Please see attached letter from our Insurance Company
We are going to stand behind the decision that was made by our Insurance Provider as there is no control over equipment failure, and no further evidence on negligence on our part
We have addressed
this issue with MrVorlicky each and every time that he has presented it to usIf you have any further questions please give us a call
*** ***
Mr. *** ** ***
RE: Our Claim No.: ** ** ***
Our Insured: *** *** *** ***
Date of Loss: ***
Dear Mr. ***
As liability insurance carrier for Bayfield Electric Inc., we have received information pertaining to your claim for damaged to your appliances
In order for us to be able to consider reimbursement in this type of situation, there must be some evidence of negligence on the part of the InsuredIn this case, there was a
transformer that failed which in turn caused the voltage fluctuationsThis incident is considered to be equipment failure, and damage of this nature is not recognizable until
the piece of equipment fails nor is it preventable
Consldering the above information it is our opinion that there was no negligence on the part of the InsuredAccordinglyWe must respectfully decline to make any voluntary
payment in their behalf
Please be advised that our insured cannot guarantee the constant flow of electricity or that there will not be voltage fluctuations or outages beyond its control
We regret our inability to be of service at this time
*** ***, AIC, AIS
Claim Service Representative
When most companies call customers with an outage and ETA of return, this company expects YOU to call so they know of an outage and won't give ... ever. Our neighbors are on a different company's grid and they get text messages with updates, don't lose power for as many days at a time, etc. Basically if you have to have this company, buy a generator and keep stiff liquor on hand; you'll need it with the frustration of Bayfield.
Please see attached letter from our Insurance Company
We are going to stand behind the decision that was made by our Insurance Provider as there is no control over equipment failure, and no further evidence on negligence on our part
We have addressed
this issue with MrVorlicky each and every time that he has presented it to usIf you have any further questions please give us a call
*** ***
Mr. *** ** ***
RE: Our Claim No.: ** ** ***
Our Insured: *** *** *** ***
Date of Loss: ***
Dear Mr. ***
As liability insurance carrier for Bayfield Electric Inc., we have received information pertaining to your claim for damaged to your appliances
In order for us to be able to consider reimbursement in this type of situation, there must be some evidence of negligence on the part of the InsuredIn this case, there was a
transformer that failed which in turn caused the voltage fluctuationsThis incident is considered to be equipment failure, and damage of this nature is not recognizable until
the piece of equipment fails nor is it preventable
Consldering the above information it is our opinion that there was no negligence on the part of the InsuredAccordinglyWe must respectfully decline to make any voluntary
payment in their behalf
Please be advised that our insured cannot guarantee the constant flow of electricity or that there will not be voltage fluctuations or outages beyond its control
We regret our inability to be of service at this time
*** ***, AIC, AIS
Claim Service Representative
When most companies call customers with an outage and ETA of return, this company expects YOU to call so they know of an outage and won't give ... ever. Our neighbors are on a different company's grid and they get text messages with updates, don't lose power for as many days at a time, etc. Basically if you have to have this company, buy a generator and keep stiff liquor on hand; you'll need it with the frustration of Bayfield.