Association of Mature American Citizens, Inc. Reviews (11)
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Association of Mature American Citizens, Inc. Rating
Address: 5 Orville Drive, Suite 400, Bohemia, New York, United States, 11716
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Do your research, read, and then make a judgment. There are executives, particularly Weber family, and high-level associates who make very comfortable salaries and benefits at “offices” with post office box addresses throughout US, Canada and Mexico in one article I found. Paid for by your “membership”. Also regardless of your opinion, another article quote “ACA was voted in by STUPID PEOPLE.” The deciding vote was by Senator John McCain. Calling him stupid is insulting. In
February 2021, I received a solicitation letter from AMAC asking for money under the guise of “membership”. I did not volunteer my name and address. I’m on a Do Not Call (or mail) list. Did AMAC check that nationwide list out of simple curtesy? Apparently not. When thousands of people lost jobs ( yes, some seniors actually work for a living), AMAC mails solicitations for up to $59.95.
That takes GALL! But then some executives think they are entitled maybe for a raise. And God forbid we have “entitlements” including social security. As for “protecting” your social security, that’s why we have senators and representatives in our big bad liberal, left-wing government. AMAC claims to be nonpartisan. Now who’s “stupid”?
Review: We responded to their solicitation for membership and paid for it with our credit card. Our card was charged on 8-*-13 and to date we have received absolutely nothing - no acknowledgement, no membership kit, etc. We sent them an e-mail which has been completely ignored.We would like for them to cancel our application and give us a refund.Thank you.
Product_Or_Service: Association membershipDesired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Refund
Refund our money and cancel our membership application.
Hi [redacted], I have
received information on ID# [redacted]. I have already addressed this issue. I
have attached the resolve that was mailed out on 10/**/2013 to [redacted].
Please let me know if there is any further action I need to
take in order to close this case.
Thank you for your
continued support,
Supervisor of Membership
Amac - The Association of Mature
American Citizens
Review: AMAC is supposedly an organization to counter AARP and its more liberal views on issues related to the elderly and [redacted] like myself. Several months ago I joined in good faith with the understanding that I would receive a "membership kit and card" within 2 weeks. After over 20 calls (when I started counting) and several before I kept being told that I would receive it. It is now August *, 2013 and I don't have one yet. After leaving over 10 calls with the CSR i
s for [redacted], its president, to cancel, I finally reached him on my own by calling the non toll-free number. We talked at length about the nasty, vile, "do-nothing" CSRs that he has. He admitted that they were were a third party organization. We agreed that they needed replacing. He has done nothing that he promised. He talked me in to staying a member and would donate my membership fee to a Christian charity of my choice, i.e. Answers in Genesis and send me a tax-deductible receipt for my gift to them. He has not done so and I have left with the CSRs 11 messages since. He has not returned my calls or even recognized that I have attempted to reach him. The CSRs today promised again they would contact him. They say they have no supervisor. If so, [redacted] is no administrator and I feel should be fired. He certainly doesn't do anything. Today was the last attempt to reach him. I explained to the CSR that I was reporting this organization to the, the Ohio Attorney General and the FBI for fraud in not crediting my account since it was cancelled by the i
sic CSRs. When I have attempted to use some of the "benefits" this scamming company states are available on their website, I am told I am not a member. In other words, I have been conned, duped, terrorized, and lied to. I demanded my money by Monday August *, 2013.Desired Settlement: I am demanding that I immediately receive a check over-nighted for my membership fee and a settlement above that amount for pain and suffering, duress, mental stress that this entire process has caused me. This is a scam operation led by a scam leader under the guise of supposedly helping the elderly and disabled. I have received no help whatsoever and actually have been hurt badly by them. It is obvious that their so-called "conservative" and "Christian" principles can be thrown out the door
Hi [redacted], I received your letter to the
today 8/*/2013. I would like to address your comments/complaints. I would like
to start by apologizing for the inconvenience and lack of customer service. Our
turnaround for receiving your membership kit in the mail is 4 full weeks due to
our bulk mailing. I will be more than happy to refund your $59.95 (Ck # [redacted]) as well
as sending you another Ck # [redacted] for $59.95 and believe that you will send it to the
charity of your choice, I did overnight the checks today 8/*/2013, If we send the charity
there check the receipt will come back in our name to us. Please keep in
mind AMAC is a young organization and while we are grateful to say that we
are experiencing a surge in membership, we are also feeling some growing pains
at the same time. We want to assure you that we are working hard each day to
improve our organization so that we can continue to advocate for Conservative
American Seniors, and hope you will consider joining us again in the future.
Any Questions
Very revealing experience and the responding excuses. A “young” organization? I looked up their beginnings, and I take issue with that excuse. As to their backlog of mail in 2013, well, in February, 2021, AMAC sent me a solicitation letter regardless of the fact I am on a nationwide Do Not Call (nor mail) list. This letter states “AMAC is 2.4 million members strong.”
And an excuse of backed up mail in 2013, 7 years ago? Really? This organization has/does pay executives, including the founder, Dan Weber, and his family members very comfortable salary and benefit packages (including deductible air travel). This is a well funded lobby group operating under the guise of helping seniors.
Dp your research people. The disgusting adjectives of people with differing views includes one article’s quote: “ACA was voted on by stupid people”. The deciding vote was by Senator John McCain.” Calling him stupid is putrid.
Personally I am sick of the vitriol.
Obviously a review by a leftist, athiest hack, probably hired by AARP, who supports third term abortions. They have no shame.
WOW. AMAC is a stand up organization. Refund AND an additional check to donate. I'm sold and will wait 10 weeks for my membership package to arrive! A 5 year membership for $60 for BOTH myself and my wife? Can't beat it. Can't please all the people all the time! But AARP? Not a chance.