Better Rate Movers Reviews (50)
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Address: 175 Walnut Ave Ste 102, Bronx, New York, United States, 10454
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This review is from my recent interaction with [redacted] ***and their hired third party moving company Better Rate Movers I will also be sharing my experience with the At first MapSystems seemed like a good company to do business withThey listened and updated changes as necessary, understanding that moving across country can be surprising The primary players: Mark A [redacted] (the sales representative) and Deena (the manager) Mark A [redacted] communicated my items may arrive on Labor Day ( I receive a missed call on 9/9/from a New York number at roughly 7:30am The caller did not leave a voicemail Since searching for movers my phone has been bombarded with advertisers, and so I thought nothing of the missed call At approximately 10am I decide to call the number and left a message to return my call After hours, I called again leaving another message I receive a call minutes later; it was my delivery The driver is named Andrew and through the thickness of his native [redacted] , I understood he was telling me he will arrive at 1pm at my original delivery addressShocked, I explained to him calmly I was expecting a hour notice and I was not available to arrive at the old address let alone the new address I continued to explain to him, I wasn’t sure why he did not have the updated delivery address (considering I had changed it prior to my items leaving the NY facility)He belligerently communicated his frustrations that he had driven all night and that his delivery was “early” and I, the customer, should be readily accommodating I attempted to explain to him that his efforts not only put me in an imposition, because I hadn’t planned to receive my delivery, but were also against the verbal communication Map System’s and Better Rate Mover’s policies communicated to me regarding the hour phone callRealizing I could not communicate with him further, I told him I would speak to his manager – he hung up the phone on me Since I mostly contacted [redacted] ***I decided to continue my faith in them I was put on hold by the operator, but during the minute wait I received a phone call from my boyfriend’s cell phone from Better Rate Movers Rhonda from Better Rate Movers had greeted me with a gruff attitude: “What do you want?! I was told to call this number by a supervisor so what do you want?” Stressed and already upset, I reminded her she shouldn’t talk to her customers that way and I would like to know her official title at her company She was not happy and refused to tell me her company role Upset, the first thing I asked her was: “When is the delivery driver supposed to call the customer prior to arrival?” Rhonda clarified the driver is supposed to call hours prior to arrival I then proceeded to tell her that did not happen and her driver, Andrew, was demanding to deliver my items within minutesWithin the minute phone call I communicated with Rhonda a detailed account of my phone conversation with Andrew and in the end Rhonda claimed her driver “did call [the customer] hours prior”My frustration became more elevated and I told Rhonda she was “mucking up my words,” and calling me a liar Assuming there would be a fee for this miscommunication of delivery date, I asked if I will be billed a fee for holding my items for one (1) dayRhonda said yes a $fee will be billedWhy wasn’t Rhonda transparent about this potential charge resulting in my inquiry? This is entrapment situation #4: not following procedure and putting the customer at the disadvantage and charging them for it I told her I refused to pay since she herself said the driver should call hours in advanceUnhappily and rudely Rhonda told me, “FineConsider this phone conversation a warning,” and the driver will arrive the next day at 1pm The driver did come, at 1:15pm After speaking with Rhonda I spoke to Deena from [redacted] ***Within the conversation Deena made light she was not able to give me any supervisors’ contact information from Better Rate Movers, especially the one she spoke to about my experience with Rhonda, because Deena had used a personal phone number I realize this is common practice to use personal numbers to make quick contact with each other, but it seems corrupt and puts the customer at a complete disadvantage when they are trying to rectify their situation Inspection of items upon delivery The picrew recorded items, however one (1) tool box broken into and a drill was stolen, one (1) large box with many items missing, three (3) locked suitcases were broken into and small items were stolen, two (2) paintings were stolen because a sealed box was wide open, gaming console with games and two (2) controllers were also stolen as another sealed box was also open upon delivery Mentioning the above to Andrew the delivery man, he became guarded, distraught and belligerently claimed that all items are accounted for I asked him to count with me how many items he delivered and he refused I asked why this was a problem, and only then did he concedeAlong with me he counted twice, items and one (1) was not oursI tried to ask Andrew what to do, and all he could say was “my manager said to file a claim.” I asked him the manager’s name that he spoke to so that I may speak with them the next business day, but Andrew