B-Level, LTD Reviews (34)
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B-Level, LTD Rating
Description: Concrete Repair/Leveling
Address: 5020 Basil Western Rd NW, Baltimore, Ohio, United States, 43105-9535
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This letter is in follto the response your office received from B Level LTD regarding variousproblems/damage caused at my home while their crew was working there.FACTTom S*** has still not stated what his company is going to do to fix the problems at my home.His responses in items 1-are mute and some don't even make sense as they have nothing to do withmy original statementsI will say as far as what he stated in item 5, his company was the generalcontractor (meaning you are/were in charge of the job) that hired the subcontractor, *** *** todeliver dirt and your crew directed them/allowed them to bring their vehicle onto my driveway.I honestly don't know the answer to my question, "So, my question is what is going to be done toproperly and permanently fix all of the problems and/or damages referenced in the paragraph above?"I have verbally asked this question many times beforeBecause of the lack of an answer or vagueanswers I have gotten, I finally felt compelled to draft a letter and askI had been given a couple ofdifferent scenarios verbally as to what was going to be done to fix the problems only to be told laterthat I misunderstood what was stated or I was told, "that isn't what I said." Thus, I became concernedthat the issues were not going to be resolved.It needs to be stated, you cannot install the last layer of dirt against my house until the water leak in thecorner of the basement by the sump pump and the block that was replaced behind my electrical boxand does not sit flush with the rest of the block are fixedAs it would appear these areas are going tohave to be dug up to get to the problem and fix itI also did not state In my prior letter that I wantedthe ramp removed immediatelyI am fully aware that the ramp is the only way in and out of my homeIstated that once the ramp is able to be removed I was advised that there is probably going to be holesleft in the foundation where the bolts were and they would need to be fixed as part of the job ofremoving the ramp.As to my comment about "what they did in December (to the draft/leak behind the electrical box),didn't work and the business owner's response of "my crew was told to leave the premises, and theydid"Actually they did not, they continued to dig and did whatever they came to doI will restate whatwas stated in my previous letter" By the time I got home that rainy Monday, B Level had already dugout around my house where the leak wasThe job foreman did ask if I wanted them to leaveLike I toldhim, "Not when you have already dug out around my house, I don't want you leaving it like this." So,they continued digging and did whatever they were going to do (and guess what, I have pictures of themworking)AFTER they were done and long gone, I advised MrS*** I did not want any of hisemployees on my property unless I or someone appointed by me was going to be there"Also, thebusiness owner stated in his previous response he sent his crew out to "explore the issue" now hestates, "they were in the middle of the repair"Again conflicting statements on the purpose of diggingup the area.At any rate, I truly hope that B-Level steps up and fixes the issues left behind due to their workI havespent countless hours worrying and stressing over this situationI have spent $30,to have myfoundation repaired so water will no longer leak inAnd as of now, there is still water leaking in in theprimary area where it was leaking in before (rainwater has leaked in at least times since) and I have anew leak/problem behind my electrical box that was not there before that was a result of B-Level'swork.I would much rather be able to take comfort in the fact that my basement is not going to leak water inwhen it rains (or worse the rain water leaks in and shorts out my electrical box and alarm system!).Sincerely,*** ***
To:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Revdex.com? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 02-10-Attn:? Kathy GiereFrom:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Thomas S*** ? Before we respond to this letter, I must point out that we have two separate, non-related companies addressed on this letter.? The only association that our two companies have is that we are aware of the quality work that “*** *** ***” performs and had recommended that the customer consider doing business with this company concerning the type of work needed on her home On my proposal to *** *** (The homeowner) dated 03-16-paragraph of the letter is states: “We first had “*** *** ***” come to your home and provide to us a cost to do several items in the overall job.? Since the foundation has crumbling blocks, it is best to apply a protective coating over the blocks.? The best way to extend the life of the blocks is to place a protective coating over the blocks with wire under the repair and have the wire attached to the existing concrete wall.? This is the type of work their company performs.? This special coating will be on all exposed *** blocks and will extend just below the surface of the groundThey will also paint and make minor repairs to the wall from the inside.? I have attached a copy of their proposal “scope of work” for the project.? They will provide the service directly with you and you will pay them directly for the work.? However, B-Level would coordinate the work as the project moves forward.” “*** *** ***” did visit with the homeowner and they together agreed on what work would be done on the outside of the block and also on the basement inside.? That written quote was provided to the homeowner.? B-Levels only involvement was to co-ordinate the work in stages because these two companies could not work on the house at the same time.? B-Level must start the work to a stage and then *** *** ***, and then again B-Level.? The project was delayed for months due to the rain which carried from the spring to well in the summer.? All parties seemed to understand Based on the way the grievances were outlined, in a numbered format, I will try to address each point by number.? ? I will answer them in the order of the outlined grievance and deal with each item1.? ? ? ? ? ? The first issues is that “an electric line was cut to my garage leaving me with no electricity to my garageI was not able to use the electric garage door to get my vehicle in and out for almost a monthI had to bring it to the attention of the job foreman that it needed