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Arrighetti Animal Hospital

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Arrighetti Animal Hospital Reviews (30)

We respectfully disagree with some of the statements made byMr. [redacted] in his rebuttal.   First, our dealer network is comprised solelyof independent businesses.   Secondly, a customer does not have to use anawning dealer to install an awning purchased from SunSetter or from one of thelocal independent businesses.   Mr.[redacted] awning is installed on his roof, and we do not sell roof brackets tothe general public because we do not believe that particular installation is ado-it-yourself installation.   We providestandard wall brackets and soffit brackets with every awning, and ourinstructions including an installation DVD are all designed to be installed bythe homeowner installing to the wall or soffit.  Those that prefer not to installthe awning themselves can hire a handyman, recruit help from friends or choseto work with an independent awning dealer.  These are all options.  Mr. [redacted] did chose to work with a localdealer and we refer him to that local dealer for installation issues.   We didn’t install his awning and his local awningdealer does not work for SunSetter.   The local awning dealers purchase awnings fromSunSetter for resale to their customer.  Weare the manufacturer of his awning and are here for him for warrantyissues.  For questions about hispurchase, including installation or service or reimbursement for anything we mustrefer him back to his place of purchase.
I respectufuly choose to disagree with your response to your contractors.while you say that these businesses are independant contractors they are listed on your web and recommeded by you thru that portal.   it was your installer who did not know how to install your product on my roof and That I needed another one of your installers to fix the problem.    you admit in your own words that you do not recommend doing the install of my awnings myself due to the size and roof mounts needed.   when I purchased this product the roof brackets are supplied by you to the installer,   they used fewer than you recommeded   WHY?    do YOU NOT HAVE ANY QUALITY CONTROL OVER WHO AND HOW YOUR PRODUCTS ARE INSTALLED?    YOU KEEP THIS INSTALLER ON YOUR WEB SITE AS AN "ACCEPTABLE INSTALLER",   ARE YOU NOT CONCERNED ABOUT THEIR WORKMANSHIP.   THE ANSWER TO THESE QUESTIONS SHOULD BE YES,   and if so you have control over them AND ARE THEREFORE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM.PLAIN AND SIMPLE.      STOP TRYING TO HIDE YOUR RESPONSIBLITY.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below.  

We were sorry to hear that there were parts missing when Ms. [redacted] received her SunSetter EasyShade, and even more disappointed to learn that we did not get replacement parts to Ms. [redacted] in a timely manner.  We at SunSetter we take great pride in our product quality, our service, and...

especially in the satisfaction of our customers.  We regret any unpleasant experience that our customers may have.   The replacement parts are scheduled to be delivered today via [redacted]- tracking # [redacted].   The missing components are not required for installation or use of the EasyShade.  As noted in the Owner’s Manual the SunSetter Motorized EasyShade can be used safely without the cable guide wires, especially for a short period of time.  While we cannot offer refund to Ms. [redacted] (she did not purchase from us) we will send her a $100 [redacted] gift card that she can use online or in one of [redacted]’s warehouse locations.

We will happily provide the requested set of  LED lights to make up for any inconvenience. [redacted] Freight has confirmed the mis-routed item was located and is in the possession of the partner carrier. It is our understanding that a delivery appointment has been made for this Thursday. We will continue to monitor the delivery.

We are very sorry to hear
about the difficulties Mr. [redacted] has experienced with two of the optional
accessories he purchased for his awning from [redacted] of [redacted].   Both the LED Lights and the Wireless Wind
Sensor are electronic and must be programmed to a power...

control box (for the
LED lights), and the awning motor (for the Wireless Wind Sensor.)  It would be extremely rare for either of these
accessories to be defective, but if either or both are as the manufacturer we
will replace the items immediately at no cost to Mr. [redacted]s. We will also send
him [redacted] pre-paid labels to return the non-functioning items.  My educated guess is that the accessories are
not programmed correctly or at all which is why they are not operating, or
perhaps the remote control is on the wrong channel when Mr. [redacted]s tries to
operate either product.  The remote
control has multiple channels to operate several items, much like a universal
remote used to operate your TV, Cable and DVD player.  We would be happy to walk Mr. [redacted]s through
programming the accessories to his remote control over the phone to get both functioning
properly or replace the items if necessary.  Please note the Manufacturer’s Warranty does not cover the cost of installation.  We left a voicemail for Mr. [redacted]s today to
let him know we are happy to help with what we can over the phone or replace
the items.  We also have a call into his
place of purchase, Innovative Elements on his behalf to ask them to call Mr.
[redacted]s regarding his concerns with the product.  Because Mr. [redacted]s did not purchase from
SunSetter we cannot accept a return of the items or offer him a refund, but we’re
confident we can help resolve the issue.  We are mailing Mr. [redacted]s a copy of his Awning Owner’s Manual that
includes his warranty, as well as the instructions for the Dimming LED Lights
and Wireless Wind Sensor for his records.  They may prove helpful to him in the future.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
The awning arrived today, unfortunately there is damage,  See pictures.Not sure if it will need to be replaced. Waiting on response from Sunsetter.To clear up this issue I need:1) To either assemble this one, and confirm no damage. or receive a replacement, quickly.2) Receive the complementary LED lights in previous comments.3) Need this all before Winter, don't really need an awning for winter weather. 

