CarMax , Inc. Reviews (1863)
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CarMax , Inc. Rating
Description: Auto Dealers - Used Cars, Used Car Dealers (NAICS: 441120)
Address: 12800 Tuckahoe Creek Pkwy, Richmond, Virginia, United States, 23238
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Review: Since I bought the car in 8/26/2012 Carmax said that they make sure that everything in the car is working and that it is good to go. It was not true because that same day I received the car the low tire light was on. I told them about it they said that I needed to drive it for the light to turn off because it had not been used for a while, it did not. I was having a hard time contacting the service people I was put on hold or told that they would call me back to make an appointment. Before my 30 days warranty was over I finally took the car because I had an appointment, I told them about all the problems it was having and I was treated poorly. I was told by the service people that they fixed everything. In less than a month the problems came back I had to do an oil change, change the tires, change the windshield wipers front and back, and replace timing cover gasket and oil pan gasket because it was leaking oil. It made me mad that I had to put money in to it to fix the same problems in less then a month when they specify that the vehicle has passed the rigorous CarMax 125- point quality inspection. Another thing when I was sold this car I was not told about the extended service plan. I was told I was going to be able to refinance the car in a year, turns out I can't because that [redacted] does not refinance. I feel I was taken advantage of especially because I am young and a first time buyer. I waited till now to tell you guys because I did not know what to do until now. I was informed about this company by a different dealer. I went to them because I needed someone to explain my contract to me in detail because Carmax did not. I just really need help with this problem please.Desired Settlement: I would like a billing adjustment and a full repair or a refund.
January 13, 2014
[redacted], Operations Supervisor
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, Virginia 23236
Re: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am writing you in response to your letter dated December 18, 2013, wherein you forwarded a complaint from [redacted]. [redacted] requested that CarMax adjust her bill and fully repair her vehicle or issue her a full refund.
[redacted] purchased a [redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “Vehicle”), from the CarMax store located in Burbank, California (“CarMax”) on or about August 26, 2012.
CarMax’s records indicate that [redacted] came in on or about September 28, 2012 to address multiple concerns with her Vehicle including an issue with the tire pressure light. CarMax diagnosed her concerns and made the necessary repairs.
[redacted] mentioned in her complaint that shortly after her initial visit, her Vehicle had to be brought back for service to address the same concerns that took place on September 28, 2012. However, CarMax does not have any service records for this complaint.
[redacted] did not give CarMax the opportunity to diagnose her Vehicle, therefore CarMax is declining [redacted]’* reimbursement request at this time.
CarMax encourages [redacted] to fax in the Vehicle’s service records to the service department in order to review the repair orders for repair work completed by CarMax on September 28, 2012. [redacted] will have 30 days from the receipt of this letter to fax the required documentation to [redacted].
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. CarMax apologizes for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced.
Please contact me at [redacted] extension [redacted] with any questions you may have.
Review: I purchased a [redacted] on April 9,2013. On 01/14/2014 I stated that the vehicle does not blow hot air. they said I needed a AC/ Heater core .
On 01/23/14 they flush cooling system, found heater core I partially plugged causing poor heat. Did not clear heater core need to replace not cover under warranty.
On 11/06/2014 I stated that the car was not charging. They said I needed a alternator.
On 01/07/15 I stated that the ETC light is coming on. They said internal motor failure in throttle body. Also leaking thermostat housing.
and now I need rear brakes and rotors and spark plugs.Desired Settlement: I believe this car is a lemon I would like an exchange.
February 10, 2015
Review: This complaint has multiple areas of fault for Car Max, but I was unable to select more than one category on your web site: Selling of faulty vehicles, unethical business practices (i.e. reporting damaged done to vehicles, puroposely delaying closure of a loan, by not returning phone calls) & poor customer service with the results being a negative impact to my credit rating, causing me sleeplessness, stress and anxiety, because now I am not able to qualify for funds to complete necessary repairs on my home, which I was in the process of completing, meaning I have to wait another year. In May of 2013 I traded in a [redacted] for a [redacted] - there was a negative equity with the [redacted] trade-in which was rolled up into my new loan for the [redacted] through [redacted]. Within the first few weeks of having the [redacted], there were multiple problems found (front end alignment off, electronic mirror did not work, towing system rusted and did not connect to trailer lights). Car Max agreed with my findings and repaired all items, but the alignment was worked on three times and continued to be a problem and never was able to be fixed. Concerns about the truck, caused me to request a return for another vehicle, Car Max obliged. They did not have another [redacted] pickup that I wanted and I was without a vehicle, so I purchased a [redacted] with a second new loan through Car Max, then transferred over to [redacted] for a lower interest rate. I requested the 125 point inspection report Car Max advertises, and they were never able to produce the report. Within the first two weeks of having the [redacted], there were problems noted, specifically the computer system and alignment. I took the [redacted] in for repairs during the week of July 20th. Car Max agreed with my finings and began the repairs. During the servicing of the truck, a Car Max employee ran into a pole and damaged the right rear panel. I requested to trade the [redacted] truck in since it had now been damaged and would have an accident on its record. I requested a report on the accident and a value of the damage and repairs from their insurance company. They did not report the accident to their insurance company. In fact, it wasn't until I requested several times for the report, that the insurance company finally contacted me and told me Car Max had not reported as they should have. This was approximatley two weeks after the accident. When I went back to Car Max to close out the loan and pay [redacted] off for the [redacted], Car Max said I owed them for the negaitve equity from the original trade-in of the [redacted]. I said that was all part of the loan, and should be in the loan amount. I was still willing to purchase a truck from Car Max, but they did not have addional [redacted]s on the lot (the year/style I was looking for). They had one in [redacted], but it would take ten days to transfer up to [redacted]. I needed a vehicle and found the identical truck that Car Max had in [redacted] through a private party for $6,000 less than Car Max's asking price. I purchased the truck with another loan through [redacted], now two loans I had out until the [redacted] was paid off by Car Max as part of the return of the [redacted] and its accident by Car Max. I went back to Car Max to complete the [redacted] return, and ensure the pay off to [redacted]. Car Max refused to pay off the loan until I gave them payment for the negative equity from the original trade-in from my [redacted]. I said that was part of the loan and should have been included, but no one really seemed to know. [redacted], the [redacted] involved on my vehicle services said he would look into the matter and said since I had purchased an extended warranty through Car Max, he would deduct that amount $2,500 from the negative equity, decreasing the amount I may owe and get back to me on the completion of the loan. [redacted] got back to me and said the negative equity was not in the loan and I would have to pay it prior to them closing the loan. I had no way of paying, that is why I put the negative equity amount in the original loan, and had transferred that amount between the [redacted] and [redacted]. [redacted] suggested [redacted] loan be increased to include this amount, but after checking with them, the answer was no.