Company states: We have reached out to the consumer to work out a time to work on what is written in the contractWe will not do anything outside of the contractIf the consumer does not agree with it we will cancel the job and then the down payment will be kept per our agreement
We have been in contact with Mr*** regarding this issue Mr***'s installation was delayed due to a production drop This was due to a variance between our physical measurements and our computer estimations After discussing this situation with customer, he had
decided not to continue with his solar project All funds withdrawn from customer's loan will be reversed
The funds were refunded to the customer's financing account on 1/14/ The finance company does take a few days to process refund, however customer should see that the funds have been returned Our accounting department is in processing the refund of the customer's cash payment The cheque should be sent to the customer on Friday, 1/23/ The customer should receive the cheque sometime next week
1st Light energy had been in communication the day Mr*** made this complaint and we refute his claims and his version of the events 1st light acknowledges that in July a sales representative meet with him and took the proper steps in evaluating Mr***’s home and the did enter into an
agreement to have a solar system installed We have attached mentioned agreement The sales rep that was present in the home of Mr*** no longer works for 1st light so we cannot obtain his version of events of what was mentioned in the home, but a Mr*** *** spoke with the customer on 12/29/and according to him Mr*** acknowledged that the specifics of how his electrical conduit was to be installed was not specifically discussed in the home at the time of signing the contract or at any other time until 1st light energy showed up to install the system and Mr*** was being walked through the installation plan that day and the matter of how the conduit was to be installed came up At that time 1st light informed Mr*** that the way he desired for his conduit to be installed was not a standard installation and additional funds would be required Mr*** was not willing to agree to this that moment and sent 1st light’s install crew home 1st light indicated to Mr*** that we would have to have a 3rd party contractor come out to give an estimate on the price of the work before we could give him a new price 1st light was not able to coordinate this with the customer Furthermore 1st light would like to site the agreement Mr*** signed that states the following under Acceptance and Authorization on the front page of the agreement: “By signing below, the Customer authorizes 1st Light Energy Incto perform the installation This Agreement expressly supersedes all prior written or verbal representations or agreements made by 1st Light Energy Inc., its agents, representative or employees, or anyone elseExcept as set forth in this Agreement, the Customer agrees there are other oral or written representations of inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this Agreement , and the Customer expressly disclaims their existence.” There for any discussions Mr*** may or may not have had about the conduit and when the system was going to be installed are moot points unfortunately But for the record as previously mentioned we did attempt to install the customer’s solar project well before the end of Mr***’s claim that we changed the configuration of his system is somewhat correct but the changes we made were in his favor I realize the whomever is reading this is probably not in the solar industry but very simply we upgraded his solar modules from watt panels to watt panels, essentially meaning that his system would produce more electricity It was not our intention to confuse Mr*** with technical terms it was simply to explain the changes made in his favor which is allowed according to the agreement Mr*** signed Under the system description section says: “The proposed system is listed below The system size may be changed based on customer credit limitations or pre-site audit recommendations System size changes of +/- 5% will not change any terms of this contract except the total cost.” We did finally come to an agreement with Mr*** to install his system Mr*** says he did not approve the design of the system but we have an email from Mr*** from October which I have also attached In that E-mail 1st light employee *** *** sent an email to Mr*** with a design of his system, to which Mr*** replied: “In that case, please go ahead.” When we showed up to do the installation as I mentioned previously one of our installers was going over the installation plan with Mr*** and the conduit issue came up Our employee informed him that was not how his system was designed and the manner he was requesting his conduit to be installed was not a standard installation and would cost him more money Mr*** would not agree to this so Mr*** was informed there would be nothing else we could do at that time and that we would have to leave and then the crew packed up and left Mr*** claims that we told him that we would not install the conduit inside his walls and this is not the case We did indicate that we would not do it without a new negotiated price which Mr*** was not willing to coordinate with us Mr***’s claim that we would not install him this year is not fully accurate The day we told Mr*** that his system would not be installed this year, the year of 2014, was on December 29th in the late afternoon Like I mentioned previously we did attempt to install the system in the year but we were able to at the customer’s request because of his disapproval of the manner a standard conduit installation is performed. 1st light Energy did inform Mr*** that if we wishes to cancel his installation with 1st light energy that his deposit of $1,would not be refunded to Mr*** because we were and are willing to install his system according to the agreement we have with Mr*** That agreement we have does not specify that we install the conduit in the manner Mr*** is requesting Once again 1st light is willing to work with Mr*** to come to some type of compromise in the form of additional funds to pay for the extra cost related to the untraditional installation of the conduit The cost that 1st light energy have incurred up to this point in time are much greater than $1,500, and that is why we indicated that if Mr*** wishes to cancel his project 1st light would have to as all the total expenses associated with his project and then send him an invoice for those cost since the Mr*** would be in breach of our agreement by not allowing us to install the soar project on his home I have copied the wording in the agreement that specifies this under the Liquidated Damages section of the agreement which reads: “In the event the Customer refuses to allow 1st Light Energy Incto commence performance of the work to be rendered under this Agreement, or prevents 1st Light Energy Incfrom receiving the Rebate, or prevents 1st Light Energy Incto continue performance under this Agreement, 1st Light Energy Incshall be entitled to receive from the Customer as liquidated damages a sum equal to thirty percent (30%) of the Total Contract Price.” Furthermore under the termination section it reads: “If You breach this Agreement, or following discovery of previously undisclosed legal encumbrances or easements on your premises, building/zoning code violations, or hidden/unforeseen physical/hazardous conditions such as the presence of mold, asbestos, lead paint, or any other conditions differing from what You represented, 1st Light Energy Incmay immediately terminate this Agreement without further obligation to YouIn either event, the Customer agrees to pay 1st Light Energy Incthe cost of materials, labor and services already provided up to the date/time of termination, plus any other amounts allowed under applicable law.” 1st Light Energy still is willing to work with Mr*** and we are excited and ready to install his system once we come to an agreement about his request Thank you,
Mr. [redacted] stated he had a leak prior to the installation of solar. He also stated he had the leak repaired by a roofer. The repairs to the leak may have failed, but there is no evidence this was caused by the solar. 1st Light Energy would be more then happy to provide Mr. [redacted] with a proposal to temporarily remove the solar panels, where need, to allow the roofers access.
