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CBCS Reviews (76)

I was finally able to get in touch with someone with the collections agency and they told me that all accounts were closed and I don't owe any money. I have also spoken to [redacted] Health and they have no record of these bills. I have no idea why I was sent a statement for something I never owed, so I still think that someone should investigate this further, but I am satisfied as long as they do not continue to claim that I owe any money.

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms. [redacted] on December 23, 2015. Ms. Wolfe’s account was placed with CBCS byour client, [redacted] Emergency Services, on December 21, 2010.CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted]...

EmergencyServices on December 29, 2015.Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activityon this account and notified [redacted] Emergency Services of Ms.Wolfe’s dispute. [redacted] Emergency Services provided CBCSwith validation of the debt, which CBCS mailed to Ms. [redacted] on December 29,2015.CBCS received email correspondence from Ms. [redacted] on December 22, 2015,notifying our office of her dispute and request for validation. Prior to thiscorrespondence, CBCS shows no record of a request for validation made by Ms.[redacted] regarding this account.Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted]Emergency Services, using reference number [redacted], at the followingaddress: [redacted] Mall #204 Kalamazoo MI 49007.

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Mr. [redacted] on October 13, 2015. Mr. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted], on October 12, 2015. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted]...

on October 26, 2015.Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]’s dispute. Mr. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], using reference number [redacted] at the following address: [redacted]Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms. [redacted] on February 18, 2016. After investigating the information provided in the filed complaint, we were unable to locate a CBCS account for Ms. [redacted]. We regret any frustration arising from this situation. Our...

goal is to create a positive experience for all consumers we serve. We will continue our investigation if Ms. [redacted] can provide us with any additional information by which we may locate her accounts. This information may include a CBCS account number, the original creditor’s name or a copy of her credit report showing the accounts in question.  Please contact me at the number below if you have any questions.

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to [redacted]. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted], on March 29, 2016. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted] on April 11, 2016. Upon receiving...

notification of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of her dispute. Per [redacted]’s system, Ms. [redacted] requested her [redacted] account be canceled on February 19, 2016, and our client canceled this account on that day. A payment posted to this account on April 8 th , 2016 for $256.40, which was applied to Ms. [redacted]’s overdue energy portion of this account. CBCS also verified that no reference to these accounts by CBCS is on file with any of the three major credit reporting agencies. Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], using reference number [redacted], at the following address[redacted] 
[redacted] Sincerely, Angelica W[redacted]

Please accept this response to Mr. [redacted]s request for additional review by CBCS that we received on May 23, 2017 in reference to Mr. [redacted]s original complaint dated May 14, 2017CBCS sent a request to TransUnion to remove this account from Mr. [redacted]scredit report on May 16, 2017.. CBCS does not report to Equifax or Experian.Mr. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted] Energy, using reference number [redacted] at the following address: [redacted] Jackson, MI 49201Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]Compliance Officer

We are requesting additional time to allow our client time to research the request. Please advise if an extension may be granted.

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to [redacted] on November 3, 2017. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by UPMC [redacted] Hospital on August 25, 2017.After receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account...

and notified UPMC [redacted] Hospital. UPMC [redacted] Hospital notified CBCS that the balance is for the insurance deductible. UPMC [redacted] Hospital also informed CBCS that if Ms. [redacted] disputes whether she was seen on the date of service, to contact the hospital directly to initiate a signature comparison to what is on file. CBCS obtained validation from UPMC [redacted] Hospital and sent a copy directly to Ms. [redacted] to the address we have on file. CBCS closed and returned this account to UPMC [redacted] Hospital on November 14, 2017. CBCS has requested the National Consumer Reporting Agencies to delete the trade line on this account previously furnished by CBCS.Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to UPMC [redacted] Hospital using reference number [redacted] at the following address: [redacted] 1 Building Pittsburgh, PA 15203.Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]Compliance Officer###-###-####Attn: Consumer AssistancePO Box 1810Columbus, OH 43216cbcsmail@cbcsnational.