[redacted] said they could not take payments and I would have to pay before they would close the loan. I reiterated the only way I can pay is through monthly payments. He continued to refuse that option. I contacted the corporate office Public Relations for Car Max in [redacted] and when I shared all that I had been through with Car Max in [redacted], the representative was very apologetic and said someone would get back to me right away. After many phone calls to Car Max headquaters and the [redacted] Car Max, I was getting the run around with [redacted] not returning my calls, headquaters stating I had to work with the local store, and getting mixed messages from headquarters. They told me they cannot override the local store's decision, yet I wasn't hearing back from the local store. This went on for a couple of weeks, with Car Max holding me fiancially hostage to this negative equity and with them changing [redacted]'s decision of the amount I owed from $2,500 back up to the origianal amount of approximately $4,600. Originally I was told they could not override the local store's decision, but now they were, which was another negative to me. This seemed to go sour very fast when the corporate store learned I purchased a vehicle from a private party not Car Max. One of the last conversations I had with Car Max's Corporate Public Relations department was when I said, you are holding me financially hostage. I put the negative equity in the original loan because I did not have the cash to pay, and you are telling me you do not accept payments (yet they do for purchases), and I cannot get another loan because of having two loans already with the [redacted] and the private party vehicle I purchased. During these two months time, I received a letter from the Credit Bureau that my credit rating had been decreased due to my debt to income ratio with these multiple loans. On top of all this, I just received a letter from the [redacted] that the use of my vehicle ([redacted]) has been suspended because of not paying the registration. I traded that in with Car Max back in May. Why is it still in my name???? With all of this said, I have been in 4 months of a nightmare with Car Max, who sold me fautly vehicles, not inspected as they advertise. They did not report the accident on one of the vehicles from their insurance and only reported it when I requested the report from the insurance company - who admitted Car Max did not handle it right. Completely made my life miserable taking time from my job in chasing people down to close the loan on the [redacted] to the point my credit rating has been damaged creating more financial difficulties in my life and with my home. I have never been treated so poorly as I have at Car Max.Desired Settlement: Car Max waives the negative equity amount from me for the [redacted] trade-in. Car Max closes the registration/ownership on the [redacted] and sends [redacted] a letter to have the vehicle taken out of my name - how is that possible when they took in in May???? Car Max writes a letter on my behalf to the Credit Bureau owning that they delayed the pay off of the [redacted] loan through [redacted], and any negative impact on my credit score and history be overturned. Car Max pays all repiars and serrvice co-pays on the extended warranty for my current [redacted]. Car Max pays me $125,000 in damages for the stress, & anxiety I have experienced since May of 2013, specifically with the loss of my credit rating and lowering of my score.
November 11, 2013
Via Electronic Mail
Re: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am writing in response to your letter which forwarded the complaint of [redacted]. On May 24, 2013 [redacted] sold a [redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “[redacted]”) and purchased a [redacted] (the “[redacted]”), the [redacted] was later returned on June 22, 2013. On June 22, 2013 [redacted] purchase a [redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “[redacted]”) from CarMax in [redacted]. According to the complaint [redacted] feels she should receive the following: the negative equity for the [redacted] paid in full, update [redacted] on the sale of the [redacted], write a letter to Credit Bureau on her behalf remove any negative impact to her credit, pay for any repairs or service for [redacted] truck and finally pay her $125,000 for damages and stress.
On May 24, 2013 [redacted] came to the CarMax in [redacted] to sell the [redacted] and purchase the [redacted]. CarMax purchased the [redacted] for [redacted] leaving [redacted] in negative equity which was added to the purchase of the [redacted]. Due to mechanical issues the [redacted] was returned on June 22, 2013 and the negative equity from the [redacted] was transferred to the purchase of the [redacted].
[redacted] brought the [redacted] in for repairs the week of July 20, 2013. During the time that the [redacted] was in the service department it was damaged. The service department contacted [redacted] to let her know of the damage and gave her the options to either have CarMax repair the [redacted] or file through the insurance company; she agreed to have CarMax fix the [redacted]. [redacted] later decided that she no longer wanted the [redacted] and requested a full return of the [redacted]. She also stated that she wanted the negative equity from the [redacted] to be paid. [redacted] was told in order to do the return of the [redacted] that she would have to pay the negative equity of $[redacted] for the [redacted]. [redacted] told the store that she had already purchased a [redacted] truck from another dealer and didn’t have the funds to pay the negative equity and no longer needed another vehicle.
[redacted] asked if she could make payments for the negative equity. On August 19, 2013 [redacted] was told that the store was able to arrange to let her make payments for the negative equity and that she would be contacted to set up payment arrangements. [redacted] went to store on August 21, 2013 to complete the return of the [redacted].
[redacted] can release her liability with the [redacted] either online or by going to the [redacted] to inform the [redacted] that she is no longer the owner of the vehicle. The delay in the payoff of the [redacted] was due to [redacted] delay in making arrangements to repay the negative equity. CarMax declines any additional relief.
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. If you have any questions, please call me at [redacted].
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
[redacted] called this morning and stated after following up with [redacted] as requested by Carmax she was told that the legal owner of the car is Carmax but the car is still registered in her name. She was also told that since the car is owned by Carmax they would be the party responsible for switching the name on the registration not the customer who no longer has the vehicle.
January 2, 2014
Via Electronic Mail
Re: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
[redacted] can release her liability with the [redacted] by going online at [redacted] will need to choose “online services” at the top of the page. If [redacted] needs further assistance she can contact [redacted] at the [redacted] CarMax at [redacted] ext. [redacted].
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. If you have any questions, please call me at [redacted], ext [redacted]
Customer Relations Analyst
Review: Called in and needed a large down payment. They asked if I had a cosigner, which out of state I do. They ran everything, and everything was fine. They were going to [redacted] all paperwork to him. Well, suddenly, that seems to be a problem. The cosigner now NEEDS to come to the dealership in person. That cannot happen. I explained that I would just take the car on my own, with the high down payment. Now they say they cannot because it is voiding the approval. What the [redacted]???Location: Make: Model: Owner/Co-Ownder? NoDesired Settlement: Have people know what they are doing.
