Aqua America, Incorporated Reviews (328)
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Aqua America, Incorporated Rating
Description: Water Companies - Utility
Address: 762 West Lancaster Avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, United States, 19010
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[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: calling during some of the indicated hours directs me to your "after Hours" service which is useless as they cannot provide any information or communicate with your company. Just because you are a water Service company this is un-satisfactory service as even when we call during your business hours we are responded to rudely by your customer service agents and all they ever tell me is that a technician is being dispatched with no further communication for multiple days. Your automated calling system half the time has no message when we answer the phone.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
First of all, since I don't have access to view the attachment, it is irrelevant. They need to to have the decency to send a PDF or jpg file like everyone else uses so that I can actually open it on my computer if they expect it to have any validity. Secondly I don't understand how all of our sewer lines could be capped and out of service. that makes absolutely no logical sense. We have been living here for 7 years. Obviously we have service. We sure as hell pay our bill every month. How could we possibly have water service without having sewer and sanitation service? That is absurd. Thirdly, I am not a professional and I don't have x-ray vision. I am relaying what actually happened... We had NO problems until AFTER they did work out here. It is only logical to conclude that whatever they did caused some kind of damage. ALSO, the PROFESSIONAL workers whom the city sent out when we called to complain, because we originally called Aqua and the city, not knowing who did the work (while Aqua blew us off, the city was here the same day, within a few hours, even though Aqua was the responsible party), they are the ones who looked at it & explained to us what their PROFESSIONAL opinion was of what happened. Yes, I am going to believe them, since they're the ones who know what they're doing & know what they're talking about. It is pretty obvious they are just trying to absolve themselves of responsibility since they have already blatantly lied more than once. They tried to claim they weren't working out here & tried to claim they were on the other side of the street & now that I've submitted pictures proving they were lying they're trying something else. I may be using the wrong terminology because I'm not familiar with the jargon of the profession, but what it boils down to is we're having problems because they caused damage and all I'm asking is that they fix it. Look, I've got two kids to take care of, and I can't even do laundry. I am dealing with court dates, starting a new job, cancer surgeries, etc. The last thing I need is for this to keep dragging out & going back & forth when it should be as simple as if you break it, you fix it. Period. End of story. Social, Ethical & moral responsibility.
On July 19, 2016, Mrs. [redacted] contacted Aqua’s customer service center to report a leak at the meter box. A service order was generated for a field visit. On July 20, 2016, an Aqua representative visited the property and confirmed that there was a leak present. ...
It was determine that the repairs would need to be completed by an outside contractor. The process for notifying the contractor began on July 20, 2016. When a contractor is involved with completing repairs, there can be a waiting period depending upon the contractor’s workload. The leak at the property was repaired on July 29, 2016. The repairs to the lawn will be completed by the end of business August 12, 2016. An Aqua representative made an attempt to reach Mr. [redacted] on August 10, 2016, to advise that repairs to the lawn will be completed on August 12, 2016. There was no answer and a voice message was left. On behalf of the company an apology is extended to Mr. [redacted]. Please advise if you require additional information.
The customer contacted Aqua to state the pipes in his property was leaking and was informed that it was his responsibility. He stated water was running out in front of the house between the curb stop and the street. As a result, a request was made by the customer to turn off the water at...
the property on 4/22/15 however per the “field service representative” the customer and plumber wanted water on until they were ready to do the repairs. On 4/29/15, another request was submitted to turn off water and then another request to check for a service line leak to determine if it was the customer or Aqua’s responsibility to repair. Per the work order notes, no leaks were found in Aqua’s service line however it was a leak found on the “customer’s “side. As a result the customer had a plumber install a new service line at his property and is seeking reimbursement for the cost however it was [redacted]’s decision, not Aqua, to replace his new service line. The company (Aqua) service line is owned and maintained by the company (Aqua) and that line extends from the water main to the curb stop. The customer’s service line extends from the curb stop to the property and is owned and maintained by the customer. [redacted]’s claim for reimbursement for the cost of repairs made to his service line was reviewed and denied by our Aqua New Jersey superintendent.
