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Apria Healthcare

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Apria Healthcare Reviews (1455)

Item # 1: Ms. [redacted] stated that Apria Healthcare has caused her to have to [redacted] for services her insurance company paid for and is requesting that we refund $270.01 back to her [redacted] Card. RESPONSE: We have reviewed Ms. [redacted] account and confirmed that we processed a manual refund of $270.01...

back to her [redacted] Card on July 27, 2015. The refund should reflect on her credit card within a few days or however long it takes the credit card company to process the payment. We are currently in the process of hiring more staff to alleviate excessive hold times and to also ensure better customer service in provided. We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing. Sincerely, [redacted]Billing Center Quality Specialist

RESPONSE: We have reviewed Mr. [redacted] account and confirmed that we have a signed Opt-In Program Enrollment form on file signed by him as authorization to automatically ship supplies every three months and have sent a copy to the address on file for his review.  After claims were denied for CPAP supplies received on March 11th, 2015 as CCX insurance being termed as of January 31, 2015 our office attempted to contact Mr. [redacted] on May 13th, 2015 to obtain the information. We received a call from Mr. [redacted] spouse on June 19th, 2015 and obtained the correct insurance information and because we did not receive the updated information in time to request authorization the plan does not retro. The supplies were shipped under the insurance terms with CCX and if the updated insurance information was on file the requirements would have been different before shipping them out. At this time Mr. [redacted] account reflects an open balance of $197.66 that he is responsible for due to the account being billed under self -pay. We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing.   Sincerely,   [redacted]Billing Center Quality Specialist
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I did receive the letter crafted by the Apria attorney. The letter is nothing more than a timeline based on the facts which are most favorable to them.  They in no way reflect a true and complete summary of what transpired.  In addition, while Apria has put forth an apology for poor customer service - I would like to emphasize that this company was solely responsible for managing medical equipment I needed to properly breath at night.  This is not [redacted] or [redacted] where poor service is an inconvenience.  This business has a higher standard based on the mere clientele that they are specifically set up to serve  Finally, since filing with the, this company told me I had to sign a document to return my equipment (an insurance requirement to get a new machine.  The contract was full of outright lies.  I refused to sign it (I have a copy) and just returned the equipment  I say this to demonstrate the level of deceit this company is comfortable employing.  I am an attorney so I knew I did not need to sign.  Not all Apria clients have this legal training and Apria exploits that to their benefit as well.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[redacted]  Apria sent me an email on 11/30/16 saying the account is still open and not closed as stated in the letter to the  I want to ensure this issue is completely closed and done before I am satisfied as this is the second time within the year that I've had to address this same invoice and issue with Apria.  The first time they assured me it was closed, but then they reopened it again 9 months later.  Also, no apology was ever provided in the Apria communication.  Please see attached screenshot of the email from Apria.

June 24, 2015Revdex.comSan Diego, CAAttn: [redacted]Dispute and Information Analyst Lead[redacted]Re: Apria Healthcare Inc.: [redacted] Complaint ID#: [redacted]Dear Ms. [redacted]:This letter is in response to the complaint referenced above submitted by Mrs. [redacted] to... We apologize for any miscommunication on our part that may haveresulted in this complaint. Below is a brief description of the complaint matter and our response.Item# 1:Mrs. [redacted] is requesting that her account reflect a zero balance for all charges past date ofservice February 28, 2015 because that is when her service with Apria was terminated.RESPONSE:We have reviewed Mrs. [redacted] account and confirmed that an adjustment wasentered for the outstanding balance on her account and she is no longer responsible forthose charges. At this time Mrs. [redacted] account reflects a zero balance and we are nolonger billing charges to her or the insurance.We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as wellas accurate billing.Sincerely,[redacted]Billing Center Quality Specialist

Item # 1:  Delay in receiving ordered equipment.  The order for the portable oxygen and rollator walker were not delivered in a timely manner.  It took 2 months to obtain the portable oxygen that was order and 3 months to receive the rollator walker. RESPONSE : We have identified...

the areas that delayed the processing of the order.  We are working with our team efficiency in completing and communicating requirements of the order.  The equipment has been provided in both instances and resolution to the customers concerns have been resolved by Area Customer Service Manager, [redacted]s.  Sincerely, [redacted]sArea Customer Service Manager [redacted] Customer Care Center

Correspondence received from [redacted]:   I believe this was taken care of by another representative. Apria had my voice number listed as my fax number; this should have been corrected yesterday.   [redacted]...


I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.Dear,Yes, Apria finally delivered the equipment but it still doesn't take away from the fact that they put my uncle in great discomfort while failing repeatedly to do as promised. I have no faith in this company. They used to be great, not sure what has happened, but I have talked with many people who also think the company is unable and/or ill-equipped to handle some new [redacted] requirements.In any event, since my Uncle has [redacted], (Whom I have also complained to), we have to use Apria. So you will probably be hearing from me again the next time my uncle's bed breaks or he needs new equipment.Thank you for attempting to help, 

Apria has explained to Ms. [redacted] that Apria is not billing her, she is being billed by [redacted], and they are a third party administrator for [redacted] Insurance. Ms. [redacted] needs to contact [redacted] to address the issue, are her insurance [redacted].

We have reviewed the patient’s account with assistance from our insurance team. After review, they confirmed that the initial face to face notes does not indicate that patient was accessed for Obstructive Sleep Apnea prior to the sleep study and the sleep study was not signed. Patient 90-day...

download reflects he was not compliant with his usage as the percentage was only 23%. Patient will need new face- to -face notes and sleep study from his doctor to be qualified for Medicare coverage otherwise patient will be responsible for the charges not covered under his plan. Our Respiratory Therapist will reach out to the patient as requested to provide assistance.  The patient can contact our Billing Department at 1-866-505-6365 with questions and concerns regarding his account. We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction as well as accurate billing.  Sincerely,Apria Healthcare, LLC.

