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Address: 4584 NE 35th Ave, Portland, Oregon, United States, 97211-7737
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On March 25th, 2020. My wife and I, went to Northwest self storage to rent a RV spot to park our RV during this Covid-19 epidemic. As all state and county parks were shut down and he had no choice but to park it. We went ahead on the 25th of March and rented the spot, as well told her as soon as he can get money together, that we would be bring in the truck to store as well. On April 2,2020, I did in fact take my truck into the storage place and paid for that month. Everything seemed to be going ok I take it. As we went into the storage place daily with out any complaining. But I guess on April 4,2020, in which is one of there complaints about us Loitering excessively. I will admit on that day, my wife and I Did spend hours there, as we moved stuff from truck/back of truck, move things around in trailer, And especially to clean it real good as we don't want to ruin it. But nothing was said that day. And honestly the place is open and the gates are free to come and go between 6am- 10pm! WE left at least twice that day to get something to eat and to get trash bags and some cleaning supplies. The next day, we got there about 7 am, the office doesnt open until 10 am. Well at 10:15 the live on site manager can over and knocked on the trailer and told us we couldnt be there and needed to leave. We told her that we were still doing things in trailer as well trying to figure out our unemployment situation. sense we were in the middle of something, we thought we'd finish up first. But it wasnt more then hour and a Bryan H with Cedartree Management, can at me telling me We need to leave now. In which I was in the car and driving out the gate when he approached me. I got out of my ctr and told him I'd like to see the rules stating I can't be in my storage unit during business hours. We both walked into the office and he went over the rules and guidelines that I signed. Not one place said anything! was told by him he'd refund my money tomorrow if left. Next day, kick out
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: after going back over the time frames and situations that happened while this incident was in full force against us. Personally I would almost agree that this wasn't Northwest situation to deal with. Sadly after 2 weeks of renting and running into this situation with Bryan H and Cedartree Management. During this rant with bryan, I couldnt find a number or anyway to get ahold of any management other then the lady on site manager. After spending alot of time, I was to find Northwest number to call and make a compliant. In which I was told that the property was no longer ran by Northwest Management and that Cedartree took over. Well I'd like to know why I was not informed of this situation and new management was brought in. Instead I had a confrontation with a very god righteous attitude, and was put down and discriminated by his actions and words. He came in basically on his first day and started acting tough and bulling us around, as well changed the rules on the spot. And had agreed to give us our money back if we left in the morning, as he couldnt get the cash that night. But no, he came back with a attitude and this paper that terminated or agreement, in which wasnt made with that company! So I believe both companies are at fault, and I shouldn't had to deal with the crap due to it! And honestly looking and reading this paper he just happen to write and print in minutes with no authority signature. And wording is total i
May 7, 2020
Revdex.comPO Box 140015Boise ID 83714
RE: Complaint Number ***, filed 4282020
To Whom It May Concern:
Following is our written explanation of an interaction with *** at a storage facility managedby Cedartree Management Company in Canby, Oregon.
In short, Mr. and his wife were loitering on the premises in violation of city code company andcompany policy far beyond a reasonable amount. His behavior when confronted indicated a problemwith substance abuse and self control. There is a complete explanation of the interactions on thefollowing pages.
We are sorry for his dissatisfaction with his experience, but we are not allowed to let people loiter onour premises in accordance with city ordinances. Our insurance company also requires us to complywith this rule. A storage facility is for storage only and when a tenant's behavior is erratic andaggressive, we also have a concern for how they may behave with other customers.
He was treated with courtesy but we could not allow him to continue to rent storage on our premisesdue to his behavior.
Lynne PPresident Cedartree Management Company.Cedartree Management Company assumed management for the property, Canby RV and Boat Storageas of April 16, 2020. *** and his wife *** were existing tenants prior to the transferof management from NW Self Storage. The manager of the facility Susan A approached thetenants on Tuesday April 14, 2020 to discuss the amount of time being spent in their RV each day. Susanreminded them that the premises was to be used for actively storing or removing contents during theirtenancy and that excessive loitering was not accepted. Susan had observed a spike in the amount oftime that they were spending during the day, most days during the week prior to her speaking withthem were from 7am - 10pm, gate hours, with an occasional short duration that they would leave. Agate activity log was the basis for this discovery.
