Apex Obstetrics & Gynecology, PLLC Reviews (2)
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Apex Obstetrics & Gynecology, PLLC Rating
Description: Obgyn Physicians, Laser Cosmetic Services, Weight Reduction Doctors
Address: 1021 W Williams St STE 103, Apex, North Carolina, United States, 27502-3956
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I purchased an unlimited laser hair removal package for $999. I should have gotten 7 treatments, but only got 6 and a lie. My long experience with them has proven to me that they are liars and cheats, they only care about how much money they can get from you, and have no interest in getting your repeat business or giving you satisfaction. They certainly have no problem lying to you and ripping you off. They have a new aesthetician, and she seems nice, but she has no clue what she's doing. In the past, they had 3 others. According to the office manager [redacted], one went back to school and the other 2were fired for misconduct. [redacted] told me, a patient, that one was "crazy" and the other a "[redacted]". The old receptionist whom was nice was also apparently fired, though [redacted] did not call her a derogatory name.[redacted] herself, is a LIAR. She called to cancel my appointment 4 days before, saying that "Dr. [redacted] looked at my file and asked "Why is she still here?" [redacted] then went on to inform me that she had to cancel my appointment because the only aesthetician had to leave on a family emergency and she had no clue when she would be back. [redacted] then said it didn't matter anyway for me because my treatments were up. I told her they weren't. I should have two left. She then went on to tell me that I had been getting unlimited services that I shouldn't have been, that I didn't pay for them, so really I got more than I should have so I'm lucky.I told her that I had paid for the 1 year, unlimited area package, and that was what I had always gotten, with no problem in the past. [redacted] then proceeded to tell me that I was wrong and that "Dr. [redacted] has NEVER given that as a deal". Then she gave me a lecture on how much the laser machine costs and how it has a short life span and only so many uses. I said, I DID pay for the services I have been getting, and you do owe me at two more treatments. I said I can find the paperwork (it was a [redacted] purchase) and show you that is what I got, and that is what your office specifically said. Again she told me their office had never done any such deal, but I could e-mail her and the Dr. what I wanted to. After sending an e-mail she called me the next day. She told me that I was "so lucky that I had saved those documents because otherwise they were not going to be able to do anything for me". She never once apologized for her rudeness the day before, or for lying to me by saying that they had never given the deal I showed her I had saved, and for basically calling me a lying i
t by saying otherwise. Now, magically, she was rescheduling my Monday appointment because "they had found an aesthetician to come to their office last minute" and work on me. She also says I need to pick 4 areas because the tech can't spend all day working on me. Even though every other time I've been able to complete 8 areas in only an hour. And again, she now has proof, her own companies' written word that they owe me, and that it is unlimited areas. Again, no apologies. Monday I go in for my [redacted] treatment and [redacted] is the receptionist to greet me. I tell her I have a 3 o clock appointment. She looks at me, doesn't ask my name, or what my appointment is for, but says "actually, you're appointment is at 3:30, but we'll see you anyway." I say, no, my appointment is for 3. She says no, it's for 3:30. I might add, there is one other patient in the waiting room and [redacted] is speaking nice and loud so she can hear. Standing behind [redacted] is another tech. I say no, you made my appointment on Friday, and it is for 3 today. She said did you get an e-mail? Yes, I got an e-mail, and it says it's for 3. Would you like me to forward it to you? She asked if she could see it on my phone. Well, no, I don't have data on my phone to show you. Then she says that's odd, I wonder if our system is messed up because it sent you the wrong time. Clearly catty, implying she's right and I'm a i
t. Then she turns to the other waiting patient, and drags HER into the conversation.(the rest of the complaint is in the next section, 4000 char is not enough)Desired Settlement(this is continued form complaint section)She asks her "You got an e-mail with your appointment time, right? Was yours correct?" The lady replied "Yeah, mine was right". [redacted] looked back at me and smiled and shook her head. "That's so strange that yours was not correct." I said "Do you have the printouts I asked you for in my e-mail? If not can you go ahead and get those so they are ready for me when I'm done?" She looks up at me and says, "Oh, wait, what's your name?" I answer. "Oh! I thought you were someone else! Your appointment is at 3." Yes, I know. "I forgot to print those papers out but I will." Then she introduces me to the girl behind her and says that she will take me back. NO apology for being wrong and rude. NO apology for not bothering to find out my name. This confirms she's a [redacted] and also lets me know that apparently I'm not the only patient that gets treated rudely. Guess she's never heard of the customer is always right. Or more likely, doesn't care. Even if I had been the other patient, you are going to scold them for being early? Really. And let them know you guess you can see them? What is wrong with this business? The [redacted] treatment begins. I decided to confirm what I was thinking, and asked her how they had gotten her on such short notice. She told me she had been there a few weeks and was already scheduled to come in today. I then asked if there were any other techs, and she said no, she was it. I played dumb and said, "Oh, I hope your family is doing ok now." She said they were, and had been fine. I told her [redacted] had canceled on me Thursday saying there only aesthetician would be out for months because of a family emergency. The girl replied "No, my family is fine, I haven't had any emergencies. She probably just told you that cause she didn't want to deal with you." On the way out I inquired about my last remaining session, to which [redacted] replied, no this was it. Well when I got home and did the math I realized, nope, not really. Technically they still owe me one unlimited area session. So I was still cheated out of money I paid them. The only reason I haven't insisted on getting that last treatment yet is that based on the skill of this new girl I don't see the point. I don't think it would be effective.I am looking for an apology and $143. They succeeded in cheating me out of one full treatment. (More if you count the effectiveness of the treatments). The cost per