I am rejecting this response because:yes this panels co.had send they roofer two times but the 2nd time I was able to show that guy were was the leak coming from by me wish I took down some of the plywood off the front of my home and part of the sidings so he can look under the roof and see for him self that some of the nails where still wet . and then that roofer when ahead and take off like 3 solar panels and apply some glue or tar or roof leak stoping and then I told that guy that I need the first 6 solars panels on the front of my house that they need to be install 16 to 24 inches from my gutter so I can replace some of the rotten plywood on the front. so please note: they install this front panels about 3 inches from the gutter and that is a problem and that is why I bean try to get in touch with mr. [redacted] and he never respond to me by email or by phone. all so note that mr [redacted] do come to my home like 4 month a go for another issue. that was that they the installer of the panels lay down the panels all on even not level so he take care of that issue but this is deference . and just yesterday 02-28-17 mr [redacted] email me to say that the case is clause. ok why is so dificult for this co, and greensky bank to call me and solve this problem...
I am rejecting this response because:all monies have not returned, the returned monies is the loan from greensky financial that was taken by 1st light energy without my consent.I'm still haven't recieved my out of cost amount of $435 which was given to 1st light energy as deposit in a check.
Our response to the customer is as follows: We appreciate you reaching out to us. According to your solar monitoring, your system is producing well. We would be more than happy to perform a free site assessment. Please email us the last 12 months electric bills and we will analyze your usage...
We regret to hear the dissatisfaction of Mr. [redacted]. It is our goal and hopes that all our customer are satisfied and have a good customer service experience. Unfortunately we do not believe that we will be able to agree on the version of events leading to the installation or give Mr. [redacted] the resolution he is looking for. Mr. [redacted] in his response refers to many verbal promises or arrangements. Because we disagree on the content and existence of these verbal promises we once again have to site the agreement Mr. [redacted] signed which states under the Acceptance and Authorization on the front page of the agreement: “By signing below, the Customer authorizes 1st Light Energy Inc. to perform the installation. This Agreement expressly supersedes all prior written or verbal representations or agreements made by 1st Light Energy Inc., its agents, representative or employees, or anyone else. Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Customer agrees there are other oral or written representations of inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this Agreement, and the Customer expressly disclaims their existence.” This being said we do not feel it is necessary to address every verbal account Mr. [redacted] refers to. We maintain that we are willing and have attempted to install the system per the agreement. Under the scope of work section it sites: “The Contractor does not provide, or arrange for, architectural/engineering services or structural changes to dwellings or buildings unless otherwise noted in the contract.” And installing the conduit inside the walls of his house would fall under a structural change and nowhere on the agreement does it specify or is it noted the manner in which Mr. [redacted] desires for the conduit to be installed. Currently we are not able to perform the installation per the agreement because we do not have permission from Mr. [redacted]. If Mr. [redacted] does not wish to move forward with his project per the terms of the agreement then we once again site agreement under the Liquidated Damages section of the agreement which reads: “In the event the Customer refuses to allow 1st Light Energy Inc. to commence performance of the work to be rendered under this Agreement, or prevents 1st Light Energy Inc. from receiving the Rebate, or prevents 1st Light Energy Inc. to continue performance under this Agreement, 1st Light Energy Inc. shall be entitled to receive from the Customer as liquidated damages a sum equal to thirty percent (30%) of the Total Contract Price.” Furthermore under the termination section it reads: “If You breach this Agreement, or following discovery of previously undisclosed legal encumbrances or easements on your premises, building/zoning code violations, or hidden/unforeseen physical/hazardous conditions such as the presence of mold, asbestos, lead paint, or any other conditions differing from what You represented, 1st Light Energy Inc. may immediately terminate this Agreement without further obligation to You. In either event, the Customer agrees to pay 1st Light Energy Inc. the cost of materials, labor and services already provided up to the date/time of termination, plus any other amounts allowed under applicable law.” Mr. [redacted]’s belief that the changes we made to his system would result in a lower production are simply not accurate. In fact the changes we made result in a higher production of his system like we mentioned in the last response. We increased his system wattage by upgrading his modules from 245 watt modules to 250 watt modules. The area where Mr. [redacted] was getting confused is in reference to AC and DC system size. On the agreement we site the DC system size which is higher than the AC system size. The 2 numbers will differ but the physical size is the same. We provided Mr. [redacted] a design of his system as mentioned in our previous response and the corresponding email was attached where the full version of events can easily be read, but furthermore it is not a requirement in the agreement that we provide a design of the system to the customer so even if we did not provide one to the customer, which we did, we would still be with in compliance to the agreement. Like we mentioned before it is not our desire upset Mr. [redacted] we are simply trying to provide the service that was agreed upon by us and Mr. [redacted] per the agreement. Thank you,
Mr. [redacted] received permission to operate his system from the utility company on 5/19/17, 4 days after customer filed this complaint. The repairs were completed on 5/31/17 and the customer expressed his gratitude with our services.
I have responded each time there has been a response needed. I cannot explain why the last one was not received. Below is a synopsis of the events leading up to Mr. Jaswant Singh sending the his concern. [redacted] system was installed in April of this year. A utility representative went out just before we got PTO; Permission to Operate on 5/5, to install the new meter. We believe [redacted] thought this was a 1st Light representative turning on the system. Our policy is to contact the customer by email when PTO is received and let them know they can turn on their system and to ask them to contact us if they need help. We supply a TOP; Turn Over Packet to thecustomer with simple instructions and copies of all his documentation from the project. His assigned Account Manager,[redacted] also called him to check and left a detailed message to call us if he needed any help. He never called back. We have a record of all email and phone logs for every communication done on behalf of this customer. He waited over three months to finally contact us, after receiving larger than expected utility bills. I have also attached, previously his June utility bill which reflects an increase in his usage from last year to this year. This will account for much of his increased cost, over and above the months that he thought his system was on and his billswere based solely on his usage. When this came to our attention by the customer, we acted immediately to help when wefound he did not turn on his system. Instruction was given and after his system was on and working properly,he then wanted us to pay the bills for the time he did not turn it on. We are under no obligation to monitor his system. Wehave since gone to this customer’s house and inspected his whole system, which is functioning properly, and installed a [redacted], monitoring device, at no cost to the customer, as a good faith gesture. We feel we are not responsible for making sure the customer followed up and turned on his system if he never responded to the email alert and an account manager message. We hope this no charge monitoring device will give the customer piece of mind for the future as he can readily see his system’s performance. We will give outstanding customer service if the need arise.Thank you for your consideration of this matter,[redacted]
There has been some confusion as the customer has stated, but we want to assure the customer that we haven't cheated anyone out of anything. Quite simply the contract has a total system cost of $28,950....
That is the amount of money that the customer is responsible to ensure that 1st light energy receives for our goods and services provided which we did receive. The way we are paid for the total system cost is broken up in different methods and in this case by loan, and a rebate from a SREC company. The customer signed a separate loan agreement with a company called [redacted] . The financial complaints the customer has are with this company not ours so if they want to file a complaint it needs to be with them. We cant speak for them, but we do know how they operate and they way their offer works. The loan through [redacted] is set up as such that the remaining cost after the SREC rebate is received is put into one loan. That total amount is eligible for a 30% federal tax credit, so [redacted] gives the customer 18 months to file, claim, and receive that 30% federal tax credit. [redacted] expects the customer to pay off that 30% before the 18 months, and if the customer doesn't then the loan will re-amortize and have a higher interest rate and loan payment. After the 30% of the loan is paid off that would leave the customer with a loan amount of $15,000. as the customer states. We have instructed [redacted] that is how the loan should be set up, so if there is a problem with the loan the customer needs to file a Complaint against that company not ours since we have done everything we could The legal loan documents and terms are with another company. We are still willing to assist in any way possible to help the customer to work with their loan company. The claims that we hung up on the customer saying we that weren't ready to resolve cant be addressed because no one in our company is aware of such a conversation existing so we can only speculate that there must have been some type of miscommunication or misunderstanding. We would never intentionally hang up on a customer. The last part of the complaint we can address is her system working correctly. We walked the customer though turning on the system on the phone and performed some checks to make sure the system was on. Since the customer states they believe there system isn't working correctly we will make a service case so we can make sure it is working correctly and take any steps necessary . Thank you,
[redacted] has had a pre-existing roof leak issue by his front window. My technician who was on site to inspect the system and the roof leak issue. During my technician visit he found the solar system to be in complete functional state with no issue's. The generation values were...
compared to the values on the Enlighten website where the data from the customers system gets sent. These numbers were found to be identical. 1st Light Energy compared the generation numbers to the expected estimates and also found the system to be doing better than expected. The customers roof leak issue is not solar related and has been an ongoing issue in the customers home for quite sometime to cause dry rot in some places. There is also a section on the window that has been repaired prior from the type of material used and the stains. The customer changes his number to where 1st Light Energy can not get in contact with him. I checked my call log and voice mail history and found the customer has not called myself once to discuss. 1st Light Energy has also extended our services to the customer if and when he needed the panels removed so a qualified roofer can fix the issue, 1st Light Energy would coordinate the appointment. Points:1. Customer roof had a preexisting issue that was not disclosed by customer2. Solar system is producing better than expected since system turn onThank you [redacted] - 1st Light Energy - Warranty and Service Manager[redacted]
In regards to complaint [redacted] [redacted] for the disputed amount of $658.83 for reimbursement for energy cost due to having a faulty inverter. 1st Light Energy does offer a 5 year workmanship warranty which does not cover an inverter having a problem. The inverter is...
