Angels Moving Autos Reviews (32)
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Description: Auto Transporters & Drive-Away Companies
Address: 5550 Douglas Blvd Ste 155, Granite Bay, California, United States, 95746
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ADVERTISEMENT I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
I am rejecting this response because: Again I did not give consent to contents in the contractI also did not sign the contractIn addition I reserve my right not to be held to contents in an unsigned document At this point the contract is null and void Further more this company taking money and not rendering any services to there customers should be documented with and its against the lawIts just been countless customers they have taken money from with out given them the services that they have been adverting forThe best mediation is simply refunding my $300.00.Please see attached file of the countless customers they have wronged[redacted]
I think this is simply a situation we have been through before, the customer did not trust us to do the job she paid us to do, got cold feet, and cancelled We would be happy to use her scheduling to transport a car in the future
I am rejecting this response because: I did not get cold feetI believe I have submitted documents that prove my point and that show ***'s untruths
To Whom it May Concern: [redacted] contacted Angels Moving Autos on January 27th, and was given a shipping estimate of $He was notified at that time that Angels Moving Autos would be unable to give him the accurate shipping rate for his specified dates (February 19th - 20th), but if he were to call 10-days prior to his window of availability, we could give him the correct shipping rate for his time frame [redacted] called back on February 12th and received the current shipping rate for his vehicle, a total price of $He then decided to place his order and notified us that the vehicle could not be delivered until on or after February 22ndFor this particular shipment, it was difficult to find a carrier that was willing to pick up on February 19th or 20th and wait to deliver on or after February 22nd, as most drivers or teams make that trip in 1-days and aren't willing to wait an extra day or two for one vehicle deliveryAs well, with a small window of availability, [redacted] 's being the 19th and 20th of February, it is very common to to assign a carrier and have the vehicle picked up on the same day.A carrier was assigned on February 16th, 2015; Fair Fast Auto Transport with a pick up date estimated for February 19th, and delivery date estimated for February 22ndUnfortunately, on the morning of February 18th, Fair Fast Auto Transport notified us that they had to cancel their contract with us due to no longer being able to meet the contractual datesWe notified the customer(s), [redacted] and ***, right away and immediately began working on assigning a new carrierThree carriers were immediately found available to pick up within [redacted] 's window of February 19th or 20th, but all three carriers needed to deliver either February 20th or 21stOn the morning of February 20th, [redacted] and [redacted] called Angels Moving Autos stating that they needed to know when their vehicle was being picked up because they were leaving that day for AlabamaAngels Moving Autos was unaware that our customer would not be available for the full second day of the contracted agreed window of availability, but quickly came to a solution with a great quality carrier, where [redacted] could drop the vehicle off to a local shipping facility (about minutes away from his residence in San Antonio), and Cowboys Auto Transport would then pick up his vehicle on February 21st and deliver - days thereafter [redacted] and [redacted] then notified Angels Moving Autos that they had decided it would better suit them to leave the vehicle with their neighbor, as they needed to get on the road to begin their trip to Alabama on February 20th and were more comfortable having their vehicle picked up on Saturday from their neighborAngels Moving Autos was able to successfully assign a carrier on February 20th, after decreasing Angels Moving Autos broker fee/reservation fee by $in order increase the amount to contract a carrier on shorter notice (one day pick up of February 21st)Stateline Trucking was then assigned and ESTIMATED pick up the morning of February 21st and delivery ESTIMATED to be February 23rdAngels Moving Autos is always mindful to notify our customers that any updates on pick up and delivery times are ESTIMATES, and as it states in the signed contract in articles & 2; "Angels Moving Autos or its Agents do not guarantee specific pickup or delivery dates." "The shipper understands that any shipment may be delayed due to weather or road conditions, supply and demand, mechanical breakdown of trucks, illness, etc., and that Angels Moving Autos will not be liable for or reimburse any vehicle rental expense."Angels Moving Autos fully understands the pressure that [redacted] and [redacted] were under due to arranging their family's move as well as their vehicle transportation, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused in assigning a carrier to meet their specific needsAngels Moving Autos gave them the opportunity to seek other help and cancel their order with our company if they felt that was in their best interestThey continued working with us, and we worked diligently to meet their needs to the best of our ability to meet our contractual agreement to assign a carrier within the dates of February 19th and 20thWe arranged for drop off of the vehicle to be on February 20th at a local carrier facility, but [redacted] and [redacted] felt more comfortable with leaving their vehicle with a neighbor and arranging transportation pick up on Saturday, February 21st, from said neighborDue to [redacted] and [redacted] being unable to be available for the full pick up window (the hour pick up window of February 19th - 20th), Stateline Trucking was then assigned to the load around approximately 10:39am PST; the vehicle was picked up the afternoon of February 21st from stated neighbor, and delivered the morning of February 24th to [redacted]