August 5, 2015[redacted]720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300Richmond, Virginia 23236[redacted]
[redacted]I am writing you in response to your letter dated July 28, 2015, wherein you forwarded a complaint from Mr. [redacted] regarding his interest in purchasing a vehicle from the CarMax store located in [redacted], [redacted] (“CarMax”).CarMax maintains the right not to do business with Mr. [redacted]. This decision could be related to his recent interaction with CarMax or information that Mr. [redacted] may have provided to CarMax during a previous transaction. No further information is available. This is a final decision that is applicable at all CarMax locations.CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint.Please contact me at [redacted] extension [redacted] with any questions you may have.Sincerely,
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have never done anything wrong with Carmax. This is unacceptable.
Review: I purchased a extended warranty on my Vehicle, when they was getting me to purchase the vehicle they did not specify that I had to have a receipt for proof the I service my vehicle on a a regular basis. If they would have told me that I would have tried to save at least the receipt of me purchasing the oil and the filters. But the only thing that was told to me when purchasing this extended warrant was this would be a good thing if something major would happen to by vehicle and I took that chance just in case something would happen to my car. Now they are trying to say that I am liable for the damage because I didn't change my oil frequent enough, which I feel I changed my oil on my vehicle at least twice a year considering I only drive the car to work, store and back home, no long distance driving. But anyway I purchase the warranty for that purpose and now they ar refusing to repair my vehicle. The warrant was a waste of my time and money.Desired Settlement: I would like them to honor the warranty and repair whatever is needed to repair my vehicle, and stop sell false warranties, unless you explain to the customer step by step what this warranty will and will not cover.
11 November 2013
Re: [redacted], Complaint #[redacted]
[redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “Vehicle”)
Dear [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding the correspondence received in your office from [redacted] regarding a repair need for the Vehicle purchased from CarMax of [redacted], on 8 February, 2011. At the time of purchase, the Vehicle had 58,461 miles registered on the odometer, was subject to CarMax’s Five-Day Money-Back Guarantee, and came with CarMax’s 30-Day Limited Warranty. For additional consideration, [redacted] purchased a 72-month/125,000-mile MaxCare Extended Service Plan (the “ESP”). The ESP is administered by The Warranty Group (“TWG”). CarMax is not a party to the ESP.
In her letter, [redacted] requests that her Vehicle be repaired under the terms of her “warranty” (the ESP) and states that she was not advised of her obligation to maintain service records for the Vehicle. A review of documentation presented to [redacted] at the time of purchase reveals that [redacted] -- the “Customer” as identified in the MaxCare Service Contract -- was provided with a copy of said contract, wherein it states on page 2 under “Your Maintenance Requirements” that in order to keep the service contract valid, the Customer must follow the maintenance procedures recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle and keep receipts which identify the vehicle, mileage, and services performed. Further, under the section titled “Your Responsibilities,” it is stated that the Customer must provide proof of the vehicle’s maintenance upon request.
A review of CarMax’s records shows that on or about 24 October, 2013, the Vehicle was towed to CarMax with a complaint of a ticking noise in the engine area and a fluid leak. The Vehicle was noted to have 96,632 miles on the odometer at this time, a total of 38,171 additional miles since the date of purchase. It was determined that the Vehicle needed an engine replacement. [redacted] requested oil change records for the Vehicle, which [redacted] has been unable to produce. If [redacted] is able to present this documentation, CarMax would be happy to forward it to TWG for further consideration of the claim.
Thank you for the opportunity to respond. If you have any additional questions, please contact me directly at [redacted] extension [redacted].
CarMax Customer Relations
cc: [redacted], CarMax of Independence
Review: I went into this Carmax 2353 Gallatin Pike N, Madison, TN 37115
I went into CAR-MAX locally to trade up my brand new car. Within 2 weeks,They had my $6000 down payment And my brand new car(100 miles.) They made me sign a lot of papers that I did not understand , I am not a lawyer. they had this and I had NOTHING. they said You could buy something and get your money back if it was within 5 Days. well, it was and they did NOT give me the requested money back! I want my $6000 back! And, I want my car back!!Location: Make: Model: Owner/Co-Ownder? Desired Settlement: I went into CAR-MAX locally to trade up my brand new car. Within 2 weeks,They had my $6000 down payment And my brand new car(100 miles.) They made me sign a lot of papers that I did not understand , I am not a lawyer. they had this and I had NOTHING. they said You could buy something and get your money back if it was within 5 Days. well, it was and they did NOT give me the requested money back! I want my $6000 back! And, I want my car back!!
April 11, 2016
Operations Supervisor
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, Virginia 23236
Re: Ms. [redacted]
Complaint ID: [redacted]
2015 [redacted] (the “Vehicle”),
VIN: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding the complaint dated March 30, 2016 regarding
the Vehicle initially purchased from the CarMax store located in Madison,
Tennessee (“CarMax”) on or about February 27, 2016.
In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] describes concerns regarding the
processing of the return of the Vehicle, and requests that CarMax refund her
$6,000, as well as return the vehicle CarMax purchased from her, a 2015 Nissan
Versa Note.
CarMax’s records state that Ms. [redacted] first purchased the
Vehicle and sold her Versa Note on or about February 27, 2016. Records indicate
that Ms. [redacted] elected to return the Vehicle on or about March 2, 2016, at
which point CarMax was able speak with her finance company to allow an
exception and cancel her payoff, returning the Versa Note to her possession.
Ms. [redacted] decided to again sell her Versa Note to CarMax, and purchase the
Vehicle a second time, on or about March 4, 2016. CarMax’s records show that
Ms. [redacted] decided to return the Vehicle a second time, on or about March 9,
2016, and also requested to receive her Versa Note at this point. At the time
of the second return, CarMax’s sales managers connected with the finance
company again to request an additional stop of the payoff for her Versa Note.
This second request was declined by the finance company.
A payment of or about $5,908.21 was made by Ms. [redacted] for the
purchase of the Vehicle as required by the finance company to cover the
negative equity on her vehicle loan for the Versa Note. Because the finance
company is unwilling to reinstate the Ms. [redacted]’s loan a second time, CarMax
is unable to refund the funds provided by Ms. [redacted], as the payment has
already been remitted to the finance company. CarMax is also unable to return
Ms. [redacted]’s Versa Note because of the decision by the finance company. Ms.
[redacted] is encouraged to reconnect with a member of the management team at
CarMax Rivergate by calling 615-855-2202 regarding any additional questions
about this concern.
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint.
