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Aqua America, Incorporated

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Reviews Aqua America, Incorporated

Aqua America, Incorporated Reviews (328)

Good AfternoonWe have adjusted the deposit of $50.00, along with the reconnection fee of $off of the account. We have also removed the late fees of $and $as a courtesy. I called and left a voicemail for Lisa Kay and am also following up with an email to the email
address she provided. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us!Thank You,Patricia P***Regional Customer Care Team Lead - Texas

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: everytime you contact me there is a different response I was originally told I would here back about the meter in ten days It's now been way over that I'm still waiting I was then told if my plumber documented what was repaired I'd receive a refund for two months My plumber repaired nothin though so now I'm told it's dependent on my meter For the first part of the month you said I used 68,gallons of water now I'm only using 3,again There is no leak
*** ***

From: T***, SaranDate: Tue, May 24, at 9:AMSubject: Case# ***-*** ***To: "***" Cc: "C**, Thomas *." , "H***, Olivia" Good Morning ***
***, In the case regarding *** *** Aqua received correspondence from *** *** via *** as well as a Complaint on 6/14/Aqua investigated *** ***’s concerns regarding his account located at *** *** *** ***, Fort Wayne IN *** had not be deactivated as requested even though numerous request were made to Aqua’s Call Center to close his accountAqua responded to *** *** via *** and to the directly on 06/15/in which both parties were informed that Aqua verified *** ***’s final date with the City of Fort Wayne and that his account was deactivated as of 02/14/Aqua has also issued *** *** a refunded on 7/17/ for an overpayment to his account in the amount of $Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns regarding this matter. ThanksNicole Nicole T***Regional Customer Care CoordinatorAqua America Inc. (Indiana)WLancaster AvenueBryn Mawr, Pa 19010O: ###-###-####***

*** ***'s account has been reviewed and it has been determined that he is eligible for a leak adjustment for his high April 29th and March 31st bills
We have reached out to *** *** on Monday, October 13th and Wednesday, October 15th to discuss the adjustment with him.
A voicemail was left on both occasions at ###-###-#### which is the contact number on file for *** ***
*** *** can contact me directly at ###-###-#### to bring a resolution to this complaint

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: G***, Alice *.Date: Tue, Feb 23, at 10:AMSubject: Issue#*** - ***To: *** *** Good Morning ***, I wanted to provide additional information for the above issue#*** howevr; I was not able to go through the website. I wanted to provide additional info below. On January 23, 2016, the *** ***/*** water system loss power due to winter storm JonasCustomers received a Boil Water Advisory message via Aqua’s emergency notification system, swift reach, reference notice belowCustomers were also notified via Aqua’s emergency notification system, swift reach when the Boil Water Lift was lifted on January 25, It has been confirmed that on January 23, 2016, at 10:01:AM a call was placed to ***’s home notifying of the Boil Water Advisory and on January 25, 2016, a call was place to ***’s home at 1:30:PM advising of the Boil Water LiftBOIL WATER ADVISORY This is an important message from Aqua North Carolina for customers in the *** ***/*** water systemBOIL WATER NOTICE HAS BEEN LIFTED 1/25/This is an important message from Aqua North Carolina for customers in the *** *** water systemAs a result of winter storm Jonas, our water system lost power and subsequently water pressureDue to the current loss of pressure, the NC Division of Water Resources Public Water Supply Section recommends that water used for human consumption including drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth should be boiled for approximately one to two minutes once service is restoredThis is only a precautionary measureAs soon as we have verified the chlorine levels are sufficient in the water you will be notified that boiling water is no longer advisedIf you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Customer Call Center *** *** ***Thank you for your cooperation during this timeWinter storm Jonas unfortunately, impacted several systems within Aqua’s service territoryThe company took corrective action in notifying customers and worked hard with neighboring utilities to restore powerUntil power was restored, Aqua utilized generators to provide water service to customersDue to several systems being without water, generators were rotated throughout the service territoryUnderstanding ***’s concern and comments that he was without power for a period of time, personnel worked hard to restore service under severe weather conditionsWe ask that customers understand that personnel were working in dangerous conditions that impacted our efforts to restore service within a timely mannerThe boil water advisory is a precaution until bacterial sample results are received back from the lab so that the company can assure our customers that the water is safe*** *** spoke with Aqua’s afterhours call center representatives that rely on feedback from Aqua personnel from the fieldDue to the bad weather and treacherous travel conditions information was not immediately availableWhen customers contacted the call center, we ask for understanding especially during a storm understanding that travel conditions along with the bad weather could have a major impact in receiving timely information from the fieldIt should also be noted that North Carolina was in a state of emergencyOn behalf of the company, ***’s concerns and comments have been shared with system managers to assist with overall evaluation of how the storm emergency was handled internallyPlease advise if you require additional information. Thanks Alice *G***Regional Customer Care Team Lead (North Carolina)Aqua America*** ** *** ***, Bryn Mawr, PA ***O: ###-###-#### F: ###-###-####