said “I’m not authorized to tell you any names.” I retorted that it was not good business practice to be non-transparent with the customers After acknowledging the above inspection, I couldn’t inspect furtherThe one large box alone contained brand new work clothes, a down feather comforter, kitchen items, among other things I immediately checked the paperwork the foreman from the picrew had given me, and to my surprise I found two (2) letter sized documents I had not seen before Someone other than myself had signed the liability/insurance paperwork, agreeing to the partial liability of any missing or damaged items from the move I imagine when I told the foreman I wanted to read all the paperwork before signing, he did not have any patience to wait and signed the documents himself then stuffed the documents into the paperwork I did sign Since the papers were of the same color but not the same size, I did not know the folded documents he handed me contained the two (2) forged documents This is entrapment situation # Summary of Overall Experience and Request for the TERMINATION of Better Rate Movers and Investigation of the involvement of [redacted] *** Needless to say I am livid with this whole situation As a brand new graduate, I have been swindled at every step of this moving experience Customer tips for [redacted] *** Should be transparent with their customers about which third party moving company they are choosing Should allow customers to research the third part moving company Makes personal contact with supervisors and protects the unprincipled handlings of Better Rate Movers Should be transparent about the policies and procedures of hired moving companies Customer Tips for Better Rate Movers Allow the customers to read through all documentation before signing no matter how rushed you are If you allow your foreman to make last minute adjustments to the total price, that foreman should not rush the customer while they are itemizing their belongingsIf the customer is forced into paying more, do right by the customer and let them further itemize their delivery before loading the truck All staff should undergo an aggressive customer service training course as at every point, I was greeted with rudeness and anxious mannerismsDo not rush your customers Be transparent when speaking with customers If you will be charging a fee, let the customer know Don’t keep it hidden until the customer asks Don’t immediately protect your staff, especially when the customers have time-stamped proof of what they are experiencingLISTEN to your customers, they are paying you If part of your service is to “pack” items, DO NOT open them and rummage through a customer’s belongings without your customer’s knowledge Those items are not yours Have some integrity Do not STEAL from your customers Do not forge your customers signature especially when they ask for time to read the fine print of the documents you’re asking them to signA customer would never sign-off on a document stating the moving company is not liable for any loss, stolen, damaged etcitems A customer would always want the full value of their items returned Be transparent with the customers about managers, supervisors, and even what your role is with the companyDo not hide these details because you are “protecting” yourself The customer is already in a vulnerable position and wants to deal with reputable peopleHiding your role as well as hiding any dishonesty is not good for business Furthermore, DO NOT use Better Rate MoversThey are all LIARS, CHEATS, and THIEVESTHEY ARE NOT TRANSPARENT AND DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR BELONGINGS EXCEPT TO USE IT AS A PERSONAL SHOPPING EXPERIENCE I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolvedI have not received anything from them nor a phone call to advise any further action as of yetI will accept their settlement for $They need to work on their customer service skills immediatelyI am not happy with them stringing me along and not returning my callsI would not recommend this company to anyone who is looking for a moving company Sincerely, [redacted]
There was fraudulent activity on my credit card the same day I use it to pay this companyMy items arrived a week later and the customer service was horrible have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: I do not agree with the response provided by Better Rate Movers The business did attempt to extort an additional $1000+ from me on the day of delivery despite the inventory list being the exact same Numerous phone calls between the business and me as well as the involvement of [redacted] the broker that hired Better Rate occurred on the day of the move Better Rate Movers advised they had documented weight slips showing that the weight of my move was over pounds supporting the increase They did not have such! They failed to show me a weight certificate showing that the truck was weighed prior to my pick up in VA and then after the items were picked up The truck driver they sent me was a complete fraud and hustled and extra $cash from me for a long distance carry His helper told me he was hired that same day by the driver off [redacted] This business is engaged in fraud and two hours before my move they attempted to extort the extra money from me and hold my furniture for ransom if I did not pay I demand a full refund for having attempted to be scammed The documents they provided are altered and the credit slip is not my signature In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question aboveSincerely, [redacted]
