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Reviews Capri Jewelers

Capri Jewelers Reviews (78)

[redacted] and Mr. [redacted]’s policy was set to renew effective July 22, 2017. At theinception of the policy, Ms. [redacted] requested to have documents sent via email to[redacted] instead of mail. The Offer to Renew and the AutomatedRecurring Payment Notice were emailed to the email...

address provided on June 21,2017. This was 31 days prior to the first payment of $300.44 being drafted from theirbank account on July 21, 2017.On the Offer to Renew cover page, it asks the customer to review the Vehicle RatingInformation Chart to ensure accuracy. We did have a rate change since their priorrenewal, but Mr. [redacted] was also involved in an at-fault accident, which was now beingsurcharged effective the renewal. The accident was listed on the Vehicle RatingInformation Chart.The first time we were contacted by Mr. [redacted] was on July 25, 2017, which was after therenewal date. The agent explained the rate increase and the date that we sent all thedocumentation to Ms. [redacted]’s email address. Mr. [redacted] stated he would be callingback to cancel the policy.On July 26, 2017, [redacted] contacted us to email a Claims History Letter. Since thisrequest must be sent to our Underwriting Department, the turnaround time is typicallyaround 5 business days. The Underwriter did email the letter on August 2nd.If Ms. [redacted] and Mr. [redacted] decide to cancel their policy with us, we will send a proratedrefund. We will not backdate the cancellation to the renewal date of July 22, 2017since we have been providing coverage since that date. We will not pay the insufficientfunds fee as we gave a month’s notice prior to drafting the account.We do not feel this is a justified complaint. The renewal declarations and paymentschedule were emailed a month prior to the renewal date and a month prior to payment

I am seeking compensation for the time missed from work that I had to use my PTO for due to Wawanesa's insured rear-ending me. I am pregnant with twins and against medical advice didn't seek medical care after the fender bender because I thought it was frivolous and unnecessary and didn't want to cause unnecessary costs for such a minor accident. The missing of work to take my car in for repairs was not unnecessary. I spoke to a Wawanesa representative today and she doesn't feel their insured is liable for my missed time from work, for the accident their insured has already accepted liability for. I have limited PTO that I've been saving for maternity leave and do not appreciate the expense of having to use it because some it was in a hurry and rear-ended me. It is a valid cost of the accident and not a mere "inconvenience" as Wawanesa claims. It is a real cost to a real person who is not at fault in this accident. My hourly wage is $41.64/hour and I missed 4 hours total from work, so the total cost to me was $166.56. It's not an outrageous or dishonest amount, and I expect to be reimbursed. As I told the Wawanesa representative today, I am willing to file a small claims case against their insured for this cost that Wawanesa continues to refuse to reimburse me. The accident occurred in Solano county and the court house just happens to conveniently located right in my town, and I go on maternity leave next week, so I have nothing but time to pursue this, as my twins aren't due until November. Wawanesa has probably wasted over the $166.56 in resources denying responsibility for this cost, so it is sheer stupidity on their part and they're not doing a very good job of protecting their insured. If they were my insurance company and I knew they were putting me at risk of a small claims court case, I'd fire them!

Ms. [redacted] contacted our office on December 15, 2016 to inquire about her renewal amount anddue date. We sent an offer to renew, so if a payment is not received by the due date we send a lapsenotice that lets the customer know the policy has expired, but we would reinstate the policy...

withoutinterruption if the payment is received within a certain time frame. If a payment is never made, thepolicy remains cancelled and there is no fee or premium associated with it. Ms. [redacted] contactedour office on January 04, 2017 when she received the lapse notice. Ms. [redacted] advised therepresentative that she had thought she cancelled the policy already as she had purchased insuranceelsewhere. The representative she spoke to cancelled the policy effective January 5, 2017 instead ofbackdating it to the renewal date, which generated a bill for $34.71. Ms. [redacted] sent an emailthrough our website on January 11, 2017 explaining that our agent had made an error. Afterreviewing the policy and listening to the phone calls, I replied to her email and provided anexplanation of what had happened. I apologized and assured her I would make the appropriatecorrections. After making the corrections in the system, I emailed Ms. [redacted] and sent her a copyof the corrected cancellation notice that reflected no premium was due. Ms. [redacted] respondedthanking me for a prompt response to her email and that she appreciated the help.If you need further assistance regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely,[redacted]Customer Service Division SupervisorWawanesa General Insurance Company