Aqua apologizes that the customer did not receive return phone calls as he was promised. The issue has been elevated within Aqua to have it addressed and unfortunately, Aqua can only offer an apology for not returning the calls.The customer spoke to the PA Regional Customer Care Coordinator on 12/1/17 but did not want to discuss the sinkhole just the issue of not returning the phone calls. As discussed, the issue has been elevated to the Regional Customer Care Coordinator supervisor as well as the call center director. Any and all updates will be made by those individuals.
1/17/17 Customer contacted Aqua regarding a high consumption bill. The CSR provided instructions on how to check for leaks and the customer refused to check. 2/1/17 Customer contacted Aqua and the CSR explained how to calculate usage. The CSR advised that the meter readings are in...
line and they need to check for leaks. 2/1/17 Aqua technician visited the property and found no issues with the meter. He obtained a read of 7359, which is in line with the previous read. The customer’s first reading was estimated (12/16). The reason for that was because the remote reading device (RF) did not transmit the reading from the meter. The remote reading device (RF) transmits the reading from the meter. There are occasions where the device will not transmit a reading and the customer will received an estimated bill. The meter was working correctly, however, the transmission of the information was not working. The following month (1/17), Aqua obtained an actual reading and the customer was billed accordingly. The bill may have seemed to be high because the previous bill was estimated and could have been for more or less than what was actually used, however, the actual read that was obtained ensured the customer was bill correctly and for all consumption. The customer is responsible for the bill. Based on the last reading, it appears that the consumption is returning to normal levels, however, this cannot be guaranteed based on if there is a leak and what triggers the leak (faulty toilet flap, outside hose, shower head, washer hose etc). Aqua does not provide leak adjustments, but does offer payment arrangements (if needed) to help assist in paying bills. If the customer would like a payment arrangement, they should contact Aqua at the number listed below. If the customer feels the meter is not working accurately, they should contact the call center at the number listed below to schedule an appointment to have it tested. The customer will receive the results from Aqua’s meter shop. If the meter shows to not be accurate, the customer will receive an adjustment. Please call AQUA Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM at [redacted] to make a meter test appointment, set up a payment arrangement or with any additional questions.
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
The customer did not receive meter readings from 11/20/13 to...
3/19/14. These issues are picked up on a report that is run every 3 to 6 months. The report is run to find accounts that have been estimated or have not received reads over that time period. The company doesn't have the manpower or hours to call everyone on the report. The company serves over 300,000 customers in Pennsylvania alone; therefore, it is much more feasible for the company to field these accounts. The accounts are sent out to the field and worked. On 3/21/14 a field service representative went to the property to get a read from the meter and possibly fix the any problems with the meter. Since the remote wires were not cut and no one was home a notice was left at the property to gain access. The technician received a read of 911500 from the remote. This is the same as the previous reads. Per the company tariff under Inspection: “All pipes, Meters, special devices and fixtures shall be subject, at all reasonable hours, to inspection by properly identified employees of the Company. In addition, the Company shall have the right, upon reasonable notice and at reasonable times, to gain access into the Customer’s premises for the purpose of taking water samples in order to determine the quality of the water. No plumber, owner or other unauthorized person shall turn the water on or off at any corporation stop or Curb Stop, or disconnect or remove the Meter without the consent of the Company. No agent or employee of the Company has authority to bind it by any promise, agreement or representation not provided for in these Rules and Regulations.” (Page 37 paragraph 52) Also Service may be terminated for any of the following reasons which shall constitute a violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Company: For refusal of reasonable access to Property for purposes of inspecting or for reading, caring for, removing, or installing Meters, including remote and automatic Meters and the associated wiring and connections to the Customer’s telephone line. (Page 39 paragraph 55 subsection e)
The customer called on 3/21/14 and scheduled an appointment for 3/25/14. Unfortunately there was a system error and the service order was not sent to the handheld device of the technician. Unfortunately the tech didn’t go to the property at the time service order was scheduled. Cynthia the Senior Representative apologized for the mishap because things do happen. Cynthia rescheduled the service order for 3/28/14 and noted that the technician should call ahead 30 minutes. The technician went to the property on 3/28/14 at 2:03pm. The technician took the old meter out and the read was 923080. Afterward he replaced the removed meter with a new meter. The customer hasn’t been billed yet but, per the usage the customer is using 89 gallons per day.