Thankyou for forwarding this consumers complaint to our attention, we would like tooffer the following response: Weapologize for the delay in delivering the balance of [redacted] s shipmenthowever the items are scheduled to leave this weekend and should be deliveredwithin 4-days from departureWe apologize for the delay and will do ourbest to facilitate delivery for [redacted] Thedelivery crew was hired from a local moving company so we had every expectationthey would be experienced and able to handle the workWe are confident thedelivery driver would not have intentionally utilized individuals who were notable to handle the rigors or moving We have asked ourclaim administrator to forward claim forms to [redacted] so that she may submita claim for any transit related damage and service issuesThank youTell us why here
Thank you for your forwardingthis complaint to our attentionWe would like to offer the following response.Our records show that [redacted] provided June **, as the first date hewould be available to receive delivery of his shipment and that deliveryoccurred within the stipulated delivery window [redacted] submitted a claimto our third party claim administratorBecause the move involved the transportof household goods in interstate commerce, the rights, obligations andliability of the mover and the shipper are governed by Federal law,specifically, the Carmack AmendmentThe Carmack Amendment, and the tariffunder which we operate establishes a procedure which requires prompt payment offreight charges and sets forth a detailed claims handling process which governsthe investigation, adjustment, and, if warranted, resolution of a shipper’sclaim [redacted] selected theLimited Liability Option of $per pound per article to release theshipment Calculations of compensationfor damaged or missing items are based on the contractual limitations ofliability and the Federal and American Moving and Storage deemed weightstandards for all goods shipped As aninterstate domestic mover, we are obligated to adhere to applicable federal lawas administered by the USDepartment of Transportation, specifically inregard to limitation of liability, C.F.R§ 375.203(b) [redacted] filed a claim which was reviewed by aqualified claim analyst, certified by the American Moving & StorageAssociation (AMSA)Compensation was based upon the level of valuation coverageselected by [redacted] on the Bill of Lading and notations for damaged and/ormissing items documented on the Descriptive Inventory If [redacted] is unhappy with the coveragerecommendation he may has the right to arbitrate this further with the carrier.Thank you
This is the worst company I've ever dealt with This was a CT to NYC move and was supposed to be done the same day My husband was handling the move from CT and I was in NYC with my daughter to help her unpack First, they gave my husband one price based on boxes when my husband said there would be boxes They would not do the move until the price was taken care of My husband paid the extra money and they proceeded to load the truck They left the house at 11:and we were given an arrival in NYC ETA of 4: At 4:they still had not shows and no one was answering the cell phone number I was given I called the customer service number and spoke to a very rude and obnoxious person named Rhonda She was nasty and talked down to me on the phone She tried telling me the movers were stuck in traffic When I told her it does not take hours to get from CT to NYC, she blamed another move was being done before ours Why were we not told about this? I started yelling at her to find out where my stuff was and after listening to her BS answers, I hung up She then CALLED MY HUSBAND IN CT and complained that I had yelled at her! Who does that???? REALLY???? I have never heard of a CSR calling a spouse to complain about being yelled at by the other spouse My husband texted me and said I was right to yell at her because she gave him the same run around she gave me The movers FINALLY arrived at 6pm! I asked one of the movers (John) what took so long and he said I needed to calm down or he would not give me my belongings SERIOUSLY???? I explained that I spoke to Rhonda and she had me upset and then took a deep breath I calmed down and asked him what do I need to do for him to unload the truck? He said I was being nasty and he would leave with my stuff By this time, my blood was starting to boil and my daughter calmly asked him if he would PLEASE unload the truck WE HAD TO BEG THIS M
N TO GET OUR OWN STUFF OFF OF THE TRUCK!!!! Finally, he said a form needed to be signed and I had to pay the balance before he would take anything off the truck He tried to get me to pay $more at that time but I told him we had a deposit and I did not owe this money He seemed upset over this, but he took the balance of the money and went to unload the truck By the time they finally unloaded everything, we were too tired and upset to unpack anything Needless to say I will NEVER EVER use this service again and will warn all family and friends not to use them as well They are unprofessional, rude, and condescending It is stressful enough to move to a different state The added stress of dealing with these thieves is not needed TERRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE COMPANY!!!!!!! DO NOT USE THEM!!!!