Thank you for the information Mr. [redacted]. I'm very happy to see this and glad I could resolve this for you. I apologize again for the issue, and the service you received. I will address the agent you spoke with on January 5th. I will be responding to the this week to address...

the complaint.Sincerely,[redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]

We have received your request for additional information regarding the damages to our insured's 2003 Honda S2000, caused by our Salvage facility, Insurance Auto Auctions. In this request, our insured has added a Complaint regarding the amount of time it took to have his vehicle delivered to his residence after it was deemed repairable.We received notice that his vehicle would be repairable on March 11, 2016. At that time, our adjuster attempted to reach him, leaving a voice mail requesting a call back with the name of a shop he would like to repair his vehicle. On March 16, 2016, upon hearing from our Customer, our adjuster was able to advise Insurance Auto Auction, to have the vehicle towed to our insured's residence. Standard towing procedure allows 24 to 48 hours upon order placement. The vehicle was then delivered on March 22, 2016, which amounted to four business days. We had also spoken to the insured on this day and informed him of the tow and delivery status,As Stated in our first response we thought as a first step, it would be best for the Manager at Insurance Auto Auction, to contact the insured directly. Once we were advised that they were not taking full responsibility for all the incurred damages, we assigned a re-inspector to complete a thorough estimate and Confirm that the damages resulted from forklifting while at Insurance Auto Auction. Our re-inspector made Sure before leaving on vacation to have the estimate completed, and we were able to issue payment to our insured for a total of $3,459.01 for the tow yard damages. We have also extended rental to our insured for the additional time it will take to complete the additional repairs. We will be contacting Insurance Auto Auction, for reimbursement of damages and for the additional rental.We understand our Customer's frustration with the events of his claim. With that in mind, we made attempts which we feel were helpful for him in order to fully repair his vehicle.Sincerely,Wawanesa General Insurance Company

We have received a letter from the, regarding the additional damages to your 2003 Honda S2000, while stored at our storage facility, Insurance Auto Auctions. You notified me of these additional damages on March 23, 2016. At that time, I advised you, I would contact the manager...

of that yard to inquire if they would accept liability for the additional damages. In speaking with the manager she informed me she would review the matter and let me know if this damage occurred while in their possession. I also requested she contact you directly as I believed that would be the best first step to take in this situation. Unfortunately, the salvage yard only took responsibility for the forklift damage to the rear bumper, and claimed the rest of the damage was pre-existing.On March 29, 2016, in order to resolve the situation, I felt it was best to have our re-inspector meet with you at a shop to complete a more thorough inspection, and determine if these damages could have occurred while at our salvage yard. Our re-inspector met with you on March 31, 2016, per your request and was able to determine that the damages did occur while stored at Insurance Auto Auction, mainly from being forklifted while in their possession.Our re-inspector will write a complete estimate on all the additional damage, so that you may have these damages repaired at the same time as your original collision claim related damages. We will then look to IAA, to reimburse us for such damages. We will also cover any additional rental needed for the additional time it will take make these additional repairs. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has Caused you.Sincerely,Wawanesa General Insurance Company[redacted] Material Damage Supervisor

Dear Mr. [redacted]:We are in receipt of letters from both the California Department of Insurance and the wherein you request their assistance. You provided them with a lengthy description of your version of how the claim was handled. Specifically you are not happy with the...