fixed a few times before it was finally fixed” Given the nature of work performed for the homeowner, before we dig we issue a request to “OUPS” to mark all utilities at the house.? However, they will not mark private lines not ran by the utility.? Therefore it is the responsibility of the homeowner to supply this information to the contractor, if known.? I this case, I do not believe it was known.? When we dig out a house, it is not unusual to find all types of strands of wire, cans and constructors garbage.? In this case we did unearth such items.? We were completely unaware of the electric break until the homeowner notified B-Level.? On utilities in the city of Columbus, it is required that all such work is performed by a licensed person in that field? Once we were provided with the information, we immediately looked for the broken line and contacted a licensed electrician to schedule the work.? ? The homeowner makes reference to her need to bring the broken wire problem to B-Level’s attention “a few times before it was fixed”, but the fact is the day we were informed, ? B-level contracted the electrician and the homeowner was made aware that an electrician was going to take care of the situationFrom start to finish, the timeframe is exaggerated? 2.? ? ? ? ? ? The homeowners second issue states, “one of the awnings was removed from the back of the houseThat weekend we had a rain storm and rain ran down the interior wall of my kitchen on the area where the awning had been”The awnings, around the entire house, were attached to the structure in a similar fashionB-level removed all the awnings to create clearance for the excavation equipment? It was never our intent that we would do anything to allow water to run into the house.? I would however question how by removing several screws in wood did cause water to run into the house.? The cause was more likely the poor condition of the gutters or siding which the homeowner did replace.? The awnings were attached under the? gutter system.? Awnings are designed to keep out sun, not rain 3.? ? ? ? ? ? “The main water line to the house was crushed during excavationThat appears to have been fixed”The only reason the homeowner was aware of this issue is because we told her.? While digging out the dirt where the line goes into the house the line developed a crimp.? Whenever this type of issue is found we have this repaired.? Again, we had to call a licensed plumber to make the repair.? There was never an interruption of service 4.? ? ? ? ? ? “I had a flat tire on my truck one morning after arriving at workThe tire service pulled a screw form the tire…I was never reimbursed for the cost of repair”.? The homeowner did mention her flat tire to the B-Level job supervisor.? ? There is no way to determine that the flat tire was caused by negligence on our part.? Further, we do not use screws in the type of work that we perform.? ? We also perform a standard cleanup of the property on a daily basisEither way, this letter is the first mention of reimbursement we have received.? Upon receiving this letter, this is the first time we have ever seen a bill for the repair of a tire.? Attached to this letter you will find a photo copy of a check issued to the homeowner for the cost of this tire repair 5.? ? ? ? ? “B-Level allowed a big truck to drive onto my neighbor’s sidewalk, through part of my yard and up the driveway.? A large rut running the length of the driveway was left in my yard, the neighbor’s sidewalk was cracked and a portion of my concrete driveway sunk and a corner was completely cracked.? The neighbors sidewalk was fixed although no one ever came back out to remove the boards or yellow tape placed around it, I finally removed it a month or so later myself.? The rut was filled in with dirt dug up from around my house.? My driveway was left with the damage.” The truck that came up the driveway (several times) was from “*** ***”? They delivered multiple tons of gravel for the foundation footer and also multiple tons of their best “supersoil” It did make a rut beside the driveway which we did repair.? They did damage the neighbor’s sidewalk which we did replace.? I did return to pull the form stakes around the sidewalk panels.? They had been removed.? B-Level removed multiple truckloads of old-clay soil that had been dfrom around the house to be discarded.? ? The driveway did develop two hairline cracks at it entry, however no concrete was ever caused to sink.? The driveway itself is in poor condition and the homeowner informed me that it was to be replaced in a year of two.? (Please see photo’s at the end of this report) 6.? ? ? ? ? ? “the insulation that was installed around the entire foundation is tearing and pulling away from the house in various places and appears to be causing the newly installed top texture / stucco finish to pull away from the foundation causing it to crack and break off”.? Several times I had visited with the homeowner and the concern of the insulation was discussed.? I did tell her that the insulation was placed against the “platon” which is a protective coating between the wall and the dirt.? The function of the insulation is to protect the platon during backfill only.? It is not designed to insulate your home.? When we spoke concerning the protective coating that was installed on the wall, I relayed that any concern about that coating needs to be addressed with “*** *** ***”? 7.? ? ? ? ? Containment of dirt against the houseThe area was backfilled in gravel and soilThe timbers, soil, and gravel placed in this area were only meant as a temporary measure until she replaced her driveway as she previously stated she was going to do.? The current driveway over the years (House built in 1949) has settled and is now the low spot in the area.? Without having installed a new drive that would sit higher or contained the area in some landscaping fission, keeping dirt off the drive until some plants can be established will be very difficult 8.? ? ? ? ? ? B-Level hit one of the foundation blocks at the back of the house with their equipment pushing the block inside the house causing an approximate inch wide gap the length and width of the block thereby exposing the interior of the house to the outside.? The workers never notified me of the damage.? I discovered it when I came home from work that Friday evening.? The interior of my house was exposed to the outside the entire weekend.? The following Monday, *** *** *** advised they removed the damaged block and replaced itAt the time the block was hit, we called *** *** *** to come out and fix the problem? Items #through is issues concerning *** *** ***.? In speaking with them they have addressed each issue with the homeowner.? This work is not work performed by B-Level ? 