Please contact me at (800)519-1511, extension [redacted],
with any questions you may have.
Kristina S[redacted]
Analyst, Executive Response Team
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
April 28, 2014
Review: Car I sold : [redacted] LicPlate#[redacted] vin# [redacted] There are two issues number one the car I sold to CARMAX they didn't release the liability as promised in the contract so I received five tickets under my name for the car I sold to them. And I had to go to the DMV by myself and they accepted it but they told me it's Carmax is at fault.
Number two the tires on the car that I bought from Carmax were at 2/32 when I bought it and they just barely match the standard of their meter/ gauge. And they don't want to change them for me even though they said they can fix it for $100 and after I accepted to pay $100 they never called me back!Location: Duarte CA Make: Model: Owner/Co-Ownder? Desired Settlement: They didn't put the license plate# and they didn't release the liability on the car I sold them, and I want that them to fix this problem for me with the DMV and make sure it's completely taken care of so I don't get more tickets and so I don't have liability problems!!!
I want an apology letter on this as to why they mishandled the paperwork on this. it seems very unprofessional from them.
For the tires issue, I tried many times to remedy the situation with the sales person, the service manager Manny, and even called into corporate and nobody wanted to help me with this so I want to reported to the so that this matter is known that Carmax sells cars with tires thar are just AT the 2/32nd mark and I'm not satisfied with that.
The settlement on the tires is that they fix them or pay me $100.
19, 2015
Via Electronic Mail
[redacted], Operations Team
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23236
Re: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
I am
writing in response to your letter which forwarded the complaint of [redacted]. On January 30, 2015, Ms. [redacted]
purchased a [redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “Vehicle”), at the CarMax
of Duarte, CA. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted]
is requesting CarMax correct the DMV release of liability and replace two tires
or pay her $100.
[redacted] sold the Vehicle to CarMax on 1/30/15.
CarMax sent the Release of Liability to the DMV in Sacramento, CA. DMV processed the request by 2/10/15 to
reflect that CarMax had purchased the Vehicle.
Ms. [redacted] can contact CarMax of Duarte to assist with the tickets that
she received after the sale of her vehicle.
2/9/15 Ms. [redacted] brought the Vehicle to CarMax for hub cap installation. At that time Ms. [redacted] stated that two tires
were not safe and needed replacement.
CarMax inspected the tires and informed Ms. [redacted] that the tire tread
measured twice the state’s discard requirement.
As goodwill gesture CarMax offered to sell Ms. [redacted] tires at our cost
of $50.00 for each tire. Ms. [redacted]
declined that offer.
declines Ms. [redacted]’s request as set forth in her complaint. CarMax appreciates the opportunity to
respond to this complaint. The offer for the tires at cost is still available. If you have any questions, please call me at
(800)519-1511, ext 4210.
Customer Relations Analyst
Review: I just purchased this car Feb, 2013 I'm just made my 5th payment my car fell apart right away. I know it was used but I paid a total of 13000.Dollars for it when the car boiled over I just happened to be in there neighbor hood as it is close to my house I just got through taking my granddaughter to school. car max was on the way I know they have repair so I stopped. I did not buy there warranty. But still the car was just bought 4 months ago then. They told me to come back but I said my car is boiling over I can't drive it. Which it was. They said I could leave it there and they would check it for 125 I said but I just bought it. They were rude I don't know why I let them even attempt to fix it! I felt like they had me over a barrel. They gave me a ride home and called me to tell me it would cost me 1107.00 to fix the car. I needed a new Power control Module I said is that why the engine light is coming on they said yes. They said they had one if I wanted it put in. I didn't know what else to do so I said Ok. They put it in I paid for it. I took my car it didn't seem to be much better finally the air conditioning went out I felt they were overcharging and underhanded to I took my car to [redacted] here the things they said. This car need a new Power Control Module A?C Suction hose A/C Discharge evacuate and recharge transmission solenoid pack costing a total of 1707.00 I said but they just put a new power module in at car max costing me 1107.00 they man at [redacted] said no he didn't there is something there but its not even the right part number Oh my god I paid for nothing? Yes So I called car max and told them they should charge the amount back to my account! They pretty much are refusing I don't want to do business with them they said well we have 60 days I bought a lemon I would just like my money refunded to I can get my car fixed . Please help me I don't want to loose my house over this. Also he said it looked like it came out of another car!
Product_Or_Service: Iotally intergrated power Module 927.00
Order_Number: [redacted]
Account_Number: [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund
I would like this recharged to my accounts I don't have money to through away. If the car fits the Lemon law I would like a another car. If it doesn't its ok I just want my money back they are doing every thing they can think of to stall. Should I call the credit card people?
August 30, 2013
Review: I submitted my final payment on October 30, 2013. I called Customer Service early January to inquire why I had not received my car's title. I was informed I still owed $514.96. I asked for what and she couldn't tell me. She also informed me that if I didn't pay by the end of the month, my account would go to a collection agency. I informed her that this is the first time I became aware that I owed this amount. I requested a detailed account in writing of how and why they had arrived at this figure. She stated she could only provide a payment history. I wrote an email directly from CarMax's website, again requesting an explanation. A few days later, I received a cut and paste response asking that I speak to a Customer Service Rep. I responded that I had already done that. I received no response to my second email. A week later, I received a simple payment history with no explanation as to how they arrived at $514.96, nor could we figure it out from the history they sent.Desired Settlement: I would like a detailed explanation of how and why they concluded that I still owe $514.96. If I agree with their determination, I would like more time to pay the balance before the account goes to collections.
Dear Sir/Madam:
This will confirm receipt and review of a complaint that was forwarded to your office by [redacted] regarding the above-referenced account. [redacted] is disputing the balance owed on her account. Accordingly, [redacted] has requested that we validate the balance owed. Please find our response below.
[redacted] indicates in her complaint that she made her final payment on October 30, 2013. To the contrary, our records show that the last payment we received from [redacted] was on November 2, 2013. This payment was [redacted]’ 59th payment in a 60 term contract. The current payoff balance on [redacted]’ account is $519.88.
The reason why the final payoff amount is significantly greater than the final installment amount is because of the additional finance charges that accrued on [redacted]’ account. Please know that finance charges are calculated using a simple interest formula, i.e. finance charges or interest accrues on a day-to-day basis. Also, take note that the finance charges that accrue between each payment are contingent on the current principal balance and how early or late monthly payments are made. In essence, payment patterns to a significant extent, dictate how much finance charges the account accrues daily. Because most of [redacted]’ payments were over 30 days late, she accrued finance charges in excess of what was initially contemplated under the Contract. Please refer to the enclosed copy of the Contract and a system generated payment history for a better understanding of how each payment is applied towards accrued finance charges and principal balance. An [redacted] based payment history is also enclosed as a supplement to our system generated payment history.