Thankyou for forwarding this complaint to our attention We would like to offer the followingresponse [redacted] received a Binding estimate from a moving broker, [redacted] A Binding Estimate is a written agreement which guarantees the total cost ofthe move based upon the quantities and services shown on the mover's estimate.As the cost of service is already established, the carrier is not required bylaw to weigh a shipment under a Binding Estimate Werespectfully disagree that anyone attempted to extort additional funding from [redacted] or held his items hostage ‘for ransom’All charges are clearlydescribed and documented on the Intestate Bill of Lading and Order for Service,and correspond to the amounts recorded on the Binding Estimate [redacted] received from [redacted] Our agent delivered the shipment once [redacted] ’s paid the balancedue [redacted] signed the delivery portion ofthe Intestate Bill of Lading and Order for Service in close proximity to thefollowing wording: “The shipper herebyacknowledges that the shipment was received in apparently good condition exceptas noted on the inventory listFurthermore, the shipper acknowledged that allthe services that were ordered have been performed, have been fully satisfied Shipper and/or agent has full authority to accept this shipment and enter intothis agreement.” As all servicescontracted for were provided in full, [redacted] is not entitled to oreligible for a refundThank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I need to collect all binding contracts from pick up and delivery that have already been filed awayI also have to print all the photos of all the damaged items and send them to the company manually which takes time and more cost out of pocketBecause I am still in the process of moving and I work full time it is very inconvenient for me to have to do thisThey should already have copies of all my binding contracts and I should be able to email them the photos of all the damage they have caused to my ite*** I am going to try and get the pictures and contracts together this weekend and send them out next week so that we can resolve the issue
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*** ***
Thankyou for forwarding this consumers complaint to our attention, we would like tooffer the following response: *** *** contracted for moving services and was provided with a delivery window.Any updates on anticipated delivery schedules were provided in good
faith basedupon the best information available at the time. We regret the unexpected delays however thedriver arrived within the scheduled delivery window and did his best to keep*** *** *** updated on status Weappreciate the large vehicles routinely access the property however that doesnot mean that a 72’ tractor trailer with an extended cab can safely navigatethe access road and turn around in the same area smaller vehicles can. Whether or not there is safe access is leftto the driver’s discretion as he or she is best able to determine whetheraccess posed a risk to the vehicle or the other loads in the trailerAncillaryfees including Long Carry were disclosed to *** *** *** during the quoteprocess and on the date of service. We regret that itemsmay have been damaged while in transit*** *** *** currently has an activeclaim with our claim administrator (***)Once the claim is resolved we willcompensate *** *** *** in accordance with the Bill of Lading and applicablefederal lawThank you
Where do I start with these guys?
Before moving, I let them know that my building has strict 9-M-F move in policyThey obliged
They told me they'd arrive on a Thursday, and so I took the day off workThey did not arrive Thursday and told me they'd be in FridayI took Friday off of workThey did not arrive FridayThey told me they'd be there MondayI took Monday off from workThey arrived, refused to take my certified cashier's check -- claiming that it's more fraudulent than a money orderAfter ~minutes of arguing, they accepted my moneyAmong my things was a couch that was going across the street and a 9xL shaped desk that did not fit in my new homeThey said they'd happily move the couch across the street and dispose of the desk for a $tip, to which I obligedThey left both outside the building across the street and drove off
Awful experience
Don't do business with these people
Thankyou for forwarding this complaint to our attention. We would like to offer the followingresponse*** *** was provided with a quote in good faith based upon informationshe providedA Binding Estimate is a written agreement which guaranteesthe total cost
of the move based upon the quantities and services shown on themover's estimateOnthe date of service *** ***’s estimate was revised for cubic feet of additionalinventory and the 10% fuel surcharge.*** *** wasadvised that her shipment would be delivered within 3-business days from the1st date *** *** could receive delivery of her shipment, which ***
*** had indicated was July *, The shipment was delivered on July **,2015, within business days of the 1st available date and withinthe agreed upon delivery windowThank you
you for forwarding this complaint to our attention. We would like to offer the following
response*** *** contracted for moving services which were provided in
full Unfortunately items were lost or
damaged during transit*** *** submitted a claim which was
reviewed by a
qualified analyst certified by the American Moving & Storage Association *** *** claim was adjusted for a sofa and
a clothing rackCoverage was consistent with applicable federal law and the
level of valuation coverage chosen by *** *** on the contract*** *** opted for the free limited liability valuation
coverage which limited carrier liability to $per pound per article We strongly deny that anyone directed racial
slurs towards *** *** or that the missing item was stolen As *** *** opted
for the limited liability valuation coverage, he is not eligible for or
entitled to additional compensationThank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I paid to this people and my furniture was damage this company is very irresponsible paying only For all the damages they did to our , is that all my furniture, worth for them? when only our bedroom set was [Your Answer Here]
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# ***, and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
This company is the most horrible company there isThey picked up my furniture on the *** of June and asked me when I will be ready to receive my furniture I said I will be able to receive by July ***However, they did not delivery my stuff on the ***, when I called them they said they legally have days to delivery and it doesn't matter what they told me when I received my quoteThey did not delivery my furniture until the *** of July(days after they picked my furniture up)I have proof of when they picked my furniture up as they gave me papers with what they were picking.They called me and offered me $for them not being able to delivery on timeAfter I made my complain with, they called me and told me to take my complain back or I can forget the $I said I refused to take my complain backHe proceeded to tell me that he hopes I am happy with destroying a family company and and if if we were in front of a judge they would laugh at me and then proceeded to hang up the phone.I am so very sorry that I hired this company as my family and I had to be without any furnitures for more more than weeks.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above
*** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:
I reject this response because the price increased by adding the $150 thus making the charge an addition in price therefore it was not included by the mover. Additionally, the mover told me it was for the stairs. I'll have my calculator out when the claims person calls and I so welcome the call.