There are two accounts associated with this customer, account *** for *** *** *** *** for unmetered water services billed monthly; account number *** *** *** *** *** also for unmetered water services billed monthlyAccount *** was made inactive
on December 22, 2016; account *** was made inactive on April 11, 2017. The bills submitted are dated January 4, and for account number *** and the credit was applied to account *** on January 11, 2017, however because this account was not made inactive until April 11, additional charges posted to the accountThe balance on the account is $with a due date of May 11, Attached to the response are excel spreadsheets that give a detail view of transactions that occurred on both the accountsTell us why here

Additional comments regarding the customer complaint. On December 18, 2017, *** *** spoke with a customer service representative stating that she had a toilet leak. There is no provision in Aqua’s tariff requiring leak adjustments and there are no regulatory requirements
related to a customer receiving an adjustment due to a leak on the customer’s service line. “Toilet leaks are considered the homeowner maintenance and are not eligible for a leak adjustment. This includes, but is not limited toFlush valves, tank ball, rod, floater, refill tube and flapper seal issues. Leak adjustments are a courtesy offered by the company, if granted, the adjustment is calculated based on a like period of similar use A request form was forward to *** *** for her review. Customers are to review and forward for consideration. Due to the customer stating that she had a toilet leak, adjustments are not granted for toilet leaks. Customers are also advised that if documentation is forwarded to the company, it will be reviewed for consideration however; leak adjustments request are not always granted. Customer are advised that the adjustment is a courtesy and not a requirement of the company. An Aqua representative visited the property on January 16, 2018, the meter was inspected and found to be working as designed. This information was shared with *** *** The company understands events such as a leak at the property can cause a financial hardship however; the guidelines on the attached form outlines company guidelines for leak adjustments. *** ***’s account does not qualify for an adjustment. Please reference attached leak adjustment form

The contractors are scheduled out to Mr***'s property today, August 26, 2016, to reassess the lawn and outline any additional repairs that are needed. An Aqua representative made an attempt to reach Me*** to provide him with an update however; was not able to reach him. A voice message was left providing an update and advised Mr*** to return the call if he had additional questions

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

Per company records the customer called on 9/17/and stated that they made settlement on 7/7/ The company moved the customer in as of 7/7/The read on 7/7/was The realtor called on 7/8/to close their accountThe read was obtained
at that timeThe usage on the bill is from 7/7/to 9/18/If the water was used between the time the realtor closed the account and when the customer moved in, this is the usageCompany records show that the customer spoke with a CSR and the CSR explained that the bill is for daysThe customer may want to check with the realtor to find out if the water was used before they moved inThis could be from the sprinkler systemIf the customer has any questions they can call customer service to discussThe customer called on 9/28/which is a Monday and the call volume is usually very highAlthough the customer shouldn't have been disconnectedI apologize for the mishap

From: Date: Thu, Sep 24, at 8:PMSubject: ***To: ******, Thank you for the assistance in this matter.Aqua finally resolved the billing dispute with me after the PUC got involvedFinal bill $not the $they were demandingAqua customer service is a joke along with their claims department, neither want to work with customers they just demand that you pay billThey treat the customer with disdain! I guess they feel they can do that being the monopoly they are. If you were to apply the dollars above to just 1% of their customer bills per month it would add up to some great income for them and unless the customer is willing to go to great lengths to fight them , they winSomething is wrong with this system! Others that I wrote and helped with this situation were Mayor of Bensalem,Pa (*** *** , Pa state house of representatives *** *** and finally the PUCAll of them I have written to and thanked for their assistance in this matter as they were most helpful.Want to thank you as well at the and also say this company really needs to be reigned in as they act like they make the rules and the customer just exists to give them money regardless of services renderedThis has been my first dealings with a public water company, prefer to go back to a well onsite after this deal.Thank you,*** ***

Tell u The customer’s account was closed out on November 25, and bad debt applied for $803.16.Due to the age of the debt it has been removed from the account and is no longer collectable.*** *** has been contacted by email and also by phoneI did have the opportunity to speak with the
customer so he is aware that everything has been correcteds why here

The account was established effective April 7, 2017, under the name of *** ***An actual reading was obtained on April 7, (***)An estimated billing statement was rendered for service rendered April 7, through April 24, in the amount of $for zero consumption.
An estimated billing statement was rendered from April 24, through May 5, 2017, for $for a total of 12,gallonsThe billing statement issued from May 25, through June 26, for $a total of 12, gallons was based on an estimated reading. All three billing statements were cancelled. The estimated bills were due to a data entry error that has been corrected A revised billing statement was issued from April 7, through June 26, for a total of daysTotal consumption 15,gallons in the amount of $136.12. All payments were credited to the account. An account statement is attached for your review On August 28, 2017, *** *** contacted Aqua, via phone, to inquire about receiving a flushing credit as a result of a field visit to investigate a water quality issue at the property on June 20, An Aqua Field Representative completed the task of flushing the outside faucets until the water was clear at the residenceAs part of the process for investigating a water quality issue, customers are asked to flush the outside faucet until water is clear for personal useHowever; the company does not offer flushing creditsAs a onetime courtesy, a credit in the amount of $(gallons X Aqua rate .5430000) has been applied to the accountThe $credit adjustment was applied to the billing statement issued from June 26, through July 26, Please advise if more information is required Please advise if you require additional information