Finally, in regards to [redacted]’ concern that we did not notify about the remaining balance owed on the account, please find enclosed a letter from [redacted] dated August 16, 2011 requesting that we cease our communications with her. Accordingly, we could not contact her about the balance owed.
Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and I hope my response provides [redacted] with the clarity that she seeks. If [redacted] has any further questions or concerns regarding the balance owed, she can contact me directly at [redacted], extension [redacted].
CC: [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will contact the company to make payment arrangements for the balance. I would like to point out that the "do not contact letter" submitted in 2011 was to stop calls to my job and relatives. It does not obviate a simple letter explaining the additional money due, which is what I was requesting. I would like to thank [redacted] for the detailed explanation.
Review: The purchase was done on Saturday July 13 from CarMax. My wife and I traded in two vehicles for one smaller one. One of those vehicles had some negative equity in it. The details of the deal are below:- [redacted] with approx. [redacted] negative equity- [redacted] traded in- approved for financing for the [redacted] we were purchasing with the [redacted] negative equity and 750 cash down.- Used the [redacted] as the down with a 1000 dollars for trade in so we covered the down and then someAll contracts and paperwork were signed by us and the dealer that evening and we turned over possession of both the [redacted] and [redacted] for the used [redacted]. On July 23rd we received a phone call from the Sales Manager that we worked with that evening about how the deal cannot be financed and we will need to bring in the [redacted] to rerun the financing or give them around 450 dollars more as the down. When I ask for an explanation she stated that they entered in the trade in on the computer incorrectly and the finance company will not take the [redacted] trade in as a cover for the down. More or less they considered it [redacted] negative with the [redacted] rather then the deal which was [redacted] negative with the [redacted] as the down to cover the 750. The [redacted] that I had traded in was paid off on July 22nd by the dealer prior to this call. Also, when asked about whether my cars were still on the lot in case the deal can't be worked out, I was told the [redacted] yes, but the [redacted] is now gone and that she "would do everything we can to get your vehicle back". Be aware that we were approved for the original deal, but because they entered it wrong we would have to come in and redo everything. There are no stipulations in the contract that this sale could be adjusted or it was conditional. [redacted] should not have been removed without secured financing per Arizona state law.The financing contract has no language that it is temporary or adjustable in nature.Desired Settlement: Maintain the original agreement as made in the contract and pre-approval. No renegotiations and no more additional fees. Just honor the sales/financing contract.
August 20, 2013
Review: Many issues with this dealer. I purchased a [redacted] in January 2014, a few months after the purchase the vehicle registration expired. The dealer is unwilling to correct the registration issue and now I have to pay the DMV to renew the registration. I was told by the dealer that I should have read my paperwork more thoroughly and noticed that they were only including transfer fees in my contract.
The next issue I had is the next day after I purchased the car, it had some engine problems, AC problems, and suspension noise problems. I scheduled an appointment and had the vehicle diagnosed. Several days later the parts arrived and I took my car in to have them replaced. It took them 14 days to get the car back to me. Upon receiving my car I noticed it still had several concerns including the original engine concerns.
To make a long story a bit shorter, since I purchased the vehicle in January, carmax has had my vehicle in service for the same concerns for a total of 31 days. They still cannot fix my car. I have attempted to utilize the 5 day guarantee and return the vehicle but I was told since it was in service they had to wait for the vehicle to be repaired. After which time, the vehicle was still not repaired and the 5 days had passed. Within the 30 carmax warranty, the car had been in for service a total of 14 days. Now almost 9 months after the purchase, I am still having trouble with this vehicle and carmax refuses to assist with the original 5 day return guarantee. They are claiming there is no record of me requesting a return within the 5 day period. The repair records show I had the vehicle in for a laundry list of repairs only a day after purchase.Desired Settlement: At this point, now that so much time has gone by, I would like carmax to return my down payment, and all payments made by me to the bank for this vehicle loan. When this first occurred I was simply seeking a exchange to another vehicle with the same price range.
Review: In March of 2012 - I purchased a [redacted] with a little over 115,000 miles. I basically was approved online/telephone so when I in to purchase the truck everything was ready to go. My sales lady mentioned to me that she added a vehicle warranty on the truck for 72 months or 150,000 miles. I was told that it was plus 150,000 mile from the odometer reading of 115,000. So now fast forward to 2013, I called in December/January to inquire about the GAP coverage refund and while I was on the phone with the sales manager iquired about the warranty on the vechicle and once again I was told that it was plus 150,000 from odometer reading at the time of purchase. I distinctively asked him for a second time in which I asked is the warranty good to 150000 miles or 150,000 above the miles at the time of purchase. Ok so now (2/7/2014) my engine light is on and I currently have 159,000 miles - so I called the [redacted] Carmax to inquire about the MaxCare warranty( I never received a warranty card from them)and I was told my warranty had expired. So I spoke with a sales [redacted] named [redacted] and he tried to tell me that it was 72 months or 150,000 miles on the odometer which ever came first. Now I'm no dummy but they are basically saying that I paid 1999.00 for a warranty that lasted 35,000 miles left before the vehicle reached 150,000. Well this it the second car AND the very LAST car I will ever purchased from car max - not only was I overcharged for the vehicle so Im upside down,@159,000 mile I have no warranty (so they say) and also a have a check engine light on. I havent had the car 2 years and I put almost 45,000 miles on my car...
Product_Or_Service: [redacted]Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Other (requires explanation)
I want my warranty extended to the miles I was told or I want a partial refund for the warranty that I NEVER used.
February 21, 2014
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Re: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
I am writing you in response to your letter dated February 7, 2014, wherein you forwarded a complaint from [redacted]. [redacted] requested in the desired settlement for CarMax to either issue her a partial refund or extend the mileage on her Extended Service Plan.
[redacted] purchased a [redacted] (“the Vehicle”), from the CarMax store located in [redacted] (“CarMax”) on or about March 1, 2012. [redacted] called CarMax to inquire about the Extended Service Plan on her Vehicle. CarMax reviewed [redacted] contract with her and advised her that according to the signed paperwork, CarMax’s Extended Service Plan states the following:
· This Service Contract begins on the Purchase Date (See Key Terms) and at the Current Odometer Reading stated in Section 1 of the Information Schedule. This Service Contact ends when the Months [72] from the Purchase Date is reached or when the Expiration Miles [150,000] are registered on the odometer, whichever occurs first.