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms. [redacted] on December 7, 2015. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted] on January 15, 2013. On October 2, 2015, CBCS received and documented verbal...

authorization from Ms. [redacted] to discuss her account with a 3rd party agency. Following Ms. [redacted]’s verbal authorization, CBCS shows record of one contact from this agency on November 5, 2015, at which time CBCS discussed this account with a representative. B[redacted] notified CBCS that they would contact Ms. [redacted] and request the payment be made to their office directly. Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted] at the following address: [redacted] Sincerely, Angelica W[redacted]

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Mr. [redacted]. Mr. [redacted]’s accounts were placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted], on January 18, 2016. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted] on February 19, 2016.Upon receiving Mr....

[redacted]’s complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]’s dispute. [redacted] advised CBCS that CBCS account number 35-22667680 was sent to insurance for follow up. [redacted] provided CBCS with validation, which was mailed to Mr. [redacted] on February 19, 2016.Mr. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted] at the following address: [redacted]Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]

February 23, 2017[redacted] of Central Ohio, Inc.1169 Dublin RoadColumbus, OH 43215-1005Re: Ms. [redacted]Complaint Number [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted],Please accept this response to the complaint we received
with regard to Ms. [redacted]. [redacted] on February 16, 2017. Ms. [redacted]’s...

accounts were
placed withCBCS by our client, Elliot Hospital.Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS conducted an
investigation of Ms. [redacted]’sconcerns. CBCS verified that CBCS account numbers,
[redacted] 16-22058209, 16-22060350 and 16-22060351 were placed in a cease
and desiststatus based on a communication with Ms. [redacted] on December
8, 2016. CBCSmailed communication to Ms. [redacted] to inform her CBCS ceased
collectionactivity for these specific accounts.Additional contact was made with Ms. [redacted] in regard to
CBCS accountnumbers [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted] which
were placed withCBCS after our December 8, 2016 communication with Ms.
[redacted]. Upon receiptof Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, CBCS blocked phone numbers
[redacted] and[redacted]. This will prevent CBCS from making any calls
to these numbersin the future. CBCS regrets any frustration arising from
this situation. CBCSclosed and returned all referenced accounts to Elliot
Hospital on February 23,2017.Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted]
[redacted]Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]Compliance Officer[redacted]

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to [redacted] on March 28, 2018. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by[redacted] on February 23, 2018. CBCS closed and returned thisaccount to [redacted] on April 4, 2018.CBCS takes consumer disputes...

very seriously. Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted]’sverbal dispute received March 27, 2018, CBCS immediately stopped allcollection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of herdispute. [redacted] advised CBCS that on December 16, 2017, ourclient was notified of a power outage at the [redacted] block of [redacted] Road, FortWayne, Indiana. Per American Electric Power, the Fort Wayne police reportlisted the vehicle identification number associated with the 2000 VolkswagenBeetle that struck and broke a pole, causing the outage. With this information,our client was able to determine the owner of the vehicle was Ms. [redacted].On February 1, 2018, [redacted] sent the attached letter andinvoice for property damage to Ms. [redacted] at: [redacted] Road, Monroeville, IN46773-9395, requesting payment in the amount of $6243.00.Ms. [redacted] may provide evidence to [redacted] proving she was notthe owner of the vehicle or was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of theaccident. Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted] using reference number [redacted], at the following address: 1[redacted] Plaza 27th Floor Columbus, OH 43215.Sincerely,Consumer Assistance877-866-7331

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms. [redacted] on November 5, 2015. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted], on June 30, 2015. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted] on November 11,...

2015. Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of Ms. [redacted]’s dispute. [redacted] advised CBCS that Ms. [redacted] contacted them on November 5, 2015 requesting validation, which was mailed to Ms. [redacted]. In addition, CBCS mailed this validation to Ms. [redacted] on November 12, 2015. Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], using reference number [redacted], at the following address: [redacted] 
[redacted] Sincerely, Angelica W[redacted] ###-###-####

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to [redacted]K. [redacted] on February 14, 2018. Ms. [redacted]’s accounts were placed with CBCSby [redacted] Health Hospitals. CBCS closed and returned these accounts to[redacted] Health Hospitals on February 20, 2018.Upon receiving this...

complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activityon account numbers [redacted]
[redacted] and notified [redacted] Health Hospitals of Ms. [redacted]’s dispute.[redacted] Health Hospitals advised CBCS that three statements for each ofthese accounts were sent to Ms. [redacted]’s address on file at [redacted]Dr. NE, Belmont, MI. To date, no return mail has been received by [redacted]Health Hospitals from this address. In addition, [redacted] Health Hospitalsverified the balances due are after insurance was billed with the exception ofCBCS account number [redacted]. Insurance information was not provided atthe time of service for this account.[redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted] HealthHospitals, using reference number [redacted], at the following address: POBox 2127, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.