Aqua has reviewed *** ***’s account and per our records, Aqua has no record of *** *** contacting Aqua to advise that he was moving from the property in question or to provide his new forwarding address. So when *** ***’s account was closed his final bill was sent to his last
known address of record which was his old property address*** *** account was only closed when a new party contacted Aqua on 07/25/to advise that he would be moving into the property on 08/01/Aqua’s last correspondence with *** *** was in prior to him contact us recently on 08/26/regarding his outstanding balance. *** *** has paid in full his outstanding balance of $on 08/26/Aqua has since notified the collection agency *** *** that *** *** has paid his outstanding balance of $in fullAqua has also requested that *** *** delete this debt off of their records. Aqua has also provided the collection agency with *** *** current forwarding address to mail a letter of confirmation advising that this debt has been removed from his credit report. Aqua request that *** *** allow to week for this process to take place

10/26/The customer was mailed a day shut off notice requesting payment of $by 11/9/to avoid termination of service.11/17/A day shut off notice was left requesting payment by 11/20/to avoid termination of service11/20/Water turned off for non payment.Aqua provided proper
notification to the customer regarding the status of the account. Aqua provided dollar amounts due as well as due dates. The customer did not respond to the shut off notice or phone message causing the water to be turned off. Aqua is required to turn the water on within days after the required payment is madeThe customer was turned on next day.Aqua updates and verifies account information, such as when phone numbers, when a customer calls, however, the first contact from the customer was after the water was turned off so there was no opportunity to verify information prior to the water getting shut off.A bill summary is attached that shows the customer was not paying their full bill monthly which caused the account to go into collection status. There is a note on the account mentioning a supervisor would be contacted on behalf of the customer however, it was noted that the customer disconnected the call. It is not clear if the supervisor was notified.Please call AQUA Monday-Friday from 8:AM-5:PM at ###-###-#### to make a meter test appointment or with any additional questions

June 15, 2016Dear: *** ***You state that you moved from the University Park, Illinois resident on May 29, You indicated that you called to stop/disconnect the water and sewer services and later received a billYou called again in June to verify the account balance and provide a
forwarding address.After making the final payment and receiving a refund check, you receive another bill.The desired outcome for you is that Aqua corrects any billing issues and provides documentation for your records.Again, I apologize for the delay in respondingThere is no outstanding balance on this accounthave included a statement of activity for the period of June - June 2016.If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact me at ###-###-#### between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm EST, Monday through Friday.Sincerely,WDennis S.Regional Customer Care Team Lead

In receiving *** ***’s customer complaint, there is no documentation listed on the customer’s account of having contacted Aqua North Carolina regarding any water quality concerns. On December 22, 2017, there was a leaking valve that had to be replaced on the system. As a result, a
Special Pressure Advisory was issued to the following customers that were located on the following cross streets within the *** subdivision; *** *** ***, *** ***, *** ***, *** *** and *** ***. These customers were notified via Aqua’s emergency telephone system, Swift Reach. Depending on the customers’ preferred method, they were contacted via Aqua’s emergency telephone system via telephone, email or text message. The emergency message was sent to customers on December 22, R 10:AM*** *** resides at *** *** **, Lot ***,was not impacted by the recent events. As a follto the customer complaint, a company representative made an attempt to reach *** *** on January 2, 2018, a voice message was left with a direct telephone number for *** *** to return the call to provide further information regarding her water quality concerns. If *** *** is experiencing any discolored water or pressure issues at her residence, a field representative will visit the property to investigate. Please advise if you require additional information

Aqua has reviewed *** ***’s account and per our records, Aqua has no record of *** *** contacting Aqua to advise that he was moving from the property in question or to provide his new forwarding
address. So when *** ***’s account was closed his final bill was sent to his last known address of record which was his old property address*** *** account was only closed when a new party contacted Aqua on 07/25/to advise that he would be moving into the property on 08/01/Aqua’s last correspondence with *** *** was in prior to him contact us recently on 08/26/regarding his outstanding balance. *** *** has paid in full his outstanding balance of $on 08/26/Aqua has since notified the collection agency *** *** that *** *** has paid his outstanding balance of $in fullAqua has also requested that *** *** delete this debt off of their records. Aqua has also provided the collection agency with *** *** current forwarding address to mail a letter of confirmation advising that this debt has been removed from his credit report. Aqua request that *** *** allow to week for this process to take place

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update
it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

The company leak detectors turned the service off due to a leak that was found on the service line on 12/2/The company returned to the property on 12/7/and the company was denied access to the homeThe technician gave the customer a day shut off notice to have the leak fixed or the water
would be terminated againThe company should have notified the customer first of the leak before turning the service offBut per the page of the company tariff:Service may be terminated for any of the following reasons which shall constitute a violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Company: For willful waste of water through improper or imperfect pipes, fixtures or otherwise, including failure to promptly repair a leak on the Customer service lineThe water service was restored on 12/7/The company apologizes for the mishapThe company posted a day at the property on 12/13/

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Description: Water Companies - Utility

Address: 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States, 19010


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