This contract was signed and dated by [redacted] on or about February 29, 2012.
Due to [redacted] being made fully aware of the terms and conditions of her Extended Service Plan prior to purchase, CarMax is declining [redacted] request for reimbursement. Furthermore, CarMax is not able to extend the mileage on the Extended Service Plan.
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint and apologizes for any inconvenience [redacted] may have experienced.
Please contact me at [redacted] extension [redacted] with any questions you may have.
[redacted] Executive Response Team
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Complaint still stands and I will NEVER purchase from there again. Also if and when I called it was about my [redacted] that I had purchased from them previously not the truck that I just purchased.
Review: I brought my van back in March-20-2014 and I left it for service March-21-2014 for a knocking noise under the hood. I been back to carmax over 14 times. 10-13-2014, 12-11-2014, 12-23-2014, 1-14-2015, 1-29-2015, 2-11-2015, 3-27-2015, 4-28-2015, 5-1-2015, 8-7-2015, 8-24-2015, 9-30-2015, 10-27-2015, 11-5-2015. I paid $497.97 8-24-15 and over $600.00 on 9-30-15 and I went to carmax on November 5-15 and they told me it was my brakes and rooters that the caliber is moving back and forth. I had extended warranty when I brought the van but by me having to keep going back and forth to carmax the warranty company said I breach my contract which I didn't know why cause I was coming for the same problems that suppose to been fix since the first time I left my van for service.Location: Charlotte ncMake: [redacted]Model: [redacted]Owner/Co-Ownder? YesDesired Settlement: I want all the money I paid to carmax to be refunded cause the problem is not fix and I want my van fix I have kids that's the whole reason I went to carmax in the first place I could of went to [redacted] dealer and I wouldn't be having these problems right now and my van would still be under warranty.
November 30, 2015 [redacted], Operations Supervisor 720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300Richmond, Virginia 23236 Re: Ms. [redacted]Complaint ID [redacted], VIN: [redacted] (the “Vehicle”) Dear Mrs. [redacted]: Thank you for forwarding the complaint dated November 8, 2015 regarding the Vehicle purchased from the CarMax store located in Charlotte, North Carolina (“CarMax”) on or about March 20, 2014. Ms. [redacted] requested in the desired settlement for CarMax to repair the current concerns with Vehicle at no cost and also refund her any amount that she paid towards the repair of the Vehicle. CarMax has been in communication with Ms. [redacted] since the receipt of this complaint and has determined that the noise concern was coming from the braking system in the Vehicle. CarMax scheduled a follow-up appointment for Ms. [redacted] to bring the Vehicle back to CarMax the following day (November 20, 2015) to diagnose and repair the noise concern at no cost to her under the terms of a 6-month or 6,000 mile warranty for a related repair. Ms. [redacted], however, did not show up for this appointment. CarMax called Ms. [redacted] on or about November 20, 2015 and on or about November 24, 2015 to reschedule her appointment and left messages for Ms. [redacted]. CarMax is declining Ms. [redacted]’s request for a refund as these fees have been charged in accordance with the terms of her Extended Service Plan. However, CarMax invites Ms. [redacted] to contact the Service Department at (704)535-7791 if she would like to schedule a follow-up appointment to have the brake issue diagnosed and repaired at no cost to her. CarMax looks forward to the opportunity to hear back from Ms. [redacted] and appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. Please contact me at (804)747-0422 extension [redacted] with any questions you may have. Sincerely, Nekia W[redacted]Analyst, Executive Response Team
I did show up at carmax the date of my appointment and show and Matt and Darnell was also there when I came in and me Matt and Darnell took a test drive and also heard the noise and show as check it out as well and the money I paid was out of pocket cause Darnell said CNA said I breach my contract so I do want a refund for all the times I came in for my van making noise all the times I came out of pocket for the problem that Carmax kept saying it was fix seems like this is turning into a civil matter. Look at my history how many times have I been in for the same problem can you provide with them documents.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
I bought a car a CarMax I am a female who does not have a lot of time since I travel and I am very busy. Within 10 months not even I go to the oil change place and they tell me my tires are at dangerous levels in the front but the back are fine. I went into the dealership on the weekend (only time I am available) and I was told that as long as they measure a 4 they are within safety limits. The back tires register a 9. Being a female I hate car dealerships they are always trying to pull one over to begin with but there is no way they did not realize the large difference in the tires. I would think that is something that should be disclosed.
Review: I purchased a car from the CarMax Burbank, CA location on September 14, 2013. I signed all the necessary paperwork, etc., and was informed everything would be done efficiently and quickly on CarMax's end. December 19, 2013 comes and I still have no vehicle plates, registration or anything. I contact the [redacted] to see if there was a delay due to the October 2013 closure. No. I was informed that CarMax had neglected to finish [redacted] paperwork and send back to complete the process. I call CarMax in Burbank, CA. They blame the [redacted]...then find the paperwork [redacted] sent them was "mis-filed". I am assured by [redacted] in finance that this will be rectified and he will get me a temporary registration the next day. I leave a work event to go pick up this registration 12/20/13. They don't have it when I arrive at CarMax. I am again assured that they will complete the process and I will have everything in hand by the next week. No. By 12/26/13 I am told they will [redacted] me the plates. [redacted] them to himself at work. THEN [redacted] decides that they have the wrong plates. As of Thursday, 1/2/14 I am told the plates, registration, everything will be overnighted for a Saturday delivery to my home on 1/4/14. I take the morning off to make sure I can be there for the delivery. It is 1/4/14...nothing was delivered. I call CarMax again. There was another problem and they were unable to complete the [redacted] process. No phone call no notice whatsoever so that I can re-coop my lost wages for the day. AND am told that it will be at least another week and that they will 'try' to do everything to complete this transaction but they only go to the [redacted] on Fridays. I feel like this company is holding me hostage and have not even a temporary registration as they would not issue one in place of the old one. What recourse do I have? I keep getting blown off like it is no big deal. It is a HUGE deal. I can imagine they are doing this repeatedly to customers. They are do as little as possible and there is nothing I can do about it.Desired Settlement: I would like this to permanently go on their reviews - or make this public knowledge so that other consumers don't have to go through the misery that I am going through right now. I would like for CarMax to be some how penalized for their lack of business ethic and as far as I am concerned - breach of the contract concerning this purchase. They need to take responsibility for not doing the job they agreed to do. If I treated my clients with such dismissal - I would be fired.