13.? The homeowner called me and I went to the house to see several issues.? I took photos and sent to *** at *** *** ***.? ? Later in the letter, the homeowner indicated that there was an incident where someone had got into her regenerator to get ice cubes.? I was made aware of this situation, and that person is no-longer employed by B-Level.? I did see the homeowner, told them what I had been told about this employee, and the action I had taken.? I apologized for this unacceptable action The work that has been done by B-Level has been permitted by the city of Columbus, and they did inspect and pass the scheduled work.? We do have their paperwork on file.? I have attached photo’s of several before and after photo’s.? I did review the following fact with the homeowner.? We completely dug to the footer, installed drainage lines and sump pump.? We ran two drainage lines to the street from the house.? It is required to have positive slope on the dirt away from the house.? At the time of the inspection, we did have positive slope on the ground away from the house.? (Thus the problem with the driveway)? I have made it clear on several visits that the soil will settle in the dug-out excavated trench over the fall and winter.? The homeowner even called me and I visited about this issue and said that the settling that was occurring was very normal.? I told her that we can’t compact the ? dirt against the house because we would blow the wall of the basement wall into her basement.? The soil around a newly dug out basement must settle naturally, and it takes at least the fall and winter season.? At the end of the winter, and as weather permits in the spring, we will once again bring *** Top Soil and place around the house.? At that time, you will no longer be able to see the insolation and the bottom of the wall where the top texture has been applied.? The homeowner will still have an issue with mud in the drive unless plant material or landscaping is designed to deal with the lower elevation of the drive.? Our work did not deal with any landscaping issues.? However, in the process of repairing ruts in the front of the house and moving dirt, we completely leveled out the entire front yard with a rock-hound removing several tons of rock material.? We also used the rock-hound on the back yard area.? We then had the front yard hydro-seededI offered to hydro-seed the back yard for the cost of the seed only, and was told that they did not want grass in the back, they had plans for a garden area The homeowner is aware that part of the original plan was to do the final grade work in the spring of 2016.? I did tell the homeowner that we would address the issue of the wall leaking at that time.? The homeowner did mention that we attempted to contact her to explore what might be the problem in late December.? Our contact records and the homeowners contact records differ, in that we were to look at the outside only.? We left several messages on the phone and I sent out a crew to explore the outside issue.? Per the attached note submitted by the homeowner, my crew was ordered off her property.? I did go to the property and was retold most the issues in this letter which have all been addressed.? I did tell the homeowner that B-Level will never be on the property again unless? Myself or my assistant manager John H*** is personally with the crew.? We all agreed and we left the propertyOn Monday 02-08-16, I received your letter and am thus replying.? If there are any other points that need to be clarified, please communicate those issues with my office, Thank You! [Revdex.com Note: The photos described below were printed in the body of document and are in the attached file.]Front yard before any work was done by B-Level.? ? ? ? ? ? ? Back yard before any work was doneSide yard before work is doneBasement wall area before job started.? ? ? ? Bowed wall area where I beams goWall from the outside where the basement wall is bowed in and the condition of the drive is very bad Area where sump pump is installed? = Photo’s during job: Photo installing steel beams? and straighten wall Photo of wall dug out……………………= Photo’s of “Platon” installed on the house= Photo of back yard after the dirt was put back in place.? Photo of side cut out driveway with dirt back in place……………………………………………………..== Front view of house where dirt was leveled on the left side of driveway.? Crack in driveway may have been made by truck.? Sinking of driveway was present before the job was startedPhoto of house after Hydro-seeded, and the neighbors sidewalk is replaced.? There are no ruts on the right or left side of the drivewayEnd wall of basement after steel beams were installed, the wall was strengthened and *** *** *** painted wallSump pump installed in the corner and the walls have been painted……………………………………………………………= In the back after two months the dirt is settling into the trench as was explaned to the homeowner.? This is settlement.? The area is bere because no vegatation has been planted.? The homeowner did not want grass in this areaAttached to this letter please find: 1.? ? ? ? ? ? Signed letter from B-Level foreman stating request to leave property2.? ? ? ? ? Copy Check to *** *** for reimbursement to fix flat tire 3.? ? ? ? ? Original contract letter dated 03-16-outlining job and “*** *** ***” position with the work requested by the customer In the final review, the “Desired Settlement” is to have us “Fix and Complete Work”? This statement is confusing to me from the standpoint that whenever I have been called by ***, I have always responded.? I have never denied or given any impression that I would ever not stand behind our work.? I have known *** for over years and my company deals with her and her employer several times every month.? I even told her when the project started that I am always just a phone call away, and will respond.? Why would I not complete the work??? Check your own records and see that I have an A+ ratingThis is our 17th year and we have done jobs for over 8,customers in the Central Ohio area in that time.? I have never started a job without finishing that job.? We are not perfect.? We sometimes break electric lines when we do not know they are there, crimp old water lines, hit things with our equipment by accident, and are strapped with unprofessional employees.? But we do respond and fix our problems.? We are not perfect, however, we do complete our work and do not run away from the job.? Never have, never will.? Especially with someone that we know!!!!? ?
