This order was processed online and incurred an error which did not charge the shipping feesOur shipping department staff realized the issue immediately and tried to phone and email the customer several times. Once the customer contacted us, we explained the error and asked if she still
wanted to continue with the purchaseThe customer finalized the order with the shipping department and did not have an issue with the shipping charges.Now that we have been notified that the customer is not happy with her purchase, we will contact her and resolve the issue
This order was processed online and incurred an error which did not charge the shipping feesOur shipping department staff realized the issue immediately and tried to phone and email the customer several times. Once the customer contacted us, we explained the error and asked if she still
wanted to continue with the purchaseThe customer finalized the order with the shipping department and did not have an issue with the shipping charges.Now that we have been notified that the customer is not happy with her purchase, we will contact her and resolve the issue