<st1:street w:st="on"><st1:address w:st="on">720 Moorefield Park Drive Suite 300
<st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Richmond, <st1:state w:st="on">Va. 23236
Re: [redacted]
Dear [redacted],
Thank you for forwarding the complaint received in your office from [redacted] regarding the [redacted], VIN [redacted](the “Vehicle”) that she purchased on or about September 14, 2013 from the CarMax store located in
<st1:place w:st="on"><st1:city w:st="on">Burbank, <st1:state w:st="on">California.
As stated in her letter, [redacted] purchased a vehicle from CarMax. There were some issues with processing the paperwork because the Vehicle was registered in <st1:state w:st="on">California but had a <st1:state w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">New York title. In addition to that, the Vehicle was originally titled in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state w:st="on">New York and therefore the title had to be accompanied by a notarized lien release from the previous owner. The normal process to complete these types of transactions can take up to 90 days in order to get the Vehicle registered. For this reason, in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:state w:st="on">California, The Report of Sales is placed on the windshield of the Vehicle to serve as a temporary tag which is good for six months. Please be advised that this was explained to [redacted] during the time of purchase.
CarMax understands and regrets the inconvenience that this may have caused [redacted]. We are pleased to inform you that [redacted] vehicle was registered and plates issued on or about January 6, 2014, within the time frame for completing this process.
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. Please call me at
[redacted], extension [redacted], if you have any questions.
Analyst, Executive Response Team
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The 'temporary' registration on this vehicle I purchased was not good for 90 days like stated in the CarMax Response. It expired on December 19, complaint was that they did not complete the transaction in a timely manner and the paperwork that was sent back to them regarding the New York title issue was sent to them on October 16, 2013....and was ignored. The only reason this got resolved is because I called practically every day to yell and scream for them to get this transaction completed only to run into constant problems with CarMax NOT doing their job.
Review: I purchased a [redacted] in September of 2013 with the extended warranty. In October 2014, my transmission failed. I took the car to my local mechanic which advised the extended warranty - the repair would be in excess of $14K. They also advised a Class Action suit against [redacted] for defective transmissions has settled two months prior and I should be advised of my rights. They failed to inform me of the issue with the [redacted] transmission, therefore I sent the information I researched further directly. The extended warranty requested I take the vehicle to Autonation of BMW - [redacted] for repairs which resulted in a bill in excess of $7K. By January, the transmission failed again. I again had to take the car in for repair on the transmission which resulted in another $1K. When I picked the car up two days ago, the transmission failed once again and is now back at the dealership again waiting on transmission repairs. I have paid out of pocket for the deductible and towing expenses each time which I cannot afford to do and make payments. I do not want to relinquish the car to my lender and ruin my credit but cannot drive a vehicle that is unsafe and could cause injury to myself or others.Location: Knoxville, TNMake: [redacted]Model: [redacted]Owner/Co-Ownder? YesDesired Settlement: I would like to have my car either replaced with a fresh start or I would like to have all monies I have paid into the car returned to me from my beginning purchase date including down payment, payments, repairs, and towing expenses putting me back into the state I was in prior to purchasing the vehicle.
11, 2015
[redacted], Operations Supervisor
Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
VA 23236
RE: [redacted]
[redacted] (VIN: [redacted] (the “Vehicle”))
Dear Mrs. [redacted],
you for forwarding the complaint received in your office from Ms. [redacted] regarding
the Vehicle purchased from CarMax of Knoxville, TN ("CarMax") on September
21st, 2012. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] cites repair concerns with
the Vehicle and requests a reimbursement of all monies associated with the
was unaware of Ms. [redacted]’s concerns prior to receiving this complaint. Ms.
[redacted] completed transmission repairs covered under her MaxCare extended
service plan. She was not responsible for any additional charges in October of
2014 and January of 2015 outside of a deductible of $200.00 for these repairs.
will diagnose any additional repair concerns; however, CarMax has not had the
opportunity to diagnose any service concern on the Vehicle since Ms. [redacted]’s
purchase. Ms. [redacted]’s Vehicle also remains covered under the extended service
plan purchased.
In the event Ms.
[redacted] would like to sell the Vehicle, she is welcome to bring the Vehicle to
CarMax for a free appraisal offer.
Thank you
kindly for providing CarMax the opportunity to respond to this matter.
Analyst, CarMax Customer Relations
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.[redacted] has a class action suit against them for transmission failures. I paid much more than just a $200 deductible using my extended warranty as I had to pay the deductible and towing expenses three times as well as make arrangements for other transportation. The complaint was filed because CarMax indicated it was not their problem nor could they fix the transmission in their facility. I have contacted counsel as well as Consumer Affairs, the Attorney General and [redacted]. According the Attorney General and various complaints filed against [redacted], CarMax should have never sold the vehicle as it was recalled. I have asked [redacted] to put me in the same situation I was prior to the purchase of the [redacted]. Regards,[redacted]
Review: I'm financing a used [redacted] from CarMax that was purchased on May 2, 2014. However when I got the vehicle everything was great until I realized it was a scratch on the door panel. I contacted CarMax and had it serviced but it was not corrected until after the 3rd attempt. A month or two later I began to hear a loud popping noise on the front right hand side of the car, I had it looked at by CarMax and was informed they needed to replace struts and other parts that were worn and dry rotted which to me was unbelievable especially after being assured the car was serviced and everything was taking care of before it was put on the lot. Why I should have to be concerned about worn car parts if it was serviced completely? Now I have a squeaky noise on the same side of the car no mechanic at CarMax can recognize! After test driving it TWICE and me not being able to mimic the noise my car makes when I drive over bumps, I’m told to drive it until it starts making the noise more or pretty much until it worsens. I was also advised by [redacted] the service manager at CarMax I should take it to a [redacted] dealership to have it serviced. I then asked why do I pay for the extended warranty through CarMax if I’m being referred to the [redacted] dealership whenever they can’t fix the problem. This is completely unacceptable! I also had it looked at by a another mechanic at a local express oil and he was kind enough to put it on the rack and look under the car to see if he could pen point anything. He stated everything under my car looks rusty and I should inquire about pulling the Carfax to see if my car was in a flood at any point. I hate I ever got my car through CarMax because I’m having to pay for a car I’m not comfortable driving because I don’t know what will go wrong next and me being told to just pretty much deal with it until they can find the problem was the last strawLocation:[redacted]
Make: [redacted] Model: **Owner/Co-Ownder? YesDesired Settlement: I would prefer a car that does not have to be re-serviced for looked over issues such as struts and worn car parts!