I would like my sidewalk repaired, please stop avoiding the issueThank you,? *** ***?
On April 13th, we provided the customer, *** ***, with repair services to his concretesidewalkThe work we did for the customer was performed successfully, customer was home andhappy, and we were paid for our services.Fast forward months laterCustomer calls the office requesting that we look at an area of thesidewalk he believes has moved since we repaired itWithin week from receiving the call, B-levelsends out the foreman who repaired the sidewalk months earlier to inspect it for possible warrantyworkAfter our foreman inspects the work, he determines the sidewalk has not changed or moved atall, but the adjacent area of concrete had shifted causing a slight vertical offset next to the area wefixed.Our foreman emailed the customer this information on July 6th, and asked the customer if hewould be interested in having our company provide him a quote for correcting this other area.The customer, *** ***, emailed our foreman back that same day, July 6th, indicating that thework we did months earlier was done improperly and that he should not be obligated to pay for ourworkers mistake.On July 10th our B-level foreman, who has been corresponding with the customer, shared these emailswith the sales manager and co-owner of the company Jacob S
*After discussing the matter, JacobS*** authorized the B-level crew to repair this unrelated area of concrete at no cost to the customerin order to resolve the matterOn July 10th our sales manager called and spoke to *** ***about repairing the sidewalk at no chargeDuring the conversation, the customer began requestingadditional repairs all together unrelated to what we agreed to do or even talked about originallyTheconversation ended with *** *** stating quote, "If you're not going to take care of all of myissues with the sidewalk then I don't want you to bother coming out at all".On July 20th, *** ***, after stating on July 10th that he didn't want anyone back to his home,attempts to reach out to the foreman through email asking quote, "What if anything can we work outwith my sidewalk situation"After receiving this information, the foreman notifies the sales managerabout the emailThat same day, July 20th, Jacob S***, sales manager, heads over to the customershome to inspect the work and discuss a resolutionWhile at the home, Jacob attempted knocking andcalling the customer with no response.On July 21st, *** *** again tries to reach out through email to our foreman letting us knowthat he was aware we were at his home and would prefer to communicate via email?At the present time, July 24th, all the work we did for the customer months earlier looks the same aswhen we left itB-level has agreed to repair at no charge, provided the customer accepts, a slight grindrepair between the city sidewalk and the driveway and nothing moreThe specific location of our grindwould be between the driveway approach and the first section of city sidewalk right of the driveway.All other requests from *** *** to repair additional areas of sidewalk will not be granted andhe will need to communicate with a concrete replacement contractor, as stated on the original estimate
Our house has not had any water problem since building in 1994, and our sump pump has rarely run, maybe a couple of times per year. When B-Level did the sidewalk construction job in 2008, it was a dry year, and most of our summers have been dry since then. This year we have had alot of rain, and our sump pump has been running much more. We also could see water gushing up out of the drain lines at the connection at the house foundation with the down spouts. We tried cleaning the gutters, had leave stopper covers installed on the whole house, and finally tried checking the curb drain by running a hose up inside from the street. It stopped after 9 feet, right at the spot where the sidewalk had been drilled by B-Level. It is obvious in hindsight, but we never thought to check that as were not expecting a concrete company to make such an obvious mistake.
The attached pictures show the drill spots on the sidewalk in pics 1 & 2. Pic 3 shows the drain line from the street view with a rock set on the drill spot in the sidewalk.