[redacted] -At the time you placed the order you were notified of carriers we had available When [redacted] cancelled, we immediately had [redacted] as a back up [redacted] knew he would pick up on the 30th or 31st of December, however, did not sign and fax back his sheet until he could tell us which day On Friday the 26th you were notified of [redacted] at the time you wanted to cancel the order [redacted] informed you that you would need to speak with [redacted] regarding the fees being charged [redacted] closed the day after Christmas, the 26th, and finalized with us on Saturday the 27th You state you cancelled prior to them being scheduled, however, this is not true, you were made aware at the time of booking that we would have this particular carrier available There was NO time of that pick up window that our office did NOT have a truck assigned for you The day you placed the order I had the back up carrier available and you were told this while booking the orderNotes from our order: [redacted] 12/24/2:24:05pm [redacted] - p/u 30th or 31st., del4th or after., will notify customer which day once carrier can verify
I am rejecting this response because: where does it state in Angels moving auto that I will deliver my vehicle to an undisclosed location? I thought I was paying for them to pick the vehicle up Second, why is the customer the only person being held to the contract? As it was explained in the prior message from me I didn't find out there was a problem with the pickup date until we just happen to be on the phone talking about signing the contract I have been in the military for twenty two years and have moved my vehicles for a total of times and have never been talked to or treated so disrespectful I will do the right thing going forward and make sure that this company will not treat another military member as such
Dear -Mr*** *** complaint is at the least, laughable Our office placed his order on July 14th He was emailed his contract, the same terms and conditions that can be found on our website, which state: Angels Moving Autos or its agents will not knowingly transport
vehicles with personal or household items in the passenger or trunk compartmentFederal regulation prohibits Angels Moving Autos or its agents from doing soIf such items are shipped unbeknown to Angels Moving Autos or its agents, such items become the sole responsibility or the shipperShould damage occur due to transporting additional items in your car you will be subject to additional fees at the discretion of the transporting companyIf vehicle is found to contain undisclosed items on pick up, the carrier may charge an additional fee at their discretion.Our carrier was dispatched on July 14th to pick up his vehicle on July 29th Our carrier arrived on July 29th to find Mr*** car packed with personal items The carrier then told the customer he would be charging an additional $- $for the personal items in the car Mr*** then called our office hollering at my employee, *** After minutes of speaking with the customer, *** felt the need to call me, on my cell phone, because the customer would not stop yelling at her A three way call was put into place between myself, Mr*** and my employee *** At no time did we treat the customer disrespectfully, we tried to come to a resolution with him which was not going to happen, he wanted us to ship the car, full of the items, or refund his money, neither was an optionMr*** informed me he would file all necessary documentation, including a lawsuit to try to get his $reservation fee returned We made it clear to him that we NOT refund the money and he could do all he felt he needed to do, his threats did not concern us.There is nothing more to discuss in this matter
To Whom it May Concern:When *** contacted us she immediately notified me that she had been working with another company for over a week and they were unable to secure her a carrierShe said that they were blaming it on the holidays, which I agreed had some effect, however, when she informed me of
the rate they quoted her, I informed her that the rate she was quoted was too low to have the car shipped. When she refers to me speaking badly about other companies I was simply telling her that her situation happens a lot in this industry, brokers will quote too low to be able to contract carriers, and in lots of cases they charge non refundable deposits. *** felt safe with us when I explained to her that we do not charge a credit card until the carrier has been assigned. I secured her a carrier while on the phone with her, and gave her the carriers information, *** *** *** As you can see we have attached *** *** ***s contract with us in which they wrote they needed to cancel. We have also attached the driver sheet from second carrier we assigned, *** *** ***. *** states in her complaint she does not believe we ever assigned a carrier, however the attachments show that we did in fact secure a carrier, that carrier had to cancel because their driver decided to stay home with his family longer then he had originally anticipated with his family(home for holidays). I immediately contacted *** *** *** and secured her a space on their truck, with the same pick dates as the original truck within the contracted window. *** informed us that her son, the owner of the car had decided to haul the car himself with a *** trailer. Unfortunately, *** made a hasty decision by cancelling, and then after words discovered that her that her reservation fee was non refundable because that fee is what we charge when we assign the carriers. *** *** *** - dispatcher the order was assigned to was Otis, he can reached at *** or *** to verify this information*** *** *** -dispatcher the order was assigned to was ***, he can be reached at *** or *** to verify this information The paragraph below is in fact the same one *** highlighted in her complaint, which clearly shows that our fee is non-refundable because we did in fact do the job that the scheduling fee covers, we scheduled her a carrier within the allotted time frame19. If you place an order with us, you have the option to cancel any time prior to your vehicle being assigned to a ***er you will be charged a $administration fee, the remainder of your reservation fee will be refundedIf your vehicle is booked on a ***er before you fax or email your cancellation, you will lose the amount of the reservation fee.We informed *** she can use her fee to schedule a *** in the futureSincerely,*** ***
If you look again at the thread of emails, you will see in them that *** (*** boyfriend) said he was going to sign, however he just needed a correction on the address. This email came after I got off the phone with *** and ***, at which that time *** gave her credit number and billing address. I already had the carrier assigned and told her I would be charging her card immediately. She definitely knew her card was being charged, knew her carrier was assigned, and was telling me that her mom could barely speak english and that our driver would need to understand that.She is trying to get a refund that is NOT due because she found out by a mechanic the car was not worth shippingThat should have been decided before calling us. They had been working with us for over weeks on the shipment
Mr*** contacted our office to change his pick up window to a day pick up window, when I explained that the shipping rate would be higher he did not like hearing that. I attempted to explain the process to him several times and realized he did not understand the industry. His
location in Mississippi is a difficult shipping location, and we could not provide him a day pick up window without hiring the services of a flatbed. I see no reason to apologize to someone that I did not harm to. His accusations are preposterous, I simply told him I could not provide the service at the same price he was quoted for his original contract due to the changes he requested
I am going to call a spade a spade, *** *** is a liarHe hoped he would get away with breaking the law by shipping his personal items in his car. Our service is to contract a carrier, that is what the $covers, the remaining balance that was due on delivery of $was not charged, because he did NOT ship your car The driver came arrived at Mr*** residence, we have pictures from our carrier of the car being stuffed with personal items This back and forth needs to come to an end We provided our terms and conditions agreement, the pictures from the carrier showing that he arrived at *** *** *** *** in Beltsville, MD to load the vehicle, however, he refused to ship it with the personal items in, because that is the LAW, the DOT LAW
I am rejecting this response because: I did not get cold feet. I believe I have submitted documents that prove my point and that show [redacted]'s untruths.
To Whom it May Concern:[redacted] contacted Angels Moving Autos on January 27th, 2015 and was given a shipping estimate of $650.00. He was notified at that time that Angels Moving Autos would be unable to give him the accurate shipping rate for his specified dates (February 19th - 20th), but...
if he were to call 10-14 days prior to his window of availability, we could give him the correct shipping rate for his time frame. [redacted] called back on February 12th and received the current shipping rate for his vehicle, a total price of $750.00. He then decided to place his order and notified us that the vehicle could not be delivered until on or after February 22nd. For this particular shipment, it was difficult to find a carrier that was willing to pick up on February 19th or 20th and wait to deliver on or after February 22nd, as most drivers or teams make that trip in 1-2 days and aren't willing to wait an extra day or two for one vehicle delivery. As well, with a small window of availability, [redacted]'s being the 19th and 20th of February, it is very common to to assign a carrier and have the vehicle picked up on the same day.A carrier was assigned on February 16th, 2015; Fair Fast Auto Transport with a pick up date estimated for February 19th, and delivery date estimated for February 22nd. Unfortunately, on the morning of February 18th, Fair Fast Auto Transport notified us that they had to cancel their contract with us due to no longer being able to meet the contractual dates. We notified the customer(s), [redacted] and [redacted], right away and immediately began working on assigning a new carrier. Three carriers were immediately found available to pick up within [redacted]'s window of February 19th or 20th, but all three carriers needed to deliver either February 20th or 21st. On the morning of February 20th, [redacted] and [redacted] called Angels Moving Autos stating that they needed to know when their vehicle was being picked up because they were leaving that day for Alabama. Angels Moving Autos was unaware that our customer would not be available for the full second day of the contracted agreed window of availability, but quickly came to a solution with a great quality carrier, where [redacted] could drop the vehicle off to a local shipping facility (about 20 minutes away from his residence in San Antonio), and Cowboys Auto Transport would then pick up his vehicle on February 21st and deliver 1 - 2 days thereafter. [redacted] and [redacted] then notified Angels Moving Autos that they had decided it would better suit them to leave the vehicle with their neighbor, as they needed to get on the road to begin their trip to Alabama on February 20th and were more comfortable having their vehicle picked up on Saturday from their neighbor. Angels Moving Autos was able to successfully assign a carrier on February 20th, after decreasing Angels Moving Autos broker fee/reservation fee by $25.00 in order increase the amount to contract a carrier on shorter notice (one day pick up of February 21st). Stateline Trucking was then assigned and ESTIMATED pick up the morning of February 21st and delivery ESTIMATED to be February 23rd. Angels Moving Autos is always mindful to notify our customers that any updates on pick up and delivery times are ESTIMATES, and as it states in the signed contract in articles 1 & 2; 1. "Angels Moving Autos or its Agents do not guarantee specific pickup or delivery dates." 2. "The shipper understands that any shipment may be delayed due to weather or road conditions, supply and demand, mechanical breakdown of trucks, illness, etc., and that Angels Moving Autos will not be liable for or reimburse any vehicle rental expense."Angels Moving Autos fully understands the pressure that [redacted] and [redacted] were under due to arranging their family's move as well as their vehicle transportation, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused in assigning a carrier to meet their specific needs. Angels Moving Autos gave them the opportunity to seek other help and cancel their order with our company if they felt that was in their best interest. They continued working with us, and we worked diligently to meet their needs to the best of our ability to meet our contractual agreement to assign a carrier within the dates of February 19th and 20th. We arranged for drop off of the vehicle to be on February 20th at a local carrier facility, but [redacted] and [redacted] felt more comfortable with leaving their vehicle with a neighbor and arranging transportation pick up on Saturday, February 21st, from said neighbor. Due to [redacted] and [redacted] being unable to be available for the full pick up window (the 48 hour pick up window of February 19th - 20th), Stateline Trucking was then assigned to the load around approximately 10:39am PST; the vehicle was picked up the afternoon of February 21st from stated neighbor, and delivered the morning of February 24th to [redacted].
[redacted] -At the time you placed the order you were notified of 2 carriers we had available. When [redacted] cancelled, we immediately had [redacted] as a back up. [redacted] knew he would pick up on the 30th or 31st of December, however, did not sign and fax back his sheet until he could tell us which day. On Friday the 26th you were notified of [redacted] at the time you wanted to cancel the order. [redacted] informed you that you would need to speak with [redacted] regarding the fees being charged. [redacted] closed the day after Christmas, the 26th, and finalized with us on Saturday the 27th. You state you cancelled prior to them being scheduled, however, this is not true, you were made aware at the time of booking that we would have this particular carrier available. There was NO time of that pick up window that our office did NOT have a truck assigned for you. The day you placed the order I had the back up carrier available and you were told this while booking the order. Notes from our order:[redacted] 12/24/2014 2:24:05pm [redacted] - p/u 30th or 31st., del. 4th or after., will notify customer which day once carrier can verify.
Mr. [redacted] contacted our office to change his pick up window to a 2 day pick up window, when I explained that the shipping rate would be higher he did not like hearing that. I attempted to explain the process to him several times and realized he did not understand the industry. His location in Mississippi is a difficult shipping location, and we could not provide him a 2 day pick up window without hiring the services of a flatbed. I see no reason to apologize to someone that I did not harm to. His accusations are preposterous, I simply told him I could not provide the service at the same price he was quoted for his original contract due to the changes he requested.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to my concern, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
I believe [redacted] and I, the manager of Angels Moving Autos, had a great conversation over the phone and were able to settle the dispute verbally on March 4th. [redacted] and [redacted] have my personal cell phone number to call me with any further questions or concerns.
I am rejecting this response because:[redacted] lied again.She claimed she had spoken to me on the phone and she did not - she had never ever spoken to me on the phone.Again, it's not about the money but it's more about integrity now.[redacted] is not speaking the truth.She can say whatever she wants and it's besides the point - the fact is I did not sign the contract and I did not want Angels auto to be responsible for my move. I am not sure why she keeps lying saying that she has talked to me on the phone and make these assumptions that I will go with the company when she has never spoken to me.When I did finally call her, she refused and whoever picked up the phone hung up on me. [redacted] should not make assumptions that I have agreed to and will sign the contract - the truth and fact is = I did not sign it, did not read it and know I wasn't going to sign it because I did not want my car to be shipped by Angels. End of story - contract not signed = I did not agree to it and did not want my car to be shipped.
I think this is simply a situation we have been through before, the customer did not trust us to do the job she paid us to do, got cold feet, and cancelled. We would be happy to use her scheduling to transport a car in the future.