13, 2015
Via Electronic Mail
[redacted], Operations Team
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23236
Re: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
I am
writing in response to your letter which forwarded the complaint of [redacted]
[redacted]. On May 2, 2014, Ms. [redacted] purchased a [redacted], VIN [redacted] (the “Vehicle”), at the CarMax of Birmingham, AL. In her complaint, Ms. [redacted] is requesting a
vehicle that doesn’t have to be re-serviced for looked over issues such as
struts and worn parts.
[redacted] brought the Vehicle to CarMax for a loud popping noise on July 2, 2014. CarMax discovered that her struts needed to
be replaced. CarMax replaced the struts
in July of 2014. Ms. [redacted] brought the
Vehicle back for a squeaking noise while going over bumps on December 18, 2014
and February 17, 2015. CarMax took the
Vehicle for a test drive on February 17, 2015 and was not able to duplicate the
concerns. CarMax offered to reimburse
Ms. [redacted] for the deductible charge by another repair location should she
choose to obtain a second opinion.
appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint. If you have any
questions, please call me at [redacted], ext [redacted].
Customer Relations Analyst
Review: I've owned the car for approximately 90 days. At this point, the car has been in the shop for more than 55 days for various repairs. The total amount of time spent on repairs is something less than 48 hours, however the rest of the time has been spent waffling, blame-shifting, and other indecisive behaviors. I have a 25+ page document outlining the entire ordeal and will gladly submit it as part of this complaint.Location: 8800 Freestate Drive Laurel MD 20723Make: [redacted]Model: [redacted]Owner/Co-Ownder? YesDesired Settlement: Provide a warranty of the vehicle's power train that will permit me to take the car to competent and qualified technicians who are focused on resolving issues, not prolonging them.
24, 2016
[redacted], Operations Supervisor
Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
VA 23226
RE: [redacted]
VIN: [redacted] 2012 [redacted] (“the Vehicle”)
Dear Mrs.
Thank you for forwarding the
complaint received in your office from [redacted] regarding the Vehicle
purchased from CarMax of Laurel, MD (“the Vehicle”). In his complaint, Mr. [redacted] states that his
vehicle has been in for repairs for 55 out of the 90 days he has owned the Vehicle. Mr. [redacted] requests a “power train warranty”
be provided on the Vehicle so he can take it elsewhere for service.
As of February 24, 2016, CarMax has
sublet the vehicle to Heritage Volkswagen for further diagnosis and
repairs. CarMax is covering the cost of
diagnosis and repair.
CarMax Customer Relations is in continual
communication with Mr. [redacted], and will work with him until all issues are
If Mr. [redacted] has any additional
questions, he may contact me at 1-800-519-1511 ext. [redacted].
CarMax Customer Relations
Thank you for responding to my complaint. I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and would like to provide the following update:This morning marks 114 days of ownership, and 75 days in the shop. At this point, I have been in constant daily communications with both CarMax Corporate and their Laurel MD location. At this point, we've pretty much decided that the car is unrepairable and are giving up on it. CarMax is in the process of locating another car from their inventory as a replacement, and are processing a full return of the one listed in this complaint. With any luck, we'll be able to solve the situation, as we can't seem to fix the car. I would like to leave this case open until that final resolution has been reached, however. Regards,
Review: My husband and I purchased a car a few weeks ago from the CarMax location in Parker, CO. Nate was our sales person. Our first initial trip to look for a new car was decent, we were helped by Spencer. He is the one who eventually found our new car and sent us the information. Our next trip to CarMax to purchase the car was a lot different. We were there all day trying to figure out the paperwork and it seemed like their sales staff and business center did not want to try and make the process any easier. We finally left that night with the new car. The frustrations then seemed to worsen. We have since then been back to this CarMax on a weekly basis with some kind of issue with the car. We have had to bring it to the service center 3 times for issues and the 3rd time was because they did not solve the issue from the second time it was brought in. My husband has called not only the CarMax in Parker (and even spoke with Spencer), but also the main location in Virginia. He has called in 3 times in hopes of talking to someone who can remedy the situation and offer good customer service. Every time he called in he was told "I will have a manager call you." Not once has a manager contacted us about the issue. I personally am a manager in customer service and this is never something I would do to any customer. We are not frustrated with the product itself and overall really like the car. The customer service however, has been extremely disappointing and I would not recommend anyone to purchase their new car at CarMax for the sales experience and the customer service.Location: 18220 Ponderosa Dr, Parker, CO 80134Make: [redacted]Model: [redacted]Owner/Co-Ownder? YesDesired Settlement: I would hope that from this, the management of CarMax would take this seriously and use it to better the experience for other consumers. We would like our car completely fixed from any issue that should have been resolved in the inspection. We both work full time jobs and no longer wish to make weekly trips to CarMax, especially with no manager willing to remedy our dissatisfaction.
February 16, 2016
Operations Supervisor
720 Moorefield Park Drive, Suite 300
Richmond, Virginia 23236
Re: [redacted]
Complaint ID: [redacted]
2013 [redacted] (the “Vehicle”), VIN: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted]:
Thank you for forwarding the complaint dated February 9, 2016 regarding
the Vehicle purchased from the CarMax store located in Parker, Colorado (“CarMax”)
on or about January 16, 2016.
In her complaint, Mrs. [redacted] describes frustrations with
purchasing the Vehicle, visits to the service center for mechanical concerns, and
a lack of follow-up by a member of the management team. In her letter, Mrs.
Lucero requests that the mechanical concerns with the Vehicle be addressed.
CarMax’s records indicate that the service department is currently
working with Mrs. [redacted] regarding the Vehicle. As of February 16, 2016 the
required parts have been ordered, and the newest concern will be addressed as
quickly as possible. The repairs will be completed at no cost to Mrs. [redacted] and
will be covered by the 30-day limited warranty. CarMax stands behind completed
mechanical repairs with a 6 month, 6,000 mile warranty. Mrs. [redacted] is
encouraged to continue working with the Parker location’s service department
about service concerns by calling 303-841-4275, option 4.
CarMax appreciates the opportunity to respond to this complaint.
Please contact me at (800) 519-1511, extension [redacted],
with any questions you may have.
Kristina [redacted]
Analyst, Executive Response Team
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. If the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [email protected].