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Albany Distributing

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Albany Distributing Reviews (81)

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mrs***
*** complaint regarding her participation in the Equity Plus
Program. Mrs*** contacted
Equity Plus in response to a letter she received from our company on January
21, 2015.
In Mrs
*** complaint she states that, “Equity Plus
claims to pay your mortgage 2x a month to save you interest.” In the marketing letter that Mrs***
received, it states, “The funds are FDIC insured and paid from the
administrator to the lender by the due date.”
Also upon review of the enrollment conversation held between Equity Plus
and Mrs***, she was advised that her first semi-monthly draft would
occur on March 5, and the second draft would occur on March 20th
and that her lender would receive her payment on March 25th, and
going forward they would continue to receive it around the 25th day
of each month so that it is posted prior to the first of the month.
During the enrollment, Mrs*** elected to
participate in a semi-monthly program.
Upon review of the enrollment call, it was explained to Mrs***
that the purpose of the Equity Plus Program was to work in one extra payment
per year to go towards the principal balance of the loan. So on the semi-monthly plan, it was explained
to her that we would draft more than half of her monthly mortgage payment
because we are adding 1/24th of her total payment to each draft to
budget in the 13th paymentDuring this point in the conversation,
Mrs*** was given her semi-monthly amount that would be debited on the
5th and 20th of each month as was informed that the
amount included a $bank transfer fee.
In addition, the $bank transfer fee is also outlined on the
Automatic Debit Agreement that was emailed to Mrs*** upon completion
of the enrollment
Mrs*** was advised of the $startup fee. She was informed that if she deferred the fee
that she would not have to put the charge on a credit card on January 21,
which was the day she enrolled into the program. The Representative explained to Mrs
*** that any additional funds paid over her monthly mortgage payment
would go towards the $stafee until paid in full; and once the
stafee was paid in full, any additional funds would be applied to her
principal balance of her loan
Mrs*** contacted Equity Plus to cancel her program
on June 2, 2015. Based on our review of
this matter, all of the items outlined in Mrs*** complaint were
reviewed with her prior to her decision to enroll in the program. Equity Plus has performed it’s duties as
outlined to Mrs***. Since Mrs
*** has paid the stafee, she is able to participate in the program
anytime in the future without having to pay the stafee again
Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to *** ***
complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program.
Mrs*** is on a joint account with her husband, *** *** which
enrolled in the Equity Plus Program on September 24, 2015. Mrs*** alleges that when
her husband,
John *** enrolled in the Equity Plus Program that he designated additional
principal that was not applied to their mortgage loan.
In review of Mrs*** complaint, we have reviewed the
enrollment phone calls between Equity Plus and Mr***. Mr*** initially contacted Equity Plus
on September 22, to get information about the program. During that phone, he was provided specific
information about the program and during this calls Mr*** was advised
about the $stafee. It was
explained to Mr*** that the deferred startup fee is worked into the
program and is collected by with-holding any additional principal until the
Stafee was paid in full. After receiving the information, Mr***
stated that he wished to discuss the program with his wife and that he would
give us a call if he was interested in enrolling in the program
Mr*** called into Equity Plus once again on September
24, to finish his enrollment in the program. Mr*** provided specific information to
complete his enrollment into the program.
During this call, Mr*** was read several disclaimers that verified
that he understood how the program works and authorized Equity Plus to
administer the Biweekly Program on his behalf.
In these disclaimersMr*** also acknowledged the non-refundable
stafee of $
Upon further review of Mr*** and Mrs*** account
we did notice comments on the account where they contacted Equity Plus about
their payment not be received on time. Their
bank account shows that the mortgage is due on the 1st with a day
grace period. Mr*** and Mrs
***’ payments are being made within the grace period therefore the
payments are not being paid late. I
To sum it up, Mr*** was advised of the Startup-Fee of
$399.00. In addition he was advised the
fee is collected by with-holding any additional principal until the balance is
paid in full, this fee is non-refundable, and that in the event they cancel
prior to the fee being paid in full, the balance would be due. This information was covered during the first
call that took place on September 22nd.
However, we have certain disclaimers that our Reps are to use when a
client enrolls and the stafee is going to be deferred. The agent that finalized Mr***’s
enrollment failed to cover the required disclaimer. In addition we also have specific points that
we expect our representatives to cover with the client in the event the grace
period is going to be utilized.
Mr*** starts in her complaint that Equity Plus was in
“Breach of Contact”. However we disagree
with her statement and find no wrong-doing that would result in Breach of
Contact. Since there were items that
were not disclosed to our satisfaction, we do agree to cancel the account for
Mrs*** and will waive the remaining balance due.
Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mrs***
***’s complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program. Mrs*** states in her complaint that she
suspended the program for two months and then her program resumed which
resulted in her occurring NSF Fees.
Mrs*** enrolled in the Equity Plus Program on June 14,
2010. Upon review of her account, Mrs
*** has had a total of drafts returned while participating in the
program. To date, Equity Plus has waived
of the NSF Fees as a courtesy to Mrs***. The dates of Mrs***’s returned drafts
are listed below:
February 1, 2011-Draft Returned April 18, 2011-Draft
May 2, 2011-Draft Returned January
3, 2012-Draft Returned
March 16, 2012-Draft Returned October 16,
2012-Draft Ret (NSF Waived)
November 1, 2012-Draft Returned November 16, 2015-Draft
May 6, 2013-Draft Returned May
20, 2013-Draft Returned
April 21, 2014-Draft Ret (NSF Waived) July 7, 2014-Draft Returned
August 20, 2015-Draft Returned November
5, 2015-Draft Returned
November 20, 2015-Draft Returned
On June 10, Mrs*** contacted Equity Plus and
requested to make her July payment on her own and scheduled Equity Plus to
resume drafting on July 20th for her August payment. Then on July 14th, Mrs***
called in and stated she wanted to make her own August payment and for Equity
Plus not to draft. She was then advised
that Equity Plus would resume drafting on August 20th for her
September payment. As agreed upon,
Equity Plus resumed drafting on August 20th and the draft was
returned for insufficient funds. On
September 4th, Mrs*** once again contacted Equity Plus and
stated that she wished to make her September, October, and November
payments. During the same call Mrs
*** requested that Equity Plus resume drafting on November 5th
for her December payment. On September
23rd, Equity Plus contacted Mrs*** to confirm that she wanted
to resume the program effective November 5th. In addition, our representative reviewed the
draft amount with Mrs*** and also advised her that we would collect an
additional $for the returned draft that occurred on August 20th. Mrs*** did agree to restart on November
5th and our representative advised her that should she change her
mind and did not wish to resume on that date to notify us days prior to the
Equity Plus restarted the drafting effective November 5,
as agreed uponThe November 5th
draft was returned for insufficient funds.
Mrs*** contacted Equity Plus on the 5th questioning why
Equity Plus drafted her account. At that
point she was advised that was the date that she agreed to resume the
program. Mrs*** disputed the fact
so the phone calls between Mrs*** and Equity Plus that occurred on
September 4th and 23rd were reviewed to confirm that Mrs
*** requested us to restart her program on November 5th. Mrs*** was advised that we will not
know for a few days if her draft would clear or if it would be returned. On November 9th, our representative
called Mrs*** to advise her that the November 5th draft had been
returned for insufficient funds and that she owed NSF Fees for both the August
20th draft and the November 5th draft. She was informed that the fees owed were
$combined and Equity Plus would attempt to collect those fees on November
20th. The attempt to collect
the fees on November 20th was returned due to insufficient funds. Mrs***’s account was not accessed any
additional returned fees for the November 20th returned draft
Mrs*** has establish a clear pattern while participating
in the Equity Plus Program with returned drafts for insufficient funds. To date, Mrs*** owes a balance of
$in NSF Fees to Equity Plus. We do
value and appreciate our customers and normally we are willing to waive an NSF
Fee. In the case of Mrs***, we
have waived the fee twice as a courtesy to her.
But based on the pattern of the account, we are unable to justify
waiving any additional fees.
Equity Plus Operations