under its manufacturer warranty of 10 years and is covered by the manufacturer. 1st Light Energy is not liable to inspect or replace the inverter as it is not under 1st Light Energy’s workmanship warranty. 1st Light Energy is only liable for any defects in the installation which the system was installed in 7/12/2010 and has not had one issue. 1st Light Energy’s service department created a case for the issue on 3/24/14 to conduct a systems check. When a case is created on our end, an email is sent to the customer notifying of the case being made. After reviewing the case for a full month through the data logger in which 1st Light Energy installed for the customers rebate, the service department found that the system was having production issues. 1st Light Energy tried contacting the [redacted] in early May as a technician was in the area conducting other service call. We acknowledge delays in solving the problem, but customer failure to respond to our contact attempts substantially contributed to the delay. On 6/5/2014 an email was sent to the customer to try to schedule an appointment and another phone call on 6/10/2014 leaving a voicemail. On 7/3/2014 a crew from 1st Light Energy was in the area and stopped by to run some diagnostics on the [redacted] PV system. The crew’s findings didn’t get back to me until a month later which entailed voltages and photos from the site. The service department attempted to contact third party solar companies to replace the inverter. On 10/7/2014 a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) was received for the inverter. The manufacturer shipped it on 10/13/2014 and arrived a couple days later. During this time 1st Lights Energy’s service department tried contacting the customer to inform them of the inverter being sent to their residence. When another 1st Light Energy crew became available they were used in installing the inverter on 11/18/2014. Site has no other issues. 1st Light Energy is not contractually liable for the loss and will not reimburse.
Mr. [redacted] has agreed to close the complaint for 1st Light Energy, Inc. on the website as both parties have come to an agreement. Please contact [redacted] with any questions at: [redacted] Sincerely,EMAIL (002)[redacted] | Executive Assistant
I am rejecting this response because:no one has called us to resolve this problem. I have not heard from [redacted] or [redacted] the salesmen, or [redacted], the Vice President [redacted]. My wife and I...
have called and left messages for the Vice President. He has never returned our phone calls since my wife called our bank and asked for our options for a loan. He said, he was going to "talk to the CFO", which he has never done.
Mr. [redacted] has not contacted 1st Light Energy reporting concerns with his solar system. Mr. [redacted]'s system was installed per contract. Per his solar monitoring, the system has exceeded all benchmarks for production. We welcome the opportunity to analyze Mr. [redacted]'s electric bills to determine if a...
I am rejecting this response because:No one reached out to me yet. Last time I called them to talk about installation in the last wek of December. Since then no body contacted me.I agree that we need to go with contract and I already stated I will be ready to pay any structural related changes if any to bring conduit inside wall but rest of expenses as I stated in my last response should be bear by company.Thanks[redacted]
1st Light Energy goes great lengths to provide great customer service and quality workmanship. That goes without saying that mistakes can happen. On April 3rd, 2017, I spoke with [redacted] to discuss his review and how we can remedy his negative experience. I apologized for the lack of...
communication from his account manager and that we didn’t recognize his experience sooner. Per [redacted] request, he was assigned a new account manager to re-establish his communication with 1st Light. His main frustration was the long wait time to receive his referral checks. I explained to [redacted] our standard procedure: referral checks are paid out approximately 6 weeks after a system is turned on. After investigating the accounts referred by [redacted], one had been turned on in late February and his check was very close to being issued, the other customer did not yet have his system turned on and we were waiting on the local utility to complete their final inspection, something that is out of 1st Light’s control. [redacted] seemed reasonable and we rushed the first check within a few days. After confirming that his frustrations have been alleviated, I asked if he’d kindly remove his negative review. [redacted] agreed and said he would be willing to do that for us. We had a gentleman’s agreement. Later that week I followed up with [redacted] to ensure he received check. [redacted] acknowledged that he received it. I asked if he would now take down the review and he agreed he would. Two more days had passed and the review was still showing. Once again, I called [redacted] and he said he would remove the review. On Monday, April 10th, the review was still up and I called [redacted] again and asked if he would take it down. [redacted] said he would not take it down until he received his other check. I explained that I followed through with my end of the deal and I pushed to take care of him. Furthermore, I could not send the second check since it was not ready to be processed. I have acknowledged our wrongdoing and made steps to move forward in a positive direction. [redacted] failed on his promise after we did everything in our power to treat him fairly and remedy the situation. To keep a review up and continue slandering the company is exactly opposite of what I expected. We strive to provide excellent customer service with quality installations and sometimes we miss the mark. We take all our complaints very seriously and hope you don’t judge the entire company by this one experience.
Hi I recieved check for $435.37,I am satisfied with customer all funds were returned.I would like to thank you very much for your efforts to help me in this settlement.I request for this complaint to be status as resolved.Thanks again so much.
Company states: We have reached out to the consumer to work out a time to work on what is written in the contractWe will not do anything outside of the contractIf the consumer does not agree with it we will cancel the job and then the down payment will be kept per our agreement
We have been in contact with Mr*** regarding this issue Mr***'s installation was delayed due to a production drop This was due to a variance between our physical measurements and our computer estimations After discussing this situation with customer, he had
decided not to continue with his solar project All funds withdrawn from customer's loan will be reversed
The funds were refunded to the customer's financing account on 1/14/ The finance company does take a few days to process refund, however customer should see that the funds have been returned Our accounting department is in processing the refund of the customer's cash payment The cheque should be sent to the customer on Friday, 1/23/ The customer should receive the cheque sometime next week
1st Light energy had been in communication the day Mr*** made this complaint and we refute his claims and his version of the events 1st light acknowledges that in July a sales representative meet with him and took the proper steps in evaluating Mr***’s home and the did enter into an
s all the total expenses associated with his project and then send him an invoice for those cost since the Mr*** would be in breach of our agreement by not allowing us to install the soar project on his home I have copied the wording in the agreement that specifies this under the Liquidated Damages section of the agreement which reads: “In the event the Customer refuses to allow 1st Light Energy Incto commence performance of the work to be rendered under this Agreement, or prevents 1st Light Energy Incfrom receiving the Rebate, or prevents 1st Light Energy Incto continue performance under this Agreement, 1st Light Energy Incshall be entitled to receive from the Customer as liquidated damages a sum equal to thirty percent (30%) of the Total Contract Price.” Furthermore under the termination section it reads: “If You breach this Agreement, or following discovery of previously undisclosed legal encumbrances or easements on your premises, building/zoning code violations, or hidden/unforeseen physical/hazardous conditions such as the presence of mold, asbestos, lead paint, or any other conditions differing from what You represented, 1st Light Energy Incmay immediately terminate this Agreement without further obligation to YouIn either event, the Customer agrees to pay 1st Light Energy Incthe cost of materials, labor and services already provided up to the date/time of termination, plus any other amounts allowed under applicable law.” 1st Light Energy still is willing to work with Mr*** and we are excited and ready to install his system once we come to an agreement about his request Thank you,
agreement to have a solar system installed We have attached mentioned agreement The sales rep that was present in the home of Mr*** no longer works for 1st light so we cannot obtain his version of events of what was mentioned in the home, but a Mr*** *** spoke with the customer on 12/29/and according to him Mr*** acknowledged that the specifics of how his electrical conduit was to be installed was not specifically discussed in the home at the time of signing the contract or at any other time until 1st light energy showed up to install the system and Mr*** was being walked through the installation plan that day and the matter of how the conduit was to be installed came up At that time 1st light informed Mr*** that the way he desired for his conduit to be installed was not a standard installation and additional funds would be required Mr*** was not willing to agree to this that moment and sent 1st light’s install crew home 1st light indicated to Mr*** that we would have to have a 3rd party contractor come out to give an estimate on the price of the work before we could give him a new price 1st light was not able to coordinate this with the customer Furthermore 1st light would like to site the agreement Mr*** signed that states the following under Acceptance and Authorization on the front page of the agreement: “By signing below, the Customer authorizes 1st Light Energy Incto perform the installation This Agreement expressly supersedes all prior written or verbal representations or agreements made by 1st Light Energy Inc., its agents, representative or employees, or anyone elseExcept as set forth in this Agreement, the Customer agrees there are other oral or written representations of inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this Agreement , and the Customer expressly disclaims their existence.” There for any discussions Mr*** may or may not have had about the conduit and when the system was going to be installed are moot points unfortunately But for the record as previously mentioned we did attempt to install the customer’s solar project well before the end of Mr***’s claim that we changed the configuration of his system is somewhat correct but the changes we made were in his favor I realize the whomever is reading this is probably not in the solar industry but very simply we upgraded his solar modules from watt panels to watt panels, essentially meaning that his system would produce more electricity It was not our intention to confuse Mr*** with technical terms it was simply to explain the changes made in his favor which is allowed according to the agreement Mr*** signed Under the system description section says: “The proposed system is listed below The system size may be changed based on customer credit limitations or pre-site audit recommendations System size changes of +/- 5% will not change any terms of this contract except the total cost.” We did finally come to an agreement with Mr*** to install his system Mr*** says he did not approve the design of the system but we have an email from Mr*** from October which I have also attached In that E-mail 1st light employee *** *** sent an email to Mr*** with a design of his system, to which Mr*** replied: “In that case, please go ahead.” When we showed up to do the installation as I mentioned previously one of our installers was going over the installation plan with Mr*** and the conduit issue came up Our employee informed him that was not how his system was designed and the manner he was requesting his conduit to be installed was not a standard installation and would cost him more money Mr*** would not agree to this so Mr*** was informed there would be nothing else we could do at that time and that we would have to leave and then the crew packed up and left Mr*** claims that we told him that we would not install the conduit inside his walls and this is not the case We did indicate that we would not do it without a new negotiated price which Mr*** was not willing to coordinate with us Mr***’s claim that we would not install him this year is not fully accurate The day we told Mr*** that his system would not be installed this year, the year of 2014, was on December 29th in the late afternoon Like I mentioned previously we did attempt to install the system in the year but we were able to at the customer’s request because of his disapproval of the manner a standard conduit installation is performed. 1st light Energy did inform Mr*** that if we wishes to cancel his installation with 1st light energy that his deposit of $1,would not be refunded to Mr*** because we were and are willing to install his system according to the agreement we have with Mr*** That agreement we have does not specify that we install the conduit in the manner Mr*** is requesting Once again 1st light is willing to work with Mr*** to come to some type of compromise in the form of additional funds to pay for the extra cost related to the untraditional installation of the conduit The cost that 1st light energy have incurred up to this point in time are much greater than $1,500, and that is why we indicated that if Mr*** wishes to cancel his project 1st light would have to a
Mr. [redacted] stated he had a leak prior to the installation of solar. He also stated he had the leak repaired by a roofer. The repairs to the leak may have failed, but there is no evidence this was caused by the solar. 1st Light Energy would be more then happy to provide Mr. [redacted] with a proposal to temporarily remove the solar panels, where need, to allow the roofers access.
