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Magzter sells digital magazines by subscription and single issue purchase.The complainant claims to have never signed up for the service and this claim is accurate, as her email address was automatically entered into our database by a print magazine she subscribes to that provides its subscribers with complimentary digital access using the Magzter platform.We have investigated her complaint and can find no records of the complainant contacting our 24/customer service as she claims to have done, and we have not been able to replicate any issues with the "Unsubscribe" buttons on our emails that would explain the failed attempts to unsubscribe that she describes.We have canceled her account and deleted her email address from our database per her request, and have emailed her confirmation that this was done along with the assurance that she will not be contacted again by Magzter
Magzter's Gold subscription service claims the following: Unlimited access to premium articles and over 107,issues of 3,750+ best-selling digital magazinesAvailable magazines are listed here: [redacted] However, after subscribing, most popular magazines listed have to be subscribed to individually, for more moneyHow is this "unlimited"? I filed a [redacted] claim that was denied for the following reason: After careful consideration, we're unable to decide this claim in your favor at this timeThe listing accurately described the item you receivedI disagree, and the company should be forced to reimburse buyers who are NOT receiving what they were expecting I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: I don't use it, a refund should be approved In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted] this time, my complaint, ID *** regarding Magzter, Inchas been resolved
(By clicking "OK", your complaint will be closed as Resolved.)
Sincerely,*** ***
Magzter Incprovides tools for publishers to convert print magazines to interactive digital publications, and sells subscriptions and single issue purchases of these digital publications to consumersThe Complainant subscribed to two such publications from the Magzter Newsstand and both
subscriptions included automatic renewalsUnfortunately both of these magazines ceased publishing on the Magzter platform, yet a bug in our system caused the Complainant's account to be charged for subscription renewals following their expiration datesUpon receiving an email from the Complainant alerting us to his situation, Magzter issued store credit to him in the required amountHowever the Complainant encountered an issue redeeming the store credit, and to make matters worse his subsequent emails to us began being routinely intercepted by our spam filter for reasons unknown, so we were unaware of this issue and appeared unresponsive to the customerA full refund in the amount of $has now been issued to the Complainant with our sincere apologies for his inconvenience, and he has emailed us expressing his satisfaction and that he will in fact remain a Magzter customerAdditionally we have made changes to our system to insure that a charge for a discontinued magazine will never again be made, and we have also modified our spam filter so as not to intercept emails from our valued customersGiven the communication problems we encountered we are grateful the customer brought this matter to the attention of the, allowing us to resolve the situation in a satisfactory way for all concernedSincerely, John P*** Vice President, Product Magzter Inc
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved
*** ***
We regret that this customer is dissatisfied with his Magzter Gold subscription A Magzter Gold subscription provides unlimited access to current and back issues of 3,magazines, as the customer acknowledged in his complaintWe do have many magazines on our digital newsstand that do not participate in our Magzter Gold plan; this is not our choice but rather is the choice of the publishers of those magazines Since only about half of our magazines are part of Magzter Gold it is true that we have many magazines for which customers must subscribe to individually after the purchase of a Magzter Gold subscription, however we feel that we accurately represent the Magzter Gold plan in saying that there is unlimited access to current and back issues of 3,magazines As the customer himself pointed out we list all the Magzter Gold titles at ***, and these magazines are also identified by a gold icon on the cover, so we feel that it is clear what is included in a Magzter Gold subscription before the purchase is madeThe Magzter Gold plan does include many of the most popular magazines such as ***, *** *** ***, ***, *** ***, *** ***, *** *** and many others, and more titles are being added daily We do not feel that a refund is warranted in this case as it is common practice for digital purchases to be non-refundable since it is impossible for digital goods to be returned Kindest Regards, John John P***
*** *** ** ***
*** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** Tel: ###-###-####; Fax: ###-###-#### ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.[redacted]
[redacted] Thank you for reviewing my complaint—in a strange coincidence—after emailing my complaint to you—I received in the same hour an email (5th in back-forth sequence) from the company I was complaining about saying they would do a one-time refund, after refusing previous. So in essence, the complaint can be closed as I got what I think is fair—but still a dodgy company re: charging without permission. Thank you, Janice H[redacted]
Magzter's Gold subscription service claims the following: Unlimited access to premium articles and over 107,000 issues of 3,750+ best-selling digital magazines. Available magazines are listed here: [redacted]. However, after subscribing, most popular magazines...
listed have to be subscribed to individually, for more money. How is this "unlimited"? I filed a [redacted] claim that was denied for the following reason: After careful consideration, we're unable to decide this claim in your favor at this time. The listing accurately described the item you received. I disagree, and the company should be forced to reimburse buyers who are NOT receiving what they were expecting.
Magzter sells digital magazines by subscription and single issue purchase.The complainant claims to have never signed up for the service and this claim is accurate, as her email address was automatically entered into our database by a print magazine she subscribes to that provides its subscribers...
with complimentary digital access using the Magzter platform.We have investigated her complaint and can find no records of the complainant contacting our 24/7 customer service as she claims to have done, and we have not been able to replicate any issues with the "Unsubscribe" buttons on our emails that would explain the failed attempts to unsubscribe that she describes.We have canceled her account and deleted her email address from our database per her request, and have emailed her confirmation that this was done along with the assurance that she will not be contacted again by Magzter.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I don't use it, a refund should be approved.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.