Dear MsMs***, We are responding to a complaint you made regarding your Albany Distributing accountIn your complaint you indicate that your application was not processedHowever, according to our records we show that your account application was processed and you were immediately approved
after sign upIf you can provide more information as to why you feel your account was not processed or approved that may help us to assist you furtherIf perhaps you feel your account was not processed because of a processing status that you saw after your account was opened, this processing status relates to the status of the payment as it can take several days for a payment to process and clear through the bankThis status has no impact on the status of your account or your ability to use the account to view products, place orders or download the product data feedWhile we typically do not provide refunds, we will be happy to offer a 50% refund of the deposit to resolve your complaintIf you have any questions please contact us at ###-###-####Sincerely, Albany Distributing

We have reviewed Mrs***'s rejection which has been addressed now twice. As stated in the original response, her account has been cancelled so there will not be any activity or drafts. Also in addition we have reviewed her issue with the company with the marketing materials. As previously outlined, our company disagrees with Mrs***'s view on the matter. Based on the volume of our company, the amount of complaints we receive are less than .06%. We appreciate her feedback. Mrs*** is welcomed to her opinions however we disagree with those expressed by her. The matter was promptly addressed in the first response with the termination of her account and fees waived. As far as our company is concerned this matter is resolved and closed. We wish her family the best in regards to her move and she can be assured that the account is closed. Sincerely Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to *** N
***’ complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program. Upon searching our client base, I was unable
to locate an account that listed *** ***. After some additional searching we were able
to locate an account
for the address listed, however it is listed under another
last name and Ms*** is not listed on the account. Please note since our accounts contain
confidential information we are limited in what information we can share in our
Ms*** in her complaint alleges that Equity Plus drafted
their payments on time and waited ten days to post the payment to their
bank. After receiving Ms***’
complaint we did review the information associated with the address listed in
the complaint
In review of this account, we reviewed the recorded
enrollment conversation that took place between the Account Holder and Equity
Plus. In the conversation, the Account
Holder selected the draft dates and the frequency of the drafts that best met
their budget. During that call, the
Account Holder was advised that based on the draft dates selected that Equity
Plus would be making their payment in the Grace Period. The Account Holder was informed that their lender
would receive the payment within that term and was assured that payments received
in the Grace Period are not considered late and has no negative impact on the
account. After this was explained to the
Account Holder, that individual was specifically asked if that would be a
problem. The Account Holder simply
stated, “That’s fine.” The Account
Holder did agree to this arrangement prior to completing the enrollment
Equity Plus started administering the program on the dates
agreed upon and the lender is in receipt of the payment. The payment was received in the Grace Period
as stated it would be and agreed upon with the Account Holder.
In the complaint, Ms*** stated that they requested to
cancel the service and her husband was advised that he would owe an additional
$for the service
During the enrollment, the Account Holder was advised of the
Enrollment Fee. The Account Holder deferred
the Enrollment Fee which is collected over a period of time. During the call the Account Holder was
informed the amount of the fee, the fee is non-refundable, and in the event
that the account is cancelled prior to the fee being paid in full that the
balance would be owed. The Account
Holder was read disclaimers during the enrollment call that covered in detail
these points and the Account Holder verbally accepted each one of those terms
The Account Holder did contact Equity Plus recently to check
on the payment in question. That
individual was advised that we show the payment was received by the
lender. The Account Holder has requested
for the account to be cancelled. At that
time the Account Holder was given an option to modify the program so that
payments would not sent to the lender in the Grace Period. The Account Holder declined and was informed
at that point the remaining balance of the Enrollment Fee would be due as
agreed upon
In closing, Equity Plus has provided its service as explained
and agreed upon with the Account Holder.
With that being said, Equity Plus does not wish to see any of its
clients discontinue the program. At this
time, as outlined above, we are unable provide detailed information in response
to this complaint since Ms*** is not listed on the account. Equity Plus would like to see the account
listed to continue on the program. As a
good-faith gesture Equity Plus would like to extend an offer to this account however
I am unable to outline that offer in this response. I will notate the account with the offer and
if the Account Holder will contact our Customer Service Department, then the
offer can then be reviewed with the Account Holder. With the offer, we would hope that the
account would remain on the program, but the offer will be valid even if the
Account Holder does not wish to resume the program
The Equity Plus Customer Service Department can be reached
Monday-Friday between the hours of 8:AM to 5:PM CST at ###-###-####
Equity Plus Operation