The customer’s usage is a little higher than the previous usage. The customer should get a plumber to check for leaks. If the customer can prove a leak (receipt from the plumber or a receipt from repairs) the company will credit the bill for the overage. Since the customer was not aware of the leak through the billing. Although the usage on the first bill is 71 gallons per day, the billed usage on the re-bill may not be far off from the customer’s actual usage. Unfortunately the company will not reimburse the customer for lost time at work. Mistakes happen and the company is always willing to accommodate the customer. The company can give an appointment that would fit the customer’s schedule or call the customer beforehand if requested. The company apologizes for the inconvenience that the mishap may have caused.
The company asks that when customer’s receive their bills that they read them carefully. The customer’s bill clearly shows that she wasn’t being billed for usage. The customer can always call the company dispute a bill or charges on a bill. When the customer pays the bill this is an unwritten agreement that they agree with the billing. The company is at fault for the zero usage bills but, the sole blame cannot be placed upon the company, If the customer is not reading the bills. The customer’s bills go from $61.58, $35.18, $26.89 to an even $16.00 (which is the customer charge which is billed to the customer regardless of usage.) for four months. On the December bill the customer’s balance is $7.71 due to the overpayment from the customer.
The Pennsylvania Code Title 52 Chapter 56.14 states
56.14. Previously unbilled public utility service.
When a public utility renders a make-up bill for previously unbilled public utility service which accrued within the past 4 years resulting from public utility billing error, meter failure, leakage that could not reasonably have been detected or loss of service, or four or more consecutive estimated bills and the make-up bill exceeds the otherwise normal estimated bill for the billing period during which the make-up bill is issued by at least 50% or at least $50, whichever is greater:
(1) The public utility shall explain the bill to the customer and make a reasonable attempt to amortize the bill.
(2) The period of the amortization may, at the option of the customer, extend at least as long as:
(i) The period during which the excess amount accrued.
(ii) Necessary so that the quantity of service billed in any one billing period is not greater than the normal estimated quantity for that period plus 50%.
The company will give the customer a payment arrangement if needed so she doesn’t have to pay the balance in full all at once. The customer can access the company rates online at she would simply need to insert her information in the fields requested and it will provide her the company rates. She can also access the company tariff at⇄
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed as Answered]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Only a portion of the grass that was damaged has been replaced. There is still new sod that needs to be replaced ASAP. Right now there is just dirt on our lawn, which will soon turn into mud and again stain our driveway, forcing Aqua to pay someone again to pressure wash our driveway.
Business enclosed billing information
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
From: S[redacted], Quintada *.
font-family: arial, sans-serif;"><[redacted]>Date: Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 2:22 PMSubject: RE: case number-[redacted]To: [redacted] <[redacted]>
Okay, well I can send you over the response I sent.
[redacted] contacted Aqua America on June 26, 2015 she stated there was air in the lines and that the pressure was low. [redacted] stated that she irrigates her lawn and so does her neighbors. The representative contacted Aqua’s distribution center to have the water pressure checked. A field service representative was dispatched to [redacted]’s property on June 26, 2015. The well was tested serval times and the PSI level was at 40 pounds. The representative found that the low pressure is coming from an abundance of over use of the well system in their subdivision.
On September 21, 2015 [redacted] contacted Aqua again about having low pressure. A service order was submitted to have field representative go back to the property. The field representative spoke with [redacted]. & [redacted] he advised them that due to over usage of the well system and that a pump will need to be replaced.
I have spoken with the manager of the local division and a he has stated that the pump has been replace and the system us running at 100%. Also, Aqua is meeting the state requirements on the amount of water being produced to the ration of customers being served. The manager has tried several times to educate this subdivision on how to conserve the water.