Thank you for helping to resolve this matter. I have been asking the creditcompany CBCS for info. Finally they provided the necessary documentation afteryour letter.Here are some of the facts:1. We might have received a bill from UPMC [redacted] long timeago. I asked my daughter if she went to [redacted] Hospital for anything.She said no. I get false invoices by mail and also by email. I was wonderingwhere someone would get our insurance info the send a false bill.2. My daughter went to [redacted] Imaging Center but that imaging centerbills through UPMC [redacted] Hospital.3. We have UPMC insurance. We did not know we would owe anything for aroutine imaging process. What an industry health care is? You never knowwhat you are going to owe to who till you get a bill. You must sign on thedotted line before treatment or procedure that you are going to pay but donot know what you are going to pay.4. Got a letter from the first credit company. They asked for insurance andother documentation. We provided all the info. Since, we did not hear fromthem for a long time, we thought the account has been settled with UPMCwith the information we provided.5. In the meantime, no communication from UPMC [redacted].6. Then we got a letter from the second credit company. CBCS. Noinformation other than pay $250.7. Only after you wrote to CBCS that they supplied the documentationthrough UPMC [redacted]. The documentation showed it wasMonroeville where my daughter went for a routine screening.8. So, we are going to pay UPMC [redacted]. Just hope it islegitimate. It is so frustrating not knowing what we are paying for.9. Thank you for your help.Sincerely,

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms [redacted] [redacted] on August 24, 2015. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted] on February 8, 2013. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted]...

[redacted] on August 31, 2015.CBCS was unable to locate any record of having received a previous dispute from Ms. [redacted]. Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account and notified [redacted] of Ms. [redacted]’s dispute. In response, [redacted] provided CBCS with the enclosed validation. We have verified that no reference to this account by CBCS is on file with any of the three major consumer reporting agencies.Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], using reference number [redacted], at the following address: [redacted].Sincerely,Angelica W[redacted]

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to Ms.[redacted]. Ms. [redacted]’s account was placed with CBCS by our client,[redacted], on December 21, 2015.Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activityon this account and notified [redacted]...

[redacted] of Ms. [redacted]’s dispute. Inresponse, [redacted] requested CBCS return this account to theiroffice for handling. CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted]
[redacted] on February 18, 2016.Ms. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], usingreference number [redacted], at the following address: [redacted] Road,Springfield, VA 22151.Sincerely,

Attached please find a copy of the credit issued to my charge account, of the item in question. Also, I have attached a copy of the letter received from CBCS. I f there should be any further questions, please let me know. Thank You, -- -- :

Please see the attached regarding complaint 11150869

Please accept this response to the complaint we received with regard to [redacted] 
[redacted] on September 7, 2016. Mr. [redacted]s account, CBCS account number [redacted] was placed with CBCS by our client, [redacted], on July 29, 2015. CBCS closed and returned this account to...

[redacted] on September 14, 2016. CBCS’ records show that on July 30, 2015 CBCS mailed a letter to Mr. [redacted] at an address of [redacted], notifying him of his right to dispute the account. In addition, CBCS shows 3 additional attempts to contact Mr. [redacted] by mail at the same address. CBCS did not received return mail on any of the letters sent to Mr. [redacted]. Upon receiving this complaint, CBCS immediately stopped all collection activity on this account, notified [redacted] of Mr. [redacted]’ dispute and request for validation. To avoid frustration for Mr. [redacted], CBCS closed and returned this account to [redacted] on September 14, 2016. In addition, CBCS has requested the Consumer Reporting Agency remove this account from Mr. [redacted]’ credit report. Mr. [redacted] may direct future account inquiries to [redacted], using reference number [redacted] at the following address: [redacted] 
[redacted] Sincerely, Angelica W[redacted]

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Address: 250 E Broad St Fl 4, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 43215-3743


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