offer to resolve your bodily injury claim.As you are well aware Wawanesa General Insurance Company immediately accepted liability on behalf of our insured, Mr. [redacted]. Upon receiving the appraisal for your 2011 [redacted] a payment for your property damage was sent to you, five days after the date of loss. Wawanesa General Insurance Company arranged for a rental vehicle, for your convenience, and paid that bill in full immediately upon receipt.The only item remaining in this matter is to resolve your bodily injury claim. In your description of the problem to the Department of Insurance there appears to be a great issue with regard to the bruising to your back. In review of your [redacted] records, a copy of page 4 is included with this letter, we noted that Dr. [redacted] was very clear in his findings with regard to your complaints of any bruising or hematoma. In fact, Dr. [redacted] placed those comments in bold that there was a lack of bruising noted. You provided us with a photograph to demonstrate a bruise in your left shoulder area of your back. We took this into consideration as we evaluated your claim for injury.Please be advised that our offer of $1350 includes compensation for all medical bills, to include your co-payments, and any and all bruising you may have sustained in the accident. This evaluation is reasonable given all medical records we have regarding this minor accident.Please be advised that your claim has been thoroughly reviewed by additional Wawanesa General Insurance Company staff since your Department of Insurance and complaints and all reviewers find the offer of $1350 to be a reasonable amount.Furthermore, in my review of your file I do not find any justification for your complaints that you were not fairly treated by any of our staff. You claim was timely and fairly adjusted.Finally, you state to the of San Diego that you would like a refund from Wawanesa. We can find no records where you have paid any money to Wawanesa General Insurance Company that would require a refund. Therefore, I am unable to address this concern with you.At this time we are requesting you return the signed release in the amount of $1,350 if you wish to resolve your claim.Should you require any further information with regard to this claim, please feel free to contact [redacted] at [redacted] between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Mondaythrough Friday.Sincerely,WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY

Dear Mr. [redacted]:
We acknowledge receipt of your June 26, 2017, letter in which we were advised
that [redacted], has contacted your office regarding his above referenced claim.
His correspondence states the desire to be compensated in the amount of
$2,81 0-00 for the transmission repair to his...

2006 Range Rover which he feels is
related to the minor rear-end impact sustained in the above accident.
The collision occurred as the complainant was exiting a Costco gas station. As he
was negotiating a right turn out of the parking lot, our policyholder impacted the
rear bumper of his vehicle. We have issued payment to him for the damages which
amounted to $1,998.14. Enclosed are the estimate and photos of the rear bumper
We inspected the transmission at Reseda Transmissions, on two occasions after
the June 7, 2017, accident. After discussing the transmission slippage problem
with the shop, we learned that they completed some recent transmission repairs
prior to this loss. It was determined that the needed repairs were the cause of
either incomplete repairs prior to our loss date, worn parts (specifically the clutch
drum and clutch discs), or possibly both items. The repairs after the loss replaced
these parts and were not caused by our collision accident in which there was a
very minor impact to the rear bumper. The absence of broken, chipped, or cracked
transmission parts makes it very clear that our loss did not cause the transmission
slippage problem.
The appraiser verbally advised the shop twice that the transmission was not
accident related and what should have been entitled as a UPD (unrelated prior
damage) estimate was inadvertently sent over to the shop on June 22, 2017 via
email, captioned as a “supplement”. This was discovered by this office on Friday, June 23, 2017 and the mailer was clarified with the shop and customer that same

Dear Mr. [redacted]:
We acknowledge receipt of your June 14, 2017, letter in which we were advised
that Ms. [redacted] contacted your office regarding the above referenced
claim. Her correspondence indicates her desire to be contacted by someone to
address the frustration she experienced in the...

