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Bayhealth Physicians

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Reviews Bayhealth Physicians

Bayhealth Physicians Reviews (6)

• Feb 25, 2025

Out patient mammogram and breast ultra sound
Hi , Today I had out patient Dx. test. done at Sussex Bayhealth hospital. I just wanted to say that the staff was unbelievable. Very sweet, sincere compassionate, knowledgeable and helpful. All went way over and beyond. They need to be appraised and thanked.
Made my visit absolutely wonderful.
Thank them all

Improving the system
Many times we have been asked how you can improve or better the system. Christiana Care is doing the same thing. You both have missed the target when it comes to this.
This morning my wife had to call one of your providers with additional information after an accident. She was tranferred 5 times before she was asked to leave a message! If that is your idea of streamlining you failed. Good luck!

I went to the ER for stomach issues. They diagnosed me with heartburn. Even though, I was skeptical, I took the advise of the Dr. who was very nice. It was June 14th. I still didn't feel good and was having more issues and dry heaving, to the point I couldn't breath. On July 1st, I went to Beebe, they took a bunch of tests, and came back to tell me they found a very thick lining around my esophagus, it could also be a tumor. I was admitted, and left the next day, with the Dr's advise I need to have an endoscopy/biopsy to rule out a tumor. With that said...
We had to go back for my husband, who had, had a motorcycle accident, and with the grace of God he lived. But he has chronic pain, headaches, back pain, some memory loss, and his memory is getting worse. The day we went to the ER, we checked in, and sat in the waiting room. He was in so much pain, I was crying that he had the pain he had. They call him to the back for vitals. We sit again. I would say about two hours later, a man walked in pushing a woman in a wheel chair, he walks right past security, Security tells him, he can't just walk in. The guy became an A&&, screaming. He started yelling, I need to get my wife to see the Dr., as she was saying stop, please stop, I work here. Everyone that had their back facing the door sat against the wall and to the sides, . Security was doing his job, the man now is irate and throws his cell phone and whatever he had in his pocket, in the bucket. No one backed the security guy. Let me We didn't know if he was crazy or had a gun, I for one was scared. The woman in the wheel chair did not look like she was in more need then anyone else, I am not saying she didn't need care, but she looked fine, and she put her hand over her face, letting the man, who was not her husband to please stop. Wouldn't you know they took her in right away. I guess if you work there, you are taken in within minutes. About four hours later, yes I said four hours, a woman in a wheel chair comes in, her husband is wheeling her in, I am no Dr. but this woman looked like she was going to die. I heard the husband talking to the check in person, telling them that his wife had a total hysterectomy, and she is very sick. They sat near us, and we started a conversation, his wife was really looking bad. He said she had surgery at Kent Hospital, and they called the Dr numerous times, but he never returned their call. They take her vitals, and brought her back to the waiting room. She wanted some water, but they said no. She looked horrible, and ready to die. She was trying to talk, and finally was able to say, I think I am going to pass out. Not even a second later, she passes out. Her husband is holding her head up so she wouldn't fall. I went to the window and said, excuse me but that lady passed out. That's when they looked concerned and they all jumped up, and took the poor woman to the back. I wish I knew if she was ok.
Now it's been five hours of waiting, six hours, seven hours. Are you kidding me? My poor husband was in so much back pain. The Dr. came in, asked what was wrong and my husband tells him I have chronic back pain, and is more pain then usual, his dr's office is closed being a weekend. Never once asked for narcotics. He is prescribed pain meds. He treated us as if we were drug seekers. No one asked for anything, we just wanted to see if they could do an MRI, CT, a shot, anything to make him comfortable. The Dr. basically yelled at him, telling him we don't do anything for chronic pain, never even touched my husband to examine him. He was in the room about two minutes and left. I couldn't believe it. I started tearing up, knowing what he goes through. The nurse comes in, and I showed her pictures of what had happened to him. When she had seen the photo's she tried to get the Dr to come back in He didn't want anything to do with us. I asked the nurse if he could give us a script for Lidocaine patches. The nurse comes back telling us the Dr. said we can get over the counter patches. Unbelievable. We waited seven hours to be seen, and they did nothing for him. He was in so much pain, this was the first time having that much pain. I felt helpless, there was nothing I could do to help him. I drove us back to Lewes. He stayed up all night, walking around the house. He couldn't sleep, the pain wouldn't ease up, so he can sleep. I tried to stay awake but fell asleep for three hours. My poor husband, tells me; "Babe I am so tired from walking around the house all night, and I have so much pain. I wouldn't go to that hospital if my life depended on it. I will enclose two pictures so you can see for yourselves. if he looks like he's a drug seeker, please tell me. I am sorry this post is so long, but I am so upset that my husband had deal with the pain. He did go to his Dr. the next day, and gave they gave him steroid injections.

The billing department does not understand the billing policies for Medicare patients Bayhealth accepts the amount that is approved by Medicare, which is why I had the test done at this facility The service was on Oct12, for an ultrasound My Medicare and coinsurance (***/ [redacted] ) is in the computer because I have been there before My coinsurance does not pay if the amount allowed by Medicare is the amount that can be billed for a particular service Billing keeps sending bills for $ I have written and e-mailed but they still say I owe that amount This is not the first time that I have made a complaint with for the same issue with another test that I had done I do not owe them and would like to have the issued resolved Thank you for your atention to this matter The ID # is***

The billing department does not understand the billing policies for Medicare patients Bayhealth accepts the amount that is approved by Medicare, which is why I had the test done at this facility The service was on Oct12, for an ultrasound My Medicare and coinsurance (***/*** ***) is in the computer because I have been there before My coinsurance does not pay if the amount allowed by Medicare is the amount that can be billed for a particular service Billing keeps sending bills for $ I have written and e-mailed but they still say I owe that amount This is not the first time that I have made a complaint with for the same issue with another test that I had done I do not owe them and would like to have the issued resolved Thank you for your atention to this matter The ID # is***


Review: I continue to receive a bill from Bayhealth Physicians stating not only that I owe a balance but that my account is past due. The bill is from a date of service of 12/03/2012 on which I saw my primary care physician, [redacted]. In 2012, my insurance coverage included all in-network office visits aside from my $20.00 copay which I paid on the listed date of service. I have called the billing department three times to rectify this matter. My insurance company has also called them twice informing them that the way the claim was submitted was making it come up out-of-network and that they needed to submit it under the doctor's name for full payment. My insurance company also informed them that I was only responsible for my $20.00 copay which I paid at time of service. This was discussed on 3 way call with myself, the billing department, and my insurance company. The problem still has not been fixed and I've called 3 times and my insurance company has called 2 times. I am tired of receiving a bill which says I'm delinquent when I owe nothing. The Bay health Physicians billing department needs to fix this and stop sending me bills.Desired Settlement: Correct the mistake and mark my account as paid in full. This may include resubmitting the claim under the doctors name so my insurance company can process it appropriately.

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Description: Medical Billing Services

Address: P.O. Box 822639, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 19182


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