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.
Sincerely,[redacted] %
you for forwarding [redacted] rejection to our attention. We offer the following: [redacted], opted to waive the full
valuation protection coverage and instead opted for the free valuation coverage
included with his moving services. [redacted] claimed and received
compensation for two items, one item was damaged and another lost in transit. The
amount of compensation offered is consistent with the level of protection [redacted] chose on the contract. We regret that an item was damaged and another may
have been lost in transit. Even with the best moving teams, lost items are an
unfortunate reality in the moving industry, and a more likely explanation of
loss than a nefarious scheme to steal a clothing rack. Thank You.
Thank you for your forwardingthis complaint to our attention. We would like to offer the following response.Our records show that [redacted] provided June **, 2015 as the first date hewould be available to receive delivery of his shipment and that deliveryoccurred...
within the stipulated delivery window. [redacted] submitted a claimto our third party claim administrator. Because the move involved the transportof household goods in interstate commerce, the rights, obligations andliability of the mover and the shipper are governed by Federal law,specifically, the Carmack Amendment. The Carmack Amendment, and the tariffunder which we operate establishes a procedure which requires prompt payment offreight charges and sets forth a detailed claims handling process which governsthe investigation, adjustment, and, if warranted, resolution of a shipper’sclaim. [redacted] selected theLimited Liability Option of $0.60 per pound per article to release theshipment. Calculations of compensationfor damaged or missing items are based on the contractual limitations ofliability and the Federal and American Moving and Storage deemed weightstandards for all goods shipped. As aninterstate domestic mover, we are obligated to adhere to applicable federal lawas administered by the U. S. Department of Transportation, specifically inregard to limitation of liability, 49 C.F.R. § 375.203(b). [redacted] filed a claim which was reviewed by aqualified claim analyst, certified by the American Moving & StorageAssociation (AMSA). Compensation was based upon the level of valuation coverageselected by [redacted] on the Bill of Lading and notations for damaged and/ormissing items documented on the Descriptive Inventory. If [redacted] is unhappy with the coveragerecommendation he may has the right to arbitrate this further with the carrier.Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved. I have not received anything from them nor a phone call to advise any further action as of yet. I will accept their settlement for $200. They need to work on their customer service skills immediately. I am not happy with them stringing me along and not returning my calls. I would not recommend this company to anyone who is looking for a moving company.
We apoligize for the inconvenience of your move. Unfortunately we couldn't fit our truck into your area and therefore we had to charge you for a shuttle fee. The shuttle fee is clearly stated on the contract that you agreed to. It states under Special Services:...
does not have acces for an 18 wheeler the shipper will be required to pay for shuttle service. We hope that you understand that when we can't fit our truck in your area that we must rent another truck which is an expense. Once we load your goods on to the shuttle we must transfer them to our truck therefore it is extra labor for the employees. The fee goes towards the employees and the cost to rent that truck. Please know that we do not want to intentionally cause any further aggravation but these fees were an extra expense. Attached are the signed documents to support our case.
Thank you,
Better Rate Movers