wake of the theft of her truck and
subsequent filing of her claim. She was looking specifically for someone to
acknowledge the situation she was experiencing, in particular the back-and-forth
around whether the contents of the stolen truck were covered, as well as make a
more substantive effort to help bring the claim to resolution.
Upon receipt of Ms. [redacted]’s complaint, I forwarded the information to our
Director of Regional Claims Operations, [redacted]. [redacted] engaged [redacted]
[redacted], the Claims Manager for Property in the Alberta Region, to connect
directly with Ms. [redacted]. Ms. [redacted] spoke with Ms. [redacted] on June 29, 2017
and followed up with an email detailing the agreed-upon actions for resolution.
The email sent to Ms. [redacted] is enclosed within this response.
We believe that the outreach, subsequent activity and follow up described has
sufficiently addressed Ms. [redacted]’s concerns. We thank you for the opportunity
to connect with her directly to resolve the situation.
Yours sincerely,
Vice-President, Customer Experience
Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company

This letter is in response to the inquiry made by our insured regarding his inability to contact ourCustomer Service Department. A copy of my response is enclosed.We are currently experiencing, on a monthly average, an increase of calls to our Customer Servicequeue of approximately 25%. That...

combined with training and implementation of a new processingsystem has hindered our ability to provide the type of service our policyholders are used to receiving.We are actively working on solutions to improve service. We have recently just had 10 new CSRcomplete training and start taking live calls this week. We will continue with the hiring process. Ourtraining program takes a minimum of 6 weeks to complete. Finding qualified applicants has beenchallenging with the improvement in the unemployment rate. Our employees are working extra hours;supervisors and managers are taking calls; departments with employees who previously had experiencein our call center are offering help; and we have worked with our IS Department to extend systemsoperations.As you can see in our response, our sincere apologies have been extended to Mr. [redacted]. I have providedhim with my direct contact information.If I you have any additional questions or if I can be of any service, please do not hesitate to contact me.Sincerely[redacted]Customer Service Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I did not accept business response because it did not provide proof of their claim that their customer is not at fault. Business claims their investigation supports their customer's version of events of innocence, however, their investigation is biased and flawed. 1st, their investigation is biased because they have an incentive to not pay and thus find their customer innocent. 2nd, as evidence to support their argument they provided me with a police report which shows that no investigation has been conducted by a neutral third party (i.e. police) and is based entirely on their customer's retelling of the event at a police station after the incident. The report was not taken at the scene and therefore would be inadmissible in the court or any serious investigation because it is so unreliable as to fall under the category of hearsay. Their customer failed to call the police to document the event and/or take pictures at the incident, and therefore under CA law could be liable for hit and run as she removed herself from the accident without making a reasonable effort to locate the owner of the vehicle, a.k.a me. They also claim there's damage to their customer's vehicle which supports her argument, however, they never provided any verification that the damage was not inflicted by their own customer or existed prior to the accident. No pictures were taken of their customer's vehicle at the scene of the incident and/or provided to me. On the contrary, their customer accepted the blame in her note and then changed her story after a legal counsel. In other words, the business failed to provide any concrete evidence to their customer's version of events that would have any legal standing in the courts. If anything, their customer has removed herself from the incident without calling the police and therefore is potentially liable for hit and run.Lastly, the damage inflicted to my vehicle does not support their customer's version of events. The damage to my vehicle is across the entire length of the vehicle on the driver's side, which, to support their customer's version of events, means she would have had to be speeding or have had to be pushed into my vehicle for a protracted length of time to cause such wide damage.In conclusion, I do not accept Wawanesa's investigation because it is not impartial and flawed without any supporting documentation. Because their client fled the accident without calling police and documenting everything by impartial third party, their client is at fault and the company is liable to make me whole for the damages caused. I'm attaching their client's note of culpability, the police report I was provided as "evidence," and pictures of my damaged vehicle as it was discovered at the scene after their customer has fled without a reasonable effort to locate the owner.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
We did contact [redacted] who is an extremely rude individual and tried to pit my wife and me against each other by lying. We have a letter sent to us by her denying our claim and did send a letter to them letting them know of [redacted]'s lack of decency. We pay you the insurance company to deal with these incidents and you have failed. You have stressed my wife and I beyond belief by your laziness and lack of decency.  