I am rejecting this response because:yes this panels co.had send they roofer two times but the 2nd time I was able to show that guy were was the leak coming from by me wish I took down some of the plywood off the front of my home and part of the sidings so he can look under the roof and see for him self that some of the nails where still wet . and then that roofer when ahead and take off like 3 solar panels and apply some glue or tar or roof leak stoping and then I told that guy that I need the first 6 solars panels on the front of my house that they need to be install 16 to 24 inches from my gutter so I can replace some of the rotten plywood on the front. so please note: they install this front panels about 3 inches from the gutter and that is a problem and that is why I bean try to get in touch with mr. [redacted] and he never respond to me by email or by phone. all so note that mr [redacted] do come to my home like 4 month a go for another issue. that was that they the installer of the panels lay down the panels all on even not level so he take care of that issue but this is deference . and just yesterday 02-28-17 mr [redacted] email me to say that the case is clause. ok why is so dificult for this co, and greensky bank to call me and solve this problem...
I am rejecting this response because:all monies have not returned, the returned monies is the loan from greensky financial that was taken by 1st light energy without my consent.I'm still haven't recieved my out of cost amount of $435 which was given to 1st light energy as deposit in a check.
Our response to the customer is as follows: We appreciate you reaching out to us. According to your solar monitoring, your system is producing well. We would be more than happy to perform a free site assessment. Please email us the last 12 months electric bills and we will analyze your usage...
since solar. Our email address is [redacted]
We regret to hear the dissatisfaction of Mr. [redacted]. It is our goal and hopes that all our customer are satisfied and have a good customer service experience. Unfortunately we do not believe that we will be able to agree on the version of events leading to the installation or give Mr. [redacted] the resolution he is looking for. Mr. [redacted] in his response refers to many verbal promises or arrangements. Because we disagree on the content and existence of these verbal promises we once again have to site the agreement Mr. [redacted] signed which states under the Acceptance and Authorization on the front page of the agreement: “By signing below, the Customer authorizes 1st Light Energy Inc. to perform the installation. This Agreement expressly supersedes all prior written or verbal representations or agreements made by 1st Light Energy Inc., its agents, representative or employees, or anyone else. Except as set forth in this Agreement, the Customer agrees there are other oral or written representations of inducements, expressed or implied, any way conditioning this Agreement, and the Customer expressly disclaims their existence.” This being said we do not feel it is necessary to address every verbal account Mr. [redacted] refers to. We maintain that we are willing and have attempted to install the system per the agreement. Under the scope of work section it sites: “The Contractor does not provide, or arrange for, architectural/engineering services or structural changes to dwellings or buildings unless otherwise noted in the contract.” And installing the conduit inside the walls of his house would fall under a structural change and nowhere on the agreement does it specify or is it noted the manner in which Mr. [redacted] desires for the conduit to be installed. Currently we are not able to perform the installation per the agreement because we do not have permission from Mr. [redacted]. If Mr. [redacted] does not wish to move forward with his project per the terms of the agreement then we once again site agreement under the Liquidated Damages section of the agreement which reads: “In the event the Customer refuses to allow 1st Light Energy Inc. to commence performance of the work to be rendered under this Agreement, or prevents 1st Light Energy Inc. from receiving the Rebate, or prevents 1st Light Energy Inc. to continue performance under this Agreement, 1st Light Energy Inc. shall be entitled to receive from the Customer as liquidated damages a sum equal to thirty percent (30%) of the Total Contract Price.” Furthermore under the termination section it reads: “If You breach this Agreement, or following discovery of previously undisclosed legal encumbrances or easements on your premises, building/zoning code violations, or hidden/unforeseen physical/hazardous conditions such as the presence of mold, asbestos, lead paint, or any other conditions differing from what You represented, 1st Light Energy Inc. may immediately terminate this Agreement without further obligation to You. In either event, the Customer agrees to pay 1st Light Energy Inc. the cost of materials, labor and services already provided up to the date/time of termination, plus any other amounts allowed under applicable law.” Mr. [redacted]’s belief that the changes we made to his system would result in a lower production are simply not accurate. In fact the changes we made result in a higher production of his system like we mentioned in the last response. We increased his system wattage by upgrading his modules from 245 watt modules to 250 watt modules. The area where Mr. [redacted] was getting confused is in reference to AC and DC system size. On the agreement we site the DC system size which is higher than the AC system size. The 2 numbers will differ but the physical size is the same. We provided Mr. [redacted] a design of his system as mentioned in our previous response and the corresponding email was attached where the full version of events can easily be read, but furthermore it is not a requirement in the agreement that we provide a design of the system to the customer so even if we did not provide one to the customer, which we did, we would still be with in compliance to the agreement. Like we mentioned before it is not our desire upset Mr. [redacted] we are simply trying to provide the service that was agreed upon by us and Mr. [redacted] per the agreement. Thank you,
Mr. [redacted] received permission to operate his system from the utility company on 5/19/17, 4 days after customer filed this complaint. The repairs were completed on 5/31/17 and the customer expressed his gratitude with our services.