Mr. [redacted] purchased his awning through a local independent awning dealer, not SunSetter Products.   We, SunSetter Products sell our awningsdirect to the consumer for DIY installation. We do not offer installation or repair services. We also sell awnings tolocal independent...

businesses for resale to their customers.  This is the case with Mr. [redacted].  He purchased through a local independentbusiness, [redacted]. of Inwood, NY. SunSetter is the manufacturer of Mr. [redacted]’s awning and hold thewarranty on his awning.  The Manufacturer’sWarranty does not cover installation or repair or the cost of either.   On April 17, 2015, Mr. [redacted] called us tosay when he removed his awning cover a couple of screws looked loose in thebrackets.  At that time we referred himback to his place of purchase and the installers of his awning.   Any concern involving installation isbetween Mr. [redacted] and [redacted] (the seller and installer.)    According to our notes Mr. [redacted] didn’twant to work with [redacted] after not being able to reach them by phone andasked us for the name of another local dealer. We provided that name and reiterated in writing,  “Please note all SunSetter Dealers are independent businesses notaffiliated with or controlled by SunSetter Products LP. Dealers set their ownpricing that cannot be combined with any direct SunSetter offer, and allagreements and services, including installation or technical service negotiatedbetween you and the dealer do not involve SunSetter Products LP and cannot beadjusted or changed by SunSetter Products LP.”  Mr. [redacted] contacted and contracted another independent business to reinstall his awning with the awareness that weare not involved in that relationship.  Mr. [redacted] is now asking for us to reimburse him forthat reinstallation.  We have explainedthis to Mr. [redacted], and we continue to refer him to his place of purchase forquestions or concerns with the installation of his awning.

Dear Ms. [redacted],  we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and unnecessary frustration you experienced with the purchase of your SunSetter EasyShades.    We have processes in place to deal with a lost delivery and our contract with [redacted] does require we allow them 5 business...

days to locate the item.  During that five day waiting period the freight is generally located and delivered to our customer.  In your case that process failed multiple times.  We are expediting the production of a new Solar Powered EasyShade and we will ship it to you via [redacted] Freight.  We are partnering with Costco and using their relationship with [redacted] Freight to get your new EasyShade to you.   As a token of appreciation for your business and patience we are also going to send you a $100 Costco gift card.    We will email you once your new EasyShade ships and we will track your shipment through delivery.  If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.  [redacted]Manager, Customer Care[redacted]SunSetter Products LP[redacted] [redacted]
[redacted] [redacted]

Good Afternoon Mr. [redacted],  We received your email and reviewed the photos you sent and can clearly see damage to the packaging, and damage to one of the brackets on the awning.  You described what you can see of the damage as, mostly cosmetic as of right now.  Tomorrow when you have a chance to upright the awning you will know if there is any damage to the motor or fabric, etc. and we'll go from there.  You also mentioned that you are missing the remote control and the Wireless Wall Switch.  The remote control is packaged in bubble wrap and taped to the power cord on your awning.  By now you may have located it.  The Wireless Wind Sensor and the Wireless Wall Switch are packaged inside the tube with the awning.  They are each in their own small box.  If you are missing the Wireless Wall Switch we will of course send you another one.  We have the Dimming LED Lights ordered but we will hold that order until we know the status of the awning.  We’d like to get things corrected first and then we’ll send you the lights as promised.  You can reach us directly in the Home Office on Monday by calling [redacted] x [redacted] and speak with [redacted].  If you need technical assistance [redacted] will get you to the right person.  If you discover significant transit damage we will exchange your awning.  After speaking with you on Monday we’ll have a better understanding of where we go from here.  Again, our apologies for the delivery issues and subsequent transit damage.  We stand behind our product and our service and we look forward to getting these issues resolved so you can enjoy your awning.  Sincerely, [redacted]
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. first of all when you purchase the sunsetter product you MUST GET ONE OF THIER CERITFIED DEALERS to install the product.   Sunsetter refers them as INDEPENDANT CONTRACTORS,  this commet is not true.    THey are of SUNSETTERS WEB site and are to be certified and qualified to handle their product.    YOU CAN NOT JUST HIRE SOMEONE OFF  THE  STREET TOP DO THIS INSTALLATION, YOU MUST GO THRU SUNSETTER.My first installation WAS NOT A FEW SCREWS LOOSE but the ALL THE ROOF BRACKETS WERE NOT PROPERLY SECURED TO THE ROOF BEAMS AS REQUIRED BY SUNSETTER,  this was their installer,   who is supposed to know how to do this.   The FIRST installer also did not install six brakets as required by SUNSETTER due to the lenght of the awning but installed only five.therefor due to very poor installation and fewer brackets than necessary I had asked a SECOND SUUSETTER DEALER TO come and take a look at my AWNING.  thank god th esecond installer knew what was wrong and fixed the problem.  The awning had to be removed, the roof needed to be fixed where the old brackets were, six brackets were installed thru the roof beams, and the awning replaced.  I had also purchased a wind sensor which was not set up right by the First installer nad had to be reprogramed by the second installer.   SUNSETTERS COMMENT TO ME WAS THAT I SHOULOD HAVE GIVEN THE FIRST INSTALLER A CHANCE TO FIX HIS MISTAKE,  I ASKED WHY ?  HE DID NOT KNOW HOW TO INSTALL THE PRODUCT CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME, WHY SHOULD I ALLOW HIM TO SCREW IT UP A SECOND TIME.   That is when Igot a seconf installer thru SUNSETERS WEB SITE.      I am asking SUNSETTER TO reimburse me the cost of the second installation of $ 790.00   WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO PAY TWICE FOR MY PRODUCT TO BE PROPERLY INSTALLED  THANK YOU [redacted] 

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