Please see attached response to ID: [redacted], thank you.

Please see attached response to ID:[redacted], thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[This is not correct I would often call and be informed that a "supervisor" wasn't available or I had to speak to a supervisor in the claims department and that I would need to call back and ask to be transferred to the claims department.  I also left 3 messages for a supervisor to call me back and of course I never received a return call so the statement that I only asked to speak to a supervisor once is just not true.]

Re: Our Insured : [redacted] [redacted]Policy Number : [redacted] Claim Number : [redacted] Date of Loss : December 01, 2015 ID Number : [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:We are in receipt of your compliant as referenced above, We made successful contact with Mr. [redacted] on February 9", 2016. We advised him that...

settlement of his unrecovered stolen vehicle claim will be processed upon receiving his completed notarized proof of loss form. Mr. [redacted] confirmed he did receive this document, but believes he lost it. We have sent him another one as of this date. This sworn proof of loss is mandatory before we can issue any payments on his stolen vehicle claim. Prior to this conversation our adjuster had spoken to Mr. [redacted] on December 30", in which a recorded statement was taken and the claims process explained, including the need for his notarized proof of loss. We thank you for your inquiry into this matter.Sincerely,[redacted]Material Damage Supervisor

After carefully considering whether not to write a review, I've decided to go ahead and share my experience about having my engagement ring re-sized.

When I went to pick up the ring after two days, it had been accidentally sized down to a 1.5 instead of sized up to a 4. It was shockingly small, but I understand that mistakes happen, and left without my ring so it could be readjusted. I was told it would be done in two days. Since the mistake was quite drastic, I figured the problem would be rectified as quickly as possible.

After two days, I called and it was not finished. I called each subsequent day and was promised the ring would be ready the following day (each time). On the fourth day, the jeweler was ill which I understood. On the fifth day, I was assured the ring was finished and on the courier from [redacted] on the way to the [redacted] store. The man I spoke with said he would even go pick it up himself to ensure I had it. He told I could pick it up in two hours and he would call when it arrived. I never received that call.

The next day I called, and found out that my ring was never done and was never on that courier. I called the next day and it still was not completed. Finally, the following day, I was called at 7 pm to say the ring was finished.

When I went to pick it up, and asked why I was being charged the full price, the man at the store said that they would not do the work for free. After explaining the situation, he only offered excuses, could not explain why I was lied to, and offered no apologies.

What I am most upset about is that they were dishonest and flippant about one of my most important possessions. I was never offered an apology when I picked up the ring, and the sales associate could not piece together the facts of what actually happened. Then when I questioned the final charge, I was made to feel as if the experience was flawless and I should be happy to pay for such an unfortunate experience.

Review: I placed an order for a man's chain. The salesman said I had to pay 1/2 the cost as a down payment ($80). I asked if he could guarantee the item's delivery prior to Christmas. He said it would probably arrive but would not give a guarantee. I felt like he was pushing me into going ahead with the purchase even though he couldn't/wouldn't guarantee delivery. Later that day I found the item I needed in stock at another store. I call Capri Jeweler to cancel the order. It was only when I called to cancel, that I was informed that although they would cancel the order, they would not refund my money. The salesman didn't provide a copy of the terms and conditions, he said nothing during the sale that I wouldn't get a refund if I cancelled the order. Had I been informed of this during the sale, I would have left the store. These are deceptive practices. The man I spoke to on the phone said there was a sign in the store, however, it is not easily visible and the store practices are never mentioned to the customers. The owner of the store would not speak with me on the phone.Desired Settlement: I would like to have the full $80 refunded. The item has not shipped, the order was cancelled the same day - within hours of the original sale.



Have the customer contact me at [redacted] to work out a solution for both of us.Thanks,[redacted]

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Description: Jewelers - Retail

Address: Walpole Mall, E. Walpole, Massachusetts, United States, 02032


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