customer accepted these discounts and will contact me directly in the future if needed. ***
2/25/Centurylink has reviewed the customers account regarding charges billed for a second modemThe customer is requesting credit for the charges billed for the modemThe account reflects the customer was issued a credit in July with the remaining credit of
$issued on 1/28/The credit will be reflected on the customers February billing. Centurylink apologizes for the poor customer service received regarding this matter.***/Centurylink Manager
I have received a copy of the Revdex.com complaint filed by Mr*** ***, regarding a billing disputeAfter investigation of Mr***'s account it has been found that the modem the customer was given from the tech was a refurbished modem and this was given to the customer as a
courtesy modem without a charge by the technician which does not carry a warrantyThe customers original modem was out of the warranty window when the power surge took placeThe modem warranty for a purchased modem is months or you are always covered if under a lease. We apologize about the frustration and confusion as our technician was trying to get you back up and running. However that modem that you were given does not have a warranty and a new modem will either need to be purchased or leased if the modem is no longer workingSincerely, *** ***
To whom it may concern: Please be advised that CenturyLink has completed a review of the rejection and additional information provided by *** *** (DBA as *** *** ***) and found the following: When the customer initially agreed to the term commitment is noted that the discounts received are the agreement and the acceptance of the tem commitments Each and every bill received and paid includes the verbiage about the term and the prorated cost of terminating early Since this was paid for many months prior to the porting to another carrier on the account this is validation the customer should have been aware of the term even if the verbal agreement when initially starting services was not recalled Additionally, since the request to remove all services was not made when porting out the phone number, this convert the remaining services on the account as did occur and the account became a stand alone or data internet line as internet was already a provisioned service on the account This is because it is not assumed that when a customer ports a number that any other Centurylink or third party providers services are to be changed and as such they remain which is what happened here This leaves the remaining bill valid and due upon receipt CenturyLink acknowledges the customers concerns and apologizes for any issues or inconvenience that may have been experienced. Sincerely, *** *** Executive Office Regulatory Escalations Analyst CenturyLink Customer Advocacy Consumer/Small Business Sales and Care