We would like to apologize for the level of customer service you recently experienced regarding your respiratory device. After a review of your records, we have confirmed the delay in processing your order was due to the missing documentation from your ordering physician that is required by the...

insurance provider. Apria received the documentation from the ordering physician on November 18, 2017, however, the prescription was still missing a critical component. Again, the ordering physician was contacted and on November 27, 2018 we received the corrected prescription. The order was then sent to our escalation department for processing. We sincerely apologize for the lack of contact with you while the order was being processing. In addition, our records indicate you received the respiratory equipment On January 10, 2018.    Again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or challenge this issue may have caused you. We greatly appreciate you for taking the time to bring your concerns to our attention. We welcome all patient feedback as this provides us with a valuable insight into our services from the patient’s perspective which allows us to make service improvements, as it has done in this case.     Sincerely,   Apria Healthcare LLC

We have reviewed the patient’s account and confirmed that the mother’s debit card was set for automatic billing. A statement is not sent, the card is automatically charged for any balances due. An itemized bill for the charged amount has been mailed and upon speaking with the patient’s father May...

10, 2016 he stated he had put a stop payment on the debit card, therefore a refund would not be given. We believe that we have taken all appropriate steps to resolve this issue.
Apria Healthcare LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.Due to ongoing breakdowns of the equipment since initiation of the complaint, I was forced to find another bed. I had to return the unit in question. My resolution now would be a refund.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I have been told before I had a zero balance on this particular bill. Therefore, I want a mailed statement reflecting a zero balance then I will consider the issue resolved.                                         ... [redacted]

We have confirmed that the patient received mask cushions May 31, 2016, in which he did not call until July 4, 2016 stating it was incorrect. Per Apria’s return policy the patient may return or exchange items unopened within thirty days. The patient agreed to automatic payments and have his supplies...

shipped automatically, in this case a statement would not be sent in advance and he would have to request a copy of the statement. Apria normally sends information via US mail or fax, if the patient wishes to enroll with Apria’s online system to view statements and receive them via email he can register with The patient was advised July 7, 2016 that the requested statement would be mailed on that day. We believe that we have taken all appropriate actions to resolve this matter.
Apria Healthcare LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The response provided by Apria Health care indicated the local Branch Manager had  contacted me and I would be returning the unit  to her office for a refund of the charges. This did not happen. The local manager  contacted me on the morning of January 12, and advised me to return the unit to her office for a refund. She then called me in the afternoon of January 12, and told me I could not bring the unit back for a refund until I received a letter from the Apria Health case Billing Office. As of this date, January 22, I have received nothing from the Apria Billing officei might add that the response provided  indicates the problem was generated by my Doctor's office, I failed to see the basis for charging me. With respect to being unable to contact me, the Apria Health care office that sells supplies contacted me regularly,. Also I had the unit serviced in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and tried my best to make Apria understand that my phone number in Maine is a temporary one. 

We have confirmed that the patient is being billed maintenance once every six months for her Cpap under Aetna’s contract agreement. She would have to notify Apria Healthcare of any service or maintenance needed to her machine. We do not bill by usage but by possession. The Cpap has been placed in a...

pick-up status and the maintenance charge will discontinue once the machine is returned, however she will be responsible for any balances generated during the time she had the equipment. We believe all appropriate steps have been taken to resolve this issue.
Apria Healthcare LLC

Item # 1:Ms. [redacted] states that Apria used the incorrect diagnosis code and [redacted] denied theclaims, in which she was then charged. She states the diagnosis code was corrected and[redacted] paid, therefore she is due a refund of $269.81.RESPONSE:We have reviewed Ms. [redacted]’s account and found that...

she simultaneously filed acomplaint with the office along with the [redacted] with the [redacted]. We are in the process of researchingthe account and completing a written response letter which will be sent to the [redacted] and Ms. [redacted].The response letter will include all payments posted by [redacted] and Ms. [redacted] and ifany over payment’s are found they will be refunded. We apologize for anyinconvenience this may have caused.Sincerely,[redacted]Billing Center Quality Specialist

Item # 1:Mr. [redacted] states that Apria is not owed any funds and requestthat the collection attempts be withdrawal and send him a letter stating a$0.00 balance.RESPONSE:We have reviewed Mr. [redacted]’s account and found that he receiveda CPAP device from Apria on May 1, 2009 and March 12, 2014. The...

balance due isfor the March 12, 2014 CPAP device with serial number [redacted]. The firstSales, Service and Rental Agreement that was mailed to Mr. [redacted] was for theolder CPAP, we have since mailed Mr. [redacted] a copy of the March 12, 2014 SSRAfor his records showing the correct serial number.We do apologize for the miscommunication as our goal is to ensurecustomer satisfaction as well as accurate billing.Sincerely,[redacted]Billing Center Quality Specialist.

We have reviewed patient account and confirmed that patient was quoted a price of $16.68 and her credit card was charged $42.49. An adjustment was approved by management and entered for all supplies due to all the issues patient experienced while trying to speak with a representative. A refund check...

was processed to patient in the amount of $42.49 to be received within two weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and all issues have been elevated to our Customer Service Team in order to provide great customer service going forward.

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Description: NURSING HOMES

Address: 170 Oberlin Ave N, Lakewood, New Jersey, United States, 08701-4548


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