I have responded each time there has been a response needed. I cannot explain why the last one was not received. Below is a synopsis of the events leading up to Mr. Jaswant Singh sending the his concern. [redacted] system was installed in April of this year. A utility representative went out just before we got PTO; Permission to Operate on 5/5, to install the new meter. We believe [redacted] thought this was a 1st Light representative turning on the system. Our policy is to contact the customer by email when PTO is received and let them know they can turn on their system and to ask them to contact us if they need help. We supply a TOP; Turn Over Packet to thecustomer with simple instructions and copies of all his documentation from the project. His assigned Account Manager,[redacted] also called him to check and left a detailed message to call us if he needed any help. He never called back. We have a record of all email and phone logs for every communication done on behalf of this customer. He waited over three months to finally contact us, after receiving larger than expected utility bills. I have also attached, previously his June utility bill which reflects an increase in his usage from last year to this year. This will account for much of his increased cost, over and above the months that he thought his system was on and his billswere based solely on his usage. When this came to our attention by the customer, we acted immediately to help when wefound he did not turn on his system. Instruction was given and after his system was on and working properly,he then wanted us to pay the bills for the time he did not turn it on. We are under no obligation to monitor his system. Wehave since gone to this customer’s house and inspected his whole system, which is functioning properly, and installed a [redacted], monitoring device, at no cost to the customer, as a good faith gesture. We feel we are not responsible for making sure the customer followed up and turned on his system if he never responded to the email alert and an account manager message. We hope this no charge monitoring device will give the customer piece of mind for the future as he can readily see his system’s performance. We will give outstanding customer service if the need arise.Thank you for your consideration of this matter,[redacted]
There has been some confusion as the customer has stated, but we want to assure the customer that we haven't cheated anyone out of anything. Quite simply the contract has a total system cost of $28,950....
That is the amount of money that the customer is responsible to ensure that 1st light energy receives for our goods and services provided which we did receive. The way we are paid for the total system cost is broken up in different methods and in this case by loan, and a rebate from a SREC company. The customer signed a separate loan agreement with a company called [redacted] . The financial complaints the customer has are with this company not ours so if they want to file a complaint it needs to be with them. We cant speak for them, but we do know how they operate and they way their offer works. The loan through [redacted] is set up as such that the remaining cost after the SREC rebate is received is put into one loan. That total amount is eligible for a 30% federal tax credit, so [redacted] gives the customer 18 months to file, claim, and receive that 30% federal tax credit. [redacted] expects the customer to pay off that 30% before the 18 months, and if the customer doesn't then the loan will re-amortize and have a higher interest rate and loan payment. After the 30% of the loan is paid off that would leave the customer with a loan amount of $15,000. as the customer states. We have instructed [redacted] that is how the loan should be set up, so if there is a problem with the loan the customer needs to file a Complaint against that company not ours since we have done everything we could The legal loan documents and terms are with another company. We are still willing to assist in any way possible to help the customer to work with their loan company. The claims that we hung up on the customer saying we that weren't ready to resolve cant be addressed because no one in our company is aware of such a conversation existing so we can only speculate that there must have been some type of miscommunication or misunderstanding. We would never intentionally hang up on a customer. The last part of the complaint we can address is her system working correctly. We walked the customer though turning on the system on the phone and performed some checks to make sure the system was on. Since the customer states they believe there system isn't working correctly we will make a service case so we can make sure it is working correctly and take any steps necessary . Thank you,
[redacted] has had a pre-existing roof leak issue by his front window. My technician who was on site to inspect the system and the roof leak issue. During my technician visit he found the solar system to be in complete functional state with no issue's. The generation values were...
compared to the values on the Enlighten website where the data from the customers system gets sent. These numbers were found to be identical. 1st Light Energy compared the generation numbers to the expected estimates and also found the system to be doing better than expected. The customers roof leak issue is not solar related and has been an ongoing issue in the customers home for quite sometime to cause dry rot in some places. There is also a section on the window that has been repaired prior from the type of material used and the stains. The customer changes his number to where 1st Light Energy can not get in contact with him. I checked my call log and voice mail history and found the customer has not called myself once to discuss. 1st Light Energy has also extended our services to the customer if and when he needed the panels removed so a qualified roofer can fix the issue, 1st Light Energy would coordinate the appointment. Points:1. Customer roof had a preexisting issue that was not disclosed by customer2. Solar system is producing better than expected since system turn onThank you [redacted] - 1st Light Energy - Warranty and Service Manager[redacted]
In regards to complaint [redacted] [redacted] for the disputed amount of $658.83 for reimbursement for energy cost due to having a faulty inverter. 1st Light Energy does offer a 5 year workmanship warranty which does not cover an inverter having a problem. The inverter is...
