Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:it is utter fabrication they said they tried contacting me and stated voicemail was not set upMy voicemail is set up and the only reason that they corrected their billing was that my insurance company got involved
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Hello [redacted], I spoke to you several days ago regarding a complaint received about our business. As stated this issue regarding billing was corrected on our end and spoke to the patients insurance regarding this twice. I have tried several times to contact the patient to apologize but have...
gotten no answer and can not leave a message since voice mail is not set up and we only have one number to contact the patient. If you have any other questions or if there is something else we can or should do, please fell free to email or call me at [redacted] opt.*. Sincerely, [redacted], Billing
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:it is utter fabrication they said they tried contacting me and stated voicemail was not set upMy voicemail is set up and the only reason that they corrected their billing was that my insurance company got involved
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Hello [redacted], I spoke to you several days ago regarding a complaint received about our business. As stated this issue regarding billing was corrected on our end and spoke to the patients insurance regarding this twice. I have tried several times to contact the patient to apologize but have...
gotten no answer and can not leave a message since voice mail is not set up and we only have one number to contact the patient. If you have any other questions or if there is something else we can or should do, please fell free to email or call me at [redacted] opt.*. Sincerely, [redacted], Billing