We try to keep an eye on contractors when we have work done, but I did not expect to have to watch out for something like this. B-Level was negligent.
I am rejecting this response because: Hello, I've reached out to B Level several times through email and mo response until 7/24, 7/25/17,, I've attached pictures of the sidewalk issue. I have elderly, children, and moms with baby stroolers that walk my neighborhood and on my sidewalk. There's potential trip hazards that was created by B Level when this work was performed after time passsed. I was tild the work is warranted and if any issues that they, B Level would take care of it. I had other areas of my sidewalk leveled and its fine for as of now. For me to be appeared to be home I'm not sure what made B Level assume that. I would have answered the door. Please fix my sidewalk or refund my $375.00. Thank you, have a blessed day. [redacted]
This letter is in follow-up to the response your office received from B Level LTD regarding variousproblems/damage caused at my home while their crew was working there.(1)Beginning with his response to my electric to the garage being cut. Mr. S[redacted] seems to haveforgotten that I told him that his job foreman specifically told me that they saw the wire coming out ofmy house and that, "it looked so old they didn't think it was supplying electricity to anything" so theycut it. I have a picture of the wire coming out of my house and you can clearly see that it was cut. Youdidn't have to look for anything it was in plain sight. But Mr. S[redacted] would not know this because heNEVER came out and looked at the damage. And I never discussed it with him until after it had beenfixed, I dealt with the job foreman. The fact is I did have to mention the damage to the job foreman afew times before it was fixed and the fact remains it was almost a month before it was fixed. But, againMr. S[redacted] wouldn't know that because he was never out to my home during that time.(2)ln regard to the awning. I too would question what B-levels crew did when they removed the awningto cause rain water to leak in to my home. I too would question if they had properly removed theawning, why would rain water leak into my home? I also have pictures of my home prior to the guttersand siding being replaced. The gutters and siding were in good condition and did not need replacedbecause they were failling. Cosmetically, they didn't look good. There was paint peeling and small dentsin various areas from hail damage. Obviously Mr. S[redacted] has no professional knowledge on gutters andsiding if he thinks small dents and paint peels result in leaking gutters and siding (7). I also don'tappreciate the suggestion that I would leave my home in such poor maintenance as to allow rain waterto pour down the interior walls when it rained.(3)On to his response on the water line. Mr. S[redacted] is exactly point on. The only reason I knew thewater line was crushed was because his crew called me at work to tell me. And the only reason they didthat was because they were concerned water was leaking in my house and they couldn't get in to check.I agree 100% with his statement. Had they been able to get in my house and see there was no waterleaking they would have never told me they smashed the water line. I was still able to use my water,nothing was leaking at that point. Yes, had they not been worried about water leaking inside the house,I am POSITIVE they never would have told me they damaged it. And it is highly probable it would havenever been fixed. It would have been covered with dirt and buried until it reared its ugly head later andafter B Level was long gone. I would have been stuck with the cost of the repairs. And, they only reasonthere was no interruption in service is because I was at work at the time they shut the water off to makethe repair.(4)The flat tire. I received the check for the tire repair. Again, per my original letter, B Level was madeaware of the damage the next day when the job foreman arrived and I showed him the receipt.(5)The driveway. As stated previously, the damage occurred in 1 instance, the 1 and only time B Levelallowed a big heavy "[redacted]" truck up the driveway. B Levels job foreman and my neighbor, whowitnessed what happened and was the first to tell me that evening when I came home from work,relayed the following to me. The truck was attempting to get out of the driveway and had difficultyexiting because of a vehicle parked on the street. So, he had to drive partially off the driveway into myside yard and over the neighbors' sidewalk in order to get the truck out of the driveway. I also havepictures of the rut, sidewalk, sunken portion of the driveway and cracked corner of the driveway. Andhere we go again with Mr. S[redacted] passing judgement on the condition of my property with hisstatement, "the driveway itself is in poor condition". Yes, cosmetically it doesn't look pretty in spots butthat doesn't give his company the right to tear it up.(6)The "Insulation". I have NEVER implied or mentioned that I thought the insulation was there toinsulate my home. My only concern has been that this "insulation" is cracking and pulling away fromthe house and appears to be the cause for the new stucco finish cracking and breaking off.