QUINTADA S[redacted]
BRYN MWAR, PA [redacted]
O: ###-###-#### EXT: [redacted]
Dear [redacted]:
'Segoe UI','sans-serif'">I have reviewed your account and conversations you have had with Aqua representatives. You are stating that Aqua charges customers different rates. All of Aqua's rates are approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
Rates are determined by residential area and meter size. Therefore, all persons residing in your billing residence are assigned the same rate if the meter size is the same. The meter size will determine if a customer is charged more than another person. The bigger the meter, the higher the charge.
The only other charge you should see on your bill is a late payment fee. Unfortunately, I cannot speak to other customers’ bills since the amount of usage will determine the total bill amount.
If you have any questions regarding your specific rate and customer charge, please contact Aqua’s customer service department at ###-###-#### between the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday.
Michael *. S[redacted]
State Coordinator - TX
See Attached:
Dear [redacted]:
I have reviewed your account as well as recent work done in your area. Each conversation that you have with a telephone representative you were provided correct information regarding that...
there were repairs being made to the equipment that caused you to experience periods of no water and to be under a boil water notice.
Unfortunately, the nature of the water business causes our customers to experience situations like this which while cannot be prevented, Aqua makes every attempt to make repairs as quickly and safely for their customers. I apologize for any inconvenience this matter has caused.
If you have any additional questions regarding the recent work done in your area, please contact Aqua’s customer service department at ###-###-#### between the hours of 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday.
The water used after you took possession of the property is still your responsibility. Unfortunately, if the builder used your water to do something you did not authorize, that would be between you and the builder. The company has all actual reads from the meter. The adjustment that the company has given is more than fair. There is nothing more that the company can do in regards to this issue. You can file a complaint with the Public Utility Commission if you feel that this is not to your liking. But according to the PUC approved company tariff, "All connections, service lines and fixtures owned by the Customer shall be maintained by the Customer in good order, and all meters and appurtenances owned by the Company and located on the Property of the Customer shall be protected properly by the Customer. All leaks in or other deteriorated condition of the Customer’s service line or any other pipe or fixture in or upon the premises supplied must be repaired immediately by the owner or occupant of the premises. The Company shall in no event be responsible for the condition of, or for maintaining or replacing, any portion of the Customer's service line or other lines or fixtures on the Customer's property, or for damage done by water or other matter passing through said lines or fixtures or escaping therefrom. The Customer shall at all times comply with all federal, state, local and municipal laws, codes and regulations with reference thereto, and make changes therein, required on account of change of grade, relocation of mains, or otherwise." The number to the PUC is 1-800-692-7380.
Thank you,
Billing statement issued January 17, 2017 for services rendered December 12, 2016 through January 13, 2017 ($30.04), billing statement dated February 15, 2017 for services rendered January 13, 2017 through February 13, 2017 ($27.95) and billing statement dated March 17, 2017 for service rendered...