under its manufacturer warranty of 10 years and is covered by the manufacturer. 1st Light Energy is not liable to inspect or replace the inverter as it is not under 1st Light Energy’s workmanship warranty. 1st Light Energy is only liable for any defects in the installation which the system was installed in 7/12/2010 and has not had one issue. 1st Light Energy’s service department created a case for the issue on 3/24/14 to conduct a systems check. When a case is created on our end, an email is sent to the customer notifying of the case being made. After reviewing the case for a full month through the data logger in which 1st Light Energy installed for the customers rebate, the service department found that the system was having production issues. 1st Light Energy tried contacting the [redacted] in early May as a technician was in the area conducting other service call. We acknowledge delays in solving the problem, but customer failure to respond to our contact attempts substantially contributed to the delay. On 6/5/2014 an email was sent to the customer to try to schedule an appointment and another phone call on 6/10/2014 leaving a voicemail. On 7/3/2014 a crew from 1st Light Energy was in the area and stopped by to run some diagnostics on the [redacted] PV system. The crew’s findings didn’t get back to me until a month later which entailed voltages and photos from the site. The service department attempted to contact third party solar companies to replace the inverter. On 10/7/2014 a RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) was received for the inverter. The manufacturer shipped it on 10/13/2014 and arrived a couple days later. During this time 1st Lights Energy’s service department tried contacting the customer to inform them of the inverter being sent to their residence. When another 1st Light Energy crew became available they were used in installing the inverter on 11/18/2014. Site has no other issues. 1st Light Energy is not contractually liable for the loss and will not reimburse.
Mr. [redacted] has agreed to close the complaint for 1st Light Energy, Inc. on the website as both parties have come to an agreement. Please contact [redacted] with any questions at: [redacted] Sincerely,EMAIL (002)[redacted] | Executive Assistant
I am rejecting this response because:no one has called us to resolve this problem. I have not heard from [redacted] or [redacted] the salesmen, or [redacted], the Vice President [redacted]. My wife and I...
have called and left messages for the Vice President. He has never returned our phone calls since my wife called our bank and asked for our options for a loan. He said, he was going to "talk to the CFO", which he has never done.
Mr. [redacted] has not contacted 1st Light Energy reporting concerns with his solar system. Mr. [redacted]'s system was installed per contract. Per his solar monitoring, the system has exceeded all benchmarks for production. We welcome the opportunity to analyze Mr. [redacted]'s electric bills to determine if a...
larger system may be required to cover his usage.
I am rejecting this response because:No one reached out to me yet. Last time I called them to talk about installation in the last wek of December. Since then no body contacted me.I agree that we need to go with contract and I already stated I will be ready to pay any structural related changes if any to bring conduit inside wall but rest of expenses as I stated in my last response should be bear by company.Thanks[redacted]
1st Light Energy goes great lengths to provide great customer service and quality workmanship. That goes without saying that mistakes can happen. On April 3rd, 2017, I spoke with [redacted] to discuss his review and how we can remedy his negative experience. I apologized for the lack of...
communication from his account manager and that we didn’t recognize his experience sooner. Per [redacted] request, he was assigned a new account manager to re-establish his communication with 1st Light. His main frustration was the long wait time to receive his referral checks. I explained to [redacted] our standard procedure: referral checks are paid out approximately 6 weeks after a system is turned on. After investigating the accounts referred by [redacted], one had been turned on in late February and his check was very close to being issued, the other customer did not yet have his system turned on and we were waiting on the local utility to complete their final inspection, something that is out of 1st Light’s control. [redacted] seemed reasonable and we rushed the first check within a few days. After confirming that his frustrations have been alleviated, I asked if he’d kindly remove his negative review. [redacted] agreed and said he would be willing to do that for us. We had a gentleman’s agreement. Later that week I followed up with [redacted] to ensure he received check. [redacted] acknowledged that he received it. I asked if he would now take down the review and he agreed he would. Two more days had passed and the review was still showing. Once again, I called [redacted] and he said he would remove the review. On Monday, April 10th, the review was still up and I called [redacted] again and asked if he would take it down. [redacted] said he would not take it down until he received his other check. I explained that I followed through with my end of the deal and I pushed to take care of him. Furthermore, I could not send the second check since it was not ready to be processed. I have acknowledged our wrongdoing and made steps to move forward in a positive direction. [redacted] failed on his promise after we did everything in our power to treat him fairly and remedy the situation. To keep a review up and continue slandering the company is exactly opposite of what I expected. We strive to provide excellent customer service with quality installations and sometimes we miss the mark. We take all our complaints very seriously and hope you don’t judge the entire company by this one experience.
Hi I recieved check for $435.37,I am satisfied with customer all funds were returned.I would like to thank you very much for your efforts to help me in this settlement.I request for this complaint to be status as resolved.Thanks again so much.