(7)Agree. Since the concrete was tore out and B Level dug down about 6 feet to perform foundationrepairs, that is now the low spot in the driveway where water puddles and sits each time we have adecent rain.The City of Columbus has not inspected any of the issues I mentioned in my letter. I would definitelywelcome them out and I will gladly go over any items mentioned in my letter with them. The only dirtthat was removed from my property was the dirt that was dug out around the house, and a good bit ofit was dumped in piles in my front yard. Most of that dirt was then used by B Level's crew to fill in therut that was created by the [redacted] truck. The yard is far from level, but whatever.The entire yard was also not hydro-seeded, approximately 85% of it was. They did dump dirt and hydroseedthe front concrete walk up by the house where my front porch used to be, The neighbor and Ispent about 3 hours one Saturday digging it out and taking that hydro-seed from there and trying toplant it in the areas of the yard that weren't hydro-seeded (again I have pictures of all of this).Back to items 8 & 11 of my original letter. I was also told that the air draft and water leak behind myelectrical box where the block was knocked out would be looked at and fixed in the spring. Which is whyI wasn't sure why B Level insisted on showing up in the pouring down rain an Monday, January 4, 2016.And, I don't consider 2 voicemail messages to be "several messages about sending a crew out. Ireceived 1 voicemail on December 24th. And his contact records may state they were to look at theoutside only but I have 2 saved voicemail messages on my phone that beg to differ. One is from Mindy inhis office on December 24th and 1 is from JT his job foreman who left me a message after they arrived atmy home on December 28th without confirmation from me that I would be there or that they could bethere. Both of these messages clearing state they need to get into the house and they need me to behome. And again Tom is having a memory lapse on his crew being ordered off my property. By the timeI got home that rainy Monday, B Level had already dug out around my house where the leak was. Thejob foreman ask if I wanted them to leave. Like I told him, "Not when you have already dug outaround my house, I don't want you leaving it like this." So, they continued doing whatever they weregoing to do (and guess what, I have pictures of them working). AFTER they were done and long gone, Iadvised Mr. S[redacted] I did not want any of his employees on my property unless I or someone appointedby me was going to be there.I am not sure what Mr. S[redacted] means by his statement, "most issue(s) in this (my) letter have all beenaddressed". He mentions they will "address the issue of the wall leaking" in the Spring of 2016. I amassuming this is regarding the air draft/water leak behind the electrical panel where the block wasknocked out. I would like to know what is specifically going to be done to permanently remedy theproblem (whatever they did in December, didn't work). There was also no mention of what is going tobe done with the insulation that was put in during the back fill to protect the platon and is nowinterfering with the stucco finish (can it be cut back/down some away from the stucco finish). What isgoing to be done to resolve the leak in the northeast corner of the basement (item 13)? Originally Mr.S[redacted] indicated they may have to dig that area up again to fix it but later said he never stated that andthe leak was the responsibility of [redacted] has since been out to my home,went over all areas of concern with me and have provided me with an acceptable resolution to whatthey stated were their responsibilities. They have indicated the leak in the Northeast corner of thebasement (by where the new sump pump is) is not their responsibility. They are also going to finishstuccoing the area in the back of the house were B Level installed a ramp off the house so there was away in and out of the house once the deck was tore off. However, [redacted] has indicated thatonce B Level removes the ramp with the way they installed it, it looks like there will be holes and orcracks in the area where the ramp was bolted to the house and they will not be responsible for repairingthat damage prior to completing the stucco work.So, my question is what is going to be done to properly and permanently fix all of the problems and/ordamages referenced in the paragraph above? My reason for stating all of the incidents that happenedat my home in my first letter was not to embarrass or anger anyone. But rather to show there has beena pattern of negligent disregard for me and my home. And when these incidents were brought to Mr.S[redacted]'s attention, there was no accountability, if they could be shrugged off they were. In looking atsome of his responses to you regarding my letter, it shouldn't be difficult to understand why I finally feltI had no choice but to solicit any agencies available to me to assist in resolving the issues at my home.And then there is his comments on what he perceives the condition of my home to be included in someof his responses. If there was any doubt before, it is clear that my home is not of the caliber ordistinction for Mr. S[redacted] or his employees are concerned with.