February 13, 2017 through March 15, 2017 ($27.63) were based on estimated readings due to the ERT (Electronic Receiver Transmitter) not working properly. There is an RF (Radio Frequency) meter with an ERT, remote read transmitter installed at the property. The ERT was not communicating with the meter. The Ert was exchanged at the property on March 20, 2017, and an actual reading was obtained (5053). Upon obtaining an actual reading, the 3 estimated billing statements were cancelled and the account was billed based on an actual reading from December 12, 2016 through March 20, 2017, 98 days of service, total usage 261,000 gallons. The bill issued was in the amount of $852.71. As [redacted] has stated, I have had several conversations with her regarding the high bill advising that there is a leak at the property. In addition to my efforts in trying to resolve the billing dispute, my supervisor has spoken with [redacted]. On March 27, 2017, a field representative was at the property. He confirmed that the meter and ERT was working correctly. The valve in the meter box was off. He turned the service off due to a leak coming from underneath of the house. The water was running in the neighbor’s yard. The meter indicated 3 gallons of water was running through the meter a minute. A door tag was left advising the customer of the leak. In my conversations with [redacted], she has stated several times that she is turning valves on and off. Which is an indication that [redacted] realizes that there is a problem at the property. My conversations with [redacted] in the past were to provide this information and to request that she have the leak repaired. Unfortunately, [redacted] does not believe there is a leak at the property. Aqua has taken steps to assist [redacted] in providing detailed information regarding her billing and assist with knowledge regarding the leak at the property. On April 19, 2017, Aqua’s Field Supervisor and Area Manager visited the property. [redacted] stated to the representatives that she turns her water service off and on. This is an indication that the customer realizes that there is an issue at the property by turning the service on and off. [redacted] was very adamant in not allowing the representatives go beyond the front yard where the meter is located. The purpose to gain access to the back of the yard is to test the water run off that the customer states exist (leak). This would determine if it is ground water or Aqua water (treat / chlorine). This is an additional step that Aqua was willing to take to assist and educate the customer in understanding the company’s responsibility verses the customer’s responsibility once a leak has been identified at the property. [redacted] has refused to cooperate with company representatives to resolve this issue. She recorded the field visit on April 19, 2017, which Aqua has contacted the appropriate departments within the company to address. It has been shared with [redacted] that the company has internal procedures and processes that has to be followed. It was also shared that when she has the repairs completed, the company is willing to make adjustments to the high bill by reducing the high bill and offer a payment arrangement to assist her. However; no adjustments can be made until the customer has repairs completed. For your review, attached is the account history. The history outlines the estimated bills issued the cancellation of the bills and revised billing statement. The last actual billing statement issued was for service rendered from March 28, 2017 to April 18, 2017, a total of 9,900 gallons was used in 23 days. Customer’s daily average is 430 gallons per day. The usage at the property continues to be high. Please advise if you require additional information.
[redacted] lease was effective as of March 1, 2014. [redacted] did not contact Aqua until March 25, 2014 to set up new service, after the water was shut off for non-payment for the previous tenant. [redacted] was...
advised by the customer service representative that because, there was a balance left on the account from the previous tenant, Aqua will require him to provide a copy of his lease and two forms of Identification. The customer service representative also, advised [redacted] of the processing timeframe which is 24 to 48 hours to setup a new account. Mr. Lecher did not agree with this processing time so, he asked if he could speak with a supervisor.
The representative transferred [redacted] to a senior representative; the representative gave [redacted] her fax number and advised him to fax his lease and two forms of identification to her. The senior representative advised him of the time frame for processing new service.
On March 26, 2014 [redacted] contacted Aqua to follow up on his service request to have service placed in his name at the property. The representative advised [redacted] that his new service request has not been processed, and reiterated that the processing time frame of 24 to 48 hours.
To resolve the customer’s complaint [redacted] was contacted on April 3, 2014 by an Aqua representative to address his concerns and to expediting his request. The representative confirmed the property address, if [redacted] was still without water, and did he received confirmation of his fax to Aqua. The representative explained the reason for delay is that the lease and 2 forms identification had not been received. It was suggested that he e-mail the required documentation to expedite his request.
[redacted] e-mailed the lease and identification to the representative and the service request was processed and the service was restored on April 4, 2014.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I was not told anything about workload and someone making an attempt to reconnect my service within 24 hours. I was simply told that it would be 24 hours after my payment confirmation, before my service would be reconnected and no estimated time just between the hours of 8-5 (all day)
May 8, 2017Dear [redacted],Enclosed you will find the information that you have asked that Aqua provide to you from the ERT (Encoder receiver transmitter) that is connected to your water meter. Please keep in mind that this is the new ERT that was exchanged on March 10, 2017.On this report you will see the daily consumption that registered on your water meter daily from March 21, 2017 through April 12, 2017. The transmitter sends a signal out each day at 5:00 a.m.If you have any questions concerning this report please feel free to contact me and we can discuss further.Sincerely,Paula FCustomer Field Services Supervisor