To date, we show a balance of $owed. The $was the only amount that Equity Plus attempted to withdraw as stated in the November 9th conversation. The two amounts of $and one of $do not show to be an amount that Equity Plus would have attempted to draft. Those are fees that may have been assessed by your bank. However if you check on your bank statement and see that Equity Plus did indeed draft those dollar amounts, please contact our Customer Service Department and provide a copy of the statement that reflects those amounts were drafted by Equity Plus and we will be glad to investigate the matter. SincerelyEquity Plus Operations

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I had called you back in September to reopen the case on Equity One sending me a document that appears to have come from my lenderI have told them that they are not authorized to withdraw any funds from my account or use my information in any wayI will also be notifying the bank.I am still overseas at this time, and in the middle of an international move. I did not not sign any of their documents that authorize them to withdraw funds from my account. See the attached document- they call themselves 'biweekly mortgage' vsusing the company name- at the top of the page, they list my loan company 'Priority Home Lending' above my name and address.the document is deceptive, esp, to someone not used to dealing with loan documents- to make someone who just bought a house and is being bombarded with paperwork to think that this document came from their lender. Thank you. *** *** Regards,
*** ***

Customer understands that Albany Distributing was doing its diligence when fraud is suspectedCustomer has agreed to close complaint

T Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mrs***’s complaint regarding our company. However we do not understand Mrs***’s complaint against our company. Her complaint consists of the following items: 1. She thought the letter was
from her lender and we should notate our offer letter with the name of our business and state clearly that they are NOT affiliated with her mortgage company. At no point in the letter does it state that the letter is from her lender. The envelope that the letter is mailed in has Equity Plus and our return address listed in the upper left hand corner where one looks to identify the sender of the letter. In the 5th paragraph of the letter, it states, “The Bi-Weekly Mortgage Program is administered by Equity Plus. The funds are FDIC insured and paid from the administrator to the lender by the due date” In addition at the bottom of the page, a disclaimer appears in the same size font as the rest of the letter. The disclaimer states, “*Notice: Information provided by Equity Plus *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** ***. Equity Plus is a registered service mark of *** * ***. *** * *** is not affiliated, connected, associated with, or sponsored by the lender. Loan information is obtained through public record. Lender name listed for loan reference identification purpose only.” On the back of the letter on the sample amortization schedule, the name appears in a large, bold font at the top of the letter. Based on the information listed above, Equity Plus is clearly identified as the sender of the lender letter. The name Equity Plus appears multiple times in the letter and established itself clearly as the sender of the letter. In addition, the letter specifically states there is no affiliation, connection, or relationship between Equity Plus and the lender.As Mrs*** stated she did call in and enroll into the program. During the enrollment program, Mrs*** was advised verbally that that we have no affiliation with any lender and the representative also covered the fees that are associated with the program. In closing, I am not sure what Mrs***’s actual complaint with the Equity Plus Program are. As shown above, the suggestions that she mentions in her complaint are already in place. It simply appears that Ms*** simply enrolled in the program and then changed her mind. In that case she could have simply contacted us and requested to cancel the program which to date she has not done. However in her complaint she does request the program to be cancelled. Since her account has not begun the verification process, we will cancel out the account.Thank youEquity plus Operations ell us why here

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
A quick update: I never signed anything with the company in question.  I sent them a letter telling them that they are not authorized to withdraw any funds from my account or use my information in any way, and I also warned USAA not to allow them to withdraw any funds from our account (who said they would never allow a withdrawal without a written content anyway).  I never heard back, and so far, I have not seen any activity on my account.  We are in the middle of an international move, I just want this thing to go away.  This company should be put out of business or at least asked to properly and clearly identify themselves and what they at the top of their letter, not mention it as an after-thought, in a location that is buried in the fine print, as a consumer, that is my input.  Thanks [redacted]

Although the customer has rejected our offer, a check in the amount of $199.50 was sent to Mrs. [redacted] on October 20, 2016.  We stand behind our previous response and review of the matter. Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Alier [redacted]'s
complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program.
The complaint was placed prior to Mr[redacted] talking to one of our
Customer Service Supervisors. This complaint
was resolved with Mr[redacted] later on November 13th
prior to
receiving the complaint.
Mr[redacted]'s complaint was that as of the 11th of
November, his mortgage payment has not been posted to his account. When Mr[redacted] set up the Equity Plus
Program, he selected dates that would utilize his grace period. Information has been provided to Mr[redacted]
from Equity Plus that his payment was received by Guild Mortgage within his
grace period. However after reviewing
the enrollment phone call, additional items that we require we not disclosed to
Mr[redacted] in its entirety as we expect of our Sales Reps. Therefore we committed to Mr[redacted] to
cancel his enrollment in the Equity Plus Program and did extend a full refund
of the StaFee that Mr[redacted] paid
On November 13th, a check was sent via two-day
delivery to Mr[redacted] to reimburse him for the $Stafee he was
Thank you,
Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted] complaint.  On January 9, 2018 we did have issues with our phones for about 3 hours.  Our phone company found the issue and got it resolved as quickly as possible.  As far as we know there was only an issue on January 9th with...

our phone lines.  That evening when our phone lines started working Mr. [redacted] called our sales department.  He spoke with one of our Sales Department supervisors who assured him she would have Customer Service call him as soon as we opened at 8:30 am Central Time the next morning.  At 8:30 am Central Time on January 10, 2018 one of our Customer Service representatives called him and processed his request to suspend his account and we issued a credit to his bank account on 1/12/18 for the funds we were holding.  If Mr. [redacted] has any other issues or complaints he can call our Customer Service department at 1-800-361-1205 Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Central Time.  Sincerely, [redacted] Customer Service Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I actually called the right after getting the refund. I was informed by the they couldn't cancel it at this stage. I have been paid back and all is good!!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms. [redacted]’s complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program.  I have reviewed the allegations made by Ms. [redacted] and conducted a review of the matter.  The items reviewed included the notes on the account and review of the phone calls held...

between Ms. [redacted] and representatives with our company including the 41 minute initial enrollment call. Ms. [redacted]s states that her biggest complaint is that our company, “leads you to believe they are part of your mortgage company.”  We strongly disagree with her statement.  Ms. [redacted] initially enrolled in the Equity Plus Program on December 10, 2015.  Ms. [redacted] contacted our company based on a marketing letter that she received in the mail.  The envelope clearly identifies Equity Plus as the sender of the letter.  The name and address of our company appears in the upper right-hand corner of the envelope where one looks to identify the sender.  There are no other names or markings in this section of the envelope.  In addition on the marketing letter, it states: “Information provided by Equity Plus (Licensed and Bonded TX#[redacted]), [redacted].  Equity Plus is a registered service mark of [redacted] [redacted].  [redacted] [redacted] is not affiliated, connected, associated with, or sponsored by the lender.  Loan information obtained through public record.” Equity Plus does not conduct cold calling sales campaigns.  So when individuals receive our letter, they are able to review the letter in the comfort of their home and are able to conduct their own research with no pressure.  If they wish they contact us if they choose to proceed. When Ms. [redacted] contacted our company on December 10, 2015, our representative spent 41 minutes on the phone explaining the program to Ms. [redacted].  We highly encourage our representatives to spend as much time needed with potential clients to ensure they have an understanding of our program.  Our representative did so.  In addition our representative had Ms. [redacted] visit our company’s web-site, [redacted] to access our drafting calendar so she could have a visual tool to assist her in understanding how the draft dates work.  In review of the phone call, Ms. [redacted] specifically asked our representative if we were [redacted] in which our representative informed her that we were not.  Our representative went on to explain to her that it allows our program to be transferable without any additional cost should her loan be sold or transferred to another servicer.  The enrollment process is completed entirely over the phone.  At the end of the call several disclaimers were read to Ms. [redacted] that covers all of the key terms and conditions of the program.  The individual must respond “Yes” or “No” to complete the enrollment process.  At any point if the customer does not agree with any item then they have the option to state “No” and the enrollment is not completed.  Ms. [redacted] consented with a “Yes” to all of the terms and were recorded in the call.  These terms include the start-up fee $399.00 being charged for the program which was discussed earlier in the call in addition to her authorizing Equity Plus to collect the remaining balance should the program be cancelled prior to the fee being collected in full. Upon completion of the enrollment, the customer is provided with a copy of the ACH Debit Agreement which includes the information collected during the enrollment and includes the terms and conditions of the program.  The debit agreement clear states that the customer is eligible to cancel the program without cost if canceled within three business days.  This agreement was emailed to Ms. [redacted] the day after the enrollment was completed.  Since the initial enrollment, Ms. [redacted] has called in 3 time to push her draft dates back due to financial hardships.  And finally on October 6, 2016 she called into cancel.  Her call to cancel the program came nearly 10 months after the date of her original enrollment in which she did authorize us to collect the $399.00 in full as captured in the recording.  Her reason for cancelling the program given is that she discovered her lender offered the program and she was going to participate in their program.  The supervisor that Ms. [redacted] talked with on October 6th offered to reduce the fee from $399.00 to $99.00 that would be collected. Ms. [redacted] stated she was having financial issues and the supervisor stated that we could just send her an invoice and she could just pay the amount as she was able.  Ms. [redacted] stated that she would just add it to her bankruptcy. Upon review of the information available, all attempts were made by our company to work with Ms. [redacted] and her situation.  And based on the facts, we are unable to find any validation to Ms. [redacted]s claims.  However since it appears that Ms. [redacted] is consistently having financial struggles based on her comments, then we will agree to waive the remaining $99.00 due.   Sincerely   Equity Plus Operations

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint regarding the Equity Plus Program.  Upon receiving the complaint Mr. [redacted] submitted to the, I began to review his accounts, the notations on the account, and listened to the two enrollments calls that took place on...

April 28th between Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] and our representative. In Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, he states that our Representative spoke fast and his understanding that that we would pay when we took money out of his bank saving him lots of interest.  Prior to Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] contacting our company, they received our marketing letter offering our program and provides an explanation of how our program works.  In the letter it explains that on the Equity Plus Biweekly Program that you will make 26 payments per year, which is the equivalent to one extra mortgage payment per year.  In addition the letter states that the funds are paid from the administrator to the lender by the due date.  Mrs. [redacted] initially contacted our company on the afternoon of April 28th.  Our Representative began to collect information from Mrs. [redacted] and she had to refer to Mr. [redacted], so after about 2 minutes into the call, Mrs. [redacted] turns the call over to Mr. [redacted].  In the first two minutes of the call, our representative did advise Mrs. [redacted] that they would be making 26 biweekly payments which is the equivalent of 13 month payments.  Once Mr. [redacted] got onto the phone, he was asked for his monthly mortgage payment so we could provide him his customized savings.  He stated that he did not have the amount and was not interested in finding out the savings, he just wanted to enroll, that he knew how to save money. After not being able to quote the savings, our representative began to review the details of the program.  During this time, she explained to Mr. [redacted] that his program is transferrable so if his loan is sold to another lender the program will transfer to the new lender and that he would need to contact us and provide us the updated information.  In addition, Mr. [redacted] was informed that we are not associated with his lender and that payments are still posted on a monthly basis since participation in the Equity Plus Program does not change the terms and conditions of his loan.  Also mentioned during this point in the conversation was that there was a $2.95 transfer fee and the start-up fee of $299.00.  After this was explained to Mr. [redacted] our representative once again requested the monthly mortgage payment since it would be needed to complete the enrollment process.  Mr. [redacted] asked our representative to call him back shortly and he would locate it. Our representative called Mr. [redacted] back about 20 minutes after the previous call was completed.  During this call, Mr. [redacted] provided the rest of the information needed to complete the enrollment.  This information included the monthly payment, the lender payment address, checking account information, and draft dates.  During the call our representative requested Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s Social Security Number so that we can verify the loan information with the lender.  Mr. [redacted] stated that he would provide only the last 4 digits, in which he did.  Upon completion of the call, multiple disclaimers were reviewed with Mr. [redacted] to ensure that he understands the key components of the program.  Mr. [redacted] was required to respond simply Yes or No if he understands each item. The disclaimers covered with Mr. [redacted] included:  1) Agreed to enroll in the Equity Plus Program. 2) That he understood the essential terms and conditions of the Equity Plus Program as they were presented to him. 3) The he agrees to the terms and conditions of the program. 4) That he authorizes Equity Plus to make automatic debits from his checking again starting May 20th. 5) That he authorizes Equity Plus to with-hold additional principal payments and apply them to the $299.00 start-up fee until paid in full.  6)  That he understands that the start-up fee is non-refundable and that in the event that he cancels before the start-up fee is collected in full that he authorizes Equity Plus to collect the remaining balance in full.  Mr. [redacted] agreed to each statement one by one by responding “Yes”. Upon completion of the enrollment of the program, Mr. and Mrs. [redacted] were emailed a copy of the Automatic Debit Agreement for his records that was already completed.  There are instructions accompanying the agreement that request the customer to review the form and contact Equity Plus with any information that was incorrect.  The agreement also states, “$860.67 Total amount authorized to be debited from my account every two weeks.  This amount, less the above service fee, will be forwarded to my lender on a monthly basis.”  After reviewing Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s enrollment in the program, I do not find any evidence where the program was presented to the [redacted]s stating that payments would be posted biweekly.  It was stated to Mr. [redacted] once verbally and twice in writing that payments are sent to the lender on a monthly basis and that his savings is generated by budgeting in an additional payment each year.  In addition, the start-up fee of $299.00 that he is disputing was mentioned 3 times during the enrollment conversation, included that if the program was cancelled prior to be collecting that the remaining balance would be due. In the complaint, Mr. [redacted] stated that we insinuated that his mortgage company would not let him pay more.  At no point in the call, nor in the documents that were sent to Mr. [redacted] can I find where that was insinuated.  During the phone call that took place on April 28th, there was no mention of paying extra from Mr. [redacted] directly to the lender by either party. Mr. [redacted] mentions that his first mortgage payment was sent to the wrong address and that Equity Plus claims that his loan number has been changed.  Mr. [redacted] contacted our Customer Service Department on June 17th in regards to his lender stating they had not received his payment yet.  Upon review, his payment was sent to USAA on [redacted] Freeway in San Antonio, TX.  We were able to determine that the check was received by USAA but had not been cashed.  So the matter was turned over to our internal research department in order determine why there was a delay in depositing the check and applying the credit to Mr. [redacted]’s account. On June 20th, Mr. [redacted] called in and stated that we sent the payment to the wrong address and that it should have gone to 1 Corporate Drive, Suite 360, Lake Zurich, IL.  During this time, our research team had been communicating with the lender to determine the issue with the posting of Mr. [redacted]’s payment.  Per the information Equity Plus was provided from the lender, the loan was transferred and was entered into their system on April 25th, which was 3 days before Mr. [redacted] had contacted Equity Plus.  Our contact provided us with a new loan number that was assigned to Mr. [redacted].  The contact stated that Mr. [redacted] did make a payment by phone so that payment had been posted to the account.  The lender’s representative stated that the original lender had not forwarded the funds to them as of that date but did state no late fees would be assessed to the account.  Mr. [redacted] was made aware of what had happened and decided to cancel the program. So based on the information gathered by our research team, is that just days prior to Mr. [redacted] enrolling in the program his loan was sold to another lender which is a common practice in the mortgage business.  Equity Plus did send the payment to the [redacted] Freeway address as provided by Mr. [redacted] although he disputes this fact.  Again this was confirmed that he did provide this address during the review of the enrollment call and that address would also be reflected on the Automatic Debit Agreement he was emailed on Friday, April 29th.  Generally we are able to catch these issues and rectify them during our loan verification process.  However since Mr. [redacted] did not provide us with his full Social Security Number, USAA would not verify the loan for us therefore we had to use the information provided by the customer.  Also at the time of enrollment, Mr. [redacted] provided us with a loan number of 300026XXXX (The last four digits with-held for privacy).  The lender did verify that in fact his loan number had changed to 182066XXXX. Another item noted in the account was that during the enrollment phone call, the incorrect checking account number was provided.  When a prenote draft was attempted on May 13th, it was returned as an invalid account number.  We contacted the [redacted]’s to inform them of the issue.  Mrs. [redacted] called our Customer Service Department on May 17th to update the information.  The issue was that there was a 7 at the end of the check account number that was not given at the time of enrollment.  I also verified this while listening to the enrollment call to ensure that our representative entered the information correctly.  The information was entered as provided. Generally when a loan is sold or transferred to another lender, notification is sent directly to the borrower notifying them of the sale of the loan and a new address and loan number is provided.  To date, I cannot confirm rather Mr. [redacted] did or did not receive such notification.  If he did, then as advised during the enrollment call, it is his responsibility to notify us of the change.  As stated above, we generally are able to catch these changes during our loan verification process, but since only part of the Social Security Number was provided we were unable to complete this task and had to take the customers word.  The [redacted] address is a good address for a portion of USAA’s borrowers. Based on my research, I do not find any misrepresentation of the program nor any mistakes made by the staff of Equity Plus based on the facts.  We conducted our service as outlined to Mr. [redacted].  With that being said, I do not find any evidence that would justify a refund of the start-up fee that Mr. [redacted] agreed too.  As Mr. [redacted] was advised on June 21st by the Manager of our Customer Service Department, we have voided the check that was sent to USAA on his behalf and those funds, plus the biweekly draft taken on June 17th will be returned to his bank account minus the remaining start-up fee owed.  That credit request has been submitted and the credit should appear in Mr. and Mrs. [redacted]’s checking account on Friday, June 24th. We are disappointed that Mr. [redacted] has decided to cancel the program at this time.  Since the start-up fee has been paid in full, Mr. [redacted] does have the option of returning to the program at any time without a startup fee. Sincerely, Equity Plus Operations