On April 13th, 2016 we provided the customer, [redacted], with repair services to his concretesidewalk. The work we did for the customer was performed successfully, customer was home andhappy, and we were paid for our services.Fast forward 15 months later. Customer calls the office requesting that we look at an area of thesidewalk he believes has moved since we repaired it. Within 1 week from receiving the call, B-levelsends out the foreman who repaired the sidewalk 15 months earlier to inspect it for possible warrantywork. After our foreman inspects the work, he determines the sidewalk has not changed or moved atall, but the adjacent area of concrete had shifted causing a slight vertical offset next to the area wefixed.Our foreman emailed the customer this information on July 6th, 2017 and asked the customer if hewould be interested in having our company provide him a quote for correcting this other area.The customer, [redacted], emailed our foreman back that same day, July 6th, indicating that thework we did 15 months earlier was done improperly and that he should not be obligated to pay for ourworkers mistake.On July 10th our B-level foreman, who has been corresponding with the customer, shared these emailswith the sales manager and co-owner of the company Jacob S[redacted]. After discussing the matter, JacobS[redacted] authorized the B-level crew to repair this unrelated area of concrete at no cost to the customerin order to resolve the matter. On July 10th our sales manager called and spoke to [redacted]about repairing the sidewalk at no charge. During the conversation, the customer began requestingadditional repairs all together unrelated to what we agreed to do or even talked about originally. Theconversation ended with [redacted] stating quote, "If you're not going to take care of all of myissues with the sidewalk then I don't want you to bother coming out at all".On July 20th, [redacted], after stating on July 10th that he didn't want anyone back to his home,attempts to reach out to the foreman through email asking quote, "What if anything can we work outwith my sidewalk situation". After receiving this information, the foreman notifies the sales managerabout the email. That same day, July 20th, Jacob S[redacted], sales manager, heads over to the customershome to inspect the work and discuss a resolution. While at the home, Jacob attempted knocking andcalling the customer with no response.On July 21st, [redacted] again tries to reach out through email to our foreman letting us knowthat he was aware we were at his home and would prefer to communicate via email?At the present time, July 24th, all the work we did for the customer 15 months earlier looks the same aswhen we left it. B-level has agreed to repair at no charge, provided the customer accepts, a slight grindrepair between the city sidewalk and the driveway and nothing more. The specific location of our grindwould be between the driveway approach and the first section of city sidewalk right of the driveway.All other requests from [redacted] to repair additional areas of sidewalk will not be granted andhe will need to communicate with a concrete replacement contractor, as stated on the original estimate.
I would like my sidewalk repaired, please stop avoiding the issue. Thank you, [redacted]
On Monday 08-25-14, I received a letter stating that a past customer has complained about a job where we lifted a sidewalk block on 08-14-08. They now state that we blocked the downspout drain line which goes from the house to the street. The person did call us and complain on...
08-15-14. We questioned why it took 6 years to discover this issue. We did explain to the customer that our warranty is only a one year warranty. In addition, we did explain that our material when injected under the slab will not penetrate a drain line unless that line is already broken. The customer said that we injected our material into the line as a result of drilling directly into the line. This comment is speculative because the line has not been dug-up and inspected. If this were the case, than, our material would have ran out into the street. (See the photo) and not lifted the concrete sidewalk. The distance between the slab where the one hole was drilled and the exit of the drain is less than 5 feet. We explained to the customer that the line on both sides of the walk needs to be dug-up and a new line ran under the walk. There are several ways one can do this which we went over on the phone. The customer was not happy with our response and expected us to come out and make this repair. Our original quote was to lift the sidewalk, and did not include anything about repairing the walk. A photo of the original work order is below:
Per our phone conversation, Jacob S[redacted] visited the customer’s home on 07-20-17. The customer would not answer the door when he arrived, although appeared to be home. Jacob looked at the area in question and noted that there was no change with the work originally performed that the customer...
was happy with at the time of the job being done. Jacob is going to now try and reach out to the customer via email to see if he can contact him. Thank you!Hannah H[redacted]Office ManagerB-Level/RamJack###-###-####
1. Electric line, fixed2. We had to remove the awnings to do our work. We offered to put them back up,but was told to leave them down because the homeowner scheduled to replace thesiding and gutters, which they would again be in the way.3. Fact, we did tell her. We also paid for the fix.4. Fact, we do not use screws in our work, the type found in the tire. Fact, we did payfor it.5. Fact, [redacted] drivers don't work for our company. Fact, we fixed the ruts, andhad the yard re-seeded at our expense.6. The insulation was installed before the stucco finish was applied to the house. If theinsulation was going to cause a problem, it is the responsibility of the stuccoinstaller, not B-Level , to install the stucco in such a way so the insulation does notinterfere with stucco. I have forwarded this issue on to the stucco installer.7. Fact, the city of Columbus made all its required inspections, and all work passed.From the Complaint letter:"So, my question is what is going to be done to properly and permanently fix all of theproblems and/or damages referenced in the paragraph above?"The homeowner is aware of the answer to this question. It has always been understoodthat we have intentionally filled around the house in the fall with the understanding that inthe spring we would come back and re-fill around the house. We did this for severalreasons. Normally, when we fill dirt against a dug-out basement wall, we mound-up the dirtknowing that as it settles, there will still be enough dirt to cause a positive slope against thehouse. (You can't compact the soil against a basement wall because it will break the wall)Because the homeowner had brand-new stucco applied to the wall, if we would have piledup the dirt we would have stained the wall and created a less than eye appealing sight.Therefore, I explained to the homeowner, that we will fill up only partial with dirt in the falland refill with dirt in the spring. Totally, this will give a better job and prevent thehomeowner from having to do a lot of leveling work with the dirt. I was made aware of thebasement issues and it was agreed that we will address those issues in the spring. In theletter and throughout the complaints, I am not aware of any other issues. In the 2nd letter,the "entry area" became a concern. We will deal with this in the spring. This is how thehomeowner gets in the house. Why would we disconnect now?And it needs to be stated, at the time we do go back and install the last layer of dirt againstthe house, we will run-down a list with the homeowner, and address any and all concerns asit relates to B-Level."What they did in December, didn't worK"My crew was told to leave the premises, and they did. They were in the middle of therepair. The leak in the corner of the basement by the sump pump has not been addressed,but will be when we go back in the spring. At no time have I ever given the homeowner theidea that we would not fix any and all concerns about the job. By design, the job has notended as far as final work is concerned. As the homeowner has had questions or concerns,we will deal with them.
Written: July 28th, 2017To whom it may concern,The customer has a legitimate concern about people tripping on his city walkway. Neither the customernor B-level wishes for anyone to get hurt due to the unevenness of the sidewalk.With that said the pictures that the customer provided to the Revdex.com of the uneven area of sidewalk is anarea in immediate need of replacement and was not included on the proposal. Our proposal includedonly those areas of sidewalk that could be lifted and leveled.The sidewalk we quoted to lift, and the sidewalk we did not quote to replace, were properly noted onthe proposal both with a "description of work" and a computer drawn sketch. For your convenience, Iwill attach a copy of our proposal so you can see for yourself the work we did, and the work not quotedto do. The customer's primary area of concern is the offset between panels #2 and panel #3 right of thedriveway.The customer's request to fix his sidewalk or refund his money is not an option. If fixing his sidewalkwere an option, we would have included a repair to fix it 15 months ago. The only thing you can do withthe sidewalk, as noted on our proposal, is to have it replaced (specifically panels #3 and #4 right of thedriveway).When the sales manager spoke with the customer on July 10th, he explained that the city sidewalkpanels #3 and #4 right of the driveway needed to be replaced as it is stated on the proposal. Thecustomer, [redacted] argued that there was nothing wrong with these two pieces and that wecaused the problem. Just to be clear, the reason why the sidewalk needs to be replaced is because ithas been uplifted by tree roots, and panel #3 is broken in half. When we did the work 15 months ago,there was a very large tree, highlighted on our computerized sketch on the proposal, that is now beenremoved and is no longer there.[redacted]
Review: B-Level concrete leveling company performed their services to level sidewalk concrete in the front of our yard. During performance of services, B-Level penetrated the only drain pipe from the house out to the street when drilling the sidewalk. B-Level then filled the drain pipe with concrete. This has blocked our drain lines from the roof gutters and sump pump, as all lines drain through one line to the curb. The hole where the pipe was drilled is 4 feet from the outlet in the curb, clearly visible yet not avoided. B-Level has stated that the do not accept responsibility for this damage.Desired Settlement: Remove/replace blocked drain line with new drain line.
On Monday 08-25-14, I received a letter stating that a past customer has complained about a job where we lifted a sidewalk block on 08-14-08. They now state that we blocked the downspout drain line which goes from the house to the street. The person did call us and complain on 08-15-14. We questioned why it took 6 years to discover this issue. We did explain to the customer that our warranty is only a one year warranty. In addition, we did explain that our material when injected under the slab will not penetrate a drain line unless that line is already broken. The customer said that we injected our material into the line as a result of drilling directly into the line. This comment is speculative because the line has not been dug-up and inspected. If this were the case, than, our material would have ran out into the street. (See the photo) and not lifted the concrete sidewalk. The distance between the slab where the one hole was drilled and the exit of the drain is less than 5 feet. We explained to the customer that the line on both sides of the walk needs to be dug-up and a new line ran under the walk. There are several ways one can do this which we went over on the phone. The customer was not happy with our response and expected us to come out and make this repair. Our original quote was to lift the sidewalk, and did not include anything about repairing the walk. A photo of the original work order is below:
The drain pipe was drilled and injected with concrete by B-Level. As they did not bother to come out and inspect the damage they caused, it is their response that is speculative.
Our house has not had any water problem since building in 1994, and our sump pump has rarely run, maybe a couple of times per year. When B-Level did the sidewalk construction job in 2008, it was a dry year, and most of our summers have been dry since then. This year we have had alot of rain, and our sump pump has been running much more. We also could see water gushing up out of the drain lines at the connection at the house foundation with the down spouts. We tried cleaning the gutters, had leave stopper covers installed on the whole house, and finally tried checking the curb drain by running a hose up inside from the street. It stopped after 9 feet, right at the spot where the sidewalk had been drilled by B-Level. It is obvious in hindsight, but we never thought to check that as were not expecting a concrete company to make such an obvious mistake.