treatment was roughly $143 ($999/7). So I paid for a service I did not receive in full.Business Response Contact Name and Title: [redacted]Contact Phone: [redacted]Contact Email: [redacted]I work in a medical office and have never displayed any of the remarks or behavior [redacted] described. She did purchase an unlimited laser hair removal package on October 6, 2011 with an expiration date of one year from the date of purchase. She received treatments on 10/06/11, 11/17/11, 11/18/11 and 12/01/11. On her 12/01/11 visit she informed us she was pregnant, as a courtesy to her, we put her package on hold starting 12/01/11 in which she signed a document as an agreement. We were not obligated to extend her expiration date. Her unlimited package expired on 12/01/12. She came in for more treatments on 11/28/12, 01/24/13, 01/25/13, 03/28/13, 05/23/13, and 07/22/13. She continued to have treatments after her package had expired. [redacted] is not entitled to a refund as she was treated multiple times after her package had expired. It is unfortunate that she is unhappy and would write such derogatory remarks in her complaint. We maintain our reputation as a professional medical office and provide our clients the best possible care. Consumer Response The office manager lied in her response to my claim, and their own paperwork proves it. Just in case this is what is posted publicly, I will respond to the office manager's continuing lies here: I did NOT receive treatments on 10/6/11 or 12/1/11 in their office. I had an appointment for both days, but on the first I was double booked and all they offered me was a consultation. Which they documented in their own records, which I made sure I obtained a copy of. There was no treatment. The November dates I was seen two days consecutively, but that was for one treatment total, because they could not finish the entire treatment in the time they allotted for my appt. Ask any [redacted] tech or aesthetician, they do not laser the same area less than 6 weeks apart, and certainly not the next day. They can't for safety reasons and due to hair growth cycles, it would not be effective. So both days together constituted ONE full treatment. As for December, I called weeks beforehand to let them know I was pregnant and find out how to proceed with my future appt. I was told I could continue my treatment safely. So I arrived for my appointment, only to be turned away that very day, they had changed their mind, it was no longer safe. Ok, fine, I would rather be safe than sorry. It would have been nice to not drive 40 minutes to find that out (20 there and back home) and nice to not arrange my schedule to do so, but those are little annoyances. They offered a refund, which I now wish I would have taken, or to put my package on hold and restart it after my delivery. I opted for that, and requested it in writing. (Fun fact, TWICE after I resumed treatments, they somehow "lost" the original, and then the copy of my copy I gave them of this signed document). In that signed document it also states I had only had one treatment. They actually were obliged to extend my treatments, because in their own words pertaining to the package I purchased, they state, under Dr. [redacted]'s name, that as long as I start the procedures before the expiration date I can finish the entire set of treatments. I saved that document as well. So I did NOT get treatments after my package expired, another lie. I resumed my treatments the following year, as per our agreement, with no apparent problems until near the end when [redacted] claims they "fired" the rest of their staff. They tried to cheat me out of my last few treatments as I have already stated and given a detailed account of. It was only after I dug out information I had saved for over a year with their own words stating what I had paid for and that I was still entitled to be treated because they had not finished my treatments and fulfilled their contract with me that she agreed to reinstate my appointment. This I have physical proof of. So does she, I e-mailed her and Dr. [redacted]. I only wish I had recorded our phone call in which she cursed and bad mouthed former employees, lied to me, and was EXTREMELY rude and condescending. Her bad attitude was more public when I arrived for my last appointment, as I've previously described. If you look in their records and found the lady that had the ** appt. around the same time I was scheduled for laser and talked to her, she would confirm the rudeness of [redacted], and better yet, ask the laser tech who was standing right there and also heard the entire awful interaction. I have no reason to make this up. Unfortunately, it's true. By their own records I was given a total of 6 complete treatments, that's if I count the last one, which was ineffectual.I agree that all of this is unfortunate, but for the actions of the practice manager, none of this would have happened. A reputable business does not lie, or try to go back on their word. If [redacted] finds the truth to be derogatory, than perhaps she should change the way she treats people, because those were her actions. Seems that won't happen because she is still lying about what she did and on top of that going further and saying I was treated on two dates that I was not, not just by my own words, but by their records as well. This is a dishonest person and she is the representative for this company. "Reputable" is not the word she is looking for. I know that in time, very swiftly if she continues to treat people this way, Apex OBGYN/Laser will show its true colors and drive themselves into the ground. You cannot be successful with poor service. Since I now know that I will not be getting an apology for their abhorrent behavior (or a refund unless I take legal action) I would ask that the Revdex.com at least post this response for the public to see, and forward it along to Apex Laser's practice manager as well. Thank you.
I am seeking a refund of $33 for one laser hair removal session that has not been completed due to non-working machine at the business.I purchased 3 laser hair removal sessions for $100. Two of the sessions have been completed. Upon my return to the business for the third session back in March or April, I was told that the laser equipment was not working and that I could reschedule in a few weeks. I have repeatedly called the business to see if their equipment is now working. It still is non-functional and they have not been able to tell me when it will be fixed. Since they are unable to provide me with the last laser hair removal session, I would like to be refunded $33. I have called the business and left messages on several occasions over the past 3 weeks and have emailed the business as well, asking for a refund. I have not received any return phone calls or emails.Desired Settlement$33 cashBusiness responseClient has been issued a refund in August 2014. Consumer Response:The company has refunded my money. Thank you.