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: as I stated in my complaint, I feel the contact person that spoke with my mother was leading and likely delivered the agreement terms in a manner that my mother did not fully understand. Once again, if my mother were fully aware of the charges that were being reduced from her monthly payment, she would also have been aware of the fact that her mortgage payment was being made short of the amount due. I am not asking for a lot. A full refund is the least this nasty company could do in an effort to resolve our issue. They are not even willing to do that, which speaks volumes about the kind of business this is. 

Please enter your reason(s) for rejecting the business response below.Every part of this is true except for the last part in regards to me still oweing the company. My account was drafted three times in the amounts of $27.50, $27.50 and $29.50. I don't have that money so I am not sure who does.  Out of the seven times I have had NSFees I called in for two of them. I accepted my mistake and paid for my mistake. However, this time I felt it was an error on the companies part because never before has my first draft for the following months payment been drafted first on the fifth. For instance, the first draft is normally, say Nov 20th and the second draft is Dec 5th and those combined would pay the Dec payment. So to be honest I assumed the caller would know my account as this is her job to inform her clients of their account. So when I received this phone call, I was in the middle of many things as I received it at work and I thought I had confidence in this company. However, the day that I called in to dispute this even the caller stated that the above was true (the part about when the drafts are drafted). But because I agreed to the fifth on recording I was out of luck. So, basically I'm not happy because they did not draft the way they normally had on my account it was a lack of clarification and I was penalized more than one for this incidence. Furthermore, I did not ask for every single NsFee to be waived. I took my "punshment," but in this case I feel that things were done differently than normal which caused an unhappy customer and insufficient funds. I can definitely admit fault when I have done something wrong, but I don't think this company looked into the mistake they made. 72% of the time my account has been with out mistake. However, we are not perfect and People go through rough times.

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Address: Seneca Falls, New York, United States, 13148-2218


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