*** left a voicemail with NW Self Storage, which was forwarded to Bryan Hammond with Cedartreemanagement due to the transfer on April 15th. Bryan noticed that the two tenants were still occupyingtheir vehicle just outside and thought that it would be best to approach the tenants along with themanager to discuss the complaint and to establish expectations for use of the space and the duration ofvisits. *** and *** were about to drive away for a short period as Bryan and Susan approachedthem and Bryan asked if they could address the complaint that *** had left for the priormanagement company. The intention was that all parties involved would be on the same page regardingrules and expectations and then could continue as normal. *** started out cordially, but as theconversation continued, he expressed that due to both he and his wife losing their jobs, they had beenactively calling the unemployment office and conducting business from the RV during the day. Bryanagain attempted to explain that this was the type of activity that is not considered storage activity.*** demanded a refund in full right then and that he would then leave. Bryan explained thatrefunds are not given from the facility, but that they are issued from the main office by a mailed check.*** was not happy with this answer so he made another comment about the unprofessionalism ofSusan speaking to him originally, although this was a normal procedure to remind him of the rules andregulations of the facility. *** also commented on how nice it was that Bryan had a job and couldcomb his hair back, in order to apply guilt to the situation. Bryan stated that the situation wasunfortunate and agreed that times are indeed difficult, but that the facility rules must still be followed.At this point *** left, without agreeing to or comprehending the rules as attempted to beestablished. Alcohol could be smelt on the customer during the conversation.
After discussing the situation with Bryan regarding the events that occurred, as well as the fact that thetenant was not agreeable at the end of the conversation, it was determined that a termination oftenancy for both spaces, with cause, was the appropriate way to proceed. A three day period wasgranted to allow for the gathering of the RV and the truck, from the other space. Bryan walked over tohand these notices to *** and *** on April 17th, as well as post the notice on the vehicles andmailed copies to the last known addresses per the contract by certificate of mailing. Both letters havesince been returned undeliverable. The termination expiration date was set for Tuesday April 21st 2020at 12:00pm.
*** was especially frustrated upon receipt of the termination notice and Bryan walked away afterhanding him the notice and explaining what the document was. After a few minutes ***approached the office and Bryan opened the door so that he could address any questions regarding thenotice. Bryan kindly reiterated what the notice stated, explaining that they had the written duration togather the two vehicles and remove them from the premises. *** then threatened to ram intoBryan's parked vehicle and also threatened to get an attorney to sue the facility. After the lastconversation, Bryan observed *** working on his third, personal, vehicle under the hood andjumping the battery in the RV; both are additional violations of policy. The tenants continued to remainon the premises that day and thru the weekend essentially all day during the posted gate hours.*** and *** removed their contents from the facility the morning of the date of theexpiration of the lease termination in accordance with the notice.
List of extended stays:
4/11/2020: 9:17am to 7:59pm4/12/2020: 8:10am to 8:33pm4/14/2020: 6:02am to 6:46pm4/15/2020: 6:00am to 1:30pm4/16/2020: 8:45am to 9:40pm4/17 /2020: 6:00am to 9:30pm
I totally disagree with your statement and actions! We were kicked off your property due to your beliefs of you rules that weren't on a sign statement from anyone,secondly we were told we would get refund our little time we had the spaces! Thirdly, why because you changed the rules in mud flight,that after being kicked out,that you have the right to keep all money for at least the remaining time left on agreement! And fourthly, you haven't a clue what I do and don't do,and to put in a statement about substance abuse is totally wrong! We don't drink and do do drugs so that is something that should if not be brought up! Once again this show your in ability to fallow your own rules and the way you treat Tenants based on your own thinking! You back a cat in a corner, what